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Legends Never Die

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INV ONLY Legends Never Die

Post by Chellizard January 6th 2022, 4:32 am

Cold and quiet was the silence that filled the void known as death. A low hum rumbled deep in the middle of the silence. It was small at first, a little blip on the radar that was this void. Among the silence was the clinging grip of darkness, sticking to everything as if a bottle of freshly prepared ink had been knocked over. It spread out from the center of the humming, the darkness reaching and reaching, seemingly endless. The hum began to get louder, and as the volume increased, it was almost as if a small flame had ignited. The warm light would twinkle among the darkness, bringing with it the reason for death's visit.

In the center of the light was a girl. She hugged her knees to her chest, her face buried among her arms. She had silver hair that cascaded down her back, and skin so pale it looked like winter's first snow. She looked completely devoid of color, as if it were drained from her entire being. A soft sob would roll throughout her entire being, memories erupting around of her.

The first memory was in all shades of gray, akin to the girl that this memory may belong to. In the memory, a girl with similar snow-like skin stood still, their back in frame. As the woman turned, she revealed a small bundle of blankets. As the blankets were disturbed, a little fist would protrude, and then another, stretching with a yawn enveloping the infant's face. The child appeared to be in the very early stages of life, their mother cooing gently as she rocked the baby. She continued to rock the infant, swaying from side to side. This went on for a while, until the two of them stepped out of frame and the memory started over again.

The hum was louder now, and it had shifted to a major key, almost as if that first memory had made it happy.

The second memory appeared, and in it was the same woman as the first. She had lines around of her eyes when she smiled, the creases also touching the edges of her smile. She had a kind face, but it held an air of importance. She seemed to be the type of woman that was ready for anything. She stood in front of a girl no older than five. The two looked like replicas of one another, just that one was pint sized. They seemed to be mirroring each other, moving deliberately, their hands up, palms flat, fingers held together. The ritualistic movements almost looked like a dance. As the two moved, the ritual seemed to come to an end. As it did, the memory seemed to go back on repeat, starting over again.

A sense of warmth and protection seemed to wrap around of the girl, it forced the darkness of the void away from her like a single heartbeat. The pulse rippled around of her, light stretching out. The darkness would hiss, curls of smoke erupting as the light touched the edge of the void.

The third memory would flicker into view, this time with color. Silver hair was cut short now, it spiked haphazardly at the crown of her head. The fringe of her hair was hot pink. She stood at a moderate height of about five feet and six inches. Her feet were dressed in converse, her outfit consisting of denim cut-offs and a tank top. Her eyes were a bright cerulean blue, reflecting with determination and vigor. She was standing in the middle of a boxing ring in a shitty underground dive bar surrounded by sweaty men and scantily clad waitresses. The opposite corner of the ring had a man, the announcer over the loudspeaker echoed their name as "Deluge." As the announcer stated his name, the memory would loop back, showing Paine climbing into the ring, meeting her opponent, then beginning the fight.

The sense of protection seemed to get stronger now, the temperature rising as the darkness began to fade and replace itself with bright white light. The memories seemed to be adding more color and life to this pitch-black void.

A final memory came into view, and it seemed to be the most vivid. It came with smells, and it was almost as if she could feel everything again.  Cool salt water clung to the air, and the taste of ill intentions had a heavy hand on the environment. The young woman stood at the base of the statue of Liberty, wind whipping her clothes around of her. She wore a band tee and a pair of skinny jeans, her feet dressed in the same converse as before. Her hair was about to her shoulders now, and freshly dyed white with pink fringe. She would grit her jaw, her fists clenching as she stood her ground. The memory would pan to a different view, showing a man standing alone, waiting for someone. He would turn, a look of surprise on his face. She was not who he expected. The memory seemed to jump cut forward, the man looking her deep into her eyes, a connection clearly between them. "Rebbecca..." the voice echoed.

"No..." she muttered, hugging her knees closer, closing her eyes tighter.

"I truly am sorry Rebbecca..." the voice would echo again. As it did, the darkness would pulse around of the girl in the void, the light flickering out again.

The hum would stop as well.

Silence, darkness. Nothingness.

And then another heartbeat.

The pulse sent another trembling wave of energy throughout the void, the girl hugging her knees felt it in her core, the feeling expanding throughout her entire body.

The final memory came back into view, the man now in an embrace with the girl. She was gasping, her mouth agape, her eyes turning to look down at her abdomen. Jutting from her was the Tachyon blade created by Doctor Necrodium to save meta lives, and here it was, taking one away. Rebbecca clung to her killer, blood dribbling down her chin. The memory's sound faded; it being replaced with a high-pitched ringing noise. As the ringing got louder, the light around of the void would begin to get brighter. Looking up and away from Doctor Necrodium, Rebbecca would see a figure coming toward her. The memory would bloom with over exposed light, the room devoid of all darkness now. The light seemed to come from the girl hugging her knees to her chest, sobs now gently racking through her.

"N-n.. no.. Th-this.. this.. isn't.. how.. it's supposed.. to end.." more sobs continued to rack through her, the memory now a reality. She was living it again. The last moments before the reaper took her away. Rebbecca O'Day had died that day.

The girl sitting in the all-white room would slowly let go of her knees and stand up. She brushed her hair back, and as she did, it would match that of the last memory. In fact, she looked as if she hadn't changed at all since that fateful day. Without a word, she would begin to walk forward, the room stretching onward. She seemed to walk for what felt like eternity, the room showing her the memories over and over again as she continued on. She finally came to what must be the end, because there was a door. It resembled her old apartment door. Reaching out, she would hesitate, if only for a moment. Turning the handle, the hum would come back, growing louder and louder until it was the high-pitched ringing sound.

Crossing the threshold, Rebbecca would gasp, her eyes snapping open. She lay in on a cold slab of ice, blue silk sheets draped over her. Frost would kiss her cheeks, her lashes, brows, and hair frosted over. Her lips were a deep blue, her skin another shade of blue. As she came to, her skin would start to fade from the blue to porcelain, the frost on her starting to thaw. She would take in a deep breath and sit up, clutching the sheets to her chest.

But Rebbecca O'Day had died that day.

How was she breathing?

-My DeviantArt-
Legends Never Die JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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INV ONLY Re: Legends Never Die

Post by Pain October 16th 2022, 11:58 pm

I failed her. I brought her into this world, but I wasn't there for her when she was taken from it. I wasn't there for her, I cannot undo that. But I can undo this. No matter the price, I would gladly pay it to know my only daughter, my baby girl, could have another chance. I would do anything in my power to see her smile again. I know I will not have that luxury, but I cannot carry on with this failure anymore. I raised her to be strong. She will be, even if I am not by her side.

"I love you Rebecca."

Her mother choked on the words, barely able to speak them as tears rolled down her face and onto her daughter's pale skin. As the ritual commenced, the last of her strength began to leave her. She hugged her daughter tight, bracing for the storm to come. Tendrils of ice swirled around the two of them, harsh cold winds gusted, lashing their silver hair about. Rebecca's hair had grown so long, it was nearly longer than her mother's now which extended down to her hips. She was so beautiful, a picture of youth and great genetics. Many said she was her mother's little clone, but every time Raine looked at her all she saw was Brock. She was her father's daughter, her heart felt so heavy every time that thought crossed her mind.

"Please Brock.. I'm sorry." She gasped the words out, as if they were rocks coming out of her throat. It hurts so much. The tears began to pour as she broke into sobbing in her daughter's lifeless embrace.

Rebecca laid on the cold slab of ice, showered with her mother's tears as the winds picked up. If she were not holding onto something, she may have been taken by them. The table began to shake, the ice and wind stormed around the two in a symmetrical swirl. The two were trapped in the icy vortex, there was no backing out now.

"Don't let..." She croaked. A thick white vapor left her mouth and went towards Rebecca, entering her nostrils and mouth, filling her lungs.

"Don't let our baby die!" She shrieked with one final breath as she collapsed. The storm came to an immediate halt, her body fell limp, slinked away from their embrace, and fell hard to the icy floor under her. That would be the last time she would hold her daughter as she lived this life, but she could die with peace now. She had given her life a second time, only this time at the cost of her own. A price she would gladly pay again.

Meanwhile on Earth, the once mighty hero Pain now lived in reclusion. Once known as the Atlas that held the burden of the world on his shoulders, he was now nothing more than a hermit living in reclusion in the coldest, most remote parts of the world. Deep within the mountains of Alaska, he had carved out his own piece of the world. He had built a sturdy home and lived off the land, mostly hunting and ice fishing to sustain him. He had little, if any human interaction in all the time he spent here. It was better this way, better for everyone. He felt his story was done, that it was no longer his burden to meddle in the affairs of mankind. As selfish as it may seem, it was difficult for him to open up again. Ever since that day, he had been reliving the trauma every minute. He could feel their lives slipping away every time he thought of them, his two children. And he thought of them often. Both of their deaths weighed on him heavily, a weight even he felt he could not carry. Their deaths were his doing, he killed his only son with his own hands. He failed to save his daughter. He held them both in their final moments. He failed them. He felt he did not deserve life, but he could not find death. Instead, he was cursed to walk this cold life alone; for eternity. A hell he wouldn't wish on his worst enemies.

Gone was the clean-cut short hair and shaved face, instead he wore long hair down to his mid back and a grizzled bearded face. Though he had barely aged a day, he looked tired and unrecognizable from his former self. His long silvery hair was in a tight ponytail that blew with the harsh winds but remained out of his eyes. He wore thick winter clothes, a heavy grey jacket, navy blue snow pants, black boots, black gloves and a dark grey snow hat with a white fur trim. Though it was not necessary for him, he felt the need to humble himself and try to adhere to the limitations of a normal man. To live, to hunt, to eat, to sleep as if he were just a man. No longer would he call himself Pain, the man who carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. He was simply Brock O'Day, a man hiding from his former self.


He howled loudly as he drove a spear into the heart of a massive, ferocious polar bear. With one clean swift blow, the beast was slain and fell onto the hulk of a man. He pulled his spear from the bear, tossed the beast aside and wiped the weapon clean on a cloth that hung on his waist. The bear died instantly, there was no movement but the wind gusting into its massive frame as it laid there, bleeding out into the snow. Brock hoisted the bear onto his back and began his journey back home. He had only ventured a few miles from home so he should be back before the snowstorm came. A trip like this would be effortless for him normally, but he preferred to travel and live as a normal man these days.

As he trudged through the snow, his thoughts lingered to the past once again.  The only sounds were the howling of the wind and his heavy steps into the snow, but in his head he could hear a cacophony of voices screaming for help. Familiar voices from the past, and new voices he had never heard before. Voices he could not recognize, and voices he wished he could forget. He could always hear them, but he did his best to drown them out. He wore the strain on his face, barely keeping it together as he pushed forward towards the place he called home.

The winds began to pick up and snow began to hail into him, a blizzard was coming. He had been here long enough to know. He picked up his pace, but immediately felt a sharp pain in his gut. Like someone had punched the wind out of him. Like he was a just young boy again who had his heart broken. The world felt heavier, he fell to a knee and gasped for air. He let the bear he carried on his back fall to his side limp. It felt as though a voice had been silenced in his head, as if a fire within had been put out forever. The winds blasted his long silvery hair about, it blew his snow hat clear off his head and it vanished into the storm. One fist pounded into the snow beneath him to keep balance, the other grasped his forehead and covered his eyes. His face scrunched up, brows furrowing as he fought back the sorrow that began to swallow him. He recognized the voice that was silenced, his old flame, Raine.


Tears welled up in his icy blue eyes, but he forced them back with a hard squint. In a flash, he saw their time together. The first time they met, the first time they fought as adversaries. Her hospitalization, that he never left her side until she recovered from the broken ribs he gave her. The good times, the bad, the romance, the dinners and beautiful sights that only they could see. The nights he stayed up with her, the times he let her get away with things he knew he shouldn't. Their love was complicated, but it was also beautiful and only his. He closed his eyes and felt her warmth wash over him again, he remembered her love and what it was to feel her skin against his. She gave him his only daughter, though she was gone now, that love can never be erased. Raine's voice echoed in her head, all the loving words she used to say to him were like a symphony in his head, they led up to her final words which rang clear as day.

~"Please Brock.. I'm sorry." ~

His strength left him, his shoulders hunched as he lurched out a small sob. Tears streamed down into his hand and froze within seconds.

~"Don't let...Don't let our baby die!"~

The grief made it difficult for him to make sense of it in the moment, it felt as if time had frozen. As if the cold finally found a way to freeze him and his sorrow.  As if a separate universe had opened up right then and there, where she was still here and was holding him in the snow. He felt her embrace, he felt her fingers run through his hair and make their way down his face to stroke his chin and pick it up. It felt like a whisper in the wind, breathing down a bit of warmth in this frozen expanse. Though it may have been all in his head, simply chalked up to grief and shock. He understood what she was saying. What he must do now.  

"Thank you..."

He croaked through his grief, finally finding the strength to regain his composure. He stiffened his shoulders, held his chin high and rose to his feet with knuckles clenched tight. He looked to the sky, as if he were looking up to her in the heavens.

"For everything."

He spoke boldly, with strength and courage in his voice once again. He let the tears stream down his face, unashamed of them as he smiled up at the sky. Peace seemed to wash over him, accepting of everything all at once.

Though one spark had been extinguished, another lit and burnt fiercely. Though he did not understand why or how, he knew that his daughter was here once more. Whatever Raine had done, she had traded her life for her daughters, he understood that much.

"Rebecca.." He whispered with a sigh of relief.

With one mighty hand, he knelt and gripped the bears carcass before blasting off into the sky with such incredible force he left a massive crater in his wake. Snow and ice swirled around him, the shockwave from him leaving the ground travelling for what seemed like miles into the vast snowy landscape and into the mountains beyond.

He flew towards home first, there were things he needed to collect, and things he needed to put to rest here. Where he would go next, he was not sure, but he knew he had to find her. No more hiding in the snow, no more hiding from himself and the burdens he was meant to carry.

I won't let this chance you've given us be squandered. I'm coming for her. I will find you Rebecca, and I will be the man I should have been for you then.

Like a bullet flying through the sky, Pain blasted towards home. His silvery hair letting loose from the tight ponytail and flowing in the harsh winds behind him. He was a silver lion, soaring through the sky with a look of grit and determination that had been missing for far too long.
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INV ONLY Re: Legends Never Die

Post by Chellizard October 18th 2022, 12:40 am

Life's embrace spread throughout her entire being. The prickling sensation of electricity rushed through her as her nerves came alive, the sudden chill lingering in the air piercing her flesh and sending her lurching upright into a sitting position. She coughed, sputtering on her first new breaths of life. As she oriented herself back to life, and rigor mortis started to thaw from her joints, she looked around of her.

The area she found herself in was ritualistic and covered in ice. Tall spires of transparent teal ice reached to the cerulean blue skies, sending shimmering iridescent light to decorate the cold grey marble ground. A thick, cool fog was curling around the base of her podium, her vision obscured to what horror she was to find if she left her perch.

But that was to come.

She cleared her throat, letting out a soft sigh, "... haa," her breath was cool, no fog passing her lips as she breathed.

She let out another sigh, her voice rising in pitch and volume. Everything felt so surreal. Just moments ago, she was standing beneath the statue of liberty, facing her brother, attempting to save the city of New York.

And then she remembered the feeling of her legs being lost, and her world going sideways as she fell to the ground.

Shaking the thought, she reached over herself, feeling down the length of her body, checking that this was real. Furrowing her brows, she had a sudden feeling of dread wash over her. Something was wrong. She felt as if she was missing something. She wasn't sure what it was, but she felt lost.

Slipping her feet over the edge, she let her toes touch down onto the marble. Swallowing, she was sure she would fall, but she didn't. It was as if her body was on autopilot. As she stepped forward, her legs kicked up the silky skirts of the formal gown she was dressed in. It had intricate snowflake patterns scattered across the entirety of the silk fabric. Lace mimicking the same snowflake patterns would cross her chest, and dress her arms, a long cape of the same lace draped down her back. As the fog cleared, the reason for her dread came to light.

A familiar face was laying lifeless on the cold ground.

A sob rushed through her, the wind sucking out of her lungs as reality punched her in the gut. The lifeless woman was her mother.

"... N-no..." she whispered, her voice cracking as she choked in an icy breath.

"NO!" filling her lungs with a breath, her scream shattered the ice spires around of her, sending a spray of hail and debris crashing around of her. The fog would snuff out immediately, and the wind would stop abruptly as if the world had stopped. She crumbled to her knees, her fists pounding the ground beside of her mother.

It was okay for Rebecca to be dead, but not her mom. Not this. Why now? But then it all started to click. She looked around of her again, her hands shaking as she grasped the front of her mother's robes. Even in death, she was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen in her life. The icy cold winds would rip back through, stinging Rebecca's cheeks as she felt tears freeze to her skin and lashes.

"You sacrificed yourself... for me... I..." she let her forehead sink into her mother's abdomen, sobbing again as she clung to her. Her whole body would shake as she continued to cry, her silvery hair cascading across her back like a large fan.

She stayed this way for what felt like hours, but it truly had been at best a half hour time until a set of footsteps came up behind of her.

"If I may disturb you, your highness," a regal voice would chime from behind of her.

Unfurling herself from the heap of sorrow she had herself in, she looked behind of her toward the voice. Rebecca's face was twisted with grief and despair, her mouth curled into a constant frown, her eyes red and face stained with tears. She felt a sense of calm rush over her as another sensation ran throughout her body. Rebecca had no idea what it was from, but the fire ignited in her father's spirit was simultaneously igniting her own.

She sobbed again, sniffling back literal snot that was trying to run from her nose.

"I-I'm Rebecca, not your highness," sassy, as always. That would never change.

-My DeviantArt-
Legends Never Die JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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INV ONLY Re: Legends Never Die

Post by Pain October 22nd 2022, 4:55 pm

"You do not have that luxury, your highness."

He spat the last words out with venom. The man wore a contemptuous look with no attempts to hide it, he seemed repulsed by her very presence. As his eyes flickered about the room, disgust washed over him. His nose scrunched up and his upper lip twitched, as if he had just smelt something foul. He saw his queen lying dead on the floor, and in exchange they had this child.

"Welcome back," He hissed the words out, a clearly disingenuous statement.
"I do hope you realize the gravity of what has been done."

There was little compassion in his voice, he did not care for the queen's child, but he did love the queen and believed in his duty to their people. Whether or not he had selfish motivations to become king himself, none could truly tell though many had drawn their own conclusions. He had always wanted to wed her, to give her new heirs and continue the line, but she had always spurned him. Raine refused to make another heir after Brock, and Rebecca's death sent her into a black depression that she never truly recovered from. She ignored her duties and let them fall onto men like him, another thing he resented her for. He saw her as selfish, and uncaring for the future of their race. To him, this was the final act of selfishness.

"I am Vairen." He blurted rudely, not giving her a chance to reply.

He cut a slender figure and had a strong, confident posture. He wore luxurious white and dark blue robes befitting a man of his stature, they were glimmering with icy runes up his sleeves and around the brim of his cowl. Underneath he wore dark blue silks and a thin silvery, nearly transparent mesh armor. His hands were hidden in his sleeves, and his were arms crossed over his ribs. He held his chin high, as if he was always looking down on you. He was not a soft man of high class and nobility; he was strong and sinewy beneath his silks. His face and eyes were hidden behind a luxurious cowl, but hints of silvery hair spilled from the hood. Underneath it was a handsome, slender face with a pointed chin and hard unforgiving pale blue eyes, so light they seemed almost white.

"And you have inherited your mother's responsibilities and her crown, but I can assure you that you are far from ready for them. After all, you ran away from it before. Be grateful for this second chance and put away your childish ambitions, or you will end up in another early grave. Only this time, no one will bring you back." He scolded her like a stern father would his child. Though he was harsh, his intentions always seemed to be for the better of their people at any cost.


Meanwhile on Earth, Brock had returned to the place he now called home. Landing thunderously and skidding to a halt about fifty yards before the sturdy log cabin. It was cradled high in the mountains; it's back facing the mountain and it's front a thin forest. Built from hard lumber and reinforced with steel, it stood strong to even the harshest of weather conditions. He still had the bear's carcass in one hand, its blood congealed and frozen, its body wind beaten, and snow covered. Though he had much to do, he would not let the animal's death be meaningless. He intended to harvest the meat from the once mighty beast, and skin it for a coat he intended to wear. Only now he had a different purpose in mind for its fur. He made for his log cabin, with work to do before embarking on this new mission.

As he trudged towards the door through the thick shin high snow, he recalled a rune Raine had given to him long ago; that if he ever needed to find her it would be his guide to her. He had neglected it, keeping it locked away collecting dust with other memories of his past. It would have to wait just a little longer.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Number of posts : 3116
Registration date : 2008-07-23

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INV ONLY Re: Legends Never Die

Post by Chellizard October 23rd 2022, 3:00 am

Each syllable that escaped his lips would send a pang of guilt washing over her. Of course, she had no choice to be brought back, and yet she would forever carry the weight of the sacrifices her mother made for her. She knew this, and she would never take advantage of the second chance she was given.

Acclimating back to life after death was easier said than done. She was still full of sorrow, sobs bubbling up her throat, and fat tears streaming down her cheeks. She looked like a mess, her eyes red and glossy, her face twinged with a blush of red across her cheeks and nose. She curled her face back to one of a normal composure, but her lips kept curling into a frown. She tried to fight it, sniffing and sucking up the snot running from her nose.

"I..." she lost her voice, her words breaking against the wind as she turned her gaze away from Vairen. He was strikingly handsome, but his entire personality ruined it for her. The air of importance that he exuded was impressive, but she just couldn't shake that there was an ill-intentioned plan up this man's sleeve.

Peeling herself off of the marble ground, she staggered to her feet. She steadied herself, her hand grasping the slab of ice she had originally woken up on. Taking in a sharp breath through her nose, she exhaled through her mouth, slowly catching her breath. The emotions she felt were keeping her nerves maxed out, and she felt as if every fiber of her being was going to break into a million pieces if she let herself stop breathing, even for a moment. She kept taking in deep breaths, the repeated cycle of through nose, out mouth. Eventually she felt a sense of calm wave over her, starting from her solar plexus first.

It spread out to the top of her head and the soles of her feet. Sighing away the despair, she blinked a few tears away and looked up to Vairen, a newfound determination burning behind of her cerulean irises. Ice still clung to her lashes, each blink sending a flurry of snow dancing away from her eyes as the ice seemed to thaw along with her sorrow.

Centering herself, she felt strength return to her with each calm breath. The words Vairen spoke weighed on her conscience, but she was stronger than the day she died. There was some unknown force in the universe that spoke to her subconsciously, telling her it was the truth. She was somehow stronger. Her home world was the source of her immense ice powers and being here meant she was directly tapping from the source. It made sense to her now. Looking down at her fingers, she waved them gently, larger crystals of ice forming to dance around the pattern she traced in the air as she swirled her fingers. It felt like a second nature to her.

Snapping her glacier gaze back to Vairen, she finally spoke.

"I'm thankful for the second chance. I think it's time we stop wasting breath and get my mother's remains somewhere more respectful." demanding as usual, Rebecca commanded Vairen without even meaning to. It was another innate ability she must have inherited from her late mother.

She cleared her throat and stepped back toward her mother's lifeless body, a wave of sadness crashing into her again. She sighed heavily, a sob hitching her throat. It would take longer to heal than she could imagine, but she would start today.

"Vairen, before you think to scold me again, think of the grief we both share. Let us respect her presence and save the squabble for after we lay her to rest." Turning back from him, she left her profile to his view. She did resemble her mother in so many ways, but her father's eyes and attitude were deeply rooted in her. There was no denying it. Her silver hair would fall to hide her face again.


The silence was deafening, and the tension between the two of them was undeniable. She was still adjusting to being alive, but she was unsure on what to do next.

She found herself in a different room now, waiting for Vairen to return. She had descended from the spire of life and walked down a long corridor until she was led to this room. It was mostly empty, save for a couple of half-moon lounges and a large circular table in the center that seemed to be made of ice. There was a vase with an exotic flower that seemed to emit a chill around of it. The vase was cold and frosted, as if it was filled with liquid nitrogen, the area around of it significantly more frigid.

She sat herself down on the couch, the cushions actually plush. At first glance, it looked as if the lounges would be plastic and hard. Waiting patiently, she would look to the southern windows, the large expansive view showing the setting of twin stars, and the view of three moons of varying sizes coming into view. As the suns were setting, and the night fell upon them, the large rings that surrounded the icy planet would come into view, a brilliant display against the sky.

It was breathtaking, and almost made her forget she wasn't dead anymore.

-My DeviantArt-
Legends Never Die JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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INV ONLY Re: Legends Never Die

Post by Pain October 29th 2022, 2:30 pm

Vairen was taken aback, though he hid it well, unmoving like a mountain, standing firm against the cold winds of her words. The only hint of emotion was a slight wrinkle of his upper lip. He knew she was right; he felt the sting of shame.

Here he was, scolding his beloved queen's child while she laid there lifeless. He let his emotions get the better of him, his rage was cold and fearsome; he was blinded by it. How aggravating, that this child would snap him out of it.

They had both lost her. Their queen, her mother, his love.

It was silent, save for the small howls of wind that brushed into the two of them. When she turned away, his eyes stayed fixed on her. For the first time in his life, he saw her as a young woman; not a child. She resembled her mother, with long splendid silvery hair and her strong confident posture.

Even now, she was able to regain some sense of composure. Though she tried to hide her face from him, he still saw her. Her cerulean almond shaped eyes, her dainty nose, her pouty lips. She cut a slender, fit figure in her silks; she looked like a queen, strong, capable and beautiful.

The future queen of their people, he felt pride in looking at her, and perhaps a bit of something else he buried deep within himself.

"As you say, princess." He spoke begrudgingly as he bowed his head, like a mask to his true emotions. Ever the proper man, he would never forget her title or station; nor would he forget his own. Now that Raine was gone, the title of Queen would immediately fall to her daughter after the ceremony.

As Rebecca moved to leave the room, Vairen moved to his former queen's body and drew his legendary greatsword from its sheath. It seemed to always glimmer and shine, a magnificent crystalline blade forged by the planet itself; or so the legends say. A generational sword handed down to the Queen's sworn protector until death or removal or position.

The hilt was embedded with shining pale blue crystals and covered in magical runes of the same color; they glowed with power at all times. The hilt seemed to be made of the same material as the blade, only refined and smoothed for wielding, though its color was that of light metallic grey. The blade itself resembled his eyes, a blue so pale it almost seemed white; the blade was nearly transparent in the right light. The sword was powered by the user, and by the planet itself.

Vairen looked at his blade with a defeated look, turning it over in one hand before his gaze moved to his fallen Queen. His defeat became sorrow, which swallowed him whole like a crushing wave. He turned the hilt over with both hands and stabbed the blade into the ground beside the woman he loved. It ripped into the floor with ease, only his restraint stopped it from burying up to the hilt. He fell to one knee, with all the dignity and strength he could muster, gripping and wringing the blade's hilt tightly.

He bowed his head against the hilt, squeezing his eyes shut to fight back the tears that seek to escape him. The pain of her loss truly washed over him now that he was alone. A few tears unwillingly left him, streamed down his sharp features and fell next to what remained of the woman he loved. The woman who never loved him back. If she would have chosen him, this would never have been her fate.

"I was sworn to protect you. Ever since I was a boy, I longed for you." He whispered in a confession, professing his true feelings to her corpse. To no one that could hear.

"I would have killed your enemies to the end of my days. I would have gladly died for you." There was a hint of anger building in his voice, wrapped in the sadness that stormed over him.

"But you never saw me as the man for you, never considered the love we could have shared." His whispers became a low growl, the resentment seething through.

"Now you're gone, leaving me alone, again, to carry these burdens." He growled out to her phantom.

"You beautiful fool." He sighed out the words, letting go of his anger and his pain. Pushing it away and burying it deep inside. He needed to be strong, this weakness would not befit him or his responsibilities.

He sniffed back any remaining emotions, stood and ripped the sword from the ground before returning the blade to its sheathe. He knelt again to scoop up Raine in his arms, cradling her lifeless body to his chest. He looked down at the woman he loved one last time, melancholy in his pale blue eyes as the years of their life together flashed through him.

He took only a moment before he pushed the memories away, forcing himself not to care. He stiffened his shoulders and held his chin high as he walked towards the door.

Vairen carried her away, to servants who would see to preparations for her funeral service. When the Queen died it called for a massive ceremony among their people. It is a day of mourning, and it is also a day of hope. Though they have lost their Queen, they have a new one in Rebecca.

After dealing with that hardship, Vairen set out to find Rebecca who seemed to have been waiting for his return. She did not venture far and instead seemed to be observing the view of their night sky from one of the private lounges. Day had come and gone, several hours had passed since they last spoke.

He entered the room silently and kept his distance, his face a cold emotionless mask as he spoke briskly.
"It has been done, princess." He said with a bow of his head.

He raised his head before continuing.
"The service will be in two days. To give time for our people to gather and prepare."

He stood there, unsure of what to do or say next. He was a man of duty, and this was a battle he was no good at. He felt he could offer her no comfort in this, aside from his services as her sworn protector. He simply awaited her next order.


Pain rummaged through his belongings, digging up old memories as he searched for the rune Raine gave him long ago. Even with this, he would still need a way to decipher the rune. Perhaps someone with enough resources would know of a way, and maybe they could even provide the transportation.

He would need a ship if he intended to bring Rebecca back with him, and he would rather not rely on the hospitality of her people. He doubted they would care to see the man who inadvertently caused the death of their princess, and now their Queen. He did not care for their politics, the only thing he cared for was being there for his daughter in whatever capacity she needed him.

All he had was hope and will on his side, that would have to be enough for now.

Last edited by Pain on October 29th 2022, 8:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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INV ONLY Re: Legends Never Die

Post by Chellizard October 29th 2022, 5:42 pm

The halls were familiar, yet as if she was a thousand miles away as she walked them. Vairen had left her to her own resources and thoughts, which was never a good thing with Rebecca, and especially now that she was recently reborn.

Sniffling back more of the sorrowful emotions, she found herself watching the twinkling stars from her vantage point on the couch in the lounge. She sat tucked there, her knees brought to her chest, and her chin resting on her arms as she hugged herself close. Tears would silently stream down her face, something she could no longer control. It was a second nature at this point, the endless emotion of sorrow continued to tug on her heart strings.

His words continued to echo in her head as she sat alone, the twin sunset slipping away to show off the magnificent night sky.

”And you have inherited your mother’s responsibilities and her crown....”

She squeezed her eyes closed tighter, if possible, and hugged herself tighter.

”Be grateful for this second chance and put away your childish ambitions...”

A sob raced through her, interrupting her silence.

”or you will end up in another early grave. Only this time, no one will bring you back.”

A soft scream of pain escaped her, the emotions running too high for her to contain them any longer. As she screamed, she threw her hands out, shards of ice erupting from her hands and slinging into the walls and furniture around of her. Shards of ice impaled the windows, sticking out like needles, leaving stress cracks along the ice. As soon as she started, she couldn’t stop herself.

She started to beat her fists into the couch, screaming and crying as the rage was consuming her. The longer she was alone, the more damage she inflicted upon the lounge. She fell to a heap in the middle of her destruction, knowing full well that she would be frowned at for her outburst, but even she knew deep down that her mother would have done the same thing.  

Except, when Vairen entered the room, nothing was touched. Rebecca lay, silent, her body slump against the couch, her knees still tucked to her chest. She had fallen asleep, and her dreams were filled with her rage and sorrow. The outside world was left untouched by her wrath. However, ice was seeping from Rebecca’s person, leeching into the couch and bringing a new layer of chill to the area around of her.

She stirred gently, the new presence in the room drawing her from her slumber. The new feeling of life was still surging through her body. Stretching slowly, Rebecca would unfurl herself from her sleeping position and sit upright, her feet planted on the ground as she stared blankly ahead of herself. She blinked the slumber away and brought a hand up to brush through her hair. As she did, she noticed runes forming on the palm of her hand and running down her wrist. She looked at both hands, noticing it on both of them. As she stared, the runes began to fade. As they faded, so did the chill that was surrounding Paine.

The silence between them could be cut with a knife. She looked back to Vairen as he spoke, giving her a time frame for when the ceremony of death would be held.

”Thanks, Vairen...” cutting formalities, she looked back down to the ground.

”So... I have more responsibilities now?” she rose from her position, smoothing down the front of her gown, clearing her throat. She wiped her face offering a small smile of acceptance, but it faded just as quickly as she gave it. She was ready to learn what she needed to do in order to take over as acting Queen of the Raizzak people.

-My DeviantArt-
Legends Never Die JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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INV ONLY Re: Legends Never Die

Post by Pain October 29th 2022, 8:59 pm

The kindness of her 'thank you', and the innocence of her question struck a chord within him. Though he would show no reaction, his face a cold mask sheltering what lay beneath, a part of him softened to her for the moment. She faced this all bravely and had grown into a strong young woman, she lacked the life experience and needed guidance. She needed him.

He simply nodded to her thank you, saying nothing more of it.

He saw her stand before him, her womanly figure illuminated by the moonlight as she looked to him for answers. Though downtrodden from a day of mourning and weary from sleep, she seemed more mature bathed in the moonlight of their three moons. His eyes only lingered for a moment before they returned to looking straight ahead, unwavering in their resolve.

"Yes, Princess." There was a hint of softness in his voice, as if a part of him felt guilty that this would now fall to her.

He spoke plainly, the softness gone from his voice.
"In two days' time, you will inherit the crown and all that comes with it. Our people will no longer call you Princess, you will become their Queen, and you will lead them into the future,"
He paused, weighing the next words with heavy thought, wondering if he should even tell her.

"Or to our extinction. We are at war Princess, and we are vastly outnumbered. Though we are powerful, we are a small population. We may not win against those to seek to conquer us. Your mother knew this, she could no longer carry that burden. I believe she thought you could."

Whether that is true remains to be seen.  
He kept his doubts to himself, she did not them, especially now.

He continued, not giving her a chance to reply.
"You are young, you will not be expected to lead alone. No Queen ever has. Many will support and guide you, myself included."
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INV ONLY Re: Legends Never Die

Post by Chellizard November 14th 2022, 11:45 pm

Her chest would rise and fall with each breath, the fabric of her gown shifting to hug her waist as she did. It drew attention to her entire silhouette. Basking in the glow of the moons, and the soft white light that illuminated the lounge, Rebecca stared at Vairen with a look of trepidation flashing across her face for brief moment.

The thought of being acting Queen in two days' time was daunting, to say the least. She was ready, though. More ready than she had imagined.

Taking in a deep breath, she would let it drawl from her nose, her right hand rising to simultaneously brush hair from her eyes. Her hand would wave off to the side in a gesture as if she was dismissing his words.

"What was she thinking..." she muttered this to herself, and brought her hand back to her forehead, resting her fingers against her brows in contemplation.

"Look, as happy as I am to be back, I'm fresh out of the river Styx, and I am still having a hard time grasping all this. It feels like a dream. Am I dreaming?" she finally asked the hard question her mind kept reeling over and over. Was this even real? Was she alive? Or was this another twisted door in the afterlife she had found herself wandering into.

She wouldn't move from her spot but had dragged her hand down her face in exasperation as she spoke, it landing to rest on her hip, her left hand mirroring the action.

She kept her gaze on Vairen, her eyes the brightest cerulean to ever exist. They glimmered akin to sapphires, her deep set, almond eyes rimmed with long, dark lashes. She had sharp features, yet striking femininity. Her features were bare, no silver jewelry to decorate her nose, lips, or ears. She looked so much alike her mother, yet there was a hardness to her that would always resemble Brock. Vairen would have a hard time ignoring that face as Rebecca sized him up, waiting for him to continue to shock her with the news that the Raizzak people were nearing extinction, especially if this looming enemy found success in their plans to eradicate Paine's entire planet.

-My DeviantArt-
Legends Never Die JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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INV ONLY Re: Legends Never Die

Post by Pain March 5th 2023, 9:58 pm

His pale blue eyes stayed fixed on her face, dutifully not allowing himself to look anywhere else. She was indeed beautiful like her mother, but she had her own uniqueness to her. She looked every bit of the royal blood she carried this night. Without the piercings and her features laid bare, she was a true beauty of their people. Not just some kid trying to stand out, but a Princess; a Queen. He felt a hint of pride looking at her, that a beauty so great belonged to their people.

But he also saw something else in her. A hardness that could only belong to the man he had never met, the man who had stolen the love of his life. Though he felt a tinge of jealousy, he would not let his resentment or bitterness consume him. His cold expressions were a mask to the true fiery feelings that lay beneath. Despite everything, he was a man of duty. Nothing would stop him from fulfilling his obligations to his people, not his own desires, not even his own legacy.

He heard her mutter to herself but chose to ignore it. She was dealing with enough self-doubt, and if she wanted him to respond she would project her words at him; or so he told himself.

Vairen locked eyes with her, feeling her gaze as she sized him up. He stared back blankly, like a cold unmoving glacier. She seemed fed up, as if she knew the next words out of his mouth would only be more doom and gloom. As her hands fell to rest on her hips, his eyes betrayed him and followed.  Surprisingly, he broke first in their stare down, his eyes first briefly falling to her chest, rising and falling with bated breath.  They then drifted to her hips, though it was only a brief second, he felt his heart flutter as if he were looking at the divine goddess herself. His gaze ended up at the floor, contemplating as he inhaled deeply through his nostrils.

"It feels like a dream. Am I dreaming?"

"It does feel like a dream,"
There was a hint of melancholy in his voice, further betraying his icy demeanor in this moonlit room.
"Doesn't it?"
As those last words escaped his lips, his eyes felt heavy as they slowly lifted once again to meet hers. There was a hint of vulnerability in them this time, his mask seemingly slipping before his future Queen.  

Her hair caught the moonlight, and he had never seen her looking quite this way before.  The same light reflected in his pale blue eyes, the cold air in the room conspiring therein, to form a separate universe where it was no sin. To want what he wanted, right then and there, in this moon lit room.

I wish it were a dream, but to her this must be a nightmare. To lose everything. To be stuck on this world with me.

The hand resting on his sword's hilt gripped tightly, the other resting limp at his side balling into a tight fist. On the inside, he too was lost and overwhelmed by the situation, but he swallowed his feelings. His mouth tightened as he carefully searched for the next words.

"I'm sorry Rebecca." He closed his eyes, exhaled and inhaled deeply through his nose before speaking again.
"I know this must seem all like a bad dream."

He gripped his hilt even tighter and balled his fist to the point his knuckles cracked. There was genuine sadness in his voice, though he held strong his sympathy for the young woman bled through.

His eyes opened once more, normally so cold and unforgiving, now empathetic to the best of their ability.
"But it is real."

A soft gust of icy wind blew between the two of them, stirring their hair and garments, and softly rattling his royal armor.

"If you have any questions, I will do my best to answer them."
He said plainly.

"I will not lie to you, I will not treat you like a child."
The conviction in his voice grew.

"I will do what you ask me to do. I am yours, and I will do whatever I can to help you."
Vairen proclaimed with fierce devotion.
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INV ONLY Re: Legends Never Die

Post by Chellizard April 14th 2023, 3:30 am

She followed his gaze as it trailed down her person, her chin tilting slightly downward. This caused her hair to slide across her collarbone, a silky wave of silver.

It was a quick motion of the eyes, but one, nonetheless. She felt a twinge of confusion in regard to that, her own attention snapping back to his face once he had started speaking toward her. She noticed his armor, the intricate designs reminding her of the joys of childhood and the many ceremonies she had attended, even when she would have rather been exploring the world with the other children her age, even though they were scarce.

"I never dream, so this would be a first," a soft chuckle would follow her words, the same melancholic tone lacing her words. She matched his energy without thinking, her chest growing tight with anxiety. The anxiety was clearly from not knowing if this was truly real or not. She felt as if it were. The weight of reality was still crashing down on her, a sigh escaping her now as she turned her gaze away from Vairen, looking toward the twin moons. The sigh would be noticeable in her person, her body shifting, the dress pulling tighter to show the silhouette of her abdomen through the fabric.

With her gaze turned, she missed his obvious signs of frustration, her attention falling to his face once again. She kept imagining the man she had met as a child. Vairen looked almost the same, age being something that rarely touched the features of the Raizzek people.

Rebecca pulled her lips inward, her mouth forming a thin line as he continued. His knuckles cracking echoed throughout the room, the cold chill that clung to the entire palace halls prickling over her skin to accompany the goose bump reaction from the sudden sound. She didn't feel the cold anymore, however. It felt normal to her. She felt as if she were in a moderately air conditioned room, yet to an average human, this would be freezing temperatures.

Another glance around of the room would reveal that a lot the furniture was made of the ice crystals found deep within the mines of the planet. Her eyes would almost turn a shade darker as she frowned at his words.

She found herself without a response. Nothing that could be formed into words immediately. She wanted to scream and cry again, but knew that would help nothing and no one in the end.

"How long was I dead?" saying it plainly helped her digest the reality of it all, her eyes glossing over as tears welled in her eyes. Her voice would hold a solemn tone, her lips curling into a small frown as they quivered ever so slightly.

She felt a sob hitch in her chest, and she swallowed it back, blinking away the tears. She cleared her throat and blinked slowly, her lashes touching her cheeks, very light freckles noticeable now as a soft blush turned her pale skin a deep red. Her face would twist into one of more composure, her frown turning to a neutral expression.

She would look to Vairen, her eyes suggesting as if she needed a hug, but would never dare ask for one, especially due to the hierarchy that they should be following.

She let a breath draw in through her nose, her lips parting as she exhaled slowly.

"I did miss this place. Home." she would look away for a moment, her gaze drawing back to the moons. As she did, she caught a shooting star stream across the sky. She laughed and took a moment to make a wish to herself, silently.

-My DeviantArt-
Legends Never Die JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
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Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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INV ONLY Re: Legends Never Die

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