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Pankratios Empty Pankratios

Post by Pankratios May 7th 2019, 8:35 pm


The Devilish Pankratios


Reprobate Name: Pankratios

Title: "The Toaster", "The Hades' child"

Arrangement: Chaotic Evil

Age: As old as time itself, yet seems as though he is 35.

Sex: Man

Race: Demon

Hair: Red short hair or blazes

Eyes: Red

Tallness: 5'3"

Weight: 136 lbs

Blood classification: O


Pankratios New_ch11
Pankratios Downlo11


Pankratios is shrewd. He needs to control the world in the wake of being kicked out of the damnation like spot by Hades. Pankratios is going to control earth and if the earth does not let him, he will slaughter the planet. Pankratios is an ace. He trusts that everybody should be a slave. Pankratios needs to be a God.


Sometime in the past, before time had its first breath, a kid was conceived. It was a kid, and his introduction to the world would challenge the pre-arranged fate of his own dad. This kid was an extraordinary kid. No. Pankratios was the principal conceived child of Hades. Being conceived of flame and sulfur, the youngster has raised in the Underworld. Pankratios was not raised by his dad, yet rather by the evil spirits that helped assistance his dad. Pankratios learned of the considerable number of forces he was prepared to do; his consuming flame that could without much of a stretch damage an ordinary human and could leave even a dreadful consume on the evil presences who prepared him. Pankratios discovered his brain could twist another's will, equipped for planting new musings or recollections to have individuals do his offering. His astounding capacities over flame and warmth brought him learning that he could fly, ready to lift himself up and move openly noticeable all around. Also, in conclusion, as he started to crest at adulthood, he understood he didn't age. For many years he prepared in the Underworld, and as he developed more grounded, his dad felt undermined.

One day, Hades sent an invitation to the Underworld Castle. Hades was becoming jealous with his son’s new-found powers. It was somethings that Hades could never have done. Instead of stealing it, Hades was going to banish Pankratios. When Pankratios arrived, Hades was happy to see him. Hades took him to the living room. Pankratios was wondering why his dad was being nice, so he figured that he could ask for some water.  When Hades left to get some water, Pankratios was reading a book about Earth. Hades ran in and made a portal in the book that sucked the son into Earth.

When Pankratios appeared, he saw that he was in New York City. There were cars and food stalls everywhere. New York City contains 5 districts sitting where the Hudson River meets the Atlantic Ocean. At its center in Manhattan, a thickly populated precinct that is among the world's real business, money related and social focuses. Its acclaimed spots incorporate high rises, for example, the Empire State Building and rambling Central Park. Broadway theater is organized in neon-lit Times Square. Pankratios was very upset. He started to hate his father. Pankratios wanted to go over and have his revenge. He wanted to kill his father. Pankratios started to walk around, but a car drove into him. He hated this contraption and burned it. He asked where he could get info on the world at the driver. The driver said to go to the library.

Pankratios went to the closest library. He started to read some books. Pankratios found this thing called the atomic bomb. On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped a nuclear bomb on the city of Hiroshima. The bomb was known as "Young man", a uranium firearm type bomb that detonated with around thirteen kilotons of power. At the season of the shelling, Hiroshima was home to 280,000-290,000 individuals not in the military just as 43,000 officers. Pankratios decided to get one to destroy the city. It was going to help him create a portal to get home. The closest one was in Washington D.C. Pankratios started to fly to the storage center to get the bomb.

Pankratios had arrived at the storage center. He tried the door and it was not locked. Pankratios went inside.  He started to look around to find the bomb. There were 5 levels. It was mostly filled with junk. Pankratios  found the atomic bomb on the fifth level. Just then an alarm secretly sounded. He strated to run to the stairs and escape, but a vigilante flew in and started to fight with Pankratios. The vigilante threw a punch at his face, but Pankratios used his Hell Flame power and burned the vigilante. The vigilante flew at Pankratios and stolen the atomic bomb. He never anticipated that attack. The vigilante flew to the sun and threw the bomb into the sun.

Pankratios was very upset, but he knew that he had to escape. Pankratios  ran out of the building and into a safe distance. Pankratios sat down on the grass and started to think about what he should do. The portal will only open if there is a huge fight. Pankratios decided that he should turn all the countries against each other and they all have to participate in a huge battle that millions will die at. Through that sacrifice, he could escape to the underworld and become the ruler of it.  Pankratios was ready. He was ready to control the world.


1. Endurance
2. strength,
3. Agility
4. Reaction

Hellfire's Flame's: Pankratios can fire novel flares from any piece of there body, the blazes consume things with minimal quicker speed then customary blazes, yet appear to have the option to consume nearly anything. These blazes can consume metal, material, wood, shake, anything into a fine residue whenever given time. It will likewise empower him to fly around on a fly of blazes. The best way to stop the blazes is to pour fluid on it with water or to suspend the consuming article noticeable all around.

Damnation Physiology: Pankratios has incomparable quality, speed, and the capacity to buckle down for quite a while to a standard human. It takes more time to exhaust and can keep going multiple times up to a normal human without air, water, or sustenance, and appear to be close unfit to be harmed by all disorders and toxins. He can without much of a stretch make up for the lost time to most vehicles, running around 40 mp/h, and have incomparable quality, ready to pry through a tank shell like senseless putty. He has a shortcoming to water; the water makes a consuming impact him when he interacts with it.

Undying Durability: Pankratios has a peculiar instance of capacity to last. His skin can without much of a stretch take little arms fire and can deal with any kind of warmth. He appears to never age, and when they are some way or another killed they will become alive once again following 72 hours.

Mind Control: Pankratios can will others to do his offering. It needs eye to eye connection for all the more than five seconds. The more fragile the self-control the individual has, the simpler it is to control them. Pankratios can control up to three individuals at any given moment, inasmuch as his will is more prominent than theirs. He can just control a frail disapproved of the individual for up to one entire day or 12 hours. While under his control, he can have them do whatever he wants. He can likewise put in false recollections and thoughts in their mind, fooling them into detesting somebody or supposing somebody has said something terrible to them or about them. (Authorization Based)


Components Hurt Me: Extreme virus can make Pankratios' flame capacities debilitate and become less successful. Water will pour fluid on his flares easily, particularly in the event that he himself is drenching wet. The water itself can make his skin consume and rankle as though he's ablaze. He attempts his best to keep away from stormy days.

Fixation: When utilizing his mind control capacity, he should think for a strong five seconds for the ability to be powerful. On the off chance that his focus is broken, the mind control is broken.

Pride: Pankratios is loaded proudly and is certain about himself and his reasoning. He is so set in his ways and on a way of demolition to verify he returns to the Underworld to overcome his dad out of retribution. He will effectively achieve his true objective, blameless individuals are condemned. Once in a while, his pride can make him incognizant in regards to different occasions occurring in the shadows.

The ordinariness of a Man: Pankratios has not been in the overworld for long, however, he has adapted a few things about societal ordinary practices and so forth. A few things he isn't significant on, this for the most part having to do with to some slang and discussion points. He isn't generally fully informed regarding the news or the most present themes. Where somebody would offer a discussion to tackle an issue, he would effectively swing it to a battle or battle.

Does not have one.




Pain and Anger


Pankratios entered the house. He had asked a professor to do something for him, but the professor did not do it. Pankratios sneaked upstairs. He saw the man sleeping like a baby. Pankratios’s hands started to burn. He touched the man and escaped, but when he got to the door. His nemesis appeared. Pankratios started to kick and punch his nemesis, but his nemesis was too fast. His nemesis ran up to Pankratios and kicked him in the stomach. Pankratios threw up and used his fire to blast off from the house. He thought that he would be good, but he knew that someone was following him.

Last edited by Hot Doom Destroyer on May 10th 2019, 3:36 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Bad bio.)

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Number of posts : 3
Location : Houston, Texas
Age : 23
Job : School
Registration date : 2019-02-11

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Pankratios Empty Re: Pankratios

Post by Chellizard May 7th 2019, 11:09 pm

Your history is very lacking.

The idea of you being involved in Hitler's reign is gonna be a no from me. Sorry. Come up with something else, even if it's a copycat to Hitler. That's such a huge event in history that would make no sense if your character was involved then and suddenly back after nearly 150 years.

Your powers are also lacking information.

Mike wrote:fire = It is a fire lava stream that comes out of Firey's hands to melt every single metal.
Super strength = Firey can move anything like planets.
Invincibility/immortality = He could live forever and there is nothing that could harm him.
Mind manipulation = Firey can control people, but when Firey sleeps, the people turn back to normal.

Moving planets is a no go.

Melting anything is a no go.

Being 100% invincible is a no go.

Full mind manipulation is also a no go.

You need to expand on your powers and explain them in better detail. How exactly can he use them? Explain what metals he can melt, what things he is invincible to? What types of things he does to manipulate people with his mind?

Your weaknesses are also very lacking.

Mike wrote:Water

sword of life (Sword of Life is a sword that when cut, Firey loses all of his powers for 72 hours. It has been lost ever since Harry S. Truman used it in WWII)

Songs on the character being controlled and strobe lights

Cold Weather

Being weak to water is alright, but you need to go into more details and explain how it affects him.

A specific sword is a neat weakness, but so plot oriented I am not going to allow it as a weakness.

What does it mean by "Songs on the character being controlled?" and being affected by Strobe Lights are alright, but you need to explain what happens to your character.

Cold weather will also need to be explained. What happens to your character?


The RP sample provided is a very short sample... I understand it is a full thread, but your posts are very short, and lacking.

Also please refrain from using size 24 font when making posts here. Your posts will be immediately changed to default font.

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Pankratios JiLqjv0
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Pankratios Empty Re: Pankratios

Post by Chellizard May 10th 2019, 4:03 pm

Approve and moved.

-My DeviantArt-
Pankratios JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Pankratios Empty Re: Pankratios

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