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The Fire of Conviction

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The Fire of Conviction  Empty The Fire of Conviction

Post by Tybrid September 11th 2024, 1:40 pm

In the fading light of the New York evening, the city carried on as usual. Footsteps echoed against the pavement, distant chatter filled the air, and the rhythmic hum of traffic created an undercurrent of noise. But in the shadows of a narrow alleyway, hidden from the bustling streets, a different scene was unfolding—one of fear and desperation.

A mugger, his face obscured by a dark hoodie, stood menacingly over a trembling woman. The gleam of a knife caught the dim light as he waved it threateningly in her direction, demanding money. His voice was sharp, filled with menace, as the woman clutched her purse, her eyes wide with terror. She glanced around, desperately searching for help, but the alley was deserted, the passersby oblivious to her plight.

The mugger took a step closer, the knife raised slightly, his voice growing more aggressive. “I said, hand it over!” His words cut through the alley, filled with the promise of violence.

The woman’s hands shook as she tried to fumble for her wallet, her breath coming in short, panicked gasps. Her fear was palpable, the threat of harm hanging in the air like a thick cloud.

As the tension mounted, the sounds of the city around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the confrontation between the victim and her attacker. The situation was escalating quickly, the danger real and immediate. Time was running out for the woman
Post Mate
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 132
Location : Colorado Springs, Guess the state
Age : 25
Job : Rp forums of course
Humor : If it makes me laugh you pass
Registration date : 2023-10-31

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The Fire of Conviction  Empty Re: The Fire of Conviction

Post by Destiny22 Yesterday at 1:05 pm

Tonight was somewhat an unusual night for Lyra seeing as majority of the villains she had face countless times didn't seem to be causing any havoc within the street's of New York. Standing firm upon a large building she took a large breath and soon flew off trying to see if any other crimes were being committed.

Passing different stands, some being food, other's selling odd wares, and even someone was preaching about the end of the world Lyra was about to give up until her eyes spotted something. Down in a dark alleyway a elderly female appeared to be extremely nervous, with her valuables as in her purse was about to be ripped out of her possession by a thief...but Lyra wasn't going to allow that to happen.

Flying down beside the elderly woman as the The Blue Phoenix she cleared her throat and replied "I don't think that belongs to you"

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Quote : "I'm like a phoenix. I rise from the ashes."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2024-08-13

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The Fire of Conviction  Empty Re: The Fire of Conviction

Post by Tybrid Today at 1:38 am

The thief, clad in a nondescript hoodie with his face partially obscured by shadows, paused mid-yank of the elderly woman’s purse as Blue Phoenix descended beside them. He turned his head slowly toward her, eyes narrowing. The corners of his mouth lifted into a grin, a cold and calculating one.

The thief didn’t flinch. Instead, he chuckled darkly, tightening his grip on the purse. The elderly woman whimpered softly, her frail hands trembling as she held on for dear life.

"What’ll you do, hero?" the thief asked, his voice uncomfortably low and steady. He didn’t make eye contact with Lyra, keeping his gaze on the purse. "What will you do if I raise my gun..." His hand slid toward his waistband, revealing the handle of a pistol. He pulled it out with deliberate slowness, his eyes now fixed on Lyra.

"...and shoot this woman right now?"

The thief’s voice echoed strangely, as if it were no longer just his own. It reverberated throughout the narrow alleyway, filling every corner with an eerie resonance. It was as if the alley itself had taken up his words, amplifying them in a way that made the situation feel far more sinister than it appeared on the surface.

The elderly woman gasped, her knuckles white as she clung to her purse. Her eyes darted between the gun and Lyra, pleading silently for help. She didn’t scream, but her terror was palpable.

"Tell me, hero," the thief’s voice continued, now dripping with a cold, almost mocking amusement, "what’s your plan? You gonna burn me to a crisp? Heal her while she bleeds out? Can you stop me before I pull the trigger?"

The echoes intensified, bouncing off the walls of the alley. It was no longer just the thief speaking—it was something more. Something deeper. Something testing her resolve.

"What kind of hero are you, Blue Phoenix?" The voice asked, seeming to come from everywhere at once, as if it were taunting her, waiting for her to make her move.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 132
Location : Colorado Springs, Guess the state
Age : 25
Job : Rp forums of course
Humor : If it makes me laugh you pass
Registration date : 2023-10-31

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