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Taavi Virtanen's (White Glint) Character Overhaul/Advancement Sheet

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Taavi Virtanen's (White Glint) Character Overhaul/Advancement Sheet Empty Taavi Virtanen's (White Glint) Character Overhaul/Advancement Sheet

Post by Cynical_Aspie September 16th 2024, 5:50 pm

Item/Character Advancement Name: Resurrection as Undead Death Knight, has new armor and runeblade, new spells at the expense of old abilities

Item/Character Advancement Description: Following his initial death within the Arctic Circle approximately December 4, 2030, Taavi was resurrected the following day as an undead human with a one-time ritual by the Lich Queen. The ritual, however, played havoc with his Meta abilities, which were all artificial, making them unusable. To compensate, Taavi was given the powers of a Death Knight - Blood Magic, Ice Magic, and Necromancy - with appropriate equipment that was gathered through the centuries.

Physically, Taavi looks paler, with sunken features and scars. His eyes glow blue with no visible pupils. The flat of his new blade has Norse runes that glow different colors depending on what magic set he’s using.

Item Power(s): Taavi’s original powers as White Glint died when his original body died, robbing him of his enhanced speed, physical tolerance, and reflexes.

To compensate, being resurrected as Skadi’s Death Knight has given him the following capabilities:

  • Supernatural Attributes: Taavi’s strength, speed, reflexes, and toughness are still well above the human norm, though his speed and reflexes are pale shadows of what they used to be. His physical strength is unknown, but is believed to be enough to lift a quarter of a metric ton with little strain - in theory, he could fire an M2 Browning from the shoulder. His reflexes and physical speed are around triple the human norm, and his toughness is enough to take multiple hits from even anti-materiel rifles with only minor injury.

  • Undeath: Like Skadi, Taavi no longer needs to service biological functions like eating, drinking, or sleeping, and he is immune to most conventional illnesses. He is also unaffected by temperature extremes and physical fatigue. He gives off no body heat, either, making detecting him through thermal sensors difficult.

  • Magics: Taavi has access to three forms of magic, each with various applications: Blood Magic, Ice Magic, and Necromancy.
    • Blood Magic: Taavi’s use of Blood Magic is his primary method of healing and defense. The Living, when caught in a small radius while he casts such a spell, start feeling their blood boil and pressurize. If killed during such a state, they explode in a cloud of blood, which heals Taavi from injury. The blood can also be used to produce a low-grade barrier that temporarily guards Taavi from physical harm.
      A more mundane use would be to keep a hypothermic human body’s internal temperature up.
      • Weakness: Blood magic is ineffective against undead and automatons entirely, and has reduced effectiveness against demonic, angelic, and draconic beings.

    • Ice Magic: Typically offensive melee spells, when an enemy is in range of his Ice Magic, the Living become more sluggish as chill sets in. Taavi’s weapons become enhanced by ice spells and leave a strong chill where they cut, risking frostbite on the target.
      A more mundane use of this magic is crossing bodies of water by freezing it wherever he steps.
      • Weaknesses: Several of the more passive spells, such as the radius of his cold aura, can be counterbalanced or mitigated completely by fighting in warm weather environments.

    • Necromancy: Like Skadi, Taavi can both reanimate the dead - though the number of dead he can reanimate is capped at two entities unless being directly aided by Skadi - and cause necrotic damage and rot in a small area around him, causing damage over time. His animated dead are faster, smarter, and more coordinated than Skadi’s typical undead thralls, but are considerably shorter-lived, dying off within a matter of minutes. His summoning includes an undead steed he uses for travel.

  • Death Knight’s Runeblade: Taking the form of a Viking Greatsword, the runes on the blade’s flat change glow depending on which set of magic Taavi is using at any given moment (red for Blood, Blue for ice, Green for necrotic). Taavi needs to have this on his person in order to use most of his abilities.

  • Death Knight’s Armor: Similar to old world Viking armor, though darker in coloration and made of far sturdier materials. This plate armor is made to withstand arrows, blades, and blunt-force trauma. Even firearms will find it hard to crack unless the ammunition is large-caliber or specialized to pierce armor.

Item/Character Advancement Weakness(es):

  • Weakness to Fire: Taavi may be resistant to temperature extremes, but his body is as vulnerable to incineration as any other undead.

  • Holy Magic: Magic or weapons that can be considered “holy” are multiple times more effective than normal.

  • Unable to Heal: Taavi cannot heal through standard means, and is entirely reliant on his Blood Magic to sustain himself from injury.

  • Power Swap: While multiple effects from multiple spells can be active at the same time, Taavi can’t use all three forms of magic at once. He has to switch between the magic sets.

  • Eternal Hunger: A psychological imperative bordering on addiction forced upon him as a Death Knight, Taavi suffers periods of pain and agony if he is not killing or causing suffering on a regular basis. This withdrawal effect is so great that failure to sate the hunger could result in Taavi becoming lost in a blood-seeking, murderous frenzy. Granted, there are loopholes he can exploit to stave withdrawal off.

  • Discard and Draw: The process to make Taavi undead did not preserve his enhanced reflexes, G-force tolerance, or supersonic speed, since he was an artificial Meta.

Item/Character Advancement Price: 30 XP (estimated at 5 XP per power set)

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