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Dikaios - story NPC.

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Dikaios - story NPC. Empty Dikaios - story NPC.

Post by Dikaios August 22nd 2022, 8:14 pm



"Do not be overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good"

The Bio

Real Name: Dikaios (pronounced 'Dee-Kai-Os'
Hero Name: Dikaios.
Title: "Righteous & Just - Servant Warrior".
Alignment: Lawful Good - Holy - Incorruptible.
Age: N/A - since the dawn of time.
Gender: Adult male appearance.
Race: Spiritual/Celestial being - Angelic.
Hair: Mix of dark and mousey brown hair.
Eyes: Brown.
Height: 5ft 10inches Human appearance. Angelic appearance - 7ft.
Weight: 175lbs in human appearance and measurements, otherwise N/A in Angelic form until force is applied/interaction within the material universe.
Blood type: N/A.

The Looks

Angelic Appearence: Dikaios has the build of what an Olympic level male gymnasts body looks like i.e. not overly muscular like a bodybuilder or powerlifter, but a hyper athletic aesthetic - the way a warriors body should look like in perfect form. He has broad shoulders and a wide back to match, accompanied by two sets of strong broad wings. He has a chiselled jaw line and a heart-warming smile. He has a soft set of kind eyes for the most part which can just as easily change to a steely eyed look of unbreakable determination when required.

His neck, torso, arms, hands and back is covered in a solid interlocking angelic plate armour that shimmers and shines from the light of the heavens that reflects outwards from within him and around him. His torso is matched by a thick set of athletic legs that complete his bodies look of graceful power, but still a hyper power none the less. These also reflect the same light from within and around him and are also covered in plated angelic armour, inclusive of feet covering too. Dikaios can restrict this light so as to not disorientate and blind others though and to make conversation much easier with human mortals.

Human appearance: Dikaios will normally be seen wearing a slightly oversized light grey hoodie that is lined with a teddy fleece with closely fitted white t-shirt underneath and will be wearing standard stonewash dark blue denim jeans. His feet will normally be wearing a pair of casual style brown caterpillar boots. He can change this outward clothing at any time to any ‘style’ required for his mission. To any human he appears as a normal Caucasian/White English male who speaks with a deep voice, in a mostly authoritative tone, in a south-eastern English accent (Contemporary Recieved Pronunciation). Apart from his height changing here, his general build of his body does not change and stays very athletic looking in human appearance also. Age wise he will appear to be a man in his late twenties to early thirties depending on the estimation of the observer.

The Personality

Dikaios is not an automaton or drone with no free will, he has his own unique personality and own mind just as all the other angels of the Almighty do. Even though the servants as sons of the Most High all serve the same single will of their Heavenly Father, every single one of them thinks and laughs and jokes and even gets angry at times; they all go through a wide range of emotional responses but do so without contradicting the will of their Heavenly Father by allowing their emotions to rule them and thus deny the faith and fall into condemnation. Dikaios is fully able to sympathize with mortals and even joke with them and he walks a very fine line with interaction inside the mortal creation but never disobeys the will of his Heavenly Father.

He believes in order to help mortals; he must be able to interact with them on their level and understand the pain and striving they go through on the full spectrum of mortal emotions and experiences in general. Dikaios is always confident in his abilities, never shy, always faithful, humble, critically thinking, decisive, adept, warm hearted to mortals and is utterly devoted in love and duty to his brethren, the sanctified faithful of mankind and The Almighty Himself. With that being said, he is still an enforcer of the eternal moral law set out in creation and will not hesitate to obey his Heavenly Father's instructions to strike down a mortal if they go too far and thus have become spiritual reprobates by delighting in evil in their entirety. His allegiance and determination to all his duties and purpose are unbreakable and this transfers over into his shift in mindset during combat. Dikaios will never show fallen spiritual beings’ intent on evil any mercy. He will engage them and execute them with an extreme prejudice to extinguish the evil they represent which only poisons anything it touches and continues to make more mortals fall into transgression and further evil.

His attitude towards mortals is a lot more lenient as he understands that mortals whilst having a soul and direct connection to the spiritual realm (whether they are cognizant of this or not), are still but flesh and bone; subject to time, space and matter and therefore they do not always know what is best for themselves and make great errors in their life's journey. Because of this, Dikaios's extension of grace and mercy in order to teach and guide is just as powerful as his determination to abhor all evil and to purge it. He knows that human mortals have a special place within their Heavenly Father’s heart; if only they would return to Him by choosing to.

However, anyone who second guesses Dikaios's kindness and mercy for weakness will soon find themselves appointed to wrath because grace extended is no licence to consciously continue in evil. As such Dikaios's personality can be narrowed down into four categories:

1 - Remain holy as his Heavenly Father is holy.
2 - Delay, deter, disrupt and destroy the fallen angels, their spiritual wickedness and its offspring anywhere in creation and in the spiritual realms/alternate realities/realms inclusive also.
3 - Protect, teach and guide humans so that as many as possible will exercise their own free will and choose to be with the Most High - The Almighty, having accepted His salvation; so that when their lifespan expires in the created universe they can enter into paradise within the safety and tranquillity of His Heavenly Kingdom and finally be at peace, knowing no more fear, no more corruption or death or struggle ever again.
4 - Never directly override/remove a human's free will of choice unless by explicit command from his Heavenly Father - the King of Kings - The Almighty.

As much as Dikaios is a teacher, healer and guide, he is still a warrior first and his duty as a loyal soldier in his Heavenly Father's army is of prime importance. He will never abandon his mission as it is just as much a part of him as his own fabric of being is.

The Story

At the dawn of creation, everything that was made was brought forth. Everything that would-be could now be brought forth from what was. In this moment, the full heavenly angelic host were also brought into existence to serve the will of the creator, their Heavenly Father and He the King of Kings and Lord of Lords on High. He and The King were fully one in unity from before creation and by the King of King’s will came forth the armies of heaven in the form of the angelic host. Their purpose: to see across the creation and ensure the natural order of things was not disrupted by anything of the immaterial, spiritual realm, which was not dependant on anything that exists in time, space and matter.

Across the entirety of every possible outcome via every living being, via every molecule, via every atom, via every subatomic particle, via every immaterial power; all choices, pathways, existences and realms, all woven together like a spiro graphical kaleidoscope for everything that ever was and will be in the material and immaterial; the Heavenly Father – The Almighty, stood supreme as the creator over all.

Within the centre of this impossibly complex structure, He centred the earth. Perfectly placed in the exact centre of the spiro graphical kaleidoscope of all creation. Here He chose to make mankind with flesh in His image to represent Him and His likeness within physical material creation as part of His divine heavenly council. With such a glorious moment having taken place upon this planet He named Earth, He charged the angelic host to watch over and look after mankind. To guide them into right relationship with Him without imposing upon their free will to choose. However, within the impossibly vast array of choices and immaterial mechanics that would weave together like a tapestry for everything that has its path as a direct result of choices, dissention would grow from within the highest ranking angels into an outright rebellion, taking their entire command structures with them resulting in one third of the heavenly angelic host rebelling and falling into an eternal transgression; refusing to be classed as lower in the hierarchy of the King of Kings divine heavenly council, refusing to serve, protect and guide mankind and thus, a cataclysmic war in the heavens broke out which would reverberate across the entire creation, resulting in corruption of forces in both the material and immaterial realms.

As the war progressed up to the highest heaven, the angelic brethren crashed into one another like bolts of terrific and terrifying rapid lightning strikes with a thunder so deep it shook the material and immaterial cosmos throwing chaos into where there was once order. In amongst this battle, a Guardian Angel of the Archangel Authorities that was under the direct command of Archangel Michael, who himself and all others were under the supreme command of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, stood firm against his fallen brethren who had betrayed the love of their brothers and their King of Kings in pursuit of a vain and self-destructive goal which would only have one end – eternal separation from the heavens and damnation in a realm without hope and which only has the presence of eternal suffering that not even the angelic host had the power to overcome.

Upon his creation, Dikaios from amongst the powers, had been moved into the Archangel Authorities command structure to answer directly to Michael as his commanding officer in the angelic host. It was upon his birth into the creation, fully formed, that his powers and entirety of purpose were realised. To love and to serve, and because he loves he must protect that which he serves. His unity of being never having ever been in contradiction, even with free choice, he understood his purpose and was loyal, faithful and content in his entirety. He could not be swayed by even the most perverted talebearing guile of his fallen brethren which were now by choice of their own, eternal adversaries of their creator, he and his brethren and mankind which he was sworn to protect and serve.

The war ended abruptly and decisively when the King of King’s intervened. The entirety of the angelic host rallied to His side, with Dikaios forming up specifically within the Archangel’s many battalions of angelic warriors. The King of King’s spoke only but a word and the rebellion was crushed in totality. The rebellious angelic host cast out from the heavens due to the power of the word from the King of Kings, their rebellion and evil desires twisting them to reveal what they have chosen to be in the inner most being and morphing them into abominations as they fragged and splintered across the entire creation in both the immaterial and material realms, never able to set foot in the heavenly kingdom ever again. Never able to reconcile due to the corruption they spread and their unlawfulness in fracturing the order of the divine council.

Immediately after their crushing, Dikaios and the entirely of the angelic host, sheathed their angelic weaponry and bowed low in complete reverence and obedience to the King of Kings, the ultimate warrior and the ultimate in authority in all things.

Then came the orders.

The angelic host was not privy to the entirety of their creator’s plan and the entirely of His will, for even they could not contain such words of power which never return empty handed. They only knew of what had already been made certain to them by His word and this is how they were to operate in all circumstances. The King of Kings now announced to the angelic armies that conflict from then on will continue until the fullness of mankind has been brought into the heavenly kingdom at a time of His choosing. The angelic host were to enable this by His word alone and that which was made certain to them in their purpose in creation; none of which was ever in contradiction.

The rebels had made their choice. The rebels desired power, even an attempt to snatch earth out from under the King of Kings to destroy mankind and carve out their own slice of creation to be moulded in their warped image. But this all-encompassing power which could only be used for such tasks such as creation on such a scale, was not available for grabs, it could never be theirs and they could never contain it. Yet in the majesty of choice, the King of Kings would still be glorified by His chosen which was mankind, and subsequently all creation. For His ways are higher than all of creations ways by its choices and His thoughts higher than all of creations thoughts. In this the angelic host knew that all was not lost. What for a moment had seemed and thought like the crumbling of the great founding kingdom, was washed away in the briefest and most decisive of moments whereby the creator reminded the entirely of the angelic host that He was in full control of every outcome, knowing every outcome and thereby able to bring all things to conclusion in accordance with His will alone because there is none besides Him.

And so, Dikaios, tested from battle against the first sparks of such a terrible evil, was dispatched to the Earth, the very centre at which all immaterial and material creation converged, with the heavenly kingdom residing above it. Eventually mankind would fall from grace. Mankind’s choice to learn of evil and thereby unlawfulness was of great grief to Dikaios. He and others had been engaged with a fallen incursion into the creation and were doing battle during the time of the fall. The fall from grace itself meant that the entire creation became corrupted as the divine council of The Almighty, Mankind & The Angelic Host was now totally shattered. The chaos that ensued due to the choice of evil, corrupted all realms of creation and thus the power of corruption known as sin, took form and began to spread out as an evil entity across the entire creation. It’s tentacle-like reach, the colour of black tar, wrapping itself around the cosmos and seeping as a poison into every particle, causing death and decay. This was possible due to the earth being the exact centre of the creation itself which intercepted every other layer. The enemy thought that they had won the bigger battle by derailing mankind into a transgressed status and put them on course for destruction with them and the entire creation as the most ultimate act of spite to their creator, but Dikaios and the other loyal angelic host trusted in the plan of their creator and were assured within their being that no choice is outside of the reach of the King of Kings because nothing can be hidden from Him. However now that sin was manifested, its desire was to have everything, and the fallen angelic host made it their mission to corrupt creation at every level to feed the power of sin and thus enable their own power to increase alongside it.

From then on, by age to age, Dikaios was sent to guide and protect specific humans and communities of humans and from age to age he did battle with the fallen angels and their demonic offspring, rebuking sin, vanquishing them back into the immaterial where they could no longer rise again until after the time when the fullness of mankind has come to an end and been brought into the heavenly kingdom; then the great judgement will take place and the fallen along with their works, their offspring, their sympathisers and all sin in creation will be separated into destruction, never to manifest again. Such was the poison of evil upon all creation, that it was only suited to such a strong eternal judgement of wrath unceasing.

Until that time arrives, he must persevere in purpose and faith, and he now stands in the present era of mankind in creation, in the present year, month and day according to their calendar. Residing in the nation of England for now as much work is needed to be done with the latest generation of humans who have been led astray even further by their choices, thus giving the fallen destructive powers more influence over them. Dikaios must battle the demonic hordes and the very powerful fallen angelic host who stood at various ranks within the angelic order, some of which even higher than he.

As the ages have passed, more beings from the physical and spiritual realms have been drawn unto the earth, to cross paths with it and to reside on it. The earth itself has become a superhighway of material and immaterial beings and powers, representing a whole myriad of morals and complex choices. How fascinating it was that he was chosen and sent into the middle of this and to do his role in fulfilling the plan of the creator, even when the entire roadmap was not clear to even his angelic perception.

The Powers

Angelic Martial Perfection – The sum of all mortal’s combat abilities was taught to them by fallen angels and this was but a portion of the angelic knowledge and combat prowess the angelic host possess. Thus, Dikaios, a Power, a class of Guardian Angel under the command of the Archangel Authorities, is specifically tailored for combat across all spiritual and mortal plains of existence. There is not a plain of existence that he cannot fight within and no adversary outside of his challenge.

This does not necessitate automatic victory, in fact far from it as there are spiritual beings more powerful than he is and some mortal beings more powerful than he is if he takes on physical mortal form, but Dikaios can still battle them and harm them should be strike a blow, so long as they are not too far above his power/abilities. Dikaios’s wings not only act as additional thrust and all directional manoeuvrability but also as both independent offensive and defensive weaponry to enhance his combat lethality; they can stab, slice, sweep and smash in attack. In defence they can shield/block, parry, redirect and even create a vortex of energy in a form of a powerful shockwave to push opponents away.

Dikaios’s speed, strength, endurance and overall longevity remain unaffected in the spiritual realm where he can keep fighting at maximum potential until receiving a fatal wound from a near peer, peer level or above peer spiritual being. In the physical mortal realm in solid form, he can take enormous amounts of punishment both self-induced and inflicted upon him before fatigue from exertion and/or injury sets in to slow him down. He is capable of lifting city sized objects without much trouble and has yet to find an upper limit to his strength. In the physical mortal form, he can receive fatal blows from mortal weapons, albeit not a great deal of mortal weapons can actually harm him due to not being tough enough to firstly penetrate his armour and secondly his flesh itself which is tough enough to withstand forces generated from light speed movement.

Damage would need to be inflicted upon him by a near-peer level, peer level or above peer level foe. Dikaios’s combat speed is not separate from his flight speed and the force he can exert in his strikes is also equivalent to that which comes from an object with the same weight travelling at faster than light speeds. In the physical mortal form this power is restrained whilst fighting on a planets surface due to the major destructive forces that would occur to a planet should he and another being engaged in combat at such speeds. Dikaios would only do so if the situation required it.

Dikaios does not normally engage in combat in the mortal plain of existence unless by two exceptions:
1: An evil spiritual entity breaks the veil wall and enters the mortal realms, meaning he now has legitimate authority also to move into the mortal spectrum to engage and destroy the evil incursion.
2: Explicit command by the King of Kings i.e. such as the coming end times after the fullness of humanity has been brought into the heavenly kingdom and the King of Kings enters into all plains of existence to annihilate all evil in totality as part of the final act of judgement before the entire creation itself is remade.

He retains the ability to move in and out of the spiritual and physical plains of existence at will and reveal himself into the visible spectrum to mortals at will and as stated above, he will not enter physical solid form in the creation unless by the above two exceptions. Dikaios can and does retreat if the situation calls for it. He understands ‘living to fight another day’ just as equally as he does in standing his ground during a fight to the death. Having a firm balance of this is what has kept him alive and operating so long in the realms below the Heavenly Kingdom. He strategizes to enable a higher chance of success and is fearless when knowing that the mission requires him to roll his sleeves up and get stuck in to facilitate a desired outcome by force.

Angelic Soul Sense – Using his angelic vision, Dikaios can visually see every soul/spirit on any plain of existence and for every individual soul, he can see if they have transgressed (i.e., the things they have done wrong such as evil things thought of, spoken and carried out in action) due to markings left on their souls conscience that acts like a ledger and is present on all beings (physical & immaterial) able to make moral choices (right & wrong). This enables him to see through any material or immaterial on any plain of existence so long as he is connected to the source of his power that comes from the heavenly Kingdom above. Generally speaking, he can see close detail up to a mile away at surface/ground level.

For example, if Dikaios were to be in England but wish to look for a soul on the other side of the country, he would need to ascend higher into the air in order to look down from above and scan for it. The further the distance, the higher he must go and so forth and scan for it with his own eyes. In order to know where any soul precisely is at any time, he must return to the heavenly Kingdom where everything can be seen upon petition within his angelic command structure i.e. Archangel Michael and ultimately the supreme commander, the King of Kings. Everything he does must have a legitimate purpose and it cannot be done just because ‘he feels like it’.

The mission necessitates actions and no evil his hidden from his angelic eyes line of sight, nothing he ever does is out of any selfish ambition or purpose, everything is for the glory of the King of Kings and His Kingdom. Viewing the creation from the Heavenly Kingdom allows him to look down over it all but scanning from this level by himself would be an insurmountable task for him alone, hence the petition to higher ranking angels to help find a soul faster or go directly to the King of Kings for an exact ‘real time’ location.

Angelic Perception –Dikaios can draw out hidden entities on any plain of existence and bring them into the visible mortal spectrum. This could be a demon hiding within a person or simply showing a human being the true spiritual reality that runs in parallel with the mortal plains of existence i.e., opening a person’s eyes to see through the veil over their own mortal plain of existence. Dikaios can see through any object or between voids in realities/plains of existence. There is no darkness so dark or emptiness so bleak that he cannot see through it.

Angelic Cognition – Dikaios can perceive and think at speeds much faster than light in the same way that he can physically move faster than light speed.

Angelic Soul Speak – Angel’s speak to one another in their own unique tongue and can do so with words via mouth or via a form of soul connection that does not rely on telepathic communication. It instead emanates from within a being’s inner spirit and thereby enables Dikaios to communicate with any being and even learn their language so that he can communicate to them with visual/physical speech should he choose to.

Angelic Flight – Whilst this isn’t exactly a ‘power’ due to Dikaios having two sets of broad and powerful wings, his flight is not limited by gravitational forces or restricted per se by the laws of the mortal universe. Being able to navigate the interconnected webs of realms and plains of existence requires Dikaios to be constantly connected to the heavenly Kingdom in order to navigate it and travel quickly. In the spiritual realms, travel for most of the heavenly host, including the fallen, can be near instantaneous depending on the realm of destination and how quickly a spiritual being knows how to navigate to it. Generally speaking, Dikaios knows how to navigate above the earth, across the earth and below the earth to any point so long as he has a general reference point e.g. “xyz is in Cairo, Egypt” – Dikaios knows where this is, irrespective of where he is positioned on the earth and doesn’t need to ascend into the earth’s atmosphere very often to locate a place. Once he visits a location in the material or immaterial he will always know how to get there again.

The angelic armies will usually by way of protocol, visit the heavenly Kingdom first to get a true navigational bearing and then proceed directly to their destination without error. There are still those who can do this but also choose to navigate by way of memory and sense alone which can lead to longer journey times and sometimes, on rare occasions ending up in the completely wrong place – a place that could be very hostile. This is because of the chaotic nature that exists across all realms beneath the heavenly kingdom since the fall, meaning realms can change significantly in purpose and destination depending on what power has the most (temporary) influence over it.

Within the mortal realm, Dikaios’s flight speed is roughly three times faster than light speed, enabling him to circle the earth at its equator twenty-four times in one second. Dikaios can do this due to being a spiritual being who isn’t travelling through physical limitations within time, space and matter like a lot of mortal beings are even when he is travelling through the mortal realms. He creates no drag effect upon acceleration and when passing by any material object irrespective of whether he is travelling at maximum speed. But he instead warps the spiritual realm around himself and travels through it leaving a trail of heavenly light that is brighter than the sun where his body is and a quickly dissipating trail of light that sparks off a few feet away from tips of his armoured angelic boots. Dikaios can turn in any direction whilst in flight, irrespective of his speed without the laws of physics preventing him from doing so.

If he does have to take on his physical solid form in the mortal realm, then he retains the abilities to travel at the same speed, albeit he does not do so in planetary atmosphere due to the damage it would cause because the laws of physics apply. He would tend to move at supersonic to high-hypersonic speeds but being a physical entity at that point, also means he could be tracked by sophisticated military radar systems and other more advanced systems if they exist until he entered higher speeds up to light speed and faster than light speed. If there is a technology that can still track objects at lightspeed then Dikaios can be tracked by this until he changes back into his true spiritual form and vanishes from the spectrum of mortal detection.

Angelic Healing – Dikaios can use the connection he has to the source from the heavenly kingdom to heal mortals from spiritual & magical curses and physical/psychological injuries/diseases. He can draw poisons and toxins out from a mortal’s body and heal catastrophic wounds, regenerate missing limbs and heal poisoning and severe disease that could easily lead to death. He cannot bring any mortal back after they have died as he does not have the authority nor ability to do this. Dikaios must use his hands to impart the healing, irrespective of how minor or severe the injury is or when life threatening toxic/poisons/disease has caused a mortal to fall gravely sick. If he is holding his sword or spear, then these are extensions of himself and can be used to impart the same healing.

Purity Wall – Dikaios can put up a purity wall which helps prevent any form of evil from taking over an individual or a community of people. He can use this purity wall on people’s homes to sanctify the entire household and thus afford every individual in the household spiritual armour when they leave the safety of their home. He can place this wall around an entire community or larger area if the community is sanctified. This power is drawn from the source within the heavenly Kingdom and is entirely dependent on two factors:
1 – the individual’s strength of faith; the more their walk with the King of Kings is as it should be, the stronger the purity wall and the armour it provides is. Thus, the opposite is also true, the weaker in their spiritual walk they are the less protection they have, and malicious spiritual entities can break through because the individual has chosen to weaken themselves.
2 – Dikaios’s connection to the heavenly Kingdom.

Angelic Escape – Dikaios cannot win every battle and perceive every outcome, he is not invincible, and he is not omniscient. There are many fallen angels that he simply does not have the power and combat ability to defeat and likewise in physical mortal form, there are mortal beings which are just as powerful. Whilst he will fight these evil beings irrespective of their power, he will be in great peril whilst he does so. Legions and powerful hordes of demonic entities can also overcome Dikaios if they become too numerous, if he is suddenly entrapped within a specific general locality factor and his connection the source at the Heavenly Kingdom is disrupted and weakened. In physical mortal form, he can be in peril with a peer level or above peer level adversary fights him with a view to destroy him.

Therefore, Dikaios has a bail-out system which he can utilise to escape if his situation becomes unwinnable or if in an emergency, he requires it. Activating this escape uses up most of his inner being’s energy, it envelops Dikaios in a solid pillar of light and rips him back through every and any realm into the Heavenly Kingdom. Once activated it cannot be intercepted, hijacked or stopped as the connection to the source is from the King of Kings and He controls all the pathways. Once Dikaios near instantaneously arrives back in the Heavenly Kingdom, he cannot return back to where he came from nor leave the Heavenly Kingdom for some time. He must take time to rejuvenate from the brief exposure to the power that is enabled from his creator the King of Kings, a power of which that even the most fleeting of exposure to, very nearly consumes and destroys him or any of the other loyal angelic host that use it, irrespective of their rank.

The Weaknesses

Connection to the source within the Heavenly Kingdom – Whilst Dikaios is still an angel, a power in his own right and a spiritual entity not to be taken lightly, his overall spiritual covering comes from the Heavenly Kingdom. Should Dikaios depart in any way from the authority here then he will lose his connection and be cut off. Whilst he will retain his martial prowess, his very being will begin to become subject to external forces as he begins to solidify into a mortal being and ultimately, lose all his supernatural spiritual abilities. Depending on the severity of the transgression, the punishment could also be outright damnation into eternal wrath along with the fallen, or total annihilation on the spot.

Evil spiritual entities are constantly at work to dampen the connection that the loyal angelic host have with the Heavenly Kingdom, and this is done to disrupt their travel times between realms, disrupt their connection to other loyal angels so individual angels can be isolated and attacked more easily and to prevent prayers from the faithful being answered. Evil entities know that not even the highest-ranking angels can get behind the wall to view the ‘source code’ so to speak. Instead, they work on the front side of spiritual creation, seeking to disrupt the loyal angel’s connection via a series of spiritual sorcery rituals and by setting traps for the loyal angelic host which keep them trapped within a specific locality either in the mortal or spiritual plain until the loyal angel either breaks free, has aid sent to him to enable his freedom or is killed by the fallen angels and/or hordes of their demonic offspring.

Existence Death – Dikaios can be killed by fallen angels and/or demonic hordes if they are able to overcome him in combat. He can also be killed on the physical mortal plain by a peer level or above peer level adversary. At times, mortal sympathisers can work with spiritual evil to enable this outcome by totally corrupting a nation which sets up a super stronghold for the fallen entities to inhabit and thus open a portal from hell and other realms to allow an entire army of fallen beings to take it over in the spiritual and even attempt to break through to the physical mortal realm, opening up a literal portal from hell into the mortal existence and invading it.

The same affect can be achieved by totally corrupting a city that Dikaios is present within, as a type of trap so that legions of demons led by chief demons and even fallen angels themselves can surge into the spiritual gap and attack the loyal angelic host, even overcome them if they are too numerous and/or too powerful in the spiritual hierarchy. The opposite is also true with the loyal angels setting up traps for the fallen in order to purge them; such is the nature of these tactical war manoeuvres. Evil entities are despatched and sent down to hell and depending on the rank of the evil entity, they either must remain in hell until the end of all things or wait until they have reacquired enough spiritual power from dark deeds to ascend again. The loyal angels are also subject to this; if they are killed, they go back up to the Heavenly Kingdom to remain indefinitely until the end of all things or they are renewed with spiritual power from the faithful’s prayers and can descend again to the lower creation and carry on with their mission.

Mortal Risk – If Dikaios must enter the physical mortal realm and take on a solid physical form such as to counter a demonic incursion that has broken the veil and violated the physical realm, then he can be damaged and even killed in the mortal realm also; his angelic armour is not just for spiritual weapons but carries over into the physical for such scenarios also. Dikaios will take his powers and skills with him but, having a physical body also means that someone or something in the physical mortal realm may have an ability that could kill him. He will be as tough as a mountainside to press against and as swift as light in speed, but that does not mean that there are not more powerful physical beings who can overcome him.

It also means that his movement also carries the laws of the physical universe with it and moving at such speeds in atmosphere would cause severe destruction to a planet’s surface stability as well as battling another mortal being on such a level would, therefore he limits his speed on such occasions unless the situation calls for it or if he enters the vacuum of space. If Dikaios dies whilst participating in Mortal Risk, then his angelic spirit goes back to the Heavenly Kingdom and he cannot leave the Heavenly Kingdom to descend below again, even in the spiritual, for a long time.

Bound Trapping – Whilst Dikaios is a heavenly angel, he can still be trapped by the forces of darkness and locked into an evil spiritual bind which prevents his movement in a locality. More powerful binds can hold him in one location for a limited time until he has built up enough holy energy from the source at the Heavenly Kingdom to break free from it. Mortal sympathisers of evil can do this, but they can only do this by contacting a fallen angel of peer level or above peer level power to do it. Otherwise, they must summon a demonic prince who leads a legion of lesser demons in order to surround the holy angel and enable the trapping.

Distortion of Angelic Perception – Evil spiritual forces can dampen his sight so that he cannot utilise his soul sense any further than a few meters in front of him. This enables the forces of evil to spring ambushes upon him very quickly when planned right or enables them to misdirect him away from their intended target(s) and therefore disrupt his mission. Mortal sympathisers of evil can influence this also by summoning the powers from within hell to disrupt the work of the holy angels and thus, attach the tasks to hordes of demons to carry out.

Cursed Healer – There are times when the forces of darkness can temporarily snatch away Dikaios’s ability to heal a mortal or spiritual being either in part or in totality. This is most often prevalent when they disrupt his connection to the source in the Heavenly Kingdom, but this cannot be done just by any demon or fallen angel. It must be done by a peer level or above peer level foe or by a group of lesser fallen angels. Another exception to this is if legions of demons work in unity to diminish his connection to the source and this is often the case when mortal sympathisers of evil intent are aware of holy angelic presence and do not wish for the righteous to prevail.

Levels of Hell – Dikaios cannot just stroll past the gates of hell like a one-man army video game character. He has many trillions of enemies there that grow in number and in power all the time whilst sin is still in existence. As such, evil forces can plan here and be well out of his levels of perception and sight. The only angelic beings which can go directly into hell are the Archangels themselves or the creator; ‘The Almighty – The King of Kings and Lord of Lords’, which the entire host of hell and sin flees from into hell’s seemingly never-ending crevasses and abysses. Dikaios can visit the gates of hell, but his connection to the source will be severely weakened and as such, Dikaios will only view hell from afar. The outer realms closest to hell are fraught with hyper dangerous evil entities that Dikaios is not afraid to fight but he is perfectly cognizant of the fact that he could easily be overwhelmed on his own. Put simply, the closer he operates to hell, the higher chance he has of encountering not just one but multiple peer level and above peer enemies. If Dikaios does visit hell, then he will be accompanied by many his brothers from the Archangel Command.

The Items

Angelic Sword (see ‘Appearance’ section) – This blessed and holy blade is so sharp on its double edges that Dikaios could slice open the very fabric of existence itself if required and/or if The Almighty commanded him to. His sword can therefore cut straight through spiritual beings, dealing holy spiritual damage which weakens evil spiritual entities, and he can also use it to slice through mortal beings just as easily. The pummel on the end of the sword handle can also be utilised as a striking weapon with its spike underneath. If he enters the physical mortal realm and summons it from the Heavenly Kingdom to his hand instantaneously, it can be used against pretty much anything in the physical mortal realm also.

There are not many known substances in the physical creation that can stop his angelic blade from slicing through it or penetrating it during a stabbing motion. Dikaios has yet to see a mortal alloy or energy field withstand his sword. His blade is drawn from spiritual energy and Dikaios by his own spiritual will commands it into being so he can wield it against his foes. If Dikaios is disarmed of it, he can command it to return instantaneously back to his firm grasp. His indomitable angelic will is what this is all based on and enables this action.

Angelic Spear – This is a long double-headed spear (10ft in total length) made of the same blessed holy energy from the Heavenly Kingdom forming a solid structure. It has the same properties as his sword and like his sword he can summon it back to him instantly if it is outside of his grip. The front end has a large double edged blade that shines with holy light from within it. The bottom/rear of the spear has a large spike of the same properties, albeit not double edged. Dikaios can also split the shaft of the spear into two instantaneously and hold each in either hand in order to utilise them as two weapons instead of one (i.e. think Escrima/Arnis/Kali) and merge them back together into a spear seamlessly.
Dikaios - story NPC. Spear_10

Angelic Buckler (see ‘Appearance’ section) – Controlled by his indomitable will, this is also drawn instantaneously from the Heavenly Kingdom and acts as an additional layer of offensive and defensive weaponry for smashing/striking, deflection/parrying and shielding purposes. Dikaios can alternate the buckler to either arm by his will whenever the situation requires it.

Angelic Armour (see ‘Appearance’ section) – His armour acts not just as a spiritual seal over his tunic but also a physical seal of protection around his body. It is made from the same spiritual energetic elements that comprise his weaponry only his armour is much thicker for additional protection and is formed with a series of interlocking plates for manoeuvrability with protection. It covers his entire torso, back, arms/forearms, legs, hands, feet and neck and does not hinder his movements due to its almost ‘weightless’ feel. Heavenly light shimmers from within it, giving his armour a bright yet soft glow on to mortal eyes.

The Minions


The Fluff

Mortal Shelter – He can take shelter in churches only where the faithful worship The Almighty - The King of King’s, in spirit and in truth, creating a sanctuary due to the spiritual presence of the Most High being active there via the faithful’s choice to dwell with Him. Churches that are not faithful are of no help to Dikaios, can offer him no shelter and are likely to be inhabited by evil spiritual forces controlling the congregation.

Heavenly Kingdom Network – This is more of an inter-dimensional, beyond mortal-fast spiritual internet network than it is a power that crosses all spiritual and physical realms. This is a network of holy light that connects all the loyal angelic host to the Heavenly Kingdom, with one another and with sanctified people and communities on the earth and elsewhere across the realms of existence, the angelic host can hear the prayers of the sanctified faithful and those who are seeking to be sanctified and be saved. This can be used in conjunction with soul sense to come to the aid of a believer very quickly. The loyal angelic host can use this to transmit information to one another and across the Kingdom when they are not actually present in the Heavenly Kingdom. This spiritual network of sorts underpins all creation and is presided over entirely by the King of Kings Himself. No other being of any kind can view it or gain access to it without His direct permission. The King of Kings controls every part of it, and it can never be out of His control at any time or any place.

Angelic Will – This is an indomitable will of purpose in his being and in mission. Dikaios is always faithful and will never abandon his tasks, his brothers, nor those he is sent to watch over and he will never abandon his heavenly home. Dikaios will never choose to side with evil in any form. His choice is absolute on these matters and are non-negotiable. Whereas the opposite is true with the fallen angels; where the end always justifies the means and supposed loyalty is expendable, if it were ever there to begin with…

Angelic Defence – Dikaios is invulnerable to mortal weapons because mortal weapons do not affect spiritual beings. The material plains of existence are lesser in both reality and abilities, than the spiritual plains of existence and thus, Dikaios is not subject to the will or limitations of anything within time, space and matter. The only exception to this is when he undertakes Mortal Risk (see ‘Weaknesses’ for reference).

Immaterial Movement – Dikaios is an angel and as a spiritual being he can travel through any object, wall and indeed through anything within the mortal plain of existence. He can walk through an entire mountainside and out the other side if he chooses to. He can descend through the layers of a planet and move through any type of weather, atmosphere, atmospheric phenomenon and cosmic phenomenon such as black holes, solar storms, super/hyper nova’s etc. He can move through any dimensions and realms of the immaterial also.

The RP Sample

The morning light broke through the soft clouds over England. The previous nights ground moisture began to shine as the first rays of sunlight reflected off the surface water, turning streets and fields into reflective mirrors, intensifying the morning light. It was Saturday morning, and every Saturday a group of faithful believers, followers of ‘The Way’, gathered at a local community centre on the outskirts of North-West London in the Borough of Barnet. This was the last week in March, not warm enough yet to risk leaving the house without a coat, and so the early risers of Barnet would pass one another by, some walking, others jogging and others cycling, with some saying the familiar but equally welcoming “good morning” to one another as they passed, not truly knowing one another by name but only by face and routine.

Daniel like many was up early. His morning routine motto was “no Good Book no breakfast” and had been the past five years since his conversion, having been born again. He had seen his fair troubles in his teens and early twenties but had ended up eventually coming to ground to settle down with a career and place his mind on putting roots down. Afterall, there was only so much partying and living for self that one could do. If they truly wished to have a settled life, then they would need to organise themselves and for lack of a better term – grow up.

For Daniel, his life had changed rather ironically when he had been out partying in his early twenties. It had a been a typical night with his friends from university, but he had got separated from them after spending a little too much time talking to a lady in a nightclub. He found himself leaving later than his friends had done from the nightclub to walk to the next where his friends had sent a message to his mobile phone telling him they were there.

Enroute, albeit a bit stumbly, he was called over by a man who stood underneath an assortment of streetlamps which ran around a minor garden display in the thoroughfare. Daniel hazily looked over, his vision taking just a faction or two to catch up due to his intoxication from a night of heavy drinking. There he saw a man, slightly older than he was, but looking just as youthful nonetheless, wearing a thick grey hooded top and casual looking jeans. The man gently beckoned him to approach and warmly smiled as Daniel came over.

With the echoes and thumping of music from various bars and clubs mixing in the background, the man began to speak. “Hi, my name is Dikaios” said the well-built and athletic looking man, Daniel’s senses reconfiguring somewhat more now that he had slowed down to talk to the man who had just introduced himself. Daniel didn’t feel afraid in this man’s presence, whether it was due to other young people like himself walking up and down the thoroughfare also, he couldn’t quite tell, either way he felt oddly relaxed. He gestured slowly with his left hand to an opened sports bag that had a case of commonly labelled plastic bottles filled with water. “Would you like some water my friend? My brothers and I have been handing them out all night and speaking to people here” he said as he again gestured gently with his left hand, pointing up and down the thoroughfare at three other men of varying stature and skin complexions who were in conversation with individuals and small groups.

“Hmm, OK” responded Daniel, thinking he had nothing to lose by taking a bottle of water. Consciously he really wanted a drink of water but it just wasn’t the thing he and his friends did normally until they arrived home; it was always more alcohol if they ever felt thirsty.

“May I ask your name also please? I’m not so sure if you caught on to what I was saying but my name is Dikaios”, his left hand reaching forward this time for a handshake. Daniel managed a low smile of approval and shook his hand. “Daniel, my name is Daniel”. Dikaios smiled warmly and broadly. “Nice to meet you Daniel, please; take a few mouthfuls of water in your own time and I’d like to have a quick chat with you, no more than one or two minutes at the most if that’s ok with you? I don’t want to keep you here talking all night, well; that’s not the plan anyway.”

Daniel smirked between large gulps of water. Dik-ai-os…. Dikaios? Where is that name from?” he asked puzzled. Dikaios, cheerfully responded whilst chuckling a bit “It’s a Greek name, maybe if you remember our chat tomorrow you can look it up or something”. Daniel chuckled back knowing that Dikaios was making a light joke of his intoxicated state.

Dikaios raised up his right hand, holding a leatherbound book. “Have you read the Good Book my friend? What do you think about all this ‘heaven & hell’ and ‘God’ and ‘am I a good person’, ‘what is the meaning of life’ and all that stuff in general?”

Part of Daniel’s mind was telling him to leave, another part was telling him to stay and mock the guy and the other part was saying to him that he had been thinking about these questions on and off for a while now, but he never had the courage to talk to anyone about it, much less any reference point to help him considering there were so many options out there talking about all this stuff, how could he ever know which was the right one?

Against what he thought was his own judgement, he decided to stay. “Erm, well…I guess, I have thought about it a bit before, I mean ‘who doesn’t?’ at one point in their life, right?” Dikaios merely nodded and smiled, using his eyes only to suggest to Daniel that he keep on talking. “Well, there’s so many religions out there that I wouldn’t know where to begin but they all have the same truths to them in some form or another. So, I mean I think I’m a good person and I think that if I just do good things and look after the ones I love then, if there is a ‘God’, he or she or ‘it’ will take care of me now and when I die”, Daniel shrugged his shoulders a little bit as he finished his sentence.

Dikaios took a half step forward “you know, those aren’t silly thoughts and you’re one of many, millions of people in fact, who ask those questions because, life is problematic and we have a lot of struggles in this life and sometimes we think and say and do things we didn’t mean to do, like bad things, but it happens anyway. Am I right? Does that apply to you also?”. Daniel almost submissively nodded in agreement, he wasn’t about to lie outright to a man he had never met before yet had shown him very basic and kind hospitality when he could probably have been off doing something else if he wished.

Continuing in his engaging yet gentle tone, Dikaios pressed the conversation further “yes, see the Good Book says that ‘all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God’ so none of us are really any better than the other. We tend to think of ourselves, which naturally to us is a ‘defence thing’, that ‘oh I’m not as bad as that guy over there or this guy in the newspaper’. Does that make sense?" Dikaios finished with a smile. Daniel again nodded, a lot more fixed on the words he was saying and surprisingly feeling more sober now than he had expected to be after half a bottle of water. He even looked at the bottle label, examining it briefly with a small thought of “this is some good water…I need to get some of this stuff tomorrow” before returning his thoughts back to the conversation, pretending he hadn’t zoned out for the briefest of moments.

Dikaios smiled again, letting Daniel know that he was fully aware of Daniel's mind having gotten distracted. “So what that really means is that if we have ever thought, spoken or done something bad then we have sinned in the sight of Almighty God and that means there is a break in our relationship with Him, it’s like an incompatibility of sorts which means we cannot be where He is because we have done bad things – the Good Book calls this ‘sin’ and it’s what separates us from God by our own free choices when we do the wrong thing. Do you understand the basic concept I am trying to get across to you?”

Daniel again nodded, growing ever more sober with each minute that passed. The more sober he got, the less he wanted to leave. He felt his conscience being pricked, like an irritation that was forcing him to speak, and it would torment him until he opened his mouth. Or maybe he could hold off enough to get back to his friends and start drinking again and forget about it all. He wasn’t sure either way but he had to make a decision. “Can I tell you something….?” Daniel said, his expression lowered somewhat as if he was sinking a bit into himself, not wanting to speak too loudly.
“Of course, I am here to listen just as much as I am here to talk, to be honest I’d rather listen more than talk if I’m honest” Dikaios responded, still in a sincerely gentle and disarming tone of voice.

“I’ve done some bad things, some real bad things in my past…so damn messed up” Daniel replied, shaking his head in disapproval, his voice with a mild tone of desperation. “I have blood on my hands and I have never forgiven myself for what I was a part of. I was sleeping around with my last girlfriend and one thing led to another and we ended up…” he sighed deeply “….we ended up having an abortion and I’m so-so ashamed of that”, shaking his head in disapproval, his eyes held low, traces of warm tears beginning to fill his eyes. He gritted his teeth, not wanting to show over-emotion. “I don’t even know why I’m telling you this, but…I am so gutted about all of it. I just don’t know where to go, or who to talk to. Nothing seems to help. Everyone always tends to think of the woman in this and not the guy involved. I had support from my parents afterwards but no matter what, I just can’t shake this terrible feeling deep inside me”. A tear escaped and rolled down his face. Daniel quickly wiped it away and began tapping the now empty plastic bottle on his opposite empty hand.

Dikaios’s expression had not changed. He had listened intently and listened with mercy before speaking again. “Well, firstly thank you for opening-up like that, I know it sounds a bit cheesy but that really is the first step towards healing. You must speak about it in confidence in a place or with a person you are safe with and who you trust. The Good Book says that ‘if you confess with your mouth that The King of Kings is Lord and believe in your heart that God The Almighty has raised Him from the dead, then you will be saved’ – that means saved from your sin, completely. It doesn’t matter what you have done, God wants to take that from you and make you new again, it’s what the Good Book says is ‘being born again’. All sin is the same in God’s eyes, but He loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die in our place for our sins because even our best deeds are like filthy rags to Him, that’s how good and holy He really is. But He really does love us more than we can possibly comprehend, He will never abandon a humble person who has a broken and contrite heart; someone who tells the truth and gives it all over to Him. It’s a bit like saying ‘I can’t do this anymore; I can’t carry this weight anymore, God I need help, please take this away from me’. Is this making sense to you Daniel?”

Daniel’s face turned up to look directly at Dikaios in his eyes. He noticed that Dikaios had not taken his merciful eyes off of him the entire time and was completely sincere in what he was saying. “Yes…yes it does”. He suddenly felt a sense of alarm, of being exposed and felt a pressure on his shoulders to leave. Somehow, he didn’t want Dikaios to get wind of his thoughts and give away the shame he felt but he knew he couldn’t lie to him, what was the point now anyway? He noticed that Dikaios’s gaze looked past Daniel’s eyeline and over his shoulder for a brief half second before returning to Daniel with the same focus and empathy as before.

“Its ok Daniel, its ok to feel the way you do. You’re not the only one but I know that every single one of us has struggles of their own, its part of being human. But, when we get to this point, something inside us feels like it’s been seared, it’s our conscience is crying out against us – would you say that’s a more accurate depiction? We know we did something wrong and there is this feeling of, well, a judgement of sorts” said Dikaios, receiving a nod in reply from Daniel.

“Well, I hope you can see that I haven’t pulled some kind of misdirection on you, like a ‘jedi mind trick’ on you – this is all by your own admission and I’m not judging you at all because of it as I am no better than you in the eyes of God. But the difference between those who are saved by His grace and those who are not saved, is that those who are saved have come to the end of their road and given everything over to God. They have decided that they can’t fight what’s pulling them down anymore, the weight of their sins on their conscience and they have chosen to surrender it all to God….and God really does the miraculous and takes their sins away from them – they become born again, alive in the Spirit and their lives change. I’m not talking about praying a certain number of times a day or visiting some far away place or performing some other rituals each year. No, not at all. Remember, the Good Book says that even our best deeds are like filthy rags before God, it’s basically telling you that you can’t bribe the judge of all creation with your good deeds because you’ve already broken the eternal moral law – that’s why you feel the way you do. You have a God-given conscience for a reason, because you have a will to live, a will to survive and when you do sinful things your conscience will tell you its wrong so that you can turn back to God for forgiveness.”

Daniel remained silent; his eyes fixed on Dikaios. He hadn’t even noticed the change in weather, but a gentle rain had begun to move in on the night time clouds and was now beginning to slowly saturate everything in the thoroughfare. The thoroughfare had also become empty, with the last remaining people walking by and in small queues going into the nearest bars and clubs to get out of the rain. He looked up briefly and then put his gaze back onto Dikaios.
“If it’s alright with you, may I place my hands on you gently and pray for you, Daniel?” gestured Dikaios in complete sincerity. Daniel felt a slight internal pull back on his shoulders again, a hesitation as he had never experienced anything like this before. He had come this far and thought that if it wasn’t all real, despite it speaking to his conscience, then nothing would come of it and it would just be an experience he could laugh about another time with his friends. But a big part of him felt secure in what he was about to do also. “That’s fine with me, please pray for me”.

Dikaios smiled and once he had placed his hands on Daniel’s shoulders, they both closed their eyes and Dikaios prayed for a further minute. Daniel had listened to every word Dikaios said.

“… the mighty name of The King of Kings - The Almighty, Amen”. Daniel found himself following after the same words in closing and responded “Amen” also.

“Well my friend, its been great talking to you. But don’t forget, God loves you and has a plan for your life. The life of a believer isn’t promised to be a smooth plane ride. But, a safe landing is guaranteed and you will be all the better because of it” Dikaios lightly joked but with sincerity again and Daniel smiled in agreement. Before they parted ways, Dikaios passed him some tracts which contained extracts from the Good Book and explanations. Daniel folded them and placed them into his back pockets. They shook hands and Daniel w

Last edited by Dikaios on October 18th 2022, 4:20 pm; edited 5 times in total

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Dikaios - story NPC. Empty Re: Dikaios - story NPC.

Post by Dikaios August 31st 2022, 9:43 pm

Dikaios turned and looked right back at where Daniel was standing, his expression changed to a serious one and his voice deepening in tone “you cannot have him, unclean spirit. You will not un-do what has now been done”. With the trail end of his words, he moved into the spiritual spectrum and the demonic prince stepped forward into the spot where Daniel had been standing. His reddish-greyish leathery skin over a hulking disfigured body that had long reaching arms and six tentacle-like fingers with jagged nails on the ends. “We shall see…I almost had him walk away, what makes you think he will stay on the way when you are not around to help him, hmm? You are pathetic, doing your masters bidding. His soul is mine and I will take him into the fire with me”.
Dikaios looked past the demonic prince and saw his hordes of minor demons emerging from beneath the surface of the earth in the spirit, passing through the doors and windows and entering the bars and clubs full of intoxicated people.

Other minor demons were already crawling up the buildings looking for unsanctified victims and others holding onto the unaware security staff that had remained outside in their hi-vis jackets dotted up and down the thoroughfare.

“You have no major influence here, ‘Angel of The Almighty’ mockingly hissed the demon prince again between his long-jagged, rotten blood stained fangs.
Filth, you say that like it is an absolute around here – you know nothing. He will not be harmed by you or your hordes. He is under my protection” struck back Dikaios in an authoritative tone. “Your time has come and your hold on his life is broken” followed up Dikaios. His full angelic appearance now showing in the spirit, his two sets of broad wings confidently spread wide. He moved forward in a phase of blinding light, like a strong sunray that had suddenly broken through the clouds and gripped the demon prince by the neck with his powerfully with his left hand in its angelic armour, whilst simultaneously moving two of his wings forward to shield himself from the demonic princes desperately thrown counter attacks.

Dikaios’s eyes flashed with holy light as he lifted off the floor, with the demonic prince still in a powerful grip, holy light spraying out from his hand around the demon’s neck causing the demonic prince to try and look away from it whilst he threw his arms and legs out at Dikaios in a futile attempt to break free. All his desperate flailing easily countered by Dikaios’s wings with Dikaios now parrying the strikes and slashing them with those same wings also, causing the demonic princes’ arms to bleed a sickly black tar like blood and crack the structure of its arms. But still, the demonic prince did not relent.

The demon princes’ hordes rushed to their slave masters aid and charged out of the buildings. As they did so, Dikaios’s angelic brothers came sweeping in from either end of the street, gracefully spinning with their angelic weaponry and rapidly slicing and dicing their way through the hordes which proved no help to the demonic prince. What little of the hordes was left began to scatter in panic but ultimately in a futile attempt to escape. With the angelic brothers pursuing them faster than they could escape, they were decisively cut down and sent back to hell below.

“There will be no more from you” commanded Dikaios, his voice echoing like fierce thunder. He continued “You are judged. You are condemned. You are defeated.” Dikaios extended out his right hand and his angelic sword instantly summoned to his powerful grip. “The LORD rebuke you!” proclaimed Dikaios as he swept his right arm up in a precisely accurate and swift slashing motion, releasing the demon with his left hand just before he swung upwards with his blessed blade. The blade sliced straight up the middle of the demon prince with ease and with such speed that the prince did not even have time to let off a scream, the blade itself releasing a stream of light on its slash path. The two halves of the demonic prince fell back to the earth, going straight through the ground like it was a bottomless pit and back down into hell.

Dikaios held his sword tightly and adopted a relaxed stance as his brothers ascended higher into the air to speak with him. Dikaios met their eyes with a respectful nod of brotherly affection and admiration. “Brothers, a fine victory. We have work to do here and no legion in hell is going to prevent us from completing our mission. We must not fail and with that the brothers embraced a firm grip on one another’s shoulders in complete understanding. Dikaios brought his speech to a close and he and his angelic brethren went their separate ways to complete their mission.

For the darkness was arrogance and arrogance never knew when it was beaten. It would be back to seek revenge by any means necessary.

Last edited by Dikaios on September 1st 2022, 4:41 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : (formatting - bold, italics and colours))

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Quote : "Fear not and do not be dismayed, I AM with you"

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Registration date : 2021-04-11

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Dikaios - story NPC. Empty Re: Dikaios - story NPC.

Post by FantasyBound October 29th 2022, 8:25 pm

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