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A field trip (open to Jejune Nightshade and one other person only)

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A field trip (open to Jejune Nightshade and one other person only) Empty A field trip (open to Jejune Nightshade and one other person only)

Post by Artemis April 26th 2011, 9:45 pm

Liliana was sitting behind her desk and her company; The Atlas Trade Corporation. Although she was truthfully rarely there she was sucked into hosting a field trip for a bunch of High school brats. She attempted to worm her way out of it but apparently the class she would be hosting thought her made up back story so interesting they had to meet her in person and explore the building. It's not like she had any hate towards kids, to her they were just another body to be sliced. It was around 8 am, which was to early to be awake in her books when her secretary knocked on the door and walked in. "Ms. Pride the class is here is the lobby, you have been requested to go downstairs." said the secretary before closing the door and leaving. Liliana sighed and got up and left her office. She got on the elevator and noticed that she was wearing her favorite blood red dress, the one she wore to the charity ball she attended last week. Wow, why the hell am I wearing this for a bunch of immature brats. thought Liliana on the ride down to the ground floor. Once she got to the ground floor she put on her best happy face and personality and tried not to vomit. She exited the elevator and walked to the enterance. "Hello and welcome to the Atlas Trade Corporation."
Mega Poster!
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A field trip (open to Jejune Nightshade and one other person only) Empty Re: A field trip (open to Jejune Nightshade and one other person only)

Post by Nightshade April 28th 2011, 11:19 pm

Alice sighed, the part of the trip that she didn't really look forward to. Then again, she should have guessed, a nice trip to Chicago was too good to be true. Business in general had no interest to her whatsoever, but it seemed they were here for the company owner, who's story was quite empowering. Still.... couldn't they go to an amusement park? The way she saw it, just go on wikipedia or check out their biography if you really gotta learn about a person... it was probably just her boredom talking. That and it was way to early for her liking, she had stayed up too late last night and it was getting to her. Most of her friends were just as tired as she was, and so they yawned together. Though it seemed that Maddie was a lot more interested then she was. Alice shook her head at her friend, wondering how she could be so awake.

Then, she heard a woman's voice, welcoming them. She turned around to see a face that had been plastered all over TIME just last week, Liliana Pride. The teacher prompted the teens to greet the illustrious CEO, and so they waved and half hearted hi's with a few enthusiastic one's sounded out. Alice sighed, observing the lady... she didn't like her.... she just seemed.... fake. And the smile, dang it was forced though it didn't seem like anyone else noticed. Alice sighed irritably, hoping that this would be over as soon as possible.

Coraline Li
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Posting Master

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Quote : "I'm gonna fucking die."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 413
Location : Kill me
Age : 28
Job : Dying
Humor : Help
Registration date : 2011-02-13

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A field trip (open to Jejune Nightshade and one other person only) Empty Re: A field trip (open to Jejune Nightshade and one other person only)

Post by Artemis April 29th 2011, 3:03 pm

She surveyed the crowd, how all seemed to be asleep or near it. "I know it's early guys but if we can all try to stay awake today will fly by faster then you could imagine. Now if you will follow me I'll take you down to the basement to start the tour. She turned around and began to walk away, giving a view most of the boys in that class would probably enjoy, but at the moment she didn't care, she just wanted to get this done with. The all crowded into an elevator and descended to bottom floor. The doors opened and they all filed out into the hall way. "Now This building was the original building of the Atlas trading corporation expanded. To this day we still keep this station running, although on a smaller level. Packages get sorted and stored down here, until they can be shipped, which can be anywhere between here, Europe and Asia. She began to walk into the sorting facility but then she noticed one of the smugglers she hired, which meant the rest where here as well. She cursed at her self for forgetting to tell them to change the smuggling operation location. And it wasn't like this guy was a no-body, his face had been on the news and wanted list for a while. She gave him a glare and he got the message and ran off. She just had to stall a bit for them to move the goods and hide themselves. She turned around and no one else seemed to see the smuggler, which was a relief. "So anyone have any questions so far?" she asked, buying some time.
Mega Poster!
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A field trip (open to Jejune Nightshade and one other person only) Empty Re: A field trip (open to Jejune Nightshade and one other person only)

Post by Nightshade May 6th 2011, 12:39 am

Alice sighed, this was going to be so wonderfully... boring. That's the best way to put it, boring. Business held no interest to her whatsoever and she didn't even like big name business folk, no matter how empowering they were. She grumbled as they all got squished in one elevator, wondering what hurry the lady was in to make them endure such treatment... ok, maybe she was exaggerating slightly, but still. They then reached the bottom floor and as everyone piled out, the talking began. Alice yawned, listening idley to the information as she looked around the facility. She then noticed a very familiar man... a smuggler she believed, who had been on TV. Now what was he doing here? Alice's curiousity was piqued, but as much as this interested her, her own self preservation kept her from attempting to sneak off. Besides, it's not like he's killed anyone, so she wasn't going to get involved in whatever shady business that was going on in here unless provoked. Though it certainly proved to her that being a CEO tended to corrupt one's ideals.

Coraline Li
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Quote : "I'm gonna fucking die."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 413
Location : Kill me
Age : 28
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Humor : Help
Registration date : 2011-02-13

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A field trip (open to Jejune Nightshade and one other person only) Empty Re: A field trip (open to Jejune Nightshade and one other person only)

Post by Artemis May 6th 2011, 9:21 pm

(OOC: i put them in their to help topic move along but oh well we can still keep this interesting)

Thankfully no one saw him and they moved on. The next few hour went by slowly, very slowly. Half of the company she didn't even know that well, most of was commanded by people she trusted... or threatened. But finally the got to 12, lunch time. She lead the group into the elevator and traveled down to the 15th floor, a floor right below the top floor. She lead them into a large conference room. Pizza and soda lined the far wall, paper plates and cups were stacked next to the food and drink. "Now relax and eat your fill." said Liliana. "I have... business to attend to so if you'll excuse me." Liliana left the room. She had some underlings to talk to, maybe kill one to get the message across.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Registration date : 2011-02-26

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A field trip (open to Jejune Nightshade and one other person only) Empty Re: A field trip (open to Jejune Nightshade and one other person only)

Post by Nightshade May 9th 2011, 10:07 pm

(I know, sorry 'bout that. ^^')

Alice yawned, how many hours has it been!? Way too many, that's for sure. She sighed, the overall atmosphere was one of extreme boredom, she bet that even the illustrious CEO was starting to tire of this tour. Finally though, it was noon... break time. They were lead to a large conference room that was stocked with food and drink. Alice moved towards the windows, looking down, they were pretty close to the top floor. She absently noted that the CEO was exiting the room, probably doing some boring business stuff. Her stomach growled slightly, waking her from her trance. She quickly moved for the food, grabbing a slice of pizza and moving towards her group of friends, standing next to the door Liliana had previously exited. She munched, laughing with her friends, well, this was pretty fun.

(Not sure how I was supposed to react. XD)

Coraline Li
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "I'm gonna fucking die."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 413
Location : Kill me
Age : 28
Job : Dying
Humor : Help
Registration date : 2011-02-13

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A field trip (open to Jejune Nightshade and one other person only) Empty Re: A field trip (open to Jejune Nightshade and one other person only)

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