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Ms. Skyscraper (WIP)

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Ms. Skyscraper (WIP) Empty Ms. Skyscraper (WIP)

Post by Heyho April 21st 2022, 6:13 pm


"Insert Character Quote or Title here"

The Bio

Real Name: Alexandra Alvez
Hero Name: Ms. Skyscraper
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Race: White / Hispanic
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'8" (173 cm)
Blood type:

The Looks

The Personality

The Story

Alexandra - or Alex as her friends call her - was born in San Diego, California, USA as the oldest child of a first generation Argentinian immigrant couple. Her father worked his way up from being a kitchen assistant, then a cook to a restaurant owner. She has two siblings, a younger brother and a younger sister.

As a child, Alex was bright and intelligent, and also quite a dreamer: she loved to fly kites, collect insects and conduct 'physics experiments' in her parents' kitchen (much to their shock). She dreamed of becoming and astronaut one day, or at least invent something to change space exploration forever. As a tomboy-ish girl, she preferred wrestling and playing soccer with the boys instead of playing dress up or collecting princess dolls.

When she was 17, Alexandra's father suddenly passed away, leaving the restaurant to his widow and children: in the wake of the tragedy, Alex's mother wished her, along with her siblings, to stay close to the family home and take their share of managing the family business. However, she had other plans: she received a scholarship from UCLA and decided to pursue her dreams of becoming a space physicist, creating a rift between her and her mom.

At the university, Alex met ...

The Powers

Alexandra is able to increase her size at will, becoming physically larger than her normal stature. She can grow only a few inches or become kaiju sized and anything in-between. Her strength, speed, etc. all increase exponentially. However, there are several hindering weaknesses (see below).

She achieves this by her body projecting a tight force field around itself, which makes everything contained within increase in size. The force field is able to bypass the normal laws of physics, thus make it plausible for her to achieve a giant size without limitations.

The Weaknesses

- she can't shrink aka make herself smaller, only grow

- she can only stay in a larger size for a limited amount of time, depending on the amount of size change (for example she can grow 2 inches and stay like that for months or grow into a 50ft giant and stay that size for a few hours or grow into a 500ft kaiju and stay that size for 20 minutes or less).

- she can only grow her own body along with some very limited, skin tight clothing (she can't enlarge any objects or anything else whatsoever)

- she can only enlarge her entire body exponentially, she can't "stretch" a single body part / limb

The Items

"Giant suit": Alexandra has to wear a special, spandex-like outfit which is tight enough to stay within the force field and thus can grow with its wearer. She has several types of the outfit: the most basic looks like a bikini, another resembles an one-piece swimsuit, while a third variety looks like an unitard / racing swimsuit. She can't wear any other type of clothing while growing into a giant (or else it would rip apart...).

The Minions

The Fluff

The RP Sample

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1
Location : Europe
Humor : dark
Registration date : 2022-04-21

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