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The new projects. (Closed to The Shadow)

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The new projects. (Closed to The Shadow) Empty The new projects. (Closed to The Shadow)

Post by The Black Arrow December 5th 2011, 10:05 am

A chilly breeze flew through the dim Chicago streets as the sun began to descend behind the horizon. It was already late into the evening, but to the heroes of this city, the day might as well of just been starting. Today, The Black Arrow was in charge of watching over Chicago. The Black Knight had some personal mission to attend to, and Arrow never knew what Elaine was doing. Though, he didn’t mind. With the surveillance system The Phantoms had set up, Arrow didn’t even have to leave the cave to stay on patrol. He leaned back in his chair, and took another gulp of the half-empty whisky bottle in his hand. While grunting slightly from the burning sensation in his throat, The Black Arrow put the bottle down on the desk then placed both hands behind his head and closed his eyes. Simply relaxing until he was needed.

Less then an hour later the alarm system started going off, and Arrow awoke from his half-asleep state. He immediately snapped back into reality, ignoring his buzz and found the source of the alarm. There were multiple robberies happening in the same plaza, and The Black Arrow didn't waste any time leaving to investigate.

The Black Arrow pulled up to the plaza in Red Scarlet to see the colossus causing all the commotion. He had to be at least eight feet tall, and well equip. Several powerful looking guns from what Black Arrow could tell. However, the second the giant noticed a hero’s arrival he turned to Red Scarlet and aimed the mini-gun attached to his arm. ”Target locked. Termination commencing.” As the mini-gun start blasting off bullets rapidly, The Black Arrow hid his bike behind a thick stone decoration. The stone was able to absorb most of the bullets, but it was still causing damage to everything on the street. ”A lone project? No, this one looks different…” Black Arrow grunted and pushed open the top to his bike and got out. He knew that it wasn’t going to be much help here, but he had plan.

The gun-fire had stopped for now, and the robber was waiting for Arrow to come out of cover. The phantom figured he could use some back up to take this guy out, and then he remembered a Special Forces member that gave him a communicator not long ago. ”She’d be pretty useful here.” He thought to himself, as he pulled out the device she gave him. ”Let’s see if this even works...” Arrow mumbled as he clicked in the center button, and returned it to his utility belt.

Now that he had sent out for back up, it was time to get rid of the mini-gun that was tearing up this street. The Black Arrow typed in an address for Red Scarlet to auto-drive to, and then as it took off in the direction, he jumped out the other side. While the project followed its locked target, it didn’t notice Black Arrow ready a c-4-e arrow and launch it into the barrel of his gun. It blew the gun to shreds and swarmed the project in a dust cloud.

Black Arrow stood tall with his bow ready, waiting for this new type of project to emerge from the smoke.

(Leviathan Project powergrid:
INT: 0
STR: 6
SPD: 3
DUR: 6
EP: 0
FS: 3

Last edited by The Black Arrow on December 5th 2011, 7:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Black Arrow's application,
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The new projects. (Closed to The Shadow) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
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Registration date : 2011-01-03

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The new projects. (Closed to The Shadow) Empty Re: The new projects. (Closed to The Shadow)

Post by Mockingbird December 5th 2011, 7:04 pm

As usual, Natalia had spent her morning in the bunker under Chicago. Her routine had been perfected over the past few years. Wake up, get coffee, make breakfast and then sit in front of the monitors all day. And then of course, there were times when she actually did her job. But some days things just didn't go wrong, those days weren't often but still. Let's just hope that today is one of those days. she thought to herself as she sipped her cup of coffee. She was addicted to it at this point. As the day went on she sat there in front of the computer, waiting for something to happen or for her to fall asleep. On the days that nothing happened on Natalia would treat herself to some alchohol. She wasn't a heavy drinker but found it relaxing. A loud, audible beep made her spill the whiskey on the floor. She looked up with an annoyed look on her face to see where the disturbance had come from. On the monitor was an alert that the device she had given The Black Arrow had been used. Finally. she thought to herself as she ran over to her closet. Slipping on her suit, she grabbed her weapons and got into her car/tank thing. She still wasn't sure what it was. The car pulled out of the bunker, makiing an audible skreech around the corner.

Streets and buildings whizzed by as she swerved inbetween vehicles that covered the streets like a blanket. As she pulled up to the scene where the device told her he was, she could see just smoke and The Black Arrow. He was standing there with his bow ready, aimed at whatever was in the smoke. "привет. Looking good, Arrow. I was starting to think you wouldn't contact me." she called out to him before walking closer. The smoke was beginning to clear and she could finally see what she was up against. The large brute had it's eyes trained on her, analyzing the newcomer. She drew her gun and got ready for whatever attacks it was about to throw at her.

It's eyes were fixed on the two of them, dotting between Arrow and herself. "What exactly is this thing anyway?" She asked, keeping her pistol trained at it's chest. She was unsure how it would effect it, it was on big guy. Quickly, she set the car to intimidate. It began firing machine gun fire and two missiles at the large beast. She couldn't see what damage it had done because of the smoke that now surrounded it. "Any bright ideas Phantom?" She asked.


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The new projects. (Closed to The Shadow) Empty Re: The new projects. (Closed to The Shadow)

Post by The Black Arrow December 19th 2011, 5:40 am

Black Arrow glared at the smoke cloud waiting to see how to project would react when the sound of tires screeching hit his ears. He barely moved his eyes, but Arrow already knew who was coming to back him up. Then, her voice called out in what sounded like Russian as she began walking up, leaving her armored car close behind her. ”Hm. I was waiting for the right time. Didn’t want it to make it too easy for us.” The Black Arrow said with a smirk as he looked over at the pretty lady coming to his aid this time. Though he’d avoid actually complimenting her looks out loud, Arrow had to at least try and keep it professional after-all. She drew her gun and stood next to the phantom as they both watched the smoke began to dissipate in the wind.

The Leviathan project stepped forward and rotated its shoulder dusting off debris and rubble, then dropped the remains of his mini-gun. Then his shinning red eyes looked over the new ‘hero’. ”Additional target located. Continuing battle sequence-...” However before the leviathan could even finish, The Shadow triggered her car to fire off some ammunition and explosives in his direction. The project made no attempt to escape though. He simply put his forearms up in front of him and took the barrage, letting himself become engulfed in yet another cloud of smoke.

Meanwhile, the two heroes used this time to discuss a plan. ”It’s some kind of android. No doubt the work of Project Perfection, but these are different from their normal subjects. They’ve upgraded.” Arrow said calmly as pulled out three of his standard arrows and placed them on his bow. ”All I know about them so far is that they’re tough. Stay behind me, and follow my lead. We’ll have to wear him down.” Not long after Arrow finished speaking, the leviathan emerged from the smoke and gripped onto the trunk of a parked car with his right hand. In an attempt to stop him, The Black Arrow shot the trio of arrows off at him and started sprinting forward. ”Let’s move.” Arrow yelled out to The Shadow. The project was struck by all the arrows, but they had little effect. It continued with its plan and slid the car in front of itself then clinched a fist. With one powerful punch the car was sent blasting off directly at the heroes.

Arrow’s easy reacted to this attack by doing a side-ways flip out of the cars path. While doing his flip though, The Black Arrow also prepared two freezing arrows. Arrow slid back on his feet out of the flip and shot each arrow at the projects feet. They hit and temporarily froze the projects feet to the ground, leaving him open for an attack. ”Now!” Arrow called out to The Shadow, assuming she dodged the car okay.

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
The new projects. (Closed to The Shadow) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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The new projects. (Closed to The Shadow) Empty Re: The new projects. (Closed to The Shadow)

Post by Mockingbird December 21st 2011, 2:37 am

Natalia nodded as The Black Arrow informed her on what this beast was. An Android he says? Obviously that means he has a computer or brain of some sort of him and/or a power source. Eliminate the power source or control center and it`s done. But that`s not the problem. Where is the power source? The Leviathan showed itself once more before The Black Arrow fired off a couple of arrows at it. She had no idea what they did though as they had no effect. Stay behind him? Does he think I can`t handle myself? I doubt he thinks that, he seems smarter than that. Though, following his lead is definitely best. He most likely knows much more about this than I do. She conversed with herself. The thought crossed her mind that he was trying to protect her but she shook it away despite it being the most likely. The Black Arrow`s yell shook her out of her train of thought. The large truck came flying towards the pair of heroes. Arrow had back flipped out of the way and Natalia followed his lead. The flying chuck of metal landed behind them, making a large crater in the ground behind the duo. There was the sickening crunch of metal being smashed as it landed mixed with the fragmentation of concrete as it flew up around the crash site. There weren`t any large pieces and it had landed a safe distance away so the two of them were safe from the flying debris.

From her landing position on one knee, Natalia raised her head to see The Black Arrow firing arrows at the giant android. The arrows were successful this time and froze the robots feet to the concrete. Hearing The Black Arrow`s call, Natalia whipped out her twin pistols. The two weapons unloaded a round each at the beasts legs. They made at least a dent but she was unsure of the damage they did.

The Leviathan project struggled to get out of the ice that was encasing his feet. Soon after the pair of heroes had attacked the brute, it managed to escape. The ice around it`s feet splintered and cracked until the giants legs were free, allowing him to attack the two more openly once more.

((If letting him out isn`t okay with you, let me know and i will get rid of that part))

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The new projects. (Closed to The Shadow) Empty Re: The new projects. (Closed to The Shadow)

Post by The Black Arrow February 17th 2012, 5:45 pm

The Leviathan let out a vicious roar as the car soared past both heroes, untouched. Luckily the area was clear due to all the commotion and the car only hurt the ground where it landed. The project began to step forward, but was stopped when his feet froze to the ground in a chunk of ice. He looked down at his feet and growled, but before he could even look up, Natalia’s duel-pistols nailed him. During the barrage the ice around one of his legs crumbled away and caused him to stumble back. Once her clips were empty, the project looked back at the both of them. ”Pathetic.” The Leviathan scoffed, before he raised the leg that was still stuck in the ice out. The ice cracked then shattered completely, and the android slammed his leg back down with great force. The power in his slam caused a shockwave in all directions around him. It barely reached three feet high, but the force of the wave was enough to push cars.

The Black Arrow watched as things played out. Despite the projects inability feel pain or anything at all, Arrow could see the bullet dents along his legs. And if his metal ‘skin’ could dent then it could be destroyed. However, before The Black Arrows could formulate another plan with Natalia, the shockwave came their way. He barely had time to look over at her and nod, before they had to move. But Arrow already knew what he was doing. He sprinted forward towards a car being pushed his way and ran across the hood, then leaped over it and the rest of the wave. He rolled into his landing and kept sprinting towards the project. He held his bow by one end like it was a sword, and swung it low at the side of the leviathan’s knee. His actions were so fluid that he android couldn’t even react to him dodging the shockwave, yet alone his attack. His left knee was hit, and caused him to stagger down to a kneel. So The Black Arrow swung his bow over his head and tried to slammed it across the side of the leviathans face. But the project was ready this time and caught the bow just a few inches away from his face. The Android gripped tightly onto Arrow’s bow with one hand and didn’t hesitate to throw it into a stores brick wall behind him, with Black Arrow still attached.

The Black Arrow braced himself, but he was still smashed through the brick wall. His phantom armor absorbed most the impact damage, but it still gave him whiplash. By the time his eyes regained focus, and he pushed the rubble off of himself; the leviathan was back on his feet, facing Arrow and pointing a gun at him. It wasn’t another rail-gun, this one was more like a pistol. But it didn’t matter, Arrow couldn’t afford to get shot with his armor recharging. ”Too easy.” His robotic voice muttered as he rested his finger on the trigger.

The Black Arrow's application,
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The new projects. (Closed to The Shadow) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
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Registration date : 2011-01-03

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