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Franscesca Styne

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Franscesca Styne Empty Franscesca Styne

Post by drazukeloski June 18th 2024, 5:47 pm

Francesca Styne

"I'm not here to play hero, but I'm not here to ignore problems either."

The Bio

Real Name:Francesca Styne
Renegade Name: Edaline Black
Title: The Street Doctor
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: Up for debate
Gender: Female
Race: Heavily modified human
Hair: White
Eyes: Yellow
Height: 7'2
Weight: 242 lbs
Blood type: Indecipherable

The Looks

The Personality

Francesca Styne is not a consistent individual. Being effectively a mental fusion of about ten or so people, she is able to emulate a number of personalities, one of which being what most people will encounter, as it's the one of her day job, Edaline. To go with her extensive makeup disguise routine, she plays the role of a no nonsense surgeon with a penchant for whiskey and a pretended case of bone aches and weakness from gigantism. She is often seen with a cane, and even carries a bottle of pain meds at all times, in order to complete this facade. Though, one couldn't call it a complete facade, since the mask she wears is reminiscent of her primary donor, a woman named Rosa. In wearing this facade, she is able to do it perfectly through channeling something within her that is left of her father's biological daughter.

Outside of her role and makeup, Francesca is not terribly different. She's a tad more indulgent, drinking and smoking being common occurrences. She is a calm and collected person at most times, if a bit scatterbrained and incoherent. She has the utmost care and consideration for those she finds herself working with despite her harsh tongue and sharp wit. No matter how banged up and injured they get, she will do everything in her power to help, even if she’s showing annoyance while she does so. Despite her typically calm and collective exterior, she can show joy here and there if there’s reasons for it. In some cases, the joy is concerning. Specifically scenarios in which she’s close on the trail of a goal she’s set upon, or bringing down her wrath upon one she believes deserves it in particular. Mad cackles and maniacal laughs are a common occurrence during these times. Mad cackling can even be seen as a response to pain, perhaps at the futility of it or from acute masochism. No one is really certain. During moments of extreme stress, she can sometimes be heard cooing softly and saying words of comfort, as if trying to calm herself. However, if one listens closely, she can be heard addressing ‘Rosa’.

The Story

It all started in the lab of a dark man, with a darker purpose. Due to the deep moral bankruptcy of his scientific visions, Doctor Murdoch lacked the help that he needed in order to carry out his will. Thus, being the wretched creature that he was, he began embarking on a quest to create a monster to serve his purposes. The perfect creation to aid in ‘changing the world’ as he called it. This quest of his had many failures. The death toll his studies caused in this endeavor was immaculate and left mothers weeping for their children, and children weeping for their mothers. Only the being that came out of all this work would truly know the horrors that this man committed, and she refuses to tell them fully even to this day.

Eventually the day came where he finally managed to line up all the variables. Age, genes, blood type, organs, neural path ways. All the scientific variables needed to give something the spark of life his work was missing. Little did he know that the fruition of his vile craft would have consequences that existed beyond the realm of science itself.

She did not get the dignity of an innocent birth. She felt nothing but pain as the energy forcing her brain and heart to jumpstart surged through her body. The first noises she made were screams of agony as her body violently spasmed on an operating table. Yet the screams weren’t because of her physical pain. All at once, she was seeing memories that didn’t belong to her. The remnants of those who went into making the body her soul had been born into. Their final moments became her first moments.

This horror drove her newly born mind into a rage that threw her off of the operating table in an attempt to kill the monster who made her. In her madness, she almost would have succeeded had he not jabbed a syringe into her neck that caused her to lose consciousness before she could wring her hands around his neck. Her newly born life would have ended then and there. Murdoch was mere seconds away from shooting her dead and chalking her up as a failure so that he and his partner could try again. Yet salvation would not abandon her. The door flew open as the local townsfolk angrily flooded in armed to the teeth, having finally found the source of why they had so many losses to mourn. Murdoch was forced to flee his lab, leaving his creation alive.

One of those amongst the townsfolk, Dr. Styne, saw Murdoch’s creation limp on the floor. Where others saw a sick experiment, he saw the heartbreaking visage of his daughter who had gone missing a month before. He desperately convinced the townsfolk to let him try and help her instead of putting her out of her misery. To let him study her so that he may perhaps give her a life that was something more than just a failure of a wretched man’s hubris. The townsfolk, taking pity in response to his words, reluctantly agreed.

Upon further study, he discovered that while she was created with a fully adult body, her mind was that of a child. An abandoned child that needed a parent. Dr. Styne had always genuinely believed that all his actions should be ones that his daughter could be proud of. It was this inspiration that drove him to leave his former life, and It was this inspiration that led him to take the girl in as his own despite the pain that her similarity to his daughter caused him. He ended up settling on the name ‘Francesca’.

From that day on, he raised her the best he could. Despite having raised a daughter by himself before, Franscesca came with some quirks that were unusual for any parent to deal with. She had an affixation to medical tools, always wanting to toy with them. She seemed to somehow have the inner workings of any medical machine she got her hands on figured out, as if by some sort of instinct.

The social aspect of things was hard as well. Despite their pity, the townsfolk gave her a wide berth, and unsurprisingly, the children didn’t wish to play with her either. They found her obsession with sharp tools disconcerting for her mental age. Alongside her screams late into the night from the nightmares that haunted her mind. Little did people know that they were actually memories. The name of Murdoch was also avoided in her presence, for the mere mention of it would send her into a flying rage that always ended in broken tables and windows.

Yet, one incident in particular caused a spark. A spark that began the process of the townsfolk slowly warming up to her. In a fight with a wild animal, a dog belonging to one of the children of the town was injured grievously. They heard it yelping in the woods, but couldn’t find it. This was because Franscesca had found it first. She had carried the dog home and borrowed her father’s medical tools. Her father came home from work to be surprised and baffled by the fact that, at the age of two years old, Franscesca had successfully operated on a dog and saved it’s life. When morning came, the mourning parents and their four children received a knock on their door. Seeing their joy and gratitude as they hugged onto their dog and then onto her made Franscesca smile wider than she had ever since she was created. She had made her first friends. From that day on, she would play in the streets with them every day. It showed the townsfolk her gentler side, and helped her social development immensely. Yet it didn’t stop the memories from haunting her. As another year went by, Styne noticed she was hanging around him more often, as if she had something to say. Yet she could not form the words. It was just babbling and stuttering.

Then it happened. One day while he was working on some paperwork at his desk, she tapped his shoulder to get his attention. When he looked over, she struggled, but finally managed to say it. ‘Rosa…did not hate you’. It was the best in terms of gratitude that she could muster. The only thing that could compare to all he had done for her. For Rosa was amongst the slew of memories she inherited in her patchwork mind, and from the memories she had, she could tell that Rosa loved her father very much even though he had failed to save her. She could also tell that it was the question that had been digging at Styne since the day Rosa went missing. That night was full of tears and hugs from a broken soul who could finally start beginning to heal.

From there, learning how to speak slowly became a thing of ease. By age five, she was more fluent than most adults and had read through her father’s entire library of psychology books. She found the workings of the brain interesting, and wanted to figure out her own the most. She hoped to one day find a way to make the nightmares and rage episodes stop. To finally let the ghosts that haunted her mind pass on to their well deserved rest. As the years passed however, that hope became but a fantasy. By the time she was 15, Styne was too old to have a steady hand for surgery anymore, and there were always people to heal. She, with the memory based knowledge she inherited from Styne’s daughter, learned how to properly do surgery within the year and took over Styne’s business at the age of 16. She became his caretaker, much like he had cared for her, and she was more than happy to do that. By now, she was also using the slurry of memories she inherited to finally bring the families who lost their mothers and daughters some well deserved closure. She told them of what their lost loved ones had thought, answered the lingering questions they had. Yet no matter how much she was asked, she refused to tell them of their loved one’s final moments.

Within the next four years, she became one of the most talented surgeons and doctors within the town’s history. Styne was happy to see that he had successfully passed the torch before closing his eyes one final time. He was laid to rest in the town cemetery. Many people, Franscesca naturally included, covered the grave in flowers every day.

When Styne passed, Franscesca struggled with figuring out what to do with herself, and spent most of her time furthering her education. That was until horror struck 2 years later. She picked up the newspaper to find a headline that nearly triggered one of her rage episodes. A headline that told a story of how at least 20 dead bodies had been found, all barely recognizable except for one, which was pictured in the paper. A young girl with stitch marks all across her body. She had been found dead, a failed grotesque experiment of some sort. She ripped the paper to shreds. It was then that she realized that in order for the ghosts that haunted her mind to die, Murdoch needed to die.
She bidded farewell to all her friends in the town before packing her things and leaving on the first boat that she could. The hunt of a lifetime had begun.

Murdoch had alread long fled the town by the time she got there to investigate. All the leads soon turned to dead ends and unanswered questions. Yet, she found other issues that drew her attention in her investigations. Human trafficking, drug trade, organ trade. None of these surprised her. What appalled her was how often she found hospitals to be more attached to the seedy underworld than she'd like. It was while tracking down one of these operations that she got herself caught. She had thought it was the end as she died for the first time. Left bleeding out on the floor in an alley. Yet she did not pass on. She found, despite the holes in her body and the indescribable pain, that she could move unhindered, an odd glowing yellow energy leaving her body almost like steam.

She didn't waste the opportunity. Francesca Styne went missing that night. Through a connection from her father's previous job, she got ahold of a fake identity, Edaline Black. This identity came with an extensive new makeup routine and contacts to hide the glow of her eyes. With this new look, she roams about, going from hospital to hospital as a health inspector. Unfortunately for them, she looks more in depth than most health inspectors ever will. Though, while Edaline Black roots out corruption in the medical profession, Francesca Styne hunts for leads on Murdoch, and handles issues on the dark underbelly that Edaline cannot.

The Powers

Will of the Wronged: Franscesca is a potent amalgamation of tormented souls inhabiting a body with a mind that is connected to those spirits. Though it has its own biological function, jt is also able to make the body move with its own supernatural energy. As a result, Fransesca  will keep moving and remain alive no matter how much damage her body has sustained. The coalition of spirits also preserves her consciousness no matter the circumstances, allowing her to operate as normal even with the most grievous of head injuries.

The Husk's Persistence: Thanks to the supernatural energy flowing through her body, Francesca has a significant healing factor. She will regenerate within a minute or so in the face of most small to mid sized arms fire, lacerations or blunt trauma. However, significant injuries like a blown off arm, a Shattered ribcage, or a missing chunk of her head can take hours to heal. The regeneration can be lowered to seconds for body parts if she can retrieve the limb and put it in place so that the magic can meld it back together. In the face of something like complete obliteration or regeneration, it will take anywhere from days to weeks for her to regenerate. Where she ends up regenerating is usually near the place she died, but not exclusively. Almost as if something other than Francesca's own consciousness is making sure she regenerates somewhere without danger.

Determination of the restless: in the event of losing something that would prevent movement, such as a leg or an arm, she can manifest a foggy yellow energy to leave from her body which is able to take the vague shape of a limb and enact physical touch. These limbs that manifest are able to take various shapes. Sharp, blunt, long, short. It is a very malleable energy that manifests as the coalition of spirits becomes more desperate to preserve it's existence.

The Husk's Strength: Due to a reinforced alloy skeleton being the baseline of her body, Francesca's muscles work in a constant state of what most would refer to as hysterical strength. She is not in danger of breaking her bones while doing this, thus her brain does not have the limiter most people are subject to. With this reinforced skeleton also comes, as one would expect, durable bones able to resist a fair amount of abuse. Though the flesh surrounding them is still within the range of typical human durability.
The Weaknesses

The Husk's Downfall: As previously stated, Francesca's regeneration has limits. Large forms of trauma such as shattered ribcages, mangled arms etc can take hours to regenerate. She may be able to reattach lost limbs, but the condition of the limb itself is not regenerated by doing this. It can take days to a bit more than a week to regenerate herself when he body is obliterated completely in any way shape or form. However, it is not the only way to subdue her. Decapitation or complete destruction of the head interrupts the flow of spiritual energy dispersed through her body. Francesca herself dies as a result of this. The coalition of spirits remains however, and will regenerate a new body for the head or vice versa when needed. This, like other regenerations, can take a long time. The difference being that she's helpless and effectively dead while this happens. The regeneration is faster if the head is placed onto the torso again, but she is unable to do this herself when in this state.

Totems of Damning: Things meant to deter and dispel spirits are capable of causing her great pain. Though she spirits within her cannot be banished due to how they are bound to her body, anti spirit measures can cause extreme nausea, aneurysms, unbearable headaches, overall weakness and lethargy, or even just straight up set her on fire in extreme cases. Churches and places of holy nature cause her stomach light discomfort.

Husk's Hunger: There are pitfalls to her muscles constantly working in a state of hysterical strength. The primary one being that her caloric intake is massive from how much energy is being used. Thus, Francesca must consume a lot of food, more food than even a normal 7'2 person would need to eat. Failure to do this causes the body's health to rapidly deteriorate in ways that the spirits cannot regenerate.

Voices Of the Beyond: In places where spirits roam, such as graveyards, haunted houses, places of great suffering, the spirits within Francesca respond in kind. The voices get louder, the energy within her gets restless. As a result, her thoughts become scattered, her brain becoming more and more overwhelmed as she sees memories that aren't hers, experiences foreign thoughts both modern and from times long passed. Her brain can get pushed to it's limit as the spirits within her commune with the spirits around them.
The Items

Medical Kit: Though the bandages, rubbing alcohol and other medical supplies are constantly being replaced, there is a curated and well cared for set of quality tools within Francesca's medical kit that she's had since she was a child. Scissors, scalpels, stitching needles. If there's a tool, she has it.

1911 Pistol With Silencer: A well oiled, custom crafted 1911 with a silencer on the barrel. The gun's custom nature makes it's ammunition unable to be tracked back to the user. Inherited from her father. Though rarely used, she finds it never hurts to have it.

Surgeon Gloves: Hand made to make her handprints unidentifiable, she often uses them when on the prowl. They leave no identifying marks or fingerprints.
The Minions

The Fluff

Climbing Maniac: Due to her inherent strength, she can lift many times her own body weight. This comes in particular use when scaling surfaces. From running up walls, jumping between buildings, and generally scaling surfaces, she's surprisingly agile for her size.

Basic Combatant: Though not a proficient fighter, she's still a force to be reckoned with due to her strength and size. Sure, she may only have the skills of an average bar brawler, but she also has the ability to learn from her mistakes no matter how fatal. An opportunity most people don't have.

Medical Genius: In the medical field, Fran is as good as one can get without the use of magic. From makeshift bandages to complicated surgeries, she can do them all.

Dubious Knowledge: Alongside her medical knowledge, she has a fair bit of chemistry knowledge as well. Some of it for medical purposes, others for darker purposes. Anywhere from a remedy for stomach aches to a vile concoction that can dissolve a body so she can dispose of the evidence down a sink. She can easily achieve both.
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Franscesca Styne Empty Re: Franscesca Styne

Post by inquisitor June 30th 2024, 9:35 pm

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