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Deals in Noisy Alleys

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OPEN Deals in Noisy Alleys

Post by Nate6595 October 5th 2019, 2:51 pm

Music pulsated through the air the damp air of the street. Lines stretched from the doorways and along the walls of establishments as people waited to enter the numerous clubs and bars that filled the street. Kabukicho is a popular red-light district in Tokyo. Several night clubs and attractions operate in the evenings bringing in large numbers of people looking for a fun evening full of entertainment, in many senses of word. However, among those searching for entertainment there was an entirely different group with their own interests. Among those who lived in Tokyo many knew that Kabukicho was home to several underground and less than legal groups. Several gangs moved about the area, going about their shady business.

Lucas Gills and his loyal bodyguard Seven stood in front of one of many clubs. While Seven could speak the language, he couldn’t read it. Thankfully Lucas deciphered the club’s name for him; Neon Lights, or something along those lines. This was apparently the club to go to. The line here was the longest and the bodyguards at the door were dutiful in who they let in.

Of course, Lucas and Seven weren’t here for a simple club. The club was just a front to one of the stronger gangs in the area. Their visit here was strictly business. Apparently, one of the gang members was a skilled chemist and was on the breakthrough for a new highly addictive, hallucinogenic drug that came in a small pill form. The drug wasn’t widespread in the public yet but Isaac, both Lucas’s and Seven’s boss had caught wind of it and wanted in on the pie.

Words were exchanged, some incentives given, and the two groups had agreed to a meeting. Of course, Isaac could’ve sent people and in caused problems, but it was much easier to negotiate things out. If they didn’t comply with their deal, then there would considerations for a hostile approach. But Lucas was sure that they could avoid such a thing.

Seven had started forward towards the long line but Lucas stopped him. He motioned to the alleyway next to the club and there, standing in the shadows was a short man in a white suit. He gave a nod to them to which Lucas returned, and the two headed over to him. The short man lead the two of them into the back, which seemed to be a storage area, and down a staircase. Above, Seven could steal hear the pulsating dance music, but down here there was dankness to it.

The short man told them to wait, giving Seven a better chance of looking around the room. Lucas grinned at him, “Hey. Bud. Don’t ya worry about a goddamn thing. I doubt you’ll even have to swing that sword. This gangsters got nothing on ya, bud.”

Seven nodded, continuing to look around. The room they seemed to be in was just a…chillout room? The floor was carpeted with a soft mesh, there were several couches and tables with drinks and other substances. The gangsters down here, while keeping their eyes on the two newcomers, seemed content with enjoying the benefits of their work. However, beyond this room there were two others closed off by doors and then a staircase that led further downward. Seven could only assume that the boss they’d be meeting with was further down.

Seven took in a breath, exhaled, and rested a hand on the handle of his katana.

Elsewhere, the local police of Tokyo had caught wind of the coming drug deal and while they didn’t have enough evidence to act on, they put out a request to several other departments and companies for the aid of heroes to come in and relieve the situation that was going. The location of the club was given as well as the meeting times, the only thing they didn’t have was the identities and what exactly would be traded.

Of course, they weren’t the only group to catch wind of this. The knowledge of the drug would be well known to the villainous societies of the world and any seeking to…get in on the action could also arguably stand to gain something by interrupting the deal.

Regardless, whatever happened it would be far from a quiet night.
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OPEN Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys

Post by PrincessPunch October 17th 2019, 6:52 am

Well, she was high. Actually exceeded the high she was planning on being, for any given notion of plan at least. She'd been dragged out by Nat, and then her and Nat got picked up by some kind dodgy guys - maybe it was because Nat was dressed like a scant or that Elis was in her full body latex catsuit - and taken to a room where they were given free drugs. Nat was yay and Elis was whatever, and now Elis was monging and Nat was....well, doing other things. The guys were talking about something muffled and unhearable and gods she was too high for this. So she took a deep breath and zapped her brain. It wouldn't do anything for her being super high but it would do something for her being able to focus on regeneration.

It was hard to do in the suit and that was why she needed the focus. With enough force of will, she managed to clear out most of it and come back to coherence and consciousness, which was a sort of yay. Though it took some time and in that time some other shady guys had come in and shared shady nods with other shady people before shadily going down to a shady place to do shady things. Gods she was sounding like that book with the dark dark everything.
"S'whatr'they'n?" Elis asked, a combination of getting over the powerful aftershock of the drugs and some slight lack of care to actually speak full sentences right now. Didn't get an answer though, just rubbed head. It wa snice but not exactly helpful. So Elis stood up and headed down there, ignoring the shouts from behind her that meant she was really not meant to be coming down here. She wasn't super fussed, maybe they'd be fun.

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OPEN Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys

Post by Nate6595 October 17th 2019, 4:45 pm

Abe’s attention was immediately brought to the shouting coming from up the stairs. He was about to move over to the area but before he could even take a step he felt a hand on his shoulder. Lucas gave a shake of his head, that sly grin on his face. He patted Abe once on the back and motioned back towards the back doorway where their guide was waiting for them.

It was time to meet the boss and make a deal.

Abe looked back the stairway, grimacing. He didn’t like the idea of any company coming down, but he would wait for now. See how the bodyguards reacted. Speaking of, a large burly man would step out from the side of the door and look up at the encroaching woman, raising a large hand to him. He had a great deal of muscle to him, however, he would have no other sort of power to him. He would be armed with gun, but he had yet to draw it.

He would speak in his native language, firmly. “Hey, girl, no one allowed down here. Head on back up or we’ll drag you out.”

Heading down the stairs, Abe followed closely to Lucas, switching his gaze between the man leading them down and the top of the stairs. He half expected a trap but was thankful to find none. At the bottom of the stairs there were beads in a doorway and both Lucas and Abe went in. The room was dimly lit, smoke trailing on the ceiling. Sitting behind a desk at the far end of the room there was a small man, dressed in a white suit. He looked up from his computer, smiling at the two.

Lucas stepped forward, shaking the man’s hand and the two sat down at the desk. The talks would begin. Abe didn’t care too much about the details, but would listen to every other word. He took this time to better look around the room. There wasn’t much, a few potted plants, fake, but nice touches. There were a stripper pole that rested in front a red couch. Besides that, there was a large bookcase. Probably a secret door. Small time places like this usual had a secret back room, that’s where the drugs were made, where the main lab would be. The place seemed secure enough.

As he looked around, his mind couldn’t help but wander to the woman who had descended before. He looked back over his shoulder, wandering what was happening on the floor above.
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OPEN Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys

Post by PrincessPunch October 18th 2019, 10:54 am

Guy was in her way and it was bad. What kind of guy stood in the way of a cute latex coated girl? Elis stopped walking to take off her clothes. An act that confused the people guarding the door, as the exchanged glances with each other and had no idea what to do with this girl currently stripping. Was she trying to flirt with them or something? Without the clothes in the way, the crinkle of the latex and the shiny coating showing off her curves and chest was on full show. A sultry enticement to the male watchers. And then Elis gave a smile and played with the man's hand that was still outstreched for a few seconds, before heading on through the door he was trying to block. The man, for his part, just stood there stiff as a statue, every part of his body tensed up while his friends called out for him to stop her. Human laziness was always the core aspect of people, after all.

Coming down the stairs while the guards spluttered and tried to decide if they were going after this woman or trying to find why the other guard had just frozen up, Elis was clearly still very high, from the indefinite gate and diluted pupils and gormless grin.
"Hey I'm, ohh...pole~" Elis stumbled toward the pole with a giddy smile. It didn't look like she was capable of standing up, but was still going for the pole regardless.

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Registration date : 2016-10-09

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OPEN Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys

Post by Nate6595 October 20th 2019, 1:46 am

Abe quickly turned as he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. No one was supposed to be coming down during meetings. The two guards that the boss had down here also drew their guns, first pointing them to Abe (he did just draw a weapon), but seeing as he was not even facing the boss they turned their sights to the door, waiting to see what was coming. When the girl came down the two guards looked at each other confused, though Abe’s glare never left. He didn’t seem at all bothered by state of the girl, nor did Lucas or the boss. The three of them seemed incredibly pissed at the sight.

Abe took a few steps forward, his blade ready to strike. To think that the guards of an underground organization would be so untrained. This must’ve been a shitty place indeed. Professionals wouldn’t have let a girl like this by at all, she would’ve been shot dead in any respectable location. However, this was not that and the guards here were idiots it seemed. At least the two down here at their guns trained back on her. They showed some competence and would not be thrown off so easily.

Abe took another step forward, only ten, fifteen feet from the girl, about ready to raise his sword. But! Before he could even make the motion to attack her he stopped at the call of his name.

“Seven. The guards will take care of it.”

Abe turned and saw the bodyguards coming down the stairs and attempting to grab the girl. If they were successful, they would begin to pull her back up the stairs and away from the pull. If they could not and she continued closer to the pole (which was close to the desk) the guards by the boss would open fire on her. Regardless, Abe would take a few steps back, still in a defensive position as he stood between the girl and Lucas. His eyes would not leave her the entire time she was in the room.

By no means…could he trust her. There was no way she was just a drunk. Something was off about this one…

If the girl was successfully detained and brought back up the stairs, Lucas and the boss would begin to do their dealings, the boss apologizing for incompetence of the guards.
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OPEN Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys

Post by PrincessPunch October 20th 2019, 8:01 am

Guns and swords and angry people all about her. She just wanted to dance! She looked over at the people arrayed against her, and Abe would feel the sword shudder slightly and then stop. It was a slight tremor and there was the chance that he wouldn't even notice, focused as he was on the woman who had just come down. The guards who had guns pointed at her might hear a soft crunching sound coming from their guns, but Elis' true intent was too much effort to do in her suit.

Still, it all came to a head when the guards finally appeared and tried to drag her out. She stumbled and called them incoherent slurs as they dragged her away, and whatever she had done to the room - if she had done anything at all - would become apparent in time.
"Ya bastards usin me for your shit and then not letting me dance! Imma get the big stick of beating you across the head for using me like this!" she slurred, shouting at everyone and making the reason of her inebriation quite obvious to anyone who would listen.

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OPEN Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys

Post by Nate6595 November 6th 2019, 11:57 pm

Abe eyed his sword as she was dragged away. That was strange, perhaps there was more to this girl than he had thought. It would warrant extra caution at least. He went back to the door, standing right out of sight from the staircase. He would close his eyes and quietly listen. He first listened to the girl as she was dragged upward and into the next room. She was, without a doubt, drunk, but that might be a reason to be even more prepared. The guards seemed to have a pretty good hold on it, though, at least for now. It could've been worse, the guards down here could've let her get too close.

After he listened to her getting dragged away he would turn his focus to the staircase, waiting to hear what kind of sound the steps of whoever descended them would make. The girl looked lighter and would make quieter footfalls. The guards, from what he could tell, was louder, stompier. If he listened well then he should be able to tell when the girl would come back down, if she came down at all.

If she did, then he would swing his katana outward, hoping to strike her in the chest region. If not, if the steps were heavier, he'd hold his blade, though still ready a strike just in case the girl took him by surprise.

At the table Lucas continued his dealings, smiling, laughing, and probably joking about the previous situation. They seemed to be getting along fine, that meant the deal would be done soon and they could leave. Once, Lucas, had them laughing it never took much longer. The sooner they could leave, the better. There was nothing about this situation that seemed right by him.

Back up the stairs, the guards would begin to carry the drunken girl to the alley. If they succeeded, provided she didn't attack them, would dump her on the ground, left to her own devices. Though, that would only be if she let them. The guards that escorted her would be more disciplined and less likely to fall succumb to feminine charms or random drunken antics. Having them around also put the rest of the guards on edge too, ready to act provided the girl decided to act out again.

They had to make up for past mistakes anyways.
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OPEN Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys

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