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Heavyweight Empty Heavyweight

Post by kadzooks July 28th 2011, 11:43 am

Real Name: Osmond Mayholme
Super Hero/Villain/Renegade/etc Name:Heavyweight
Title: The Heaviest Man On Earth
Alignment: Renegade Hero
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Weight: More than 300 tons ( With anti-gravity implants: 213 pounds )

Costume Description/Image: If description please be very detailed.

A bit of a loner, Osmond displays a standoffish attitude to everyone around him. Arrogant and egotistical, he never seems to get that people find him irritating despite his intellect. Despite this, once you gain his respect or friendship you have an ally for life who'll do everything he possibly can to help unless the well being of someone more important (family, for instance) gets in the way. In that case he'll willingly leave you to die if there is no possible way to save both you and that important other person.

History: Osmond had an ultimately prestigious life from birth until his teenage years. Born to a rich family with parents earning billions each month he seemed like a regular kid until his first week of schooling revealed the super-genius intellect to the scientific community. Before reaching 12 he already passed high school and was on his second masters degree. He was called one of the brightest minds of his generation before tragedy struck at the age of 16. Just a month before his 16th birthday his skin started turning gray and hard, as the months goes on certain parts of his skin (mainly the hands and feet) started thickening and becoming hard. His whole epidermal layers were hardening and becoming heavy due to a mutated virus infecting his skin. The experts say he can't be cured, that sooner or later his muscles won't be able to lift his body and he'll be bedridden for life. In desperation he concentrated everything he had to finding a solution. At first he tried curing the disease, it failed horribly with the virus becoming an integral part of his skin. Next he tried supporting his increasingly heavy body with robotic assistance, unfortunately the robot exoskeletons couldn't last very long and he kept using bulkier and heavier machinery. Only when he was 22 did he find a solution: Anti-gravity, giving him a normal body weight so that he can move. By this time, his skin has hardened so much he rushed the procedure to implant the anti gravity system to his skin and the control module to his cerebral cortex before his skin hardens to the point that penetrating it is nigh impossible. It is at this point that tragedy struck again, an accident with the implanting of the control module to his brain caused a decrease in his overall intellect and a problem with recalling his myriad of knowledge. He is still smarter than the average guy but no longer a superpower in the brains department. Downhearted by the ironic turn of events he became a recluse until his reemergence as the hero Heavyweight.

High Durability
Antigrav implants lets him mimic super strength and he can practically leap tall buildings in a single bound even though he has little to no control in his direction once he is in the air.
Very heavy body (when turning off implants) making him almost immovable except for those of capable of immense physical strength or any other equivalent.

Power Grid: 22 points

Power Grid colours:

Character Image/Description: If description please be very detailed on it.

Roleplay Sample: (If new or new character)

Last edited by kadzooks on July 28th 2011, 6:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

Samantha Hailey-Williams / Morning Glory:
"Lightbulb!? LIGHTBULB?! I know I glow and all that but a LIGHTBULB!??"
Heavyweight MorningGlorysgrid

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Location : With the monsters under your bed
Age : 35
Job : Customer Commercial Currency Exchange Specialist / Cashier
Humor : Humor? Whats a humor?
Registration date : 2011-05-24

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Heavyweight Empty Re: Heavyweight

Post by kadzooks July 28th 2011, 11:49 am

If anyone wants this just take him! Hopefully he'll leave the recesses of my brain alone after this..... Very Happy

I left some details unfilled since I won't be using him....

Samantha Hailey-Williams / Morning Glory:
"Lightbulb!? LIGHTBULB?! I know I glow and all that but a LIGHTBULB!??"
Heavyweight MorningGlorysgrid

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Location : With the monsters under your bed
Age : 35
Job : Customer Commercial Currency Exchange Specialist / Cashier
Humor : Humor? Whats a humor?
Registration date : 2011-05-24

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Heavyweight Empty Re: Heavyweight

Post by Pain July 28th 2011, 1:39 pm

With high enough STR, you wouldn't have to sacrifice the point for Psuedo-flight, and because you have no control of your movement in the air, you're technically considered a 22 character, not a 21.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 3116
Registration date : 2008-07-23

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Heavyweight Empty Re: Heavyweight

Post by kadzooks July 28th 2011, 6:48 pm

Edited! (I just can't stay away.)

Anyhoo If anyone wants this they're welcome to him.

Samantha Hailey-Williams / Morning Glory:
"Lightbulb!? LIGHTBULB?! I know I glow and all that but a LIGHTBULB!??"
Heavyweight MorningGlorysgrid

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Location : With the monsters under your bed
Age : 35
Job : Customer Commercial Currency Exchange Specialist / Cashier
Humor : Humor? Whats a humor?
Registration date : 2011-05-24

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Heavyweight Empty Re: Heavyweight

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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