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INV ONLY I want in!

Post by Row August 2nd 2020, 10:10 pm

It was a hot day inside her flat and her AC finally gave in. Usagi had begun shutting down a couple of her servers to save some of her more sensitive equipment. She sent numerous complains to her landlord but the man with his stupid eye patch did not seem to care. Mr. Raiden No, an ex-loan shark who escaped a prison life prison sentence after a witness "admitted" to making up their testimony, was one of the few people she could afford to sign a lease with without question. All he needed was a name, down-payment, and all payments be made in cold cash. No really, he makes you tie ice bags to the payment. Sure he was "suppose" to be responsible for things like the air conditioning, plumbing, ect. but good luck making him do any work without some sort of influence. Unfortunately for him, Usagi was about ready to test hers.

"Ah Himori-chan, did not see you coming up. Rent's not due yet, you know my rules on paying early." The man wheeled around his chair, and flipped open his gold lighter. A scared flame jumped out to kiss the butt of his cigar before being choked under a cold click. "I see you so little that I forget how cute you you look. I guess if you want some... attention, I can open up my calendar today." His grin widen, seeping with overprice Cuban smoke, as Usagi bared a canine. Her dark blue sunglasses hid her sword glare that her sweat refused to break. Her arms folded, and he picked up his head hinting at their size difference. "No, what a bummer. I never see anyone visit you. Maybe it will make you less grouchy." He removed his cigar and looked into his yellow ceiling. "Then again, I never see you enter your room either. Your one interesting child. One I really hope to learn one day."

"No-san I rather..."
"I rather you call me No-sama." His eyes fell sharpening with his tone.
Usagi rolled her eyes before obeying the man's wishes. "No-sama, can you please have the maintenance guy fixed my AC?"
The man sighed before turning his back to the girl. "I told you not to bother me about that 2 months ago. It they blow, it's good to go."
"Yeah well, it no blow. So can you do something about it."
Usagi could hear the man rustling some papers. "Sorry Himori-chan. I'll to busy right now, and really stressed. My own AC is not at struggling to properly perform. So you will just have to wait... unless you want to do me a favor."
"I would slap you if I didn't think you'll enjoy it, Pervert-sama."
"Yeah well, ya the only girl under me these days. I gotta pick my fruit when it's ripe."
"Look I'm tired of your shit old man." She eyed his thermostat. "Its like 1 degree higher then what you set it too. My equipment is literally overheating. Like if you don't stop harassing me and do something I'm going to..."
"Careful Himori-chan. You wouldn't want to your equipment to overheat on the streets with no home cause their Momma doesn't want to respect her superiors."

Usagi's face was red. Her grinding teeth struggled to hold in her wave of insults the man deserved. She overestimated herself. In person, she did not have the same oomph her keyboard gave her. She lost to the pervert. With a sigh she turned around and slammed his door. It was the best she could do without retaliation. For now anyway...

Usagi walked around town casually dressed with a few useful items. She held a black sun parasol to block her from any cameras she couldn't find. She had backpack held her Glitch outfit so she could make use of its wireless capabilities. She had an older generation flip phone with have her access to her suit and Zero-Day with a wireless set earbuds. Her outfit was nothing fancy. A Light blue tank top, jean shorts and a pair of brown ankle strap sandals. Her Blue sunglasses hid her furious violet eyes and her blue hair was tied up into a pony tail. Finally, she had a purple canteen filled with ice water since it was just so hot.

"Initiate Zero-Day Infiltration: Target Networks," Usagi typed into her phone.
"Networks discovered," Zero-Day chimed in her earbuds, "Analyzing for items of interest... conversation identified. Proceed with tapping protocols?"
"Initiating Infiltration, breaking encryption. "

This was the 21 network. Usagi was not expecting anything useful. She was itching to start scanning credit cards. However when the word heist went over the air, she knew she had her goldmine. There was just one problem. This caller ID of the line she broke into belonged to the Yakuza. Usagi started typing a storm of commands."Plant backdoor. upload Tunneling.exe." Usagi planned to have Zero-Day give her a quick way to break into the phone and spread to any other system the phone connected to or call. This would hopefully give her access to enough systems, phones, and computers to properly show off her skill but not reveal who she is.

This was probably the most dangerous thing she has done in her life. Who knows how the group would react to a Hacker in their network. If she could find a way to get something out of this, she would have more then enough to ditch the perverted landlord, let alone fix her AC. "Zero-Day, Locate source. Initiate Gl!tch.exe"

Poring Flan
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by ghost August 4th 2020, 8:51 pm

Eiichi sat behind his desk in the large room of the tall building. Headquarters, that is what the Yakuza called it, just don't mind the large name plastered on it's side, "Ma'awiya" was the name of the front business, they sold cloths and fancy watches to the highest bitter. People either didn't mind, didn't care, or simply couldn't touch the completely legal organization. It didn't matter about their ties to the Yakuza, if all the books seemed strait the police just turned away.

The people of Tokyo actually liked the gang. Grovoton was surprised when he found that out, how could normal people accept such a cruel organization? It seemed humans liked it when, even gang members, gave large sums of cash to the homeless and other charities. It tugged at heart strings and kept the people from rioting in the streets.

"Yes. That is fine. Be out there at 2100 tonight." Grovoton spoke over the telephone. "The bank closes around then. I want our men to be the last ones inside."

The plan was coming together nicely. A bank on the east end of Tokyo, which held a large sum of Yen, was their most recent target. In fact, it was the first target by the Yakuza in a long time. They tried to stay bellow the radar mostly, but this place was special. Not only did it hold money, but also important documentation on key Metahuman's in the Tokyo area. Imdor was looking forward to absorbing who he could, even if he disliked himself afterwards. It was like a drug to him. He felt he shouldn't be this monster but in the same breath, he couldn't help himself.

After he got off the phone a large group of men entered his office. On the far wall was the newest model of flat screen TV, it displayed the live video footage of the bank.

"Jaabir, are your men in position?" Eiichi asked in perfect Japanese.
"Yes sir! They will arrive at the back of the bank at precisely 2110." The man said. His large face jiggled under the strain.
"Lael, what is the status on of power plant?"
"Sir, if all goes well, the power should be off by 2130-"
"Yes sir! It's jus-"
"Just what Lael?" Grovoton stood up and pushed his chest out, the air in the room seemed to thicken with hostility.
"The security has been heightened and -" All of the cellphones in the room began to ring as loud as they could. The cacophony of noise made it hard to think and enraged Grovoton even more. "Can no one turn off their cell phones?!" All of the men reached franticly to their pockets but before any of them could turn the volume down the screen across the room flickered off, the lights overhead turned up to their brightest level then shut off. "What is going on here?!"

The screen across the room came back to life, it was now the only light in the room and emitted a white hue. It didn't present the bank image, instead an emoticon took its place. "^,^".

"What the hell..."

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by Row August 16th 2020, 3:38 pm

Zero-Day jump into every new device she could break into identifying owners and sending the information to Usagi. Normally, the girl had a server at home investigate it. Unfortunately, she would have to do this manual. Names flashed across her phone. After a few clicks, police records and credit card numbers had her phone singing like a chatroom of high school girls fawning over the new foreign exchange student. Most of the people were hardly worth bothering so she kept digging until a certain name flashed on her screen, Eiichi. The name was familiar. He was number 27 on her list of people not to touch, possibly a high ranking member of the Yakuza.

She silenced the notification. With a lolipop under her tongue, she ordered Zero-Day to activate his phone's GPS. Then she pulled up a report on everything she had access too. Lights, cameras, the phone tree systems, even smart T.V. all located inside of Ma'awiya. To think the rumors were true. She cursed under her breath. This information would have been worth so much had she gotten to it first. At least she still had the scoop on that job.

Usagi relocated to a cyber cafe that had private rooms a few blocks away from the clothing and over priced, in her opinion watch store. She plugged up her phone to the computer. It was time to take a risk. The first thing she did was test the level of controls she had. She toyed with the lights, turned off the security system, and finally, forced every phone in the building to ring. A wide grin stretched across her pale face. She had access to it all.

Her next move was more targeted. Zero-Day dialed every cell phone in the building and linked them to some robot call systems except for 1. Eiichi phone would be linked directly the cyber cafe's computer, which was signed out under his name. Then she linked her emoticon system to every smart TV in the building.
"^, ^"
Words crawled onto the bottom of the screen as the Emoticon flipped between "-, -" and "^, ^" to give the impression that the TV was looking at them.
"Mr. Eiichi-Sempai, I found you. Do you remember me?"
"A hot summer day. Just the two of us on a boat and a blue parasol shielding us from the prodding eyes of the sun. You told me you would... take responsibility for us."
There was a brief pause.
"I tHiNk yOu ShoULd pIcK up ThE PHonE."  Each character appeared as if it was being typed.

All the phones stopped ringing except of Mr. Eiichi. Usagi eagerly awaited for the man to pick up.

Last edited by Row on August 16th 2020, 9:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

Poring Flan
I want in! Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by ghost August 16th 2020, 6:26 pm

The cacophony of noise didn't stop and Grovoton could feel a headache piecing the back of his human skull like a dull blade entering a watermelon. He read the words that slid across the bottom of the screen between two fingers that he pressed on the bridge of his nose. He couldn't wait for the room to be silent again. He contemplated on the things he would do to this person if he had a chance, then the words hit him.

He searched Eiichi's mind. Nothing seemed to click. Who was this person? What did they want? How could he get rid of them? Grovoton hoped he would find something but all he got was a slue of thoughts riddled with faces of prostitutes on boats, some not yet of age. He quickly lifted his phone to his ear and yelled, "Who the hell are you?!"

The rage frothed in his belly, Grovoton could feel the spit leave his mouth in anger, a bad habit of the late Eiichi for sure. The men in the room looked at him in silence, none wanting to receive the blunt of his emotions.

Last edited by ghost on August 16th 2020, 10:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by Row August 16th 2020, 10:14 pm

Usagi bursted out laughing behind her screen. The man sounded so angry, so clueless to what was happening. It was clear as day he had no way of tracker her down. So it was was time to continue the game. The emote on the screen changed to ">.<." Then a child like robotic voice responded to the man, parroting what ever Usagi typed.
"So mean Eiichi-Sempai, and here I was trying to help you keep your business secure. Just because you sell clothes and over price watches doesn't mean you shouldn't practice proper password protection, else you will have people like Jaabir-Kun let me in on all those cool plans, say rob a bank that may or may not be on the East side of Tokyo, that the internet says your completely trustworthy organization may or may not have hit up before. I dont care much about details I cant sell ha-ha-ha."
The emote changed to "(✿◠‿◠)"
"Please tell Jaabir-dono to not use his birthday as his password," the voice lied. Usagi knew better than to reveal her actual methods to non paying customers. "Oh and tell him I appreciate him sponsoring my rent for next month. Such good, charitable people you have here Mr. Yaku... I mean Clothing and Over Price Watch Independent Business Owner. I mean seriously. You should give out coupons or something."
The emote changed to "[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ιοο̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]"
"You dont look amused and I finally managed to verify my sources. Thanks for the time by the way. I wish to do business with you Watch Seller Eiichi-Sempai." The voice matured, "I want in on your heist."

The lights flickered, driving every phone crazy for a few seconds. Silence would quickly return.
"I go by Zero-Day. My master is too shy to give her name so please allow me to deal with all of those messy details and questions you must have. After all, I seem to recall... actually, let me just play the recording."
A loud click transition to the recording of Eiichi discussion their talks about the power plant.
"So what do you say, Sempai?"

Last edited by Row on September 11th 2020, 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

Poring Flan
I want in! Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by ghost September 7th 2020, 4:59 pm

Anger pulsed through Eiichi's body like mud down the side of a mountain, uncontrolled and dirty. It took everything to stop him from shooting Jaabir right there and then, but memories stopped him, the actually Eiichi wouldn't just listen to the accusations, he respected the man enough to investigate a little. But in the mean time he could keep this person under some kind of control and perhaps still accomplish his mission.

His hand gripped the phone tightly. "In on the heist huh?" The security being heightened at the powerplant was an issue but if this lady could sneak in somehow and shut it down that would work great for his plans, if not and she dies... well, that would be terrible. "Ok. Tonight. I need the powerplant that controls the east side shut down, and done no later than 2100 tonight. That leaves you..." Eiichi looked down at his watch, "12 hours to complete the task. And listen to me you little... If I catch a whiff of the police I'll find you and your family, and anyone else you care about, and end them, do you understand?"

Eiichi looked forward to her demise and started to think of plans to shut down the planet another way even before hanging up the phone. The lady had 12 hours to find the plant, scope it out, get inside and access the central computer, and get out. The system is all hardwired into the plant, no outside interference, no way to just hack it. Sure you could get into the network, but you couldn't hit the off switch, that had to be done manually.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by Row September 7th 2020, 6:47 pm

"12 hours, to isolate and shutdown a Power plant." A map of Tokyo appeared the screen. A read blimp appeared at the Yakuza location with the words, "You Are Here," typed above the icon. Then blue circles popped up identifying the different police stations in the city. Then a gold coin appeared above the location of the bank, "Sorry, my programming tells me to identify important details to the objective. I am still isolating the powerplant." After a brief pause another red marker appeared with the label, "Power Plant." A read line crawled from the power plant to the Yakuza's location.

"Oh by the way Sempai, my master rates do go up when she is threaten. However since you only provided an empty one by threaten to find an AI..., I suppose it will not flag an up charge. Think if it as returning the favor for you rocking my world after a great day at that children's amusement park. What love we made."

The map zoomed in on the power plant. Then a document flew out of the blimp, identifying the physical layout of the building. Then a list scrolled down the screen with a list of employees and their status. Finally an error message flashed over the screen.
"Gasp... There is no way for me to remote into their system. I cannot do this mission."

Usagi stopped laughing. An inside job to physically turned off the power. She was not an electrical engineer. This left her with turning the power off from the inside. Usagi was not new to inside jobs, by she always had plenty of time to plan things out. This man was giving her less than 12 hours to learn the inside of the power plant, Learn how this power plant works, figure out how to deal with the people, time the effects so that it gives the heist the most amount of time, get out after triggering a city wide event, and ensuring she would get paid one way or another. Worst, it didnt seem like the man wanted to share his information and he might betray her. After all, the power plant was far from the bank. Nothing was stopping this man from tipping the police himself or taking her out when the job was done. There were so many unknown variables.

The screen pix-elated itself. "My Payment. If I do this job, how do I ensure I get paid. I already frozen Jaabir bank account... but dont think his savings will satisfy me for such a dangerous job. Time is ticking." The screen turned black, though the power stayed on, "Im sure your men can crack that safe, but you wont get out before the police get there. You need that power outage. You need a distraction. You need me. So how much am I and my job security worth?"

Poring Flan
I want in! Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by ghost September 9th 2020, 10:20 am

Ignoring the ladies rant Grovoton answered, “I’m willing to give you 15 percent of the vault. Security is your own, it seems your skilled enough to get the money you need by hacking me anyway, no way I can stop you… currently, that is.” He said in perfect Japanese. The lady was going to have to move fast if she wanted to get paid, 15 percent of the vault equaled about $250,000 US dollars. Grovoton was willing to haggle, but the longer she spent of the phone the more time she wasted. “I’d get moving if I were you.” Eiichi canceled the call.

“Look into alternatives. If she fails we still need to get into that vault.” Eiichi said to the people standing in front of him. They all looked so terrified, sweating, and one was even pale. “Get moving.” He waved his hand, with that the men darted out of the room quickly and without a sound.

Grovoton went through his options of shutting the plant down, there didn’t seems to be too many he could implement in the next few hours. A moment went by as he sat in his large office, looking out the window he could see the large cityscape of Tokyo stretch out before him. The people buzzing around, the factories pumping smoke into the air, the sound of traffic miles long. Then it hit him. He unlocked his phone and hit speed dial.

“Yeah, it’s me. Get those supplies and meet me at the hanger bay. I have an idea.” He said while grabbing his jacket and walking out the door. He would make another call for his driver and a few guards as he made his way down stairs, then out into the factory district of Tokyo. It would take an hour before the truck showed up, he took that time to draw up his planes.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by Row September 10th 2020, 12:16 am

"15 per cent..." It was definitely an improvement from selling information. She could do a hell of a lot than fix her AC. Leaving her apartment would be on the plate along with buying an actual working cooling system with that money. Maybe she could even get an overprice watch. 250 thousand was such a big number. This must be what it feels like to have an actual client. What if it was a trap or a scam.

"The power will be off at 2100," *click*

Her hands trembled. She just bullied a Yakuza boss into adding her onto the payroll. She actually got away unscathed from such a dangerous man. If she didn't record the event, she wouldn't believe it herself. Should she could blog about it, or maybe brag to one of those college kids.

"Times almost up, are you going to renew Jaabir-san"

Time was of the essences. Several dozen keystrokes sent Zero-Day into a frenzy collection information about the building. Then she shut down the PC, after wiping it clean of "Jaabir's" records. Her glasses flooded with pointless facts and information. There was so much she had to figure out. First things first, how will she get in.

10 Hours Left

Usagi stood in front of the perimeter. She could probably climb the large wall, but there was no way of running through the open space and reaching a "locked" door before someone saw her, right? If only she had X Ray vision. She walked along the first obstacle till she saw a camera and a keypad along side a wired fence. She could probably break into the keypad, but she couldn't hide her activity. She looked through the fence. A small car pass by with two men inside. The building wasn't too far away. She might be able to make the run.

"Initiate Zero-Day Infiltration: Target Networks," Usagi ordered.
"Networks Found! Analyzing records for patterns and schedules," Zero-Day chimed back, "Analyzing for useful information."

It seemed as if the guards spoke through text. A schedule of events was programmed into their phones. There was something more interesting though. It seems the facility gave tours to a neighboring college and often times, the tours were last minute.
"When was the last tour, Zero?"
"Records show several weeks ago. The increase in crime has dissuade the college."
"Where can I buy one of their college shirts?"

Last edited by Row on September 12th 2020, 1:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

Poring Flan
I want in! Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by ghost September 11th 2020, 5:35 pm

When the truck arrived at the warehouse Grovoton didn't waste any time. He moved the tables into a long line that stretched across the open smooth floor like a long floating carpet and sat the boxes on top of them. Each box was labeled something different, he grabbed the one with, "electrical" and another one with, "car" written on the sides and went to work.

A few hours would pass before he was finished. The determination to prove to everyone we was the most talented and smartest thing on earth drove him forward. Soon the world would know his power, soon they would fear the Yakuza more than ever, and soon he would be the head of the most powerful criminal organization on the planet.

1900 rolled around, the sun had already set, and his work complete. In front of him was a large mechanical looking box, to the average human it might just look to be a box made of jumbled parts and flashing lights, but to him it was the next step in world domination. He picked up a marker and wrote on one of the flat metallic pieces protruding from the side, "Ichitos" (pronounced "icky-toss"), Vectian for, "child of the god of chaos".

He put his jacket back on and waited for his men to load the object onto a flat bed truck. They would head back into the city, an undisclosed location that only Grovoton and the driver knew about. Eiichi called for his driver and soon him and another large force headed towards the bank. Would the girl hold up to her end of the bargain?

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by Row September 13th 2020, 11:47 am

8 Hours Left

Usagi stood gate jamming the buzzer. She did not bother trying to respond to the voice. They wouldn't understand her no matter how hard she focused. Instead, she just ran the buzzer more. After several minutes, a guard appeared behind the gate. Usagi stood there with a grey ball cap and pony tail coming out the back. Black tinted eyes peeked from behind dark sunglasses. Her royal blue long sleeve shirt had gold lettering reading CTU embroidered on the front and an large black purse hung from her shoulder. A plaid skirt, thick thigh high socks, and black small heel shoes completed her look geeky look.

"Oh yay. I cant wait for the tour. I have a paper due and I really have to pass... uhh.... my class."
The guard looked at her bewildered. "Miss, I hope you know. Pranks are not welcome here."
"But, my Sensei said he already planned this. See look. I got the emails." Usagi pulled out her phone which with a fake email string.
"Yeah yeah sure. You can make up whatever emails you want. I have the real schedule right..." the man opened his phone and realized that there was a tour scheduled for a Hinata Miko. He lowered his head and grumbled, "Can I see your ID?"
Usagi grinned as she pulled out a fake id card. "Hinata Miko, Engineering Major first year!"
He grabbed the idea and glimpse the picture, "Sorry about that ma'am. Please come in..."

Once inside, Usagi waited in the front office. While she could not see them, she could hear the guards arguing behind the desk. Nobody was ready to give a tour and someone was probably going to get fired. Small things like that didn't bother her. Her focus was on the room. Nobody was in there watching her. Instead there was a camera right above the door. She did her best to weaken her power so that something would appear on the monitors. Computers wouldn't pick it up but human eyes would at least. There was 3 doors. One of them held the room of security guards, one was the exit, the last one should lead into the building.
"Excuse me... I have to use the bathroom. You all are taking too long." Usagi whined moving to the exit.
"Settle down, someone is coming to pick you up."

Usagi shook her head. These people were wasting her time. So she walked to the badge reader and started fiddling with the casing. Seeing no easy way to open it without breaking the thing, walked back to her seat and waited with her legs crossed. All she could do was wait.

7 hours Left
"Uhh, I what is this crap," Shouted a woman from behind the door. There was a beep and a older blood woman stepped into the front office. "I'm here, give me her temp badge so we can get this over already."

After another 10 minutes of infighting between the woman and the guards, Usagi was being walked deeper into the building. The woman shut down any small talk Usagi tried to start up. Usagi was already fed up with her.
"At least let me go to the bathroom. All of this stress is going to my bladder." Usagi complained.

One sigh later, the two were standing in the entrance of the bathroom. "Thank you Sensei!" The woman did not looked pleased to have the tour delayed even longer and Usagi did not enjoy her whining. Inside the stall, Usagi reached into her bag and swapped out her sunglasses for her for the ones connected to her phone. She also connected her arm keyboard underneath her her sleeve. 10 minutes later, she was connected to Zero-Day and pulling up the collected information regarding the Power Plant.

"Are you done yet! You're really wasting my time," Yelled the woman.
"You don't get good ratings do you Sensei?" joked Usagi.

Last edited by Row on September 23rd 2020, 8:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

Poring Flan
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by ghost September 13th 2020, 5:47 pm

The large American made Lincoln sat waiting in a parking lot across from the bank. Behind it 12 men in riot gear sat nervously as the bank closed. It was almost time, only another 30 minutes separated Grovoton and his men from victory. A bank full of money and a safety deposit box full of useful information. Both of them were the next step for his world domination, the only thing missing now was chaos.

Grovoton, nicely settled in Eiichi's body, lifted up a handgun and cocked the round into it's chamber. Sitting in the Lincoln out front he waited for his inside man to give the signal. The only people there should be the manager, two tellers, and a security guard. It was all meant to seem like a small deal, but it was one of the wealthiest places in the country.

A flashlight beamed towards the car from the bank door flickered on and off. The signal. Eiichi lifted his phone to communicate with van out back. "Go." He hung up, got out of the car, and started to strut his way into the bank like he owned the place.

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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by Row September 23rd 2020, 10:00 pm

"Thank you for the tour Sensei!" said Usagi while tilting her glasses, "Oh shoot. I left my phone in the bathroom."
"Seriously, UGH Fine! Hurry up and follow me."

Usagi was dragged to the bathroom but it was finally time to take the lead. She walked into the stall and then pulled out her  taser and hid it behind her back. "Sorry about that. I found it. Arn't i Lucky!"

"Yeah Yeah, hurry up and URKKKK," the woman yelped as thousands of volts flew into her body.
"Shhhhh... I know it hurts but well, you're an complete ass." Violet muffled the convulsing woman while jamming her weapon deeper into the woman. She gave one last groan before going limp and collapsing to the ground. Violet quickly stripped the woman and cuffed her into the bathroom. "Eh, a little big on me but it will do."

Usagi walked down the hallway whistling. She swapped her contacts to change her eye color to match to angry woman to help throw off people who might have seen her on the tour but she doubted anyone would bother someone who knew what they were doing. The woman seemed very focus on getting back to work so today was probably a busy day. Usage walked down the halls remembering the tour until she reached the center of the plant. From here on, she was on her own.

5 hours left

Usagi swiped her badge, revealing the internal system for the plant. Cameras were everywhere, not to her concern, and a couple of open computers. Usagi pulled in USB infecting the computer with a copy of Zero-Day. Once the computer was unlocked Usagi rushed to test what she could access from here. Alarms, cameras, doors, but no power. Then loud food steps broke the ambiance of generators. "Great..."

"Ma'am, what are you doing here?"
"Fixing this stupid computer. Well trying... but I cant seem to get the cameras to work," She lied.
"You don't look like a technician."
"Well, you dont look like my supervisor but i'll play along." She pulled up a screen showing her messing with the computer earlier but nobody was on the footage.
"What the..."
"Yeah, my point. So leave me alone so I can."
"Sorry, I cannot leave you alone. I'm going to need you to come with me."
"Alright fine... just let me pull out my keycard and..." Usagi pressed a button and the fire alarms blared.
"Fire! we have to get out of here."
"Crap... Is this a drill?"

The sprinklers sprayed the room despite there being no fire. Usagi growled, not planning for this. She was going to have to tweak Zero-Day's coding after this.
"Come on lets go!" Usagi shouted, as she tried to direct the man away from the computer. The man nodded and quickly walked passed her. out the door way was a line of lab coats heading to the exit. It was here that she broke away from the man. The door closed behind him and a couple key strokes on the keyboard on her forearm locked the door. She was discovered and it would be a matter of time before people started looking for her.

3 hours left.

Everyone was outside the building and Usagi had Zero-Day lock every door in the building. The fire department finally arrived and was trying to break into the doors. Usagi pulled out her usb and moved around the building, computer to computer. None of these accessed the power. It did not make sense. What kind of power plant was this. Then footage flashed across her sunglasses.
"What the..."
Men, woman, boys, girls stood in a room with electricity jetting out of their body.
"Zero-day, isolate the location of this camera."
Following the instructions, Usagi reached a (use to be locked) room. There was a computer and a bolted door with the buzzing of energy behind it.

She did it with only 30 minutes left. While the fire department finally broken into the building, the guards haven't yet returned. Now it was time to shut off the power. Usagi pulled out her phone and dialed up her yakuza Client. Zero read Usagi's words in a jingle, "Lights are off." The keyboard rattled away shutting down the device inside that pulled the energy out of the captured people. The bolt door opened and a beaten up man walked up.
"Greetings, want to help me escape this place?"

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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by ghost September 24th 2020, 5:41 pm

Grovoton answered the phone just long enough to hear the voice on the other end then ended the call without a word. He could see the city shutting down, like a wave of darkness the buildings went out quickly. Some flickered back to life on emergency power, others stood like statues all alone.

When Grovo and his men made it into the bank people were running around frantically, some shouted for help, afraid to be left in the dark. Others only questioned what was going on. With a beam of light shining forward from his team, each having head lamps, Grovoton answered them, "I'm taking over this establishment. Where is the manager?" He said confident no one would reject; people tended to be playable when guns were pointed to their heads.

His men swept through the building quickly and secured the few workers that were there in a cubicle. The manager was pointed out, and after a brief moment of hesitation, he was persuaded to show Eiichi and his men to the vault doors. They were locked, which the manager had said, but Grovoton called a man forward who carried a large black duffelbag. He quickly got to work, opening it to expose a large drill complete with diamond head bits, and attached it to the thick metal door. Sparks shotout from the heated space like a fountain as contact was made.

Grovoton dialed a number on his phone and began to talk, "Contact. ETA one hour, are you set up?"

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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by Row September 27th 2020, 5:53 pm

"Wait wait, I'm on your side. Really!" Usagi raised her hands as the man charged energy through his hands like two tesla coils. She really question why she didn't bring a change of clothes to better sell her fake persona as a champion of these oppressed people.

"Thats what all of your people say before they forced us into that box." The sparks jumped out of the man tagging the electronics in the room. The final spark fried the computer behind her.

"Wait, stop. Look if I was going to hurt you, wouldn't I stop your powers or something. I mean..." Before Usagi could finish, her phone started ringing. "Mind if I get this?" Usagi slowly took out her phone. Then a bolt of electricity flashed across the room, lancing the phone into the wall. "NOOO, I'm still paying that off! Ungrateful ass wipe!" The man's body flashed, sending sparks across the room. "I mean... benevolent ungrateful forgiving man-sama." Usagi dropped to the floor trembling. The room stopped flashing.

"Stand up." a woman stood in front of Usagi. Looking up, the hacker felt an unwavering keeping her on the ground. "You are going to be our hostage. If we don't get out, then you wont 'escape this place.'" Usagi tried to force a laugh but her thumping heart fought every breath. The leading man stormed over to her and peeled her off the ground.

"I'm up, ouch, I'm up." Usagi complained.
"You're too slow. Walk now." The man Glared at her with sparking eyes.

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