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Tartarus Empty Tartarus

Post by Zonkes December 10th 2020, 3:24 am


"We're all monsters. Might as well show them how monstrous we can be!"

Tartarus was founded way back in the year 1119. When Jack O'Leary broke into his girlfriends secret laboratory and used her time machine to start the group before the majority of modern supervillain groups just to annoy everyone else. He has seniority dammit.

At Tartarus, the villains use the heroes own game plan against them. The power of numbers! Friendship is magic my ass, magic is magic and if enough villains got together with a common goal - or even just cooperated for a few seconds - they'd probably defeat the heroes in terms of sheer numbers alone. Honestly, it's a shame no one thought of this before Jack.

The Rules

1. Loyalty. Tartarus members are expected to be completely loyal to Tartarus without question. If a member decides to go rogue, the rest of the members are expected to proceed with the exit gift. A swift kick in the ass, and the worst beating of their life. If you have to work with heroes to do it, prioritize kicking the ass of the traitor instead of the heroes. We've got a brand to keep up after all.

2. Assist your fellow member. All this crap heroes have about teamwork does seem to work out. So Tartarus members are legally obligated to show up to meetings in the Pit every Saturday at 3 GMT. If you cannot come to the meeting, due to jail, illness, or death; you will be expected to show up the next week.

3. Don't be a chaotic dick just to be a chaotic dick. Okay, we all know fucking with each other is half the fun. But there's evil, and then there's stupid. And even worse than that is just flat out being an asshole. If you are caught doing this, refer to the exit gift for your reward.

4. These rules are subject to change at the whim of Jack o' Leary and if you complain about it, you will be rewarded with the exit plan.

MEMBERS: Mr. Nightmare(Leader)

(Leader's ex-girlfriend)

Katrina(Leaders Side Piece/Baby Mama)



The Biker Bar from Hell. The Pit acts as the base of operations for Tartarus, as well as a general meeting place for villains of all shapes and sizes.

The Pit is a living part of a forgotten hell realm, possessed by a demon and run by an immortal caretaker known as Mac. The Pit siphons off the soul energy of any living being in the bar. Due to this, the Pit only accepts the absolute worst of the worst souls into its borders. No morally grey. If you can enter the Pit, your soul is either blackened beyond the use of bleach or you found some sort of mystic work around. Either way, welcome to hell.

Inside, The Pit infinitely splits into rooms that the patrons may require. However, everyone arrives in the main bar area. How do they arrive? Where is the Pit located? Well, the answer might surprise you. See, aside from a singular location in Moscow, the Pit is constantly moving from door to door. If you have the right intentions, you can open a portal to the Pit in any location on earth that has a door. However, most people will have to either travel to the Russian bar where the single door is located, or they will have to open doors until they get to the right one. Tartarus members, thanks to a deal brokered between Jack and Mac, will have a door open to the Pit any time Jack asks for them.

Group Application

[b][u][color=#FF4500]Link to character sheet/NPC application:


Do you swear loyalty to Tartarus? y/n:

Do you swear to assist other Tartarus members in succeeding? y/n:

Why do you want to join us?:

Are you, or have you ever been, affiliated with a hero group? Explain which group and why you left.[/u][/b]

Last edited by Zonkes on December 10th 2020, 7:17 pm; edited 3 times in total
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : This site is great <3
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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Tartarus Empty Re: Tartarus

Post by Lazarus December 10th 2020, 6:04 pm

Link to character sheet/NPC application:

Name: "I've been called many names but Lazarus is the flavor of the decade."

Do you swear loyalty to Tartarus? y/n: "Loosely yeah."

Do you swear to assist other Tartarus members in succeeding? y/n: "Sure, why not."

Why do you want to join us?: "I've always wanted to join an evil group of baddies or whatever. This one seemed like fun."

Are you, or have you ever been, affiliated with a hero group? Explain which group and why you left.
 "Never heroed. Thought the whole thing looked boring."

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2020-05-18

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Tartarus Empty Re: Tartarus

Post by Zonkes December 10th 2020, 7:19 pm

Lazarus has been accepted as a member of Tartarus.
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : This site is great <3
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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Tartarus Empty Re: Tartarus

Post by ghost December 11th 2020, 6:26 pm

Link to character sheet/NPC application: Imdor Grovoton

Name: "Imdor Grovoton. Though, people just call me Grovo..."

Do you swear loyalty to Tartarus? y/n: "Yeah... sure."

Do you swear to assist other Tartarus members in succeeding? y/n: "Of course."

Why do you want to join us?: "The fewer the heroes, the easier things are to achieve."

Are you, or have you ever been, affiliated with a hero group? Explain which group and why you left. "Nope."

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 476
Location : Everywhere
Age : 32
Job : Medical, Navy
Humor : Your mom
Registration date : 2011-02-21

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Tartarus Empty Re: Tartarus

Post by ShoddyHuman December 11th 2020, 7:21 pm

[color=#FF4500]Link to character sheet:

Name: Ian Slateport

Do you swear loyalty to Tartarus? y/n: Why not, I don't have anything better to do.

Do you swear to assist other Tartarus members in succeeding? y/n: You scratch my back, I won't remove yours.

Why do you want to join us?: I want more of a purpose.

Are you, or have you ever been, affiliated with a hero group? Explain which group and why you left.
I've been around for a while now, and I have yet to want to be a hero.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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Tartarus Empty Re: Tartarus

Post by Row December 11th 2020, 9:57 pm

Link to character sheet/NPC application:

Name: *Starts typing on her arm keyboard and her suit began to talk* "Glitch"

Do you swear loyalty to Tartarus? y/n: "Of course Boss"

Do you swear to assist other Tartarus members in succeeding? y/n: "Sure, to the best of my abilities."

Why do you want to join us?: "Anarchy is always more when you have Friends... and less powered enemies. I simply want to do my part in ridding the world of those who attempt to keep this weak fragile state of order alive. "

Are you, or have you ever been, affiliated with a hero group? Explain which group and why you left.
"I once hacked into a government organized hero group once and pretended to be a logistics' officer for the day on a dare. Oh did you know you can order an actual pony on the Navy's supply system? Pissed off a few stars with that one haha. I left because of the paperwork. Too much effort the get the damn horse approved to be helicoptered over the Pacific. Oh and they were sold out on Call of Duty. Stupid Seamen..."
*Brief pause*
"Oh you mean officially joined... no. What do I look like to you? A nerd? Actually... don't answer that."

Poring Flan
Tartarus Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 296
Registration date : 2017-07-29

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Tartarus Empty Re: Tartarus

Post by Zonkes December 12th 2020, 2:16 am

ghost wrote:Link to character sheet/NPC application: Imdor Grovoton

Name: "Imdor Grovoton. Though, people just call me Grovo..."

Do you swear loyalty to Tartarus? y/n: "Yeah... sure."

Do you swear to assist other Tartarus members in succeeding? y/n: "Of course."

Why do you want to join us?: "The fewer the heroes, the easier things are to achieve."

Are you, or have you ever been, affiliated with a hero group? Explain which group and why you left. "Nope."

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : This site is great <3
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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Tartarus Empty Re: Tartarus

Post by Zonkes December 12th 2020, 2:37 am

ShoddyHuman wrote:[color=#FF4500]Link to character sheet:

Name: Ian Slateport

Do you swear loyalty to Tartarus? y/n: Why not, I don't have anything better to do.

Do you swear to assist other Tartarus members in succeeding? y/n: You scratch my back, I won't remove yours.

Why do you want to join us?: I want more of a purpose.

Are you, or have you ever been, affiliated with a hero group? Explain which group and why you left.
I've been around for a while now, and I have yet to want to be a hero.

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : This site is great <3
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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Tartarus Empty Re: Tartarus

Post by Zonkes December 12th 2020, 2:38 am

Row wrote:Link to character sheet/NPC application:

Name: *Starts typing on her arm keyboard and her suit began to talk* "Glitch"

Do you swear loyalty to Tartarus? y/n: "Of course Boss"

Do you swear to assist other Tartarus members in succeeding? y/n: "Sure, to the best of my abilities."

Why do you want to join us?: "Anarchy is always more when you have Friends... and less powered enemies. I simply want to do my part in ridding the world of those who attempt to keep this weak fragile state of order alive. "

Are you, or have you ever been, affiliated with a hero group? Explain which group and why you left.
"I once hacked into a government organized hero group once and pretended to be a logistics' officer for the day on a dare. Oh did you know you can order an actual pony on the Navy's supply system? Pissed off a few stars with that one haha. I left because of the paperwork. Too much effort the get the damn horse approved to be helicoptered over the Pacific. Oh and they were sold out on Call of Duty. Stupid Seamen..."
*Brief pause*
"Oh you mean officially joined... no. What do I look like to you? A nerd? Actually... don't answer that."

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : This site is great <3
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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Tartarus Empty Re: Tartarus

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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