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PALS and VCRS (Finn and Anndroid)

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INV ONLY PALS and VCRS (Finn and Anndroid)

Post by The Nekromonga September 12th 2018, 11:07 pm

Maine... Somewhere Upstate

The large manor that served as the front for Avalon base was quiet that night, as a heavy storm was wracking the state. Roads were closed and people were advised to stay home.

Below ground, Ann waited in a laboratory booth of the Development Room with her VCR, the large bulky thing about the size of a four-seater couch. Since being accepted to the group, Ann had met with their science division and had agreed to take a closer look into her maintenance pod.

"This is completely unnecessary, Combat Unit. This group is unauthorized to access the VCR's databanks. Unauthorized access will result in activation of security protocol. Which I will not object to." The VCR said, having an unrobotic enthusiasm at the chance of controlling Anndroid.

"I still want to try. I want to unlock my memories. I want to know who I was." Ann retorted, preparing a gurney to tie herself down later, if it came to that.

"Personal memories are a hindrance in Combat Unit's Prime Directive. If they trigger my security systems, VCR will be able to assume control of Combat Unit. But you know that don't you, and risking other people's lives just for your own goals. How selfish and Self centered. How human of you."

While Ann waited, she had deigned to open Netflix on one of the lab's monitors, using Avalon's account. Ann searched through some horror series and fired up season 1 of Scream... About a small town girl being menaced by a murderer parading as a killer from the town's history.

Perfect for a stormy night. Ann sat on her Pod and watched. And waited.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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INV ONLY Re: PALS and VCRS (Finn and Anndroid)

Post by Nate6595 September 14th 2018, 3:35 pm

Avalon was still very much in the starting up period. It was hard for Finn to escape from the the hordes upon hordes of paperwork that the council had to do. There were profiles to look over, complaints over the facilities to address, and so much more. It was just a lot more paperwork than Finn had wanted to do. This wasn't the hero life that he had expected, nor wanted. But! Hero work was hero work! In the long run the work he did would save lives, even if it wasn't him saving the lives. It would snowball into a greater effect. That made it slightly more bearable. Slightly.

Tonight had actually been the first night he had gotten some time to himself, he wasn't really sure what he was gonna do with it, but it would be better than paperwork. It was around late in the evening when he got the notice that a new member was doing some work on a device she had brought with her. It was more work, but it sounded interested. It would also be a good chance to meet the new recruits, between all the paperwork and everything he hadn't really gotten a chance to personally meet them.

After taking care of the last bits of work he had to get done today he made his way over to the Armory, followed by his loyal friend. Opening the door, P.A.L. was already jumping in and barreling towards the new recruit. He skidded to a stop a few paces away from Ann and began to make sniffing sounds around her, trying to get her scent. Though, it was unknown if P.A.L. could actually smell. Finn waved a hand over at her. "Ah! You must be the one I keep hearing about! Sorry about the dog, his name is P.A.L.! You can call me Finn!"

He made his way over to Ann and extended a hand. He cast a glance over at the machine she had brought with her and grimaced for a moment. He didn't let it stay there for long, but it had been present for a moment. The machine looked intimidating, maybe he was getting into more than he could chew? "So, that's the device, right? What exactly did you want to do with it?" He looked over to P.A.L. who was still sniffing which made him smile. "P.A.L. Toolbox please."

P.A.L. replied with a bark, stood up straight, and side slot on his...well, side, opened up revealing a series of tools. Whether or not Ann returned the shake or not, Finn would drop his hand and move over to the toolbox. "Are we trying to take it apart, this more of a hacking thing? I don't know as much about hacking, but I can give it my best shot. My brother did teach me a good deal about that stuff, though generally I'm better at the mechanical aspect of things." He looked back to her, smiling kindly. "So! What's the plan?"
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INV ONLY Re: PALS and VCRS (Finn and Anndroid)

Post by The Nekromonga September 14th 2018, 9:09 pm

Anndroid was watching Scream intently. So far, the lesbian teenagers had been outed at the school, and the girl, Rachel, was being depressed in her room. That was when the killer shows up in the window... just as Finn arrived, and the lights flickered due to the massive hurricane outside.

Why a robot was afraid or needed to gasp was unknown, but Ann sent the remote flying in surprise. Amazingly it landed on the pause button, with a close up of the killer.


"Oh! I'm so sorry, I did not see you... oh..." Ann apologized, moving frantically, shaking off the fright of the horror series. She picks up the remote and places it on the Pod.

Ann moved to greet Finn, shake his hand. Then Ann took a look at the mechanical dog, and it warmed her robot heart, in a manner of speaking. She knelt down to pet him, rub his back, maybe his belly, and scratch his robot butt. Ann felt immediate kinship with PAL, having met another robotic being.

"PAL? How nice. Awww he's wonderful!" Ann tried to pick up PAL for a bit but he wiggled away, since he was here on business too. "It's nice to meet you both, Finn and PAL." Ann resumed to shaking Finn's hand, her own grip cold and hard yet surprisingly deft and gentle.

Their focus fell on the ominous Pod, a device Ann would like to but is unable to be without. They stand next to it, and Ann opens it up, showing its white lit interior. Even an average human being could surmise from the outline that it was for Ann to lie in.

"So uh... the Pod. Whenever I use my super abilities, it drains my energy really fast, and I can only recharge in this pod. The Pod itself has a huge power drain. Yeah." Ann began explaining randomly, not answering the question.

Up close, The Pod's Hal9000 eye seemed to leer at Finn. "Warning. Unauthorized Personnel Access will be dealt with by the combat unit. With Ruthless efficiency. This Maintenance Unit will not be held responsible for injuries including but not limited to: decapitation, dismemberment, bone fractures, lacerations, and bruised genitals." It paused, then continued. "But don't let that discourage you, Unauthorized person. Go ahead. give it a try. Maybe there will be cake at the end."

Ann gave it a good kick, like an uncooperative vending machine.

"I'd like to know if... if you could unlock the security? I have... I don't remember much of anything about myself. I think the Pod might know." Ann asked earnestly.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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