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Who let the dragon out? (Sean)

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Alert Who let the dragon out? (Sean)

Post by Shadowoof February 10th 2022, 2:39 am

Penny was having a quiet morning. A well deserved break from walking since all walking ever did was alert her and the sword to the presence of the unnatural, and in this little home she had for herself now, that meant Lily downstairs. The young woman was more then tired of the swords idea of respectfully putting a sword in the other woman's chest, itself to be exact and normally via Penny's own hand. It took a lot out of the woman to ignore the swords desire.

But she couldn't just sleep all day so she had asked for a paper to read. The news was always grand, some superhero here, some villain there, maybe a mysterious disappearance related to what might have been unnatural. That was all Pen called for, she wasn't into the whole superhero thing.

So when the news paper started talking about Boston. She was more then a little intrigued. "Lord of the rings brought to life? That sounds crazy." She muttered, flipping through the pages, until a finger flipped back to the page on what seemed to be a Hydra apparently sighted on beachy shores related to this apparent Boston madness. "Oh it's being serious."

"This is no matter to ignore. We must go at once and slay the beasts that haunt this land." The sword howled in her head, causing the girl to wince. Well, apparently there was a call for help. And it wasn't like this was an actual superhero thing. There was even a part about how superheroes were being forcibly ejected out of Boston unless they fitted in.

"I guess I do have a sword... Doesn't really mean I fit in." She huffed, standing. The pulse rung out, but once more it quickly retreated back, telling Penny that Lily was practically right below her. Weird how headache inducing that was when a supernatural was close by. "A sword yes... You also have the vest." The blade whispered this time, and Penny looked to the chain mail vest, the magic enchantment all but ruined. "The magic is gone... But you can wear it still." A convincing argument...

"Lily! Lily, Can I get a lift!

Penny walked the bridge towards Boston, looking like a poor woman's fighter, a magic blade in hand and a pinching chain vest atop a singlet. "Lord of the rings. Game of thrones. Everything in between. How the hell did this happen?" An entire city was now a vast land of green, mountains spread across, what could have been a city far off in the distance. She'd come from Quincy, but the change was almost immediate. Like a barrier existed that separated stone and grass. Taking an uneasy step onto the grass, she found that barrier did not block her. "Woah... That's a change." Where there had been none, now there was a cold chilly wind blowing by.

For as far as she could see, there wasn't much beyond the plains of grass and mountains, but still, this close to civilization, if something from here could just walk past the barrier, there wasn't going to be a lot to stop the chaos that'd follow. "I'm stupid. What am I am of all people going to do?" She asked aloud, unsure of how to proceed. But the voice in her head was all the encouragement she needed.

"We will kill the dangerous creatures that reside here, no matter how few or many. Big or small. That is what we do."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Alert Re: Who let the dragon out? (Sean)

Post by Arcana February 24th 2022, 6:49 pm

Hearing that an entire city had turned had been turned into a fantasy land was an interesting development. Were it anything else Sean would have just stayed out of it but he was practically a sorcerer. Well, arguably a wizard but sorcerer sounded cooler, so he had to check this out. Well, he would likely have to tell Zell about his grand plan but that was nothing that a quick text couldn’t fix. Hopefully he understood Sean’s need to have a D&D adventure but for real. Not that his whole life wasn’t some kind of dungeons and dragons adventures to begin with.

With all the preparations done, he opened the portal with a few muttered words. Stepping through and appearing on the outskirts of the magical realm of whatever it was called.  Dressed in his best idea of an adventurers garb. Dark trousers tucked into his boots, and a simple shirt under robes which were cinched around the waist to keep them from moving around too much. A collection of various potions strapped to his belt, hoping they would still maintain some effect once he stepped into the area. No idea what kind of magic was at play and if he could stave it off with the wards he put around certain things. This was messy stuff he was playing with.

Clutching onto the rowan wood staff, he sighed and muttered the last few protective words on himself before. Immediately he could feel most of the wards breaking down like ratty fabric being torn apart. The potions and his bag of holding were the only things that held their magic, which probably meant he guessed a few things right about this terrorist.  ”Please tell me whoever did this didn’t just wholesale make this city a tabletop world,” Looking back, all he saw was a broad sky and expansive fantasy world. Either he had entered the equivalent of a demiplane or this was just an elaborate illusion.  So the short wizard roamed the mass plain that stretched out, using his staff to keep upright when walking had gone on too long.

There had to be other heroes who wandered in here and he wanted to gather up a party. If he was going to do this, he would at least be the Gandalf to someone else. Well, maybe he needed a beard for that but it was a little too late to just grow himself a beard. That was when he noticed the girl with the chain shirt and a sword, approaching without much concern that she could hurt him. ”Hey! Get dragged into this madness too?” He waved, friendly as usual while eying her up and down, quickly casting a spell to see if there was anything magic about her. A small enchantment clung to the armor, though he couldn’t quite tell what was up with the sword. ”can’t tell you what’s happening, but something tells me we should play along with it. Person behind it might not be too happy if we break their fourth wall,”

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Alert Re: Who let the dragon out? (Sean)

Post by Shadowoof March 1st 2022, 8:02 pm

Rolling planes of grass soon turned to dirt and rock, shifting back to grass and eventually into a fine mix. She'd been walking for what felt like forever, and she'd noticed... A few things.

The direction she'd been walking was leading her towards a series of rocky hills and what appeared to be a small mountain pass. Secondly, she'd noticed a lot of burned land, like a fire had spread through. But the lack of trees or any pattern was disturbing, for despite having walked a while, she wasn't that far gone from normal civilization. Something fast wouldn't have to take a long trip to cause havoc.

But as she ventured closer to these rocky hills, she finally came across someone in this open expanse. From a distance, she couldn't tell if they were somehow a local or they took the 'dress up' quite seriously, it was like looking at a wizard. A small, middle aged wizard. "More... invited myself into the madness." Penny answered as she closed in on the man. Very wizard looking. Had pouches, a staff and potions and some gnarly looking runes on his arms.

They had a similar feeling to the runes along her blade, but she couldn't tell how she knew that. "Honestly. I just came to help." And kill. But that was more the sword's desire then anything else... Not that she'd say no to a good fight. "And so far, haven't been kicked out... But sure." She looked around. Not another person to be seen for what felt like miles. Yet this mountainous pass not far off was inviting.

"Well, I'm Penny. And seeing as we're the only two people out here right now. How about we... Party up? I imagine those fancy tattoo's aren't just for show?" She pointed her blade towards them, taking a general step and feeling the pulse of magic spread out past him. He was human. Something inhuman however, was in the direction of the rolling hills that led to the mountain, her head buzzing with whatever made that pulse of monster finding work. "Mines of Moria... Umm. Well. I imagine not a lot of this world is here just for the sake of being here. That mountain could hold secrets. Maybe even a clue as to how all this started..." Penny offered a direction for them, pointing in the direction she felt the inhuman creatures to be.

Even if she was wrong. The sword was growing heavy with a thirst and whatever was in the direction would have to do.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Alert Re: Who let the dragon out? (Sean)

Post by Arcana March 9th 2022, 4:49 pm

”Invited yourself huh? You poor girl,” Sean tutted, letting the staff sway between his fingers, and scanning the world around him. There had to be some kind of  task he could put himself to, free this city from whatever was holding it in thrall. Something was affecting this place, creating a demiplane where certain rules reigned instead of what was normal for the world. Was there a Zell for this world alone? If so he would have to find him, see if he could help set things right. If he were even interested in that kind of thing. Digging for his cellphone in his backrobe pocket, all Sean found was a smooth red stone with mouths and ear shaped bumps.

”Looks like my cellphone is a sending stone but I...doubt it’ll be making any important calls,” He muttered, frowning and looking to the girl with her sword. If this was what he thought it was, Sean might have a few spells that came with this kind of world. Muttering words under his breath, the sword within the womans hand and even her armor gave on a small amount of an aura. Magic items? Looking at himself, more light was coming off of him. Okay, so he could use a detect magic spell.  ”well if you wanna help, come along with me. Someone with a magic sword and some +1 armor might be useful,” Without saying anything else, he walked onwards and let her assume she should be following.

Pulling down his sleeves, Sean looked down to his tattoos and wondered how much of them were showing. ”Names Sean, but I guess I occasionally go by Arcana. Not sure what the tattoos do in this world, but I’m hoping that they’ll be useful to us on our journey or whatever,” Both of their eyes seemed to be on rolling hills that lead to a mountain which loomed in the distance, likely a place full of quests. He huffed softly, and sped up as quick as he could, though he imagined the girl with her longer legs wouldn’t have to try so hard. ”So how good are you with that sword? Think it’ll help us any if we have to fight any trolls or ogres?”

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Alert Re: Who let the dragon out? (Sean)

Post by Shadowoof March 9th 2022, 7:27 pm

Poor girl? This guy had a mouth on him... Or was a lot more powerful then his appearance portrayed. Now that she thought about it... He was right. Only those with power would come here, or those with a intense desire for role play. Again his clothing came to her mind. A wizard... Maybe he was like Lily. Magical in nature or at least ability since he was human.

That meant he was super handy to be alongside with at least. "Plus one armor?" Penny asked as she jogged along to catch up, walking alongside the strange man. Small too now that she walked alongside him. Not terribly so... But certainly noticed. "Magic sword? I am a devil slayer. An- Penny let the voice in her head drone out, apparently it had misgivings about just being called a simple magical weapon.

"Arcana? That some sort of hero name? I just go by Penny. Not really a hero. Just... Knowledgeable about the world that resides under the 'hero' world." The young woman shrugged. Heroes and villains. All they ever did was destroy places. She did her best to avoid situations with them... Except now she guessed. Not like this was a situation for them anyway.  But then Mr 'I'm also called Arcana,' asked her about the sword. Hefting the sword up onto her shoulder, the flat of the blade singing with the chain vest as they clashed. She didn't want to give a real answer to that. So she decided on close enough.

"Ahh. Getting better with it. It was really a confidence issue before... That and the sword is... heavier then normal." The sword had no explanation for that. Lily told her that swords weren't normally that heavy, certainly not ones of magical nature. Ever since then the blade had 'lightened' the load, even if she still felt that weight return once and a while. "As for what it can do... Well. It can kill anything as long as it isn't... Too tough. As for trolls and ogres... Guess we'll see." She left it on that.

The two traveled further, with Penny beginning to try and lead the way towards the rolling hills, the direction the sword cared to go. But once they got closer, she was met with apparent disappointment. Rocks. Lots of rocks. "So. Those tattoos. I imagine they do something. I mean, you said so yourself. I can't imagine this place changed them much if they were already of magical design. I didn't change much, but then the sword was really made for a place like this." Penny decided some conversation would help pass the time, perching herself near a large rock, looking it over... Weird. She looked along the ground, noticing that the ground looked as if it'd been disturbed. More accurately, like a large rock had been moved over it.

Walking around the rock, she noticed a groove in the dirt, leading deeper under the rock. "Do you think the mountain idea is b-" She started calling out for Sean, until she tried to take a step back, and found her foot didn't desire to move. She pulled harder, seeing a thick line of white... No. Silk. Her eyes widened, memories and fear flashed in her eyes as the ground rumbled and a large spider squeezed itself through from under the rock, slamming down onto the girl before she could even scream.

But her eyes opened, a tightness on her chest, fangs unable to piece the chain vest. Sword in hand, she grabbed it with both and shoved the blade into the spider's skull just as it tried to drag her back into it's nest, the spider hissing loudly before collapsing entirely on her. "Oh thank you so much Lil... Sean! Sean giant spiders! Giant fucking spiders." She called, her lower body crushed by the weight of a oversized spider, but her sight was quite clear. And what she saw was the small pebbles of the ground shaking, more groves in the rocks and hills.

Mountain was looking to be a bad idea. "If this is the beginning, then this has been a gooood idea."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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