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Horizon Empty Horizon

Post by Vorik October 5th 2024, 11:49 pm


The Bio

Real Name: Victoria Raselin
Renegade Name: Horizon
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6ft
Weight: 154bs

The Looks

In her everyday wear, Victoria would be described as pretty. Her strawberry blonde hair is kept in a pixie cut that frames her pale blue eyes. The most distinguishing detail of her face is the cluster of small scars on her right cheek. Years of military training have shaped Victoria’s body into that of an athlete, with a tall figure that shows a fair amount of muscle definition. Her usual day-to-day attire consists mostly of business casual wear such as blouses and dress pants.

In her alternate identity as Horizon, her presence is awe-inspiring. Clad in Supertech from the year 3000, she looks like an angel or rather what an angel would look like if it was cybernetic. The armor is smooth and elegant with curves rounding into the next in a breathtaking work of engineering.  Light metal that shines with intense energy lights up the room as her wings materialize from her back in intricate ever ever-moving patterns. She looks ready for war, like a questing knight about to go on a crusade with her curved helmet hiding her face.

The Personality

Victoria has a cold demeanor about her. She hardly expresses herself and prefers to keep her emotions to herself behind a figurative mask of professionalism. Many who would try to strike up a friendly conversation would quickly be shut down by her non-commital answers and disinterest in hearing about what they did over the weekend. It isn’t that she doesn’t like people rather her horrible upbringing has shaped her worldview to always needing to be on guard, lest those who want to hurt her find a way. To the few that she deems trustworthy, her mask, while still on, is not quite as set with her being more open about her life. Her best friend was her little sister, Jenny, who was the only person Victoria could feel like she didn’t have to be on guard She has a profound hatred and distrust of anyone with superpowers due to her sister’s death.

The Story

Victoria paced around her apartment in Midtown New York. Her eyes were dark and puffy as she stepped over broken dishware and destroyed furniture.

“Why!” She screamed as she pounded a fist against the doorframe.

“Why couldn’t I be there? I was supposed to be there for you like always and… Ugh!” she shook her head as she led against a wall and slumped.

It had been 9 days since she had lost Jenny and she was no closer to feeling better than the day she found out.

“I'm so sorry sis, I couldn’t save you…God! Why, why did you take her from me? What did she do to deserve this?”

Her thoughts turned from her sister to the ‘hero’ who killed her.

“How is this fair? How is this right? It's all so fucked. A ‘hero’.” She sneered at the word.

“So this is it? She looked up towards nothing.

“A ‘hero’ can kill my sister and get away with it just because he saved others? What about her? What made her life mean less than 12 others?”

She lay on the ground as she reached for another half-empty beer bottle spilled on the floor. As she took a swig the air shifted and she looked up in confusion. Standing in the center of her apartment was a work of art. A suit of armor that drew in the light and replaced it with an awe-inspiring glow. It reminded her of those fantasy games her sister used to play.

She cautiously stood up and approached it. The armor stood motionless. She gingerly reached out and as soon as she touched it a voice spoke. It had a soft, almost whisper-like tone that she couldn’t decide was distinctly feminine or masculine.

“Victoria, do not be alarmed. We mean no harm.”

“Wha– What is this? Who are you?”

“What we are is your chance to make the world right again. We have sent this suit from the far future to show you and offer you a deal.”

She raised an eyebrow.

“What kind of deal and why should I trust you?”

“You will trust us because of what we offer and what you will see in the coming weeks. We offer you this suit to use as you please with one condition. You go to certain places at specific times and fight. Agree to this and you will have the power you are seeking.”

She bit her lip wondering if she had finally lost it from the past few days.

“Why? Why me?” She asked.

“Because you are a stable point in time. Your actions will not change the future because you have already accepted in its past. You are most suited for the task because you have already done so.”

She tried to think about the implications of what the suit was saying but found her head starting to spin.

“Sounds far-fetched.”

“You live in a world where people can fly and shoot lasers from their eyes Victoria, this is not as unreasonable as it appears.”

She considered for a moment. “Fair. If I accept I get to use the suit for whatever I want?”

“Yes.” The voice said.

“You will have your revenge on him.”

She narrowed her eyes at the casual mention of her sister’s killer.

“Is the suit strong enough?”

She could hear the smile in the suit’s voice as it spoke next.

“More than you can possibly know.”

Victoria paced around the room for minutes as she considered her life. She didn’t have anyone left. Mom and Dad died when she was a kid and now Jenny was gone too. If she said no then what? She continues with her sad empty life? She knew that if she said no to possibly her only chance to write this wrong she would never live it down. She looked at the suit and slowly nodded.

“I accept as long as I get to use the suit first.”

“Acceptable. You will not be disappointed.”

The Weaknesses

Baseline Human: Outside of the Horizon armor, Victoria is a powerless human.

Moral Restraint: Horizon isn’t evil and is confined by her morals. She can do great harm but she will not intentionally go all out if it risks injuring bystanders. She will not cause needless collateral or do reckless actions in the presence of innocence unless strictly necessary.

The Items

Horizon Armor: Ultratech power armor from the year 3000. It is almost indestructible, able to withstand anything up to 500,000,000 tons of force, and exert strength to lift skyscrapers. It is capable of suit and comes equipped with a time dilation system that slows time in an area around her in a 10-meter radius down to 1% allowing her to move at near-light speeds by comparison. Lastly, the suit comes equipped with multiple zero-point energy beam lances that make targets experience the effects of a black hole.

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

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