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An extraterrestrial bad moon

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DBL XP An extraterrestrial bad moon

Post by Rorking October 4th 2021, 4:50 pm

Out of all the days he decided to leave the base and travel into the city, Caxan was starting to regret picking the hottest of the season. Even for earth standards, it was pretty hot out even as the sun started to set over the horizon. It was days like these that made him miss his home planet of Hum'rth,  He rather be somewhere tropical than having to walk around with grains of sand trapped in his boots. If it wasn't for the fact he only recently got his English half-decent, he would have moved somewhere more habitable a long time ago.

It wasn't long after the sun disappeared over the horizon that Caxan reached his destination. Arriving at a warehouse on the outskirts of the strip was one location even found pretty Cliche for a villain, "can't they ever run one of the casinos or a mine around these parts?" was a thought that rushed through his mind as he looked around the location. At this rate, Caxan was convicted the Duffin brothers weren't the most intelligent humans in Las Vegas, The fact they never seemed to leave the city after every casino heist was good to Caxan. Nonetheless, Caxan had to do his job and bring even the most unfit criminals to justice one way or another.

Locking in his gauntlets was always the first thing Caxan did before entering a location, the place looking older than him definitely made this check more important in his mind. Upon opening the door, Caxan was blasted in the face with more dust than he faced during the crash that caused him to be here in the first place. "they better be hiding not too far In" he thought to himself as he slowly started making his way down the old hallways of the building. It wasn't long after he started his trek through the prime location of a humen horror movie that he came across a newer-looking door reading "employees only." Without a second thought, Caxan slowly opened the door and stepped inside the room on the other side, his belief that these brothers make it too easy for him only echoed throughout his mind even more now.

Status :

Quote : I've looked into the eyes of a god and you know what? IT PISSED ME OFF.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Location : Where ever I happen to be
Age : 26
Job : What's that?
Humor : Wanna hear a joke? My life. Wanna hear another one? my sex life.
Registration date : 2020-03-10

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DBL XP Re: An extraterrestrial bad moon

Post by Vorik October 4th 2021, 11:24 pm

As Caxer stepped into the room he was blinded by the shine of rainbow light and the loud harmony of kittens singing. He found himself in a grassy field with laughing flowers, dancing trees, and smiling white clouds...

But really though, he found a concrete room with dirtied walls and metal shavings piling on the floor. There was also a dried trail of blood leading out the room and further down the hall.

Following the trail, he heard the faint sounds of creaking metal dripping water from rusted pipes. The blood continued up a catwalk before leading into a closed room. The room was dimly lit with crackling fluorescent bulbs that revealed 3 metal cages, two of which held men.

The two captive men were in poor shape with swollen bruises, gouge marks, and dried blood covered their torn clothes. One was half slumped against his cell not moving, while the other stood gripping the bars, staring right at the hero.

"P-Please! Yo--You have to help us!" He coughed a dry cough. "That mad man is going to kill us, please!" The frantic man motioned towards another man in the room who sat at the far corner, next to a table filled will surgical tools. The man wore everyday office clothes and a while mask expressing disgusted curiosity. The masked man didn't move nor react in any way. All he did was sit and stare directly at the cells with only his subtle breathing breaking the idea of him being a statue.

"Please...He's been like that for hours and there is no telling when he'll wake up again!" The man rattled the cage with the energy of a cornered beast.
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DBL XP Re: An extraterrestrial bad moon

Post by Rorking October 15th 2021, 5:34 pm

Seeing everything going on in the room, Caxan quickly tried to put on a 'hero face' as he smiled and sprung into action. quickly grabbing at his zapper and aiming it above the figure as he slowly approached, he walked a 3rd of the way there before he fired above the head in hopes of scaring the figure.
"Now now evildoer" he yelled as he walked the rest of the way across the room "best to give up now while you still have a chance." he stood there for a moment waiting for the figure to speak, when the figure stood there motionless he raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"um....Okay" he started as he tried to keep his hero smile on, "playing the silent treatment I see ah? well, that won't save you," he says he puts his hand up and rests it on the creature's shoulder. The instant his hand touched it, the figure collapsed and came crashing down onto the floor below.

"⊑⍜⌰⊬ ⎎⎍☊☍⟟⋏☌ ⌇⊑⟟⏁, ⎎⎍☊☍ ⎎⎍☊☍ ⌇⊑⟟⏁ ⎎⎍☊☍ ⎎⎍☊☍ ⌇⊑⟟⏁ ⎎⎍☊☍" Caxan screamed as he jumped back as the creature collapsed. shacking a little bit, he kicked the figure before shuffling back out of fear. when one of the prisoners shifted in his change to see what was going on, he quickly started playing it cool and put his hero face back on.
"don't worry criminal scum, there is nothing to fear but possibly me ah HA HA" he yelled as he quickly jogged over to the two caged men. Without a second thought, he activated his energy claws and broke the lock of both cages. helping the live man out, the man started to freak out as he screamed "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE, WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE" over and over again. as he put him down the man ran without a moment's notice as he took off and out the door that Caxan come into only minutes ago.

As he sighed he quickly reached in and poked the limp man a cage over. When the man didn't move he jumped back a bit before quickly walking over and picking his limp body out of the cage. As he started to move he found himself stuck in place, the weight of this cargo seeming to be heavier than he assumed he was. Caxan quickly dug deep within his DNA as he found the strand for the Temillas of Hodex-6 (you earthly would see it as a bigger Gorrila) and started to use its strength to push forward. Not long after he felt his face get hairier and his back arch a little as the form side of his power kicked in.
"No way I can keep a figure like this if I want to fit in around here" he starts to say as he makes it to the door. "if I'm lucky, his brother hasn't gotten that far ahead and will actually help their hero for once."

Status :

Quote : I've looked into the eyes of a god and you know what? IT PISSED ME OFF.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Location : Where ever I happen to be
Age : 26
Job : What's that?
Humor : Wanna hear a joke? My life. Wanna hear another one? my sex life.
Registration date : 2020-03-10

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DBL XP Re: An extraterrestrial bad moon

Post by Vorik November 4th 2021, 3:13 am

Author Note: Music for tone

"Hmm-MMMM-mmm-MMMM." Wanting half-sung as he was elbow deep in a cadaver. Flecks of blood splatter stained his otherwise white lab coat. Unlike the many bodies that made up his collective identity as one of the most prolific serial killers in history, this one was different.

This body didn't wear the all too infamous white mask, nor did it have a certain new and fake air about it that animals always seemed to sense. Instead, the body was that of a man in his late 40s with dark hair tied in a loose ponytail with strands fraying out. He was clean-shaven with sunken green eyes that seemed strained and unfocused. Everything about him from his posture to the way he looked about his lab for the nearest rib spreader gave off a sense of deep tiredness.

In the midst of snapping bone and tearing ligaments, he abruptly stopped with a sigh. He wiped his bloodstained hands on his equally bloodstained coat as he left the room.

While he had created dozens if not hundreds of labs or "evil lairs" as some of the hack "villains" called them, this was the only one he could bring himself to call home. Outside of his laboratory, his home was not lined with various spikes or demonic doom weapons, instead, it was filled with dated furniture and paintings.

A coffeepot steady dripped as Wanting sat in a recliner cradling a framed photo of a handsome young man with green eyes standing in front of a great machine. The young man looked happy.

"13 years..." Wanting said to no one. "13 years and still no closer."

He stared at the photo for a long time in silence.

"I want precious little but I am forced to go bigger and bigger. Haven't I done enough, haven't they taken enough?"

He sighed deeply as he closed his eyes.

"13 years, a century, it matters not." He rose from his chair.

"I will, must keep going until I have it or I die trying. There's simply no other way."

Cooling his coffee he wandered back to his lab and looked over his work and tutted. "Perhaps some time will soften the tissue."

Sitting at his corner desk he closed his eyes and released his soul. In moments he opened a new pair of eyes which he promptly narrowed.

'This isn't where I left this body..." He thought as he pushed himself off the dirtied concrete ground. Before him sat 3 empty cages. He nodded as understanding came to him. Reaching into his pocket he fished out a smartphone. A few quick presses and swipes and he pulled up the main interface for the warehouse's CCTV.

"Hmm-MMMM-mmm-MMMM." He hummed to himself as he looked through the various feeds before finally stopping on a screen showing what looked to be some sort of gorilla-man carrying one of his subjects. "Ah, still here." With a few more swipes he activated "EMERGENCY CONTAINMENT"

The loud sounds of scrapping metal echoed through the warehouse as thick bunker doors slid and locked into place.  The warehouse came to life as various machinery and lights activated and with them the numerous deathtraps.

Pocketing the phone he set off at a leisurely pace towards his newest visitor.
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 187
Registration date : 2019-09-15

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DBL XP Re: An extraterrestrial bad moon

Post by Rorking November 24th 2021, 7:13 pm

Caxan wasn't out of the room long before he heard the alarm roar to life, a sound he feared since entering the building. As he ran down the hallways he watched as trap after trap activated around him. as spikes and flames shot out from all different directions. Even with his quick thinking and flexible reflexes, Caxan still found himself getting poked and burned and even smacked as he carried the man to the front door. As he reached the door he entered from only 15 minutes prior, he was met with the other captor yanking on the door like his life depended on it.

"Step aside citizen" he commanded in his 'Hero Voice,' "allow me to take care of this little setback to freedom." Caxan grabbed the handle and started to pull on it with all his might.
After a couple of seconds, he could feel the hinges start to give way. It wasn't long after that he felt the door give completely before they both flew backward into a pit trap in the hallway. upon landing, he looked around to find the put devolved of any kind of spikes. "huh, must have run out of money near the end haHAAAAAa" he yelled as he bent his legs and jumped out of the pit using the leg strength of the Temillas.

While the door was gone, the lowering of the bunker door had made their escape all but not. Even as Caxan tried to shove his energy claws through the thick metal, he saw them bend for the first time in his whole time as a hero. He looked to the two criminals he was now trapped with and quickly tried to throw on his fake smile again
"Best to go hide yourselves now citizens," he says as he backs away from the door. "I'll deal with the evildoer himself and get us out of here before you can say 'shabam.'"
He starts to run down the hallway again, as he arrives he found and active the gene of the slick Burnikin (Basically an earth monkey) as he hopped into the air. bounced around as he felt his ears grow to a larger size and his backside start to expand as a tail grew to a length of 5". Moving past the spikes and the flames with ease this time, he was soon able to land on the other side with no issues at all. Landing in front of the door to the main room, he was about to open the door when he stopped and looked at his hands.
"weird," he thought to himself as he stared at his fingers. "the Temillas DNA didn't deactivate like it normally would."

"⊑⍜⌰⊬ ⎎ It" he says as he clutches his fist and starts to pull it back. "Not like I can't still use it like I normally would." He throws a giant guerilla punch into the door before him, hitting it with enough power to send the door flying across the room. As he steps into the room, he cracks his neck preparing for the fight that is coming next. the fact his tail was growing a weird spike-like edge goes completely unnoticed by him.

Status :

Quote : I've looked into the eyes of a god and you know what? IT PISSED ME OFF.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Location : Where ever I happen to be
Age : 26
Job : What's that?
Humor : Wanna hear a joke? My life. Wanna hear another one? my sex life.
Registration date : 2020-03-10

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DBL XP Re: An extraterrestrial bad moon

Post by Vorik November 28th 2021, 2:51 am

While boobytrapping an abandoned warehouse with dozens upon dozens of mundane yet cliche traps was definitely a bad thing to do, Wanting felt less than confident in their practical use. He had been checking his smartphone here and there to keep a track of the gorilla-man and watched as they almost effortlessly avoided all of these "deathtraps". Sure, they took a scrape here, a burn there, but after triggering a staggering 14 traps he was only a little worse for wear. A thought grew in his head as each and every "deathtrap" failed to actually cause any death before it finally all but screamed at him when the hero fell on their ass in a dirty pit.

"Waste time and effort." He muttered to himself. For as classic and infamous as these traps are, he was certainly less than pleased with them. Shaking his head, he decided that once again, that all the so-called evil villains were complete hacks. The next time he made a deathtrap, it would be absolutely lethal. Ideas and concepts of various lethal gases and explosives occupied his thoughts as he took the safe routes towards his prey.

As he was considering the practicality of a trap that would instantly liquefy the nitrogen in the air and lungs he stumbled, cradling the side of his masked head. He collapsed to the ground as his vision swam and intense vertigo all but blinded him. Immediately he tried to eject his soul from his body but was utterly shocked when it failed. After what felt like hours but was likely seconds vertigo stopped. Quickly rising to his feet, Wanting went on guard, pulled out a knife, and scanned the area. He tried once again to eject his soul but he simply couldn't.

A long silence lingered as he stood vigilant against whoever was attacking him before finally, Wanting lowered his guard and gave one final scan of the area.

'What...Was that?' He thought. 'An attack surely but...No ambusher?' He wasn't a fool in believing that he was too big of a danger to directly attack after whatever mental trap happened but why didn't they finish the job? He pulled out his phone and checked on the hero. They were still the same as before but he looked more monkey than an ape. Wanting shook his head but winced at the pain before abruptly dropping his phone as he exhaled in utter shock.

He reached up and frantically touched his head, but as suddenly and quickly the pain came, it faded, leaving Wanting feeling numb once more. More vain attempts to get that fleeting feeling followed as he bit his lip, banged his head against the wall, and finally slit a shallow cut on his arm before he finally settled down with a vacant look in his eyes.

'I felt it, I know I did. I know I did, I know I did, I know I did...Why?' He tried to remember what happened during the attack but his memory was a garble of unfocused images which was almost equally as shocking as being able to feel for the first time in over a decade.

His memory for lack of a better word was perfect. He could remember every single moment of his life going back to the womb with the utmost detail. The feel of the wind, the ambient smell, every experience was kept in perfect clarity. It was all the more shocking that as he tried to remember what happened that he released he couldn't remember his memories as a toddler either.

'A mental trap but no ambusher...A lapse in mental functions but I can still think clearly...Momentary pain but not crippling....What is happening?'

Before he could think further on this strange phenomenon a loud crash interrupted his thoughts as a steel door was sent flying through the air, cracking a concrete wall. Turning, he came face to face with the hero who now looked more reptilian and buglike in nature than anything he'd consider mammalian.

"It's rude to barge in on others inside their home you know?" Wanting shook his head disapprovingly.

"Fortunately for you, I have suddenly become very busy and as much as I'd love to let you play out your delusion of being a hero, I simply have no time for you. Leave."
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 187
Registration date : 2019-09-15

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DBL XP Re: An extraterrestrial bad moon

Post by Rorking June 2nd 2022, 11:44 pm

Though he knows deep down he should have held back on the punch, it certainly caused a cool entrance. Scanning the room didn’t stop Caxan from jumping a little as he noticed the figure was now standing up. To say he was shocked to see the villain up and moving, its non-moving and expressionless eyes and face certainly did a number on his courage. Swallowing his fear deep down his throat and building back up his lost courage, Caxan slapped his Hero face back before he stepped forward to confront the figure.

" Now now evildoer” Caxan bellows as he made it halfway across the room. Raising his arm to point at the figure made him jump a little as he saw the gorilla arm before him. Caxan quickly snapped back to reality as he finished his hero point pose, deep down hoping he didn’t show how much he was off his game for a moment. “Best to Geh” he coughs out as he clears his throat, “best to give up now while you still have a chance.” As he got out his hero speech, Caxan felt a wave of satisfaction wash over him. Now came the hard part.  

A voice echoed around the mostly empty room that sent a shiver down Caxan’s spine. Though as he looked at the figure before him, he saw no change in the figure’s facial structure nor its body. He quickly moved his hand to his belt to try and find his zapper, when it wasn't in its holster, he started patting himself down. With his mind mostly zoned out at this point, Caxan could barely hear as the figure started to speak again. The only thing he could make out was words like “Fortunately,” “suddenly became very busy,” And “I simply have no time for you to Leave.”  

Realizing his zapper had been lost, Caxan quickly shifted his pose to be ready for battle. While he had no idea who or what this figure was in front of him, he knew he had to bring them to an end right here right now. Preparing for the worst was not on his mind as he knew he had to focus on the battle at hand. "Last chance to give yourself up before I have to use lethal force” Caxan screamed as he felt his courage hit its peak. Though he didn’t feel it, his tail had started to grow longer, while his arms had raised hairier.  His eyes glowed a dim yellow color as the changes came to a temporary halt. Something bigger was coming and Caxan just didn’t know it yet.

Status :

Quote : I've looked into the eyes of a god and you know what? IT PISSED ME OFF.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Location : Where ever I happen to be
Age : 26
Job : What's that?
Humor : Wanna hear a joke? My life. Wanna hear another one? my sex life.
Registration date : 2020-03-10

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DBL XP Re: An extraterrestrial bad moon

Post by Vorik June 11th 2022, 1:48 pm

"Last chance to give yourself up before I have to use lethal force.” The shapeshifter said...Well more screamed it like an enraged Karen than anything approaching heroic. If this was their attempt at being in control then Wanting was hardly impressed. This was clearly a naive child trying to play the hero, unaware that they have no idea what they are doing.

Had this been the fairytale they wanted, Wanting would have given some grand villainous monologue about how evil he was or how he could not be defeated. Maybe even fully explain his evil plan giving them the information needed to save the day.

Wanting threw his knife abruptly, cutting not only Caxan off, but one of his fingers as it embedded into his shoulder.  A fraction of a moment, he charged toward the still reeling alien and launch himself at them with a dropkick.  

Caxan rebounded off a concrete wall, gasping as the wind was knocked out of him. He lashed out with one of his now-clawed hands only to feel the air as Wanting dodged into his space deftly. Trying to get some space Caxan tried to move back only to be stopped by the wall which his face soon met as Wanting smashed his head against it, painting it with blood and broken teeth.

Fighting to see past his blood-covered eyes Caxan yelled in defiance and pushed himself off the wall with all his might, which was frankly absurd given his still growing figure. Not able to stop the sudden charge, the masked killer vaulted backward in a series of quick acrobatics. While Caxan hadn't managed to bulldoze his way through Wanting, he had bought himself some much-needed space.

With the lack of energy to draw from given the mostly vacant room, Caxan was without his multitude of energy-based weaponry. This didn't mean he was unarmed as he grit his broken teeth and ripped the serrated blade from his shoulder. Launching himself into a flurry of wild strikes, more animalistic than anything approaching conventional martial combat, he swung with his claws, slashed with his knife, and stabbed with his tail.

Wanting could only dodge and evade as each attack came right after the next with little to no window to strike back. Despite the multiple angles of attack, the vast difference in strength, speed, and reach that the shapeshifter had, Wanting monstrously out skilled him. With moves that were honed from dozens, no, hundreds of different martial forms, he gracefully evaded each and every strike in what could be described as a manic dance. He was still only human and could not keep this up forever but all he needed was a moment of opportunity.

That moment came as Caxan tried to combine a tail slash with a haymaker that left him woefully overextended. Dodging just a fraction outside the strikes the killer grabbed the outstretched arm and with Caxan's elbow as a fulcrum, snapped his arm with a sickening crunch before judo-throwing the towering alien to the ground.

Pinning Caxan's one good arm to the ground, Wanting unleashed a flurry of blows on his already broken face. He would be mindful of the tail but unlead Caxan did something drastic, Wanting would kill him in an unending rain of punches.
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 187
Registration date : 2019-09-15

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DBL XP Re: An extraterrestrial bad moon

Post by Rorking July 10th 2022, 10:53 pm

No amount of moving made Caxan's pain slow down for even a second. feeling the monster of a man standing over him with his arm clutched within his claws sent his mind into a panicking state. While he hoped his outer face didn't show his pain, he knew it didn't matter with the situation he found himself in.  so many ideas rushed through his mind, most of which ended with him losing harder each time. after what felt like twenty minutes of pure agony, Caxan finally found his way out.

In a quick and swift movement, Caxan twisted his body against the claws of his opponent. the pain in his arm erupted and burned as he felt the bone fully snap as he shifted The Wanting right where he wanted him. as Wanting shifted, he couldn't move in time as Caxan's spikey tail slammed into the side of his head. Blood started to leak from Wanting's head as he was knocked off the hero and onto the dusty ground. Before he could react to the hit, Wanting found himself out of control of his own body. All his weight seemed to disappear as started to float above the ground.

glancing down would have only confused Wanting more as he only say the Hero slowly gets to his feet and stagger a bit before he slowly turned to look at him. suddenly a large pressure was felt throughout his body as he went flying back and slammed into the cement wall nearby. Caxan only stood and stared as Wanting was slammed repeatedly against the cracking wall. Just as fast as it all started Wanting felt the pressure stop as the figure only rolled his neck, a look of pain shot across Caxan's face as he tried and failed to move both of his broken arms. Caxan jumped into a full-on burst as he charged for the villain before him. Wanting could only watch as the figure suddenly jumped and slammed both his feet directly into his chest. A new pressure slammed into Wanting as he felt the cement wall once again, this time though he could feel the wall caving in on the other side of his back. As the warm Nevada night air reached wanting skin, it almost made him shiver a little as he slammed down to the ground a couple of feet away from the now giant hole in the wall. As blood spat out of his mouth, wanting was able to get back to his feet as he watched his soon-to-be deadman emerge from the building limping horribly. The hero didn't make it ten steps before he collapsed to the sandy ground below.

The moon beamed down upon the two men recovering in the middle of a desert field. Snaps and cracks could be heard from Caxan as his bones seem to start to pop back into place and reform from within his skin. Though Wanting didn't notice it at the time, his bones weren't reforming to their normal shape and size. his arms curved and twisted to an odd angle and his feet hardened as they seemed to become some kind of feet/hoove hybrid. As the moonlight pokes at Caxan's body, a primal rage starts to build up within the alien beast. a thirst for blood and meat seems to start to form on his tongue as he slowly starts to shift once again.

Status :

Quote : I've looked into the eyes of a god and you know what? IT PISSED ME OFF.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Location : Where ever I happen to be
Age : 26
Job : What's that?
Humor : Wanna hear a joke? My life. Wanna hear another one? my sex life.
Registration date : 2020-03-10

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DBL XP Re: An extraterrestrial bad moon

Post by Vorik October 1st 2022, 8:40 pm

As Caxan was undergoing an outwardly physical change, Wanting felt something inside him breaking and crumbling as the moon's soft rays shined down on him. He fell back as he clutched his head with both hands. It felt like a scorching ray piercing his mind, gradually growing to an almost maddening intensity.

Had he had time to think he'd of felt his body coming alive for the first time in over a decade. The dull ache of bruises forming, the sharp pain of broken bones, the metallic taste of blood in his mouth, he felt all of this yet was too focused on the now blinding pain in his mind.

It was as if his very being was being destroyed as he progressively lost more and more memories. Recent days faded into recent months. Years of pain, suffering, and isolated madness were purged from his mind.

While his consciousness was overwhelmed a part of him fought like a cornered animal. The long-honed visceral killing instinct inside him raged against the dying light. He had killed hundreds, gone well past his limit time and time again, on an instinctual level, he refused to fade...Refused to fade...Refused to fade...Refuse to...

Dr. Hector Wallen winced as he opened his eyes. His vision was partially blinded by some type of mask hanging lopsided on his face. He tried to remove it but it was fastened by leather straps letting him only readjust it so he could see. Stand up Wallen groaned as he felt his injuries but pushed the pain aside.

'Wh-Where am I, wha--wheres the lab...The portal?' The last thing he could think of was being in his lab, activating the machine that would change the world forever....Now he was in the desert?

'Th--The numbers were right? But then? Uhhhh.' He rubbed the temple of his aching head. It was all just so confusing and he wasn't even beginning to figure out what was happening. Resolving himself, searched his pockets for anything but only find the remains of a broken phone.

Looking around his surroundings he was able to piece together that he was still on Earth by the building and the faded "US- Storage 03" label on one of the shipping containers. There was also some kind of creature near him that seemed to be moving or maybe it was in death throes? There had clearly been a battle and Wallen was not sure if he was part of it...

Deciding not to risk getting close to the creature he hid behind a corner and kept an eye on the thing while he used some of his pantlegs as a tourniquet to stop his bleeding arm.
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Number of posts : 187
Registration date : 2019-09-15

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DBL XP Re: An extraterrestrial bad moon

Post by Rorking October 8th 2022, 8:18 pm

Caxan slowly got back to his feet as his vision returned to him. looking around only raised more questions as he felt every bone in his body snap and crack into positions he had never felt before. The more he tried to move, the more his body seemed to be off. the only feeling he truly understood was a rage that flowed through him.

' What's the point of being a hero to these people when they do nothing but hate me for what I am?' he thought to himself. Though he never really pondered it, he knew it was true. the rage within him seemed to peak more and more as he felt his body stop shifting around and he stood on his curved legs. 'Even when the public likes me, the government wants nothing more than to shut me down for reasons I never will or ever could understand.' these thoughts only made his rage worsen.

He was just about to start moving away when he heard a faint noise coming from nearby. a noise like someone was nearby. maybe it was someone here to mock him or maybe it was someone who wanted to take him down and steal his skin. No matter what the reasoning being, he knew this person was not someone he wanted to be here at all. He was almost turning red as his red hit its limit.

"HEY," he yelled at the top of his lungs as he looked around for a sign of the man, woman, or creature that was nearby. "I know you're out there and I don't appreciate whatever reason you are here for."
When he heard no response he started to shake out of rage. "OH?" he yelled again, 'YOU'RE JUST GOING TO SIT THERE AND PRETEND YOU'RE NOT HERE ANYMORE?" He Bellowed as he felt all his heroism drain completely from his mind.

It was at this moment he knew why they were there. They had come to harm him and sell his body to the highest bidder. No matter how much he tried to think otherwise, he knew it was the truth. His eyes turned a crimson red as he knew what he must do now.
"IF YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE ME ALIVE, YOU ARE SORELY MISTAKEN" he growled out before letting out this Lovecraftian noise.


Status :

Quote : I've looked into the eyes of a god and you know what? IT PISSED ME OFF.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Location : Where ever I happen to be
Age : 26
Job : What's that?
Humor : Wanna hear a joke? My life. Wanna hear another one? my sex life.
Registration date : 2020-03-10

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DBL XP Re: An extraterrestrial bad moon

Post by Vorik October 15th 2022, 5:59 pm

A terse moment of silence passed before one of the Duffin brothers leaned over the crumbling hole in the wall. He looked at Caxan with fear and seemed ready to jump 10 ft in the air if anything surprised him.

"I--I--Did you win?" He trembled as he asked the hulking brute that was Caxan.

"Is the killer gone...C-can we go home now?" A flicker of hope in his quivering voice.

Meanwhile, Wallen watched on from his hiding spot. He almost had a heart attack when the alien started shouting about knowing someone was there. While he was relieved that there was some other guy that got caught his concern only grew when he saw the guy.

The guy looked, to put it lightly, horrible. Dried blood, numerous cuts, and even his pale skin raised several alarms. Wallen's medical knowledge yelled at him to drop what he was doing and act. This man would be dead within 2 hrs if he did not get medical attention soon. It was surprising he hadn't already gone into shock but Wallen guessed he was high on adrenalin. Strangely the more he examined the wounds the more they felt familiar.

Doctor Wallen winced as he tried to focus on why it was familiar and rubbed his temple. Nothing was making sense here. Memory loss, injured, and waking up somewhere in a desert, not to mention the angry alien nearby.

He thought about leaving his hiding spot to confront the 2. Maybe they'd be able to help him but his gut was strongly against this. The man was far too injured to be of any help and the alien, well, Wallen may be having memory issues but it was clear that thing was not friendly. It was just as likely that he had been attacked by that thing and got a concussion.

No, it was far too risky to come out of hiding now. No telling what the alien would do...But, that man really needs help. Hopefully, the alien would help the man since the man seemed to know it but maybe he was being too optimistic.

'What if the alien attacked him?' Wallen thought. If the alien did well...Wallen wasn't sure what he'd do.

'Do I just run if that happens? That would be my best chance...But what kind of person would I be if I just abandoned someone in aid?'

Doctor Wallen looked around trying to come up with any kind of answer.

'What could I even do to stop it? Throw rocks?'

Unknown thoughts of violence rose in his mind. He visualized how the alien moved, and the flaws in its form. He wasn't sure how he knew how to fight this thing but it came clear to him.

'What in the world?' was all he could think of when seeing himself brutally shattering the alien's skull.

Shaking himself from these thoughts he resolved to wait and see what the alien would do. If the alien was helpful then he'd just run while it was distracted. If it was unfriendly...Well, he really hoped it wasn't.
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Number of posts : 187
Registration date : 2019-09-15

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DBL XP Re: An extraterrestrial bad moon

Post by Rorking October 28th 2022, 12:00 am

Hearing Carl Duffin's voice caused Caxan to jolt before turning to look at him. something about him seemed familiar to Caxan, He had the feeling he wasn't who he was talking about but he also didn't seem like a friend. He started to open his mouth to speak to the weak man when Caxan felt a sharp burning pain in his side. He quickly jerked to the right only to see Koral Duffin standing there holding a familiar-looking zapper. Caxan mind erupted with anger as he charged the moronic man. before he could return to his senses, he felt his teeth slam down and crush into the tiny man's head.

Emotions started to bounce around Caxan as he felt all of them at once, the two most powerful ones to bubble to the curves were shock and satisfaction. He stepped back as he looked down at the headless corpse below him. ringing sounded In Caxan ears, only just barely drowning out the screaming coming from his left. He started to stagger a bit as he tried to regain his senses. His primal and his logical side were massively at war within his head. He suddenly snapped back to reality as he found an interesting smell brushing against his nostrils.

He looked around to try to find the source of the smell but he was left with nothing. He took monstrous steps as he started to spin slowly in s circle but still couldn't see any source of the most excellent smell he's ever smelled. It smelled like this pure mixture of fear and blood, the kind you can only find from the most deadliest of predators. Caxan knew he had a challenge nearby, with the recent snack he certainly knew he had the fuel to keep in going. He stopped for only a moment as he felt his chill rush down his spine. He looked dead ahead to the empty desert yet he knew that was the direction he had to go in. He slowly took his first step forward as a devilish smile crept across his face. He was ready to prove himself as the alpha predator of the world.


Status :

Quote : I've looked into the eyes of a god and you know what? IT PISSED ME OFF.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Location : Where ever I happen to be
Age : 26
Job : What's that?
Humor : Wanna hear a joke? My life. Wanna hear another one? my sex life.
Registration date : 2020-03-10

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DBL XP Re: An extraterrestrial bad moon

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