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Swarm Infestation [Complete]

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Swarm Infestation [Complete] Empty Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by Row January 29th 2019, 1:41 am

Emerl did it. Her home was saved by the mysterious device. Her Doylus's primal state clawed at her mind but she did not mind. He could be saved maybe by her sacrifice. Now she could relax as the bright light fully engulf her body.

It did not hurt. It was neither warm nor cold. Everything was white, even when she closed her eyes. Was this death? A loud ringing drowned out the voice in her head. Her head felt heavy with thought yet empty of reason. It was the same feeling under his control. Her body stopped responded, grasping of anything while sinking. Yes, she could feel herself falling. Was this the feeling of losing once's self to rage, the curse of Turman. It was peaceful to be free from the feeling of struggling. The fall was relaxing. With a effort she pictured the people who stood by her for years. Like a picture with a small flame on its corner, the imaged crumbled into ash. Each face that burned away disappeared from her memory. Tears rolled down her face.
The mean bowman... gone
The fruit sharing knight... gone
The invincible swordsman... gone
The Golem Kid... gone
Her mother... go-gone
Her best friend... No

She did not want to forget. Why did she have to forget. Death was not peaceful. How could she relax now. No matter how hard she fought the picture continued burning.
The dragonfly thief...
The Crab bandit...
The mantis traitor...
Where there sacrifices nothing? There gift of power to her, should it not be remembered? She should not forget. She could not forget. She did not want to forget. Then the were gone. All thoughts vanished into the ringing. Her body was in a panic, regressing to the primitive instinct to survive. Maybe surviving a little longer would not hurt. Maybe it was okay, no worth it to live for just a second longer. Thats what they would want. That's what he, she? The girl could not remember who. Who ever they where they would want that. So she wanted to survive. So she had to survive. She will survive. She... what's that sound?

The ringing grew quiet as weird sounds poked into the light. Cold air rushed through her hair and filled her lungs. She could hear splashing of water. She could smell smoke mixed in with food. Everything was white until she closed her eyes. Was she dead? A smile grew on her face. Her body calmed down. She was alive. She knew it. She didn't die. She could find them. She could... Heart thumped. Terror rushed through her blood. She had to stop it now. She had to keep control she had to stay Emerl...

She had to hold on...

She had to survive...

The light screamed over a water fountain in mall. People gathered in the circle watching as it pulse loudly. A loud grasshopper like chirp pieced the air.  Then a deafening buzzing send he crowd back covering their ears. Finally the light expanded blinding everyone in the space. Primal Emerl dropped from the space, crashing into the fountain. Water flooded the floor. Security rushed to the scene. Emerl held her head as her legs looked for solid ground in the rubble. Her soaked skirt covered where the head of the ant body and her legs would be.

Heavy breaths replaced her words as she looked around. People were everywhere. They were running around in a combination of amazement, curiosity, and fear. They were making noises, speaking in weird English. They were in her territory. They were a threat to her survival. She let loose another loud buzz which mixed in a couple of chirps, in hopes of scaring away the crowd. Up on all 6 legs, she stood at 10ft towering every man in the building. There was no reason to be afraid

"Who are you," Shouted one of the guards, "We don't want any trouble but you need to leave ma'am!"

Emerl turned to the man. Her eyes glowed yellow as she studied the weird outfit. It had shiny bits, she wanted it. She moved one step, watching guards took a step back. Her breathing grew quicker. She did not want to chase. She wanted the shiny but she also wanted them gone.
"Leave..." Her words chirped as her voice attempted to regress, "Shiny.... Shiny stay!"
One of her front claws slammed into the ground easily breaking through tile and concrete underneath. The guards all brought out their batons but trembled. Emerl's hands shook with rage. They dare try to attack her in her own territory. Her demands were simple. Her eyes turned red. They forfeited their rights.  It was time to attack. The girl let out a loud buzz and then charged at the group with her front claws prime to skewer the group.

Last edited by Row on February 22nd 2019, 11:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

Poring Flan
Swarm Infestation [Complete] Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by GamerXZ January 29th 2019, 6:50 pm

An armored vehicle was blazing down the road at insane speeds, narrowly missing several bystanders whom just barely managed to get out of the way in time. Several police cars were in hot pursuit but their efforts were complicated by the fact that a masked figure in the passenger's seat was firing at them.

"Yahoo! Man, this is fun!!" The masked driver howled with joy as he drove past a thankfully deserted intersection, "It's like Fast And The Furious, but for real!"

"I'm glad one of us is having fun!" His buddy retorted as he reloaded his weapon, "You sure we couldn't have done this with a little know, subtlety?!!"

"Ah, come on, George, where's your sense of adventure?!!" The driver laughed again, "Besides, once we cross the border we're home free! And we'll have a cool ten million to split between us!"

"Yeah, assuming you don't get us killed first..." His buddy commented to himself as he went back to shooting.

Ahead of the vehicle was a woman walking her baby along in a stroller, only to see said truck barreling down on him. Thinking there was no time to escape, she shielded her baby with herself and waited for the end...only for it to never come as when she opened her eyes, she saw herself and her baby floating in the air with the little one giggling.

A glance behind her revealed their savior, Siren, whom winked before psychically placing them back on the ground and returning the woman's baby to her before turning to jet off like a bullet after the crazed driver and his buddies.

The guy who had been shooting actually swallowed a lump at seeing said superhero approaching, "Uh...Lucas? We got company!"

The man named "Lucas" glanced at his mirror and narrowed his eyes, "Great...just what we needed...Dennis! Bring out the big guns!!"

Another masked man opened up the rear door and pulled out a rocket launcher, "Eat this, you goody two-shoes!!" He fired the rocket, only for Siren's telekinesis to catch it and launch it into the heavens where it would explode harmlessly, "Crud! Need another rocket!!" He fumbled around only to come to an important realization...they had only brought one rocket with them, "Whoops..."

Suddenly, Siren let loose a telekinetic blast that destroyed the tire on one side of the truck and caused it to swerve before flipping over on its side. Within a minute, more police had arrived to surround them. With nothing left to do, the hooligans surrendered as Siren watched from a rooftop.

Although Alan was quite happy with their work, a certain someone was a bit more impatient, "Ok, now that we've done our good deed for the day, can we please go get some ice cream like you promised?" Aurora quizzed from within their shared brain.

"You know, there's other things to enjoy in life other than food, right?" Alan reminded her as they lifted off again.

"Well, duh, of course I know that," Aurora remarked while rolling her eyes, "But it's ice cream! And besides, with all the work we been putting in lately I think we've earned a little treat,don't you think?"

"I suppose..." However, as they approached the mall they would see people running for their lives, "What on earth..."

"Ok, I knew that Star Wars Episode 9 was gonna be bad but I didn't think it would send people screaming from the theater..." Alan gave Aurora a "this is not the time" look, "Sorry, I'll be quiet now..."

Slipping inside, they would arrive in time to see some sort of...creature in the middle of the fountain, getting ready to attack some officers. Siren descended in front of them and began to sing a soft melody, causing the material making up the floor to warp and distort before becoming a bunch of chains that flew forward to hold the entity down by its limbs.
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by Row January 30th 2019, 2:00 am

The men scattered as the half girl half insect charged them with skittering legs. Each back leg dug into the floor propelling the angry girl forward despite her use of only 4 legs. The guards were not fast enough to escape all together so it was smart to spread apart but Emerl was prepared for this.

She continued forward focusing on the one man would did not move. Trembling in fear, he held his baton. It was a miracle it did not fall out of his hands. Tears ran down his face as he fell under the shadow of her sharp claw. This was it, his life was over.

After a few seconds, the man opened his eyes a mysterious being standing in front of him. Chains held back the insect girl's claw. Emerl's eyes quickly darted to each of her legs before turning to the new intruder. She tried pulled away from the chains, backing up from the humming girl but the restraints were just annoying enough stop that. A couple heavy breath later allowed the girl to calm down enough to focus her strength into her claw, wrapping the chain around it and easily yanking the weird material out of the ground.

Turning to the weird being in front of her Emerl let loose a Screeched which was combine with the singing of a cicada. Then she pulled out each chain one leg at a time. Her fist were balled up, shaking with rage. Her flickered to yellow as she looked the new creature down. It didn't look human... well, it sort of looked human. She could smell minimal Aura on the creature despite the abilities create chains. It reminded her of the Desert People, the only group in her world who haven't unlocked the ability to use aura. However, they could not do Aura like abilities. What was this creature, this alien thing to her senses. Worst of all, it was bloody singing. Why was it making so much noise in her territory. What if more things like it came over.

Emerl Slam both claws into the ground and pulled up a huge chunk of earth. The claws handed this chunk to the girls hands before entering a offensive posture with her raised into the air ready to cut down anything that tried to enter their reach.
"Sta...." Emerl's voice gave out before she could finished the word. She tried to force out another word but her mouth would only produce rattle sounds. Her eyes flickered to yellow as she lowered her head struggling to regain control of her voice.
"Leeeee. LeeeeEEEE. LEEEEEE!"

Emerl's eyes turned red before she slammed the chunk in front of her hoping to knock the creature back. A cloud of dust and debris would fly out of the ground should the chunk hit the ground. Emerl would start her retreat with her eyes turning yellow. In her place would spawn 1 drone with the order take down creature and report back. The drone looked like Emerl in her normal form but had glowing red eyes and just a brown cloth covering her body like a poncho. Should Siren let the dust clear, she would fine only the drone standing there with her fist up ready to fight.

Last edited by Row on January 31st 2019, 12:30 am; edited 1 time in total

Poring Flan
Swarm Infestation [Complete] Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by GamerXZ January 30th 2019, 3:20 pm

As the beast was struggling to get free, Siren turned to glance at the policeman behind her, "Leave this to me, officer. You just focus on getting these people to safety," She turned back to see the entity swinging a giant chunk of rubble down at her like a hammer and hopped backwards.

As the cloud of dirt dissipated, she narrowed their eyes at the sight of a cloaked figure taking the place of the giant. Feeling that something was off, they reached out with the power of their mind and felt two presences before them, and almost immediately was hit with a wave of anxiety and confusion, but certainly no hints of malicious intent.

With a sigh, the alien spread their arms, "Alright, listen, whoever you are...I know you're scared and confused right now, but I can't properly help you until you calm down. You clearly aren't a bad person, but you're scaring these people and that might cause them to do something dangerous..." They gestured to the people fleeing the mall, "Now, I am not your enemy..." She cautiously took a few steps forward, "See? I am unarmed and I am speaking in a gentle manner so no need to be hostile..."
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by Row January 31st 2019, 1:24 am

Sadly the alien's words would fall on death ears. Emerl's drones were mindless daughters who could only act off of Emerl's word. It had no care for the fleeing people. It lack any curiosity for the weird creature before it. All had was the orders. It charged at the creature without screaming or talking. It's mind was blank, empty of all thought except attack and protect it's mother. Nothing short of Emerl or death itself would stop the drone. The drone would leap into the air as an exoskeleton grew behind it's knuckle. It's plan was to crush the creature with one punch. Should that not work, it would run forward swinging. Should the creature get to far away. It would try to find things to throw at it while closing the distance.

Meanwhile, Emerl continue moving around the mall. Her new territory had very few plants or trees. Everything was made of this smooth rock. It was shiny, more shiny than the metal on the man. Some of the stone could even show the girl's reflection. Moving along, she found another water fountain. She stepped into the pool and tried to drink the squirting water but it was disgusting. It was like bits of metal was dissolved inside and the water was growing algae. Lake water tasted better than this crap. Her eyes turned red and she crushed the fountain with her leg. It was bad water. Her territory need good water.

Cold water sprayed everywhere, washing off the grime from her battle before the light. Some parts of her body sting at first like her left arm and back but it was nice, relaxing. She made sure all of her body was wet before leaving the area. Her claws started grooming her legs, scratching away at the dirt and rubble. She grabbed her antenna with and ran her fingers through the joints. It was sensitive but it felt nice, like picking your nose. Soon her sense of smell improved and the world opened up to her. Cooked potatos, chicken, rice, beef, vegetables, made their scents know, but that was not what would attract the girls attention. No, it was the sweet sugary treats. She was already drooling as her antenna started hunting for the treat. Her eyes shifted to blue after she identified a path. She needed to move to the second floor, so she dug her legs into the wall and started climbing.
This was a good territory.

Poring Flan
Swarm Infestation [Complete] Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by GamerXZ January 31st 2019, 4:30 pm

Apparently, words weren't gonna work too well with the creature as it suddenly went on the attack. As such, Siren transformed their arm into a bulked-up version and reinforced with a telekinetic field as she swung her fist forward to meet the drone's with both punches colliding with enough force to partially uplift the ground around them.

However, Siren's punch proved to be stronger as the drone finally went flying and landed on its feet where it held its arm that now had a large crack running up the exoskeleton. It glared at the heroine before its eyes suddenly widened at seeing her morph the other arm into a whip and tie it around the drone's waist, "Sorry, but I don't exactly have time to waste on you..." As such, she yanked her catch through the air towards her and at the same time transformed her free arm into a giant blade also reinforced with telekinesis.

She delivered one clean slash that severed the drone's upper body from its lower half with both sections landing on the ground behind her. Hearing a loud crash, she turned and booked it towards the source, arriving in time to see the creature scaling the wall to the next floor, but now there was something off with the emotions it was emitting...

"It's almost like they're...looking for" He then spotted the food court and quickly flew up there, arriving in time to gather together as much grub as they could and laying it out before letting out a whistle to get the creature's attention.

"Over here!!" She would gesture to the food set out once it noticed her, "See? Food...all please try to calm more being scary...let's be friends.." To show she was serious, she held out a tray of boston cream pie and slowly moved closer to the entity.
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by Row January 31st 2019, 10:32 pm

As Emerl was climbing the wall. She felt the connect between her and her drone disappear. Her eyes flickered red, but returned to yellow. Hopefully she put on enough distance to escape the weird creature and look for food. After which she could try and deal with the intruder again. This smell, it was so strong. She could tell there was along of sweet food in this spot. All she had to do was make it up the wall and... not to her surprise, the weird creature was already up holding a plate of food.
Those word, they were of the influence of the will. It determined the creature as such despite it's lack of human-like qualities
Emerl followed that with a rattle. Her eyes turned red. This was her territory. This creature had no right taking her food. She readied her claw near a bench. As soon as the creature made an aura attack, she would launch it at it. However a the creature never attacked. No, it said something special. A word that reminded her of something. Something gone.
"FRRR....FIII... Freeeee... end?" Emerl fought to get out the word despite the will's desire, "Friend..."  
She did it but it did not make her happy. Instead, Tears fell from her face. Her eyes turned yellow, then blue. She lowered her claws and grabbed her head. A cicada like screech blasted from her mouth as her body fought for control. Her eye closed, opening only a few times to just be slammed shut. One interesting happened in the spout. Her eyes were now green. It was a small moment but the creature would see that. If the creature was reading her mind at that moment they would sense a great sadness and despair from what would seem like 2 minds.

One was the lost of a lover which brought out rage.
The other was a lost of something special but a gap in the memory would hide what the special was.
"GONE... GONE... GONE... NO MORE... Dead, dead, dead, dead, DEAD!"Emerl's eyes turned yellow again, "Must survive. Its KAY. Return! return... please!"
Then her eyes flickered red. Her claws locked onto the bench and flung it at the creature. Then 3 more drones appeared and stood in the path between the creature and Emerl. There eyes were yellow and they would continuously scan the area except for the middle one. That one would look at the creature and follow any movement it made. If the girl got pass them or within arms reach. They would push, or punch her back so that the creature did not pass that imaginary line they decided to form.

Poring Flan
Swarm Infestation [Complete] Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by GamerXZ February 1st 2019, 10:08 am

The sadness and agony this creature was generating now bordered on overwhelming, to the point it almost brought Siren to their knees. Regardless, she refused to falter, even as a bench was hurled at her which she stopped with the power of her mind and set it aside. Even at the sight of the drones acting as a wall, she simply walked towards them.

As soon as one of them slugged her in the face to get her to back off, Siren eyed the drones and tried to move around them only for another drone to swipe at her. Finally, she decided to just go through them, catching the punch of one of them as she did so, "Hey!!" She called out to Kaiju, "Listen...I know you've lost something important to you...and believe it or not, I know how that feels..." In this case, it was both Alan and Aurora speaking together.

"It hurts in a way that will never truly go away..." One of the drones slugged her in the face again to get her to back off. She staggered a bit but simply righted herself and kept trying to get through the wall, "You're scared and you feel alone...and that's alright. Those feelings of yours...don't repress them!!" She morphed her arm into a blade and cut the drone straight down the middle, causing the other two to go on the attack.

She morphed her arm blade into a lance and used a shield to block the strikes of both of them before stabbing one of them in the chest and using her telekinesis to fling the bench from before at the other one, knocking her off her feet. As the second drone fell, she started to advanced on Kaiju again only to be tackled and pinned down by the last drone who proceeded to continuously punch her face.

Despite the pain, Siren caught both fists and opened her mouth to let loose a sonic scream that sent the drone into the air and allowing her to stand. As it fell back down, she made a curved blade appear on her heel and spun like a top, cutting the drone in half.

With the targets taken care of, she advanced on Kaiju again, having a hand out to touch her head, " a friend...let me help you..." If her hand made contact, she'd start to amplify the sorrow Kaiju was feeling, knowing that being able to express it was far better than just bottling it up.
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by Row February 1st 2019, 11:28 am

Emerl Stopped after the creature called her. Her eyes cycled between yellow and red. The urge to attack the creature built up against the urge to obtain the prize food on her land. The voice in her head grew louder suppressing her memories more and more. They would not help her survive. They would not keep her safe. Only the voice could do that. She just had to give in again. Let the drones deal with the creature.

However the creature would not stop talking. It was like a nagging feeling in the back of Emerl's head, a second voice that made the girl want to keep the missing memories. Still, the will was stronger. The girl's memories would stay locked away. The creature's words were pointless in surviving. It was pointless the voice repeated. Emerl wanted it to be pointless. It was just a distraction.

The girl turned around eyes burning red after realizing the creature was gaining distances. She did not even noticed her drones were killed. It was a costly mistake for the girl had managed to get behind Kaiju. The girl tried to turn around, but her bulky size on the narrow path made it too difficult. She claws swiped at the air where the creature was but nothing. The creature disappeared? A panicking  Emerl searched for the creature only to feel a hand touch her shoulder. It was over.

A wave emotion erupted from her body. Another bout came between Emerl and the will as they battle for control over the body. Emerl's claws continuously swiped the area as if fighting some invisible force. The girl continuously rotated despite the creature standing on her ant bodies thorax. Each swipe was wide and wasteful, taxing the limited stamina reserve the girl had. Tears fell from her face. Her eyes burned red as the feeling of lost plagued her heart. Finally the girl succumbed to the emotions.

She wailed out, mixing multiple insect base noises in her voice. Another burst of energy allow her to conterminously swipe the area but this time the girl started ramming the walls trying to shake the creature off. She rammed into the wall again. Swinging her claw into the wall. Only her claw became stuck. She pulled, yanking it out of the wall but fell down to the first floor.
"Dead! Dead! Dead! Why Alive. Dead Dead! Want. Dead too!"
Tears ran down the girls face as she lied on the ground. Her ant body curled up while her hands covered her face. There she continued to cry. The will's voice was silent among the girl's feelings. Finally her eye turned green.

Poring Flan
Swarm Infestation [Complete] Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by GamerXZ February 1st 2019, 1:00 pm

Siren watched the beast finally settle down and breathed a sigh of relief. They felt a drizzle of their blood on their cheek and wiped it off as they had been through far worse. However, the sight before them now was honestly more than a little saddening. They stepped closer, wanting to say something, but not sure what words to use.

As such, they did the only thing that made sense: They wrapped their arms around the creature and held her gently while letting her poor her heart out.
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by Row February 1st 2019, 2:16 pm

Emerl continued crying until she felt someone try to left her human body up and hug her. She switched to whimpering as she tried to break away from the creature. Should she managed to push herself away, she would push herself upright and start wiping her eyes. Her claws stuck to the ground, acting as legs. Rubbing her arms, she started backing away from the creature.
"Away... Dangerous... Me... Not Safe!" Emerl pleaded.
Though she did not know why she regain control of herself without him, she knew the dangers of her power. She knew she could lose control at anytime. At the same time, she remembered what happened after the creature touched her. She did not want to feel that sadness. She did not want to relive the moment again. One of her claws rose as if trying to portray a threatening pose but the girl was too tired to keep it in the air. the claw trembled for a few seconds before falling to the ground. Her antenna twitched as it picked up the sweet smell again and her eyes flickered blue for a few seconds.

Then she grabbed her head and grunting, "Leave... LEAVE!"
The girl's eyes reverted to green and she started climbing the walls. Returning to the second floor, she clumsily made her way to the sweet smell. Her stomach was now guiding her. Her love for sugar lured her instincts. Inside she knew she had to be alone. It was not safe.

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Swarm Infestation [Complete] Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by GamerXZ February 1st 2019, 3:15 pm

Siren staggered back from being shoved and watched as the girl before them seemed to be having some internal struggle with herself, "Wait! Let me he-" She never got to finish as the girl suddenly took off back to the second floor. "I'm starting to wonder if bringing all that sadness to the surface was a good idea..."

"Well, trying to suppress it would've just led to something worse later on, and we might not be around to stop her," Aurora pointed out, though it was clear from her tone it was clear she was trying to convince herself as much as she was Alan, "...Let's just follow her for now, see what she does, and step in if it looks like she's in danger..."

Agreeing to that, Siren flew up to the second floor again and began to follow Kaiju while still giving her a decent amount of space, just observing...
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by Row February 1st 2019, 7:40 pm

Emerl continued on following her antenna. The sweet smell was getting closer. After a few more steps, she found the location of the the smell. It resembled a shop but there were weird things everywhere. First, a red pole like stick with a glass orb on top had tiny color balls inside. She did not know what the balls were but they smelled like sugary treats. So she picked up the device and inspected it carefuly. The seemed to come out of this metal latch. So she opened it but nothing game out. She then tried to stick her finger inside but the hole was too small. She shook it opening something would pop out but nothing. This device was seal proof like a puzzle. Emerl was never good at puzzles but sometimes they were fun. So she put the device under her arm and squeezed inside the store. Her antenna picked up more sweets barrels of them. One was filled with tiny bear all different colors. Another one had tiny circles with M's on it. Such items were weird but it all smelled like food. The walls were filled with other sugar goods but they all had a color associated with them. It she put a tiny red bear in her mouth and fell in heaven. It was so good. It was so sweet. It tasted as if the whole thing was sugar and it was almost as sweet as nectar, a very famous and popular Aurin drink. Also this tiny bear tasted like it had a cherry in it. She then grabbed a green one and stuffed her mouth. She let out a skittering hum as an extremely sweet strawberry taste flooded her mouth. It was not even red. Why did green taste like a red fruit. It was so awesome. Her next victim would be the yellow bear but a quiet whimper caught her ear.

She her antenna perked up scanning the room for smells. It took all but a few seconds for her to determine the sound was coming from the back of the counter. She squeezed her way through the small aisle trying her best not to tip over any barrels. Though she came close she managed to just push the barrels aside with her claws and pull herself forward. Finally she peeked over and noticed a crying boy. Her eyes turned blue. She had to help him. He needed her. He was he.... The her eyes reverted to green.

"Boy... is... Kay? Emerl... help! Stop... Crying. Please?" She fumbled over her words but managed to speak softly.
The boy looked at her only seeing her upper body, "I-I-I cant... I want my mommy!"
"Where... My... Mommy?"
"No... My mommy is gone. Not yours. Someone shouted monster and then I got separated from her."
"Monster! Emerl protect. Emerl strong. Emerl help find 'My' Mommy," She smiled at the boy which caused him to laugh.
"No she is my mom haha."
"Ohhh. We look... we find "My" Mom!" She giggled then held out the yellow gummy bear, "Friend?"
The kid took the bear and put it in his mouth, "Yes. We are friends!"
"We go!"
The boy nodded moved from behind the counter and his jaw nearly dropped after seeing that the woman was half bug underneath. She held out her hand and the kid hesitated to grab it.
"You promise you will help me?
"Emerl Pinkies!" she held her pink finger out which the kid grabbed onto.

Poring Flan
Swarm Infestation [Complete] Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by GamerXZ February 1st 2019, 8:03 pm

"Hey, this girl has a sweet tooth! That alone makes her alright in my book!" Aurora quipped, giggling as she watched the scene unfolding before them.

"You don't set your standards for liking people very high, if that's the case..." Despite his words, even Alan couldn't help but have a small smile on his face. That smile stiffened though when they saw Kaiju approaching a small child. Thankfully, it seemed the girl did have a heart after all.

Siren would wait for them to come out of the store and would be leaning against a pillar waiting for them, "Hey there!" She gave a wave, trying to be friendly, "Listen, I think we got off on the wrong foot back there. I'm Siren," She'd offer her hand for Kaiju to shake. Whether or not she did, the heroine would continue, "Now, a lot of people aren't gonna be very happy at you smashing up a public place but if all three of us go together to find this little guy's mom it would definitely make you look good..."

She knelt down to the child's level and smiled, "What you say, kid? Would you like all three of us to go find your Mom together?"
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by Row February 1st 2019, 9:40 pm

The little boy shook Emerl's pinky and a new bond was form. It was one of great hope for the bug woman. She had her new "friend to protect and she would let nobody interrupt that. She picked him up and placed him on her thorax right behind her back.
"Hold... Most safe"
The boy did his best to wrap his arms around the girl's waist. After she felt he was holding on tight, she let out a sigh. She had to figure out how to turn around. She tried to rotate right but she accidentally hit a barrel. She looked to her left and there was no space either. She was stuck and there was only one option.
"I walk behind... Hold please"
She turned her head her luck turned sour, and not the good kind. The creature followed her here. Her eyes turned yellow until it spoke. She turned around, knocking over a couple barrels. Both her hand when into a boxing like stance. She raised one of her claws which trembled in the air. It was so hard to be threatening when you were not angry. Then her eyes turned green.
"No TOUCH... No more... Cant take take... Too much!" Emerl, slammed her claw into the ground creating a small dent, "Emerl no share name. Dangerous. Warning you. Not Safe!" She held back her power as to not damage this place too much.
Her eyes turned green yellow, "This space is my space, my territory. My friend. Not yours!"
Her eyes turned green "Wont give. No more. NO MORE! No more dead now."
She Then grabbed him and held him close to her chest from behind, then her eyes flickered yellow. The voice in her head started it whispering. Her heart started to race.
"Emerl... Thats too tight."
"Emerl protect... Emerl find 'My' Mom...'"
"Emerl... that hurts... Please..."
"Keep safe... Creature bad. Creature wants make sad feelings. Creature scare. Siren Scary."
"She is a good guy... she was on the tv Emerl."
"Wat T.V.? Is Bad? Siren scary... T.V. scary! Will... will..." her eyes turned red, "CRUSH T.V.!"
Then Emerl charged forward charged forward letting out a loud grass hopper like chirp.

Poring Flan
Swarm Infestation [Complete] Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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