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A junkyard metting

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A junkyard metting Empty A junkyard metting

Post by Sasryl January 11th 2019, 4:09 pm

Perhaps unsurprisingly she was once more in the New Jersey junk yard on top of a hill made of junk in her costume which was essentially a mask combined with a suit that had way too many pockets she used to store whatever part she found useful from her junk yard expeditions. Some could argue that the trouble was not worth the reward when it came to scavenging but they didn't know what kind of precious things people threw away ranging from perfectly functioning chips that could be upgraded to work at least six times as efficently to various pipes that could be used to flow nything from and more importantly there were many things she could reduce to their polymer base in order to assemble them as a different matter she could utilize. Unfortunately she wasn't nearly equipped enough to actually turn them into universal polymer base but she was certain that she could do so once she had a proper setup.

As her dig continued she giggled like a little kid on christmas night as she found extremely useful parts which she immediately put into her pocket while discarding the large part that only existed to make the thing look fancy or worse things that were so badly built that there were no use for them. Near the end she felt like she had enough to build herself a new sonic cannon that she could set to be triggered on motion at her 'laboratory' so that any would be scientist that came to steal her works could be annihilated. To be fair she wasn't famous enough to attract any bad kind of attention but she liked to act like she was as it gave her reasons to create things she could use to create real versions of special effects one saw on movies or when a villain attack occured.

As she was plotting how to build the gun she pulled something she shouldn't have leading to a large crashing sound as she barely scrambled to hold something while a landslide electronic devices occured creating an extremely loud noise that was probably heard by anyone though most people would simply ignore it as this wasn't the first time she caused this nor was this going to be the last.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2019-01-08

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A junkyard metting Empty Re: A junkyard metting

Post by King Chimera January 12th 2019, 12:18 am

The King Chimera walked through the junkyard, moving and maneuvering over the mounds of spare parts and disassembled garbage. There was a very distinct lack of copper around here. Copper was such a useful and vital electrical piece, the tubes and the wires sold for quite a pretty penny. There were many whom came to such places to prey upon the copper to turn around and sell it back to those willing to buy. Mindless drones with no vision, without any sense of creativity or adventure. Simple people with simple understanding, taking it day by day while the visionaries such as he played the long game.

He didn’t find himself to be better than them, truthfully he found himself to be more intelligent but even intelligence and awareness have their own curses, burdens to the soul of those whom possess it. There was a time he longed to live a blissfully ignorant life. He tried it, so many times and each time he lost everything. Now he was here, getting ready to be the vanguard of what was to come. Leading by example as he left the entirety of his nation in the hands of his nephew. But that was all such a stressful matter.

The King Chimera yearned to scratch the proverbial itch within his mind. He desired the thrill, the release of creativity and bringing something new into being. The ability to flex his mental muscles for just long enough to keep them from atrophy. But to do that he needed copper, and these little thieves and simpletons kept taking it all. With a deep breath he sighed, recalling the wonderful woman he had met when he first arrived. The mute name Nu. She was a wonderful first impression of this world, and he would remember that the people of this world were different than his own. They were far more peaceful, far more relaxed.

The warm sun beaming down, the feeling of a gentle wind. That’s when he heard it, a loud crash and a yell. His ears actually twitched as his heterochromatic eyes shifted all about. With another deep breath he focused and closed his eyes, trying to pin-point a specific location of the sound. The damn junkyard and it’s metal tended to throw sounds all about. It took him a moment, but he heard it from the north west, and so he ran.

Jumping up from a scrap piece he threw himself to a small mound. Beginning to climb as he pulled himself up, feeling his white sleeveless shirt snag. With an annoyed grunt he looked down where he heard it, the scrap had left a tear by the black smudges of greece. This was suddenly a much more annoying day than he had thought. He was sweating, his face and clothes all had grease on it. He couldn’t leave someone in danger if he could help it. He couldn’t remember that number Nu had told him to call when there was something bad happening either. It was only three numbers too. Troublesome….

King Chimera pulled himself higher and higher onto a large mound as he peeked over, blinking as his dual-colored eyes blinked at a young woman, very close to his age. Physically, she was possibly a little younger. He had hoped she didn’t recognize him as this world’s “Smartest man alive” and all that happy bull-crap.

“H-hi...” He said meekly beginning to look around. He quickly rubbed his hair, and began to pull at a few components from his surroundings. Then he reached for what appeared to be a broken motor-belt. He dangled the belt in front of the ginger-haired woman, waiting for her to take it. “Up?”
King Chimera
King Chimera
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2016-09-14

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A junkyard metting Empty Re: A junkyard metting

Post by Sasryl January 12th 2019, 1:11 pm

As she slowly regained her bearings after throwing herself away rather recklessly tshe saw a person in front of her and naturally the first thing that came to her mind was the police and while she was no criminal the law enforcement didn't take kindly to people going through junk even if the person in question was an inventor and was technically commiting a good deed by recycling perfectly usable parts into inventions. Sure her inventions weren't at the level where they could help the common people but if she worked hard enough and got enough work to actually improve herself then surely she could create robots that could help rebuild New York or dig shelters or something similar which was an awesome thing to do which was why the cops should have just let her harvest in peace.

As she was thinking of how cops were wrong to attempt to shoo her at best and arrest her at worst she realized whom she was looking at wasn't a cop but someone else in the junk yard. Rather interested to meet anyone who would visit the junk yard at this time she quickly recovered her posture and took the thing the man was offering before giving him a big grin:"I didn't know someone else came here. It is rather surprising what people throw away right?I mean i could make so many things from what others call junk. By the way my name is Gadgeteer. I mean not my real name but i don't like using my real name when i am doing things that makes people angry like gathering parts or making things from used parts and testing them out or screaming too loudly when something goes great. "

Despite recovering herself and sounding rather cheerful she looked somewhat like a mess. She had so many different stains on her face and hands ranging from oil stains to three year old milk stains though she wasn't minding them at all. Her suit was somewhat damaged from the jump as well as she hadn't actually bothered to strengthen it though luckily she wasn't bleeding and none of the cuts that caused her skin to show were anywhere that required her to feel embarrassed. Not that she would feel embarrassed from that but it was clear to her that being in a comfortable state made others uncomfortable so she usually tried to avoid that state unless she was alone.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2019-01-08

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A junkyard metting Empty Re: A junkyard metting

Post by King Chimera January 13th 2019, 1:08 am

The woman didn’t seem to need any help up. That was okay. King Chimera slipped down and carefully dropped from the small mound in order to be more on eye-level with the young woman. He wiped his face with his forearm and looked at the smudging left behind. Normally he would have been annoyed, but he was in work clothes so this was okay by him. He smiled as he threw the broken motor belt around his neck and looked to the woman. That was when he noticed it. They were both tiny human beings. King Chimera stood proudly at five feet and one with three quarters of an inch. This girl was roughly the same. Even back home he was tiny, but here even most of the women here were taller than him. He felt a profound sadness about this.  

The woman talked about the fact she couldn’t believe what people were willing to throw away. He could understand this, although not many people had the technical know-how to turn their “junk” and broken equipment into something useful. Most of them lacked the creativity to even imagine. On that front they could probably have considered themselves blessed.

“Yeah...” He said slightly awkwardly as he nodded, eyes glancing away as he scanned the area. Social interactions were not his forte. Especially not here, of all places. He cleared his throat and smiled, introducing himself as he stuck out a hand. “My name is...Kayc-” He turned his head and coughed into his arm, clearing his throat again more forcibly as he scolded himself. That wasn’t a believable name at all. Great now he had to recover from that. Seriously though, Kayce? Like as in K-C, his alter-ego’s initials? He was better than this! He cleared his throat and gave a slight chuckle. “I’m so sorry. Jase. I’m Jase. Aaaand I promise not to get mad because I’m doing the exact same thing.” He said nodding with a grin, looking around at the trash to avoid eye-contact at all cost. He was perfectly content to let his green and indigo eye shift from junk to junk, looking for any device that looked as though it would use copper.

   “I’m trying to make an alarm system. But it’s electronic in nature so I need cupric based wiring, if needed I can melt it down and reinforce it with Nickel, though i’m not making a standard security system so that would be wise. Argentum too. What are you building there? If you don’t want to say I can appreciate that. We all have our secret projects.” He said, trying his damndest to strike up conversation. He was a socially awkward guy to be sure, it seemed like this person had something in common with him that most people didn’t share and innovation was the easiest bridge for him to connect with someone.
King Chimera
King Chimera
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2016-09-14

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