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Slime and Dash

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OPEN Slime and Dash

Post by Nate6595 February 24th 2018, 2:48 am

It had been a rather warm night in the city, at least for winter. It was close to fifty-five out and only a few heavy clouds hung in the sky, it would probably ran later tonight or early tomorrow. In this part of town it was rather quiet, it was close to where the old rubble used to be before it was cleared out. A lot of the buildings here were still being worked on during the day. Now, being close to two in the morning, the street was near abandoned, minus the twenty-four fast food joint, gas station, and small grocery store.

Samuel Grayson, a young kid in a black and grey striped jacket, was making his way down the street, humming a small tune. He had just finished doing a few jobs for the local police and had earned a decent amount of cash. He was feeling good and his secret base was close by, tucked away in a nearby alley. He only had one more job tonight before he could call it a night. On his way out of the station there was a call about a strange person spotted nearby the fast food joint on this street. The officer asked Sam to check up on it since it was on his way and shouldn't be anything big. He was even thrown an extra fifty.

Sam didn't mind, he always liked to help especially if money was involved. With slight hop to his step Sam approached the restaurant's parking lot, but stopped at edge of it. There was some kind of ruckus going on.

"Huh." Sam uttered. "What's going on in there?" He rubbed the back of his head as let out a small sigh. He was already getting tired and his ability would only drain him quicker. He hoped it wasn't anything serious.

Slowly he approached the wide glass window of the restaurant and peered through, trying to see what was going on.
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OPEN Re: Slime and Dash

Post by Row February 25th 2018, 8:05 am

"It's the monster that attacked that restaurant."

Everyone was barricaded behind tables and chairs while surrounding a girl in a yellow raincoat. Her face was completely hidden under the shadow of her hood while the rest of her body was hidden under her coat. Only her yellow boots poked out from under her coat.

She raised her sleeves, which appeared to be too long for her arms, to further hide her face, "No, no. Poring is not a monster. Poring is a normal girl with normal hunger."

She took a step forward and everyone infront of her screamed. "Stay away monster, we have already called the athorities."
Poring quicky backed up. They were scared of her and accused her of a crime she did not commit.
"Poring didn't attack the store. It was the trash man. It was the trash man."
Poring lowered her head from the guilt. While she was not lying, she did lose control and almost hurt the man.
"Poring sorry for being a bad girl. You forgive Poring?"
She tried to take a step forward while placing her sleeve on her chest.

Their was a brief silence. Then a man stepped out from behind the barrier. His hand was clenching an empty napkin dispenser. His body trembled. He faced the ground with an intensed stare. Color poured out of his face but be found the courage to look up at Poring.

"If you are not here to hurt us, then leave. We don't treat monsters or criminals."
He threw the dispenser at Poring, missing her feet. A woman demanded the slime girl leave before throwing a empty tray. More people stood up to yell and throw things.

Poring tried to speak out but her voice was drowned out by the people's protest. All she could do was try and protect herself from everything they threw at her. Human bodies are suppose to be frail after all. More and more stuff barraged againsted her body boucing off as she struggled to maintain her shape until a tray nailed her in the head. Her hood flew back as slime splattered all over the wall behind her.

Everybody stopped. Slime piled up into a ball. It carved out a face, then short hair, finishing with a neck. Tears of slime looked out from under her eyes. Then a loud whail started crying apologize.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry... Poring does not want to be a monster. sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry."

Then another wave of throwing knocked the slime girl onto the ground. She curled into a ball trying to maintain her shape. When the next intermission came, she took the chance to run out the building and hide behind the closest dumpster.

Through shear will, she managed to stop whimpering but she still sniffled as she hugged her knees.
"Why can't Poring be human. Why do Poring have to be the monster."

Poring Flan
Slime and Dash Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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OPEN Re: Slime and Dash

Post by Nate6595 February 25th 2018, 1:05 pm

Sam watched the scene unfold from the window. He wanted to see how the crowd would react and how the monster would. He couldn't hear everything through the glass, but he could make out enough of it. He heard the crowd shout and saw as they began to barrage the monster.

"Jesus..." He muttered. He was still kind of tired, but he had plenty of energy to deal with this. He opened a gateway right at his feet and the connecting to the inside of the establishment, a few feet in front of the monster. With a step forward he stepped through the gateway.

He dropped down in front of the mobster girl, facing the crowd, and knocked away one of the chairs they had just thrown with his long staff. After that, the crowd stopped throwing things, at least for now. Whether they stopped because a man just fell from the ceiling from a black hole or that someone who was actual human stepped up to defend the monster Sam was unsure, but they had stopped nonetheless. That at least gave him a few moments to talk.

"Now!" Sam said as tucked his staff between his armpit and clapped his hands together. "I ain't the brightest tool in the shed, and I don't know much about law, but I am pretty certain this ain't a courthouse." He shook his head, smiling kindly at them. "I don't think anyone here can pass any sort of judgement on this girl. You lot didn't even hear her out! Shane on you!" He gave a small shrug. "It looks like she wasn't causing problems."

Sam turned his back to the crowd, half expecting someone to throw something at him. He held his hand down to the monster and smiled brightly. "You look weird!" He declared loudly followed by a bright laugh. "I like you! Are you okay? Can I get you something to eat?"

He looked over his shoulder at the large crowd, a smile still planted on his face. "Which one of ya is the chef? Mr and my friend here are hungry." He looked back to the monster. "What can I get ya to eat?"
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OPEN Re: Slime and Dash

Post by Row February 25th 2018, 6:53 pm

(I totally messed up my post. I made poring appear why to innocent. While I do appreciate genuine niceness. I don't think I correctly justified the actions of the people. So sorry for having to be so sorry for this)

Before Poring could escape the scene, her worst nightmare became reality. a hero appeared. Why did they hire a hero. Sure poring hurted a few people, but she didn't fight back on purpose... Except that one time at the mall.

"Stay back hero human, I..."
Her voice waviered between a false anger and dreaded crying, "Poring wont let you take her." She raised her sleeves which were bulged and swelled. Then a giant glob of slime blasted out of her arm to slam down on the hero. Poring could not hear anything over her fear. Being found out without revealing herself and the appearance of the hero made her delirious. Slowly her primal instincts kicked in which valued her safety over everything else.

"Look the monster became violent, everyone get out before it becomes big."

In a panic, the crowd exited the building screaming and miraculously not trampling over each other. All except for a little boy who was cowering under a table in the middle of the room. He muffled his mouth and was as silent as falling leaf.

Poring Flan
Slime and Dash Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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OPEN Re: Slime and Dash

Post by Nate6595 February 26th 2018, 4:31 pm

Sam was easily caught off guard and slammed by the slime. He was pinned on the ground, still a bit in shock from the attack, he thought he had been nice, he thought he had the situation figured out. Maybe the girl was a monster and those people were right. She had looked scared though...

He opened his eyes and saw the crowd ran, pile out. At least there was that. Then his eyes fell on the child, who was still paralyzed with fear under the table. He somehow managed to smile at that. There was always one left over. Always something to make everything trickier.

With a grunt, Sam opened a gateway beneath, enabling him to fall through and escape the slime that was slammed against him. The exit point waa a few feet behind the girl, but before he could do anything he closed the gateway before the slime could follow him down.

Sam raised his hands to Slime Monster. One, trying to get her attention away from the direction of the kid, and two, trying to show her he meant no harm. "Please. I don't want to fight you!" He smiles softly. "I ain't here to do anything, just checking up on the place. If continue like this I'm gonna need to stop you."
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OPEN Re: Slime and Dash

Post by Row February 27th 2018, 6:26 pm

"Now human, Leave Poring... uhh." A loud grumbling sound thundered through the room, "No... not now..."

Poring moved her free sleeve to her stomach before looking up. She raised her tendril of slime which was reabsorbed back into the rain coat. The grumbling ceased. Poring could not rest. The man disappeared. He was not inside of her, and their was no blood on the ground, much to Poring's relief. She was not a killer yet.

Then the man called her from another side of the room.
"Lies, you humans lie. If you did not want to capture Poring, you would go away like the others."
She raises her sleeve building up slime by her the grumbling started up again.
"Poring... hungry... uhh."
Their she dropped to the ground, reabsorbing the build up of slime. Her stomach continued to growl so she absorb the slime from her sleeves. She looked up and saw that the path to the kitchen was still open, so she go up and and briskly walked to he kitchen. If she could get something to eat then maybe she could ward of the hero and escape.

Poring Flan
Slime and Dash Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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OPEN Re: Slime and Dash

Post by Nate6595 February 28th 2018, 3:49 am

Sam watched with a strange curiosity as the slime girl absorbed her missing slime and reconnect it to her body. He had never seen anything quite like it nor seen any monster like this. To say the least, Sam was impressed. He was never good with science or knowing things in general, but he was a curious person.

He blinked at her comment, then couldn't help but smile. "Fine...I guess I'll have to convince you..." He whispered quietly to himself and watched her make her way into the kitchen, offering no resistance to her. He had thought of making some sort of gateway to stop her, he wasn't one-hundred percent postive she wasn't a threat, and that attack hurt like hell. He wasn't sure if he'd have been able to get up back there if not for his escape. He had to do something, though... Instead he went over to the counter and looked up at the glowing menu, perusing their fine selection.

"What do you think I should have to eat?" He called to her casually. "I don't eat here often and I don't know what's good." He continued to look for a few moments. "I won't stop ya from eating or anything, and I'd rather not fight, but if you start it then I really don't got a choice. I wanted to ask you a few questions too." He tried to find her so he could cast her a glance, trying to get a read on her facial expression.

Last edited by Nate6595 on May 9th 2018, 12:52 am; edited 1 time in total
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OPEN Re: Slime and Dash

Post by Row March 1st 2018, 9:55 pm

Poring entered the kitchen unopposed. While most of the food was uncooked or not prepared, it was all edible to the slime. So she proceed to stuff as much food into her body as possible and slowly absorbed it. This allowed her to build more mass and then absorb more food. The cycled continued until she managed to obtain a mass 5 times bigger than her preferred size of 4 feet. She felt powerful enough to escape the hero, but that was not all.

A feeling of dread crawled out of her stomach. Her gluttonous nature got the best of her and allowed her to clean out most of the store. Slime filled almost every corner of the space with hundreds of dollars of damage. Her carelessness probably cost the business several weeks of loses. Though she could not comprehend the money aspect, she remember the last time she went out of control and ate too much. The store went out of business a couple of weeks later.

"No... I... uh..." She inspected her body hoping she did not eat everything. Her core proceed to reabsorb the excess slime, shrinking her so she was back to the size of a 4ft girl.
"I am... I am ah monster."
She sniffled and then condensed into a ball like shape about 3 feet in diameter. She then left her rain gear and glided to the closest exit. For now she hoped she could escape before the hero caught up.

Poring Flan
Slime and Dash Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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OPEN Re: Slime and Dash

Post by Nate6595 March 4th 2018, 10:56 am

Sam, to say the least, was impressed with the amount she ate. Sure he could eat a lot when he was hungry, but this was something else. The size increase was interesting as well, it could mean more trouble for him, but nonetheless he was still impressed. She was even more interesting than he had first thought. It did slowly process for him that this would be expensive, and while that was concerning, he was more concerned with what would happen if this slime left.

Just as it all processed for him the slime girl was already making their way out. "Oh shoot..." Sam whispered to himself. He quickly hopped over the counter and into the kitchen, but before he went towards her he noticed her jacket on the ground. At least...he was pretty sure it was hers. He thought he saw her wearing it.

He quickly swiped it up and held it out to the slime. She was already close to the backdoor and he was still a good few feet from her, but he wanted to try and seem non-hostile. Besides himself, the girl hadn't hurt anyone else, at Sam's knowledge. He wanted to really see if this girl was good or bad. "Hey!" He said rather loud and brightly. "You dropped this! Ya don't want to lose it, right?"

He slowly took one step towards the ball, honestly trying not to threaten it in any way.
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OPEN Re: Slime and Dash

Post by Row March 5th 2018, 9:36 pm

Pori stopped when the hero mentioned her dropping something. It did not take long for her to realize what it was, she could remember losing it as he fell to the needs of her stomach. It was her only clothes, her one way of hiding the fact that she was not human. However that did not matter anymore. People knew the truth about her, so the disguise would not work anymore. It was  only a matter of time before more and more people started hunting her down and looking for that rain coat... It was a trick.

"No, I wont let you trick me human. You have been pretending to be nice but you are just trying to capture me," A Her body blew and her voice grew louder with every word, "and put me in the magic invisible container like Poring was a Jam. Poring will not go back to be a jam! NO NO NO!"

Then two tendrils rose into the air then tried to knock the man away from her. Succeed or not, she would then run out the door and into the middle of the road. Her tendrils would tail her until it fully was absorbed into her body. However, the girl was not out of the clear yet. A car sped towards her, swerving and swatting her with its rear end. Instead of going splat, Poring managed to blow herself up to absorb half the car.

She screamed absorbing the car into her body and growing to over 10 feet in size. It took another car ramming into her and getting stuck for traffic to get the picture and stop. Poring screamed again, absorbing the car which floated in her body like a fish in a bowl. People everywhere started screaming and running away.

"PORI IS NOT MONSTER! HUMANS ARE MONSTERS. HUMANS ARE THE BAD GUYS." She slammed her slime into the ground and pushed away the empty cars into near by buildings. Then she ran into the direction with the fewest amount of civilians while accidentally picking up a couple in her mass. Poring was screaming, crying, and throwing a tantrum. It would not be long before the Police would arrive to combat the monster.

Poring Flan
Slime and Dash Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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OPEN Re: Slime and Dash

Post by Nate6595 March 7th 2018, 4:48 am

Sam, once again, was knocked back by Pori. He had really thought this time he'd be able to get her to calm down a bit and realize he was on her side. He slammed against a metal table, hitting his head on the leg of it. He wasn't knocked out, but he was dazed, giving Pork enough time to escape and create chaos on the streets.

Even his dazed spot Sam could hear the screams and the horns of the cars. It was bad and it'd only get worse. The police would come, try and hurt the monster girl and cause her to go into a greater rage. On top of that...the girl seemed sad, like she didn't mean for any of this to happen...attacking someone for that didn't sit well for Sam, but if it really did get much worse, he'd have.

With a grunt, he picked himself off the floor and headed to where Pori exited. As soon as he got into that street he saw everything and with a worried look he began to scan for any other thing that could be in danger of Pori or that would be damaging of her. There were civilians running, but no cops yet, they'd be there soon though. There was also the stuff inside the slime. That needed to be taken care of.

Sam ran a hand through his, desperately trying to think of a plan. He wasn't that bright, but he could be clever if he tried. He looked around, trying to find anything that could help. After a few moments of glancing his eyes fell on the rain jacket he held in his hand. He hadn't even noticed he still had it or that he had not let go of it when he was knocked back.

An idea sparked in his head. Rain jacket for rain...when it rains it...He looked around a bit more and saw a sewer grate. He looked back to Pori who looked like she was mainly liquid so maybe he could!

Sam grinned and took in a deep breath. He was getting tired, but he had to try this. While he didn't habe energy for one big portal, he could pull off a few smaller ones. He attempted to try and make five manhole sized portals right in the road under Pori. The connecting points to those portals where in a close by alley in a straight row, one after the other. Sam's hope was that Pori would drain through the holes and into the alley. Hopefully this attempt would save her and the people wouldn't fall in with her, hopefully grabbing the road and the cars that were too big for the small portals.
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OPEN Re: Slime and Dash

Post by Row March 10th 2018, 1:29 pm

Poring continued moving until sirens blared through the streets. 5 police cars formed a perimeter halting the slime's movements any further. They took out their guns and demand the monster stand down.

"Isn't their a hero near by... Think he got taken out?"
"It doesn't matter just, it is up to us to hold off the monster"

Poring roared and raised a ball of slime above her mass. Her she was going to slam down on the police cars and pull forward. Suddenly, her slime did not respond. She tried to create more, but she was at her limit. Even worst, she was losing mass. Confused she fired a smaller arm of slime at the barricade but her core drained into a hole in the ground. She was too confused to just swim it out of the hole and her slime body froze. The police opened fire on what they believed to Poring's head while avoiding any civilians caught in the mass.

The slime body, unable to keep its mass up without the core began to melt into a puddle. The core, realizing what happened tried to swim back up through the magic hole while using all her might to keep her body above the hole stable. the slime draining through the other holes immediately dissolved into a watery substance and drained away into the sewers. Despite her efforts, she could not give commands to the slime and move her core around while being drained and her slime started to dissolve underneath her.

With the slime around of her dissolved into a substance she could not control, Her core fell with the watery substance and washed away into the ally. Her slime quickly dissolved away with nothing keeping it stable and melted in front of the cops. The people and cars were freed. A few people were unconscious and everyone was soaked as they slipped around in the slime like water, but nobody was hurt. The cops put down their weapons to assist the the people. Everyone returned and started cheering on the police who saved them from the Monster slime.

Poring's dark blue core trembled as it was caught in a box wedged in between a dumpster and a wall. The rest of the watery slime that slipped through the magical holes drained into the sewer system. If Poring could talk or make sounds, she would be crying. She was exposed, weak, scared, and alone. Her core was no bigger then large adult man's fist and she was too tired to move and too hungry and wet to make any more slime.

Poring Flan
Slime and Dash Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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OPEN Re: Slime and Dash

Post by Nate6595 March 16th 2018, 10:22 pm

Now that the slime girl had been moved out of the way, no longer in danger from the police and no would no longer be tormented by citizens, maybe Sam could actually talk to her? At least that's what he had hoped. The last thing he wanted was for her to be hurt or upset, he was a hero after all. It wasn't his job to hurt people, it was his job to protect people and...even though this slime girl looked a bit weird she still was a person. He thinks? Yeah, no, they way she acted there's no way she couldn't be a person. At least at her heart. There was a tinge of worry though that he went overboard with his ability...he wasn't sure what kind of properties the slime had and what would happen if it went through a gate. For that matter...he wasn't even sure if the gateways had any negative feedback to begin with. There was the exhausted, but he wasn't sure if there was any other sort of negative drawback to using them.

Opening a portal to where he had drained the slime out to, Sam hopped through and down into the alley and looked around. That worried tinge turned to full panic. There was a lot less slime here than he thought. What had happened to it? Where did it all go? This wasn't good...this really wasn't good...THIS REALLY WASN'T GOOD! Sam quickly ran down the alleyway, trying to find any sign of the slime girl. Had he hurt her? Had killed her? No no, he couldn't do that. No. It was impossible. He would never kill someone. He ran his hands through his air, feeling every sick and nausea. He fell to his knees, a strange feeling on his shoulders. Had he really messed up so bad?

It was at that moment he caught something in the corner of his eyes. Something caught in a box between a dumpster and the wall. It looked weird, something that was too...interesting? To just be shoved there. Slowly, still a bit heartbroken over his mistake he moved over to the dumpster and pushed it aside, looking down at the object below in the box. He tilted his head and leaned down to pick it up. It was weird, slimey and wet. He brushed it off with the sleeve of his jacket, doing his best to dry it off. He blinked. Was this her? He had seen something in her when she was in the kitchen and when she grew,, she had slime right? Unless it couldn't stay attached to her body? But that didn't make much sense. He gave it another drying and looked into it.

"Hello there?" He must be crazy, talking to something he found near a dumpster. Maybe the portals did have a negative effect on people. "Are you alright? Are you that Slime Girl? I'm not sure if you can signal me, but if you so?" He tried to think back of what happened before. She was trying to get food, she was scared, she scared away people, she ate, she grew, she got scared, absorbed cars and grew larger. Maybe...? "Do you want some food? Do you want something to eat? I can take you back to my base and get ya something? Or coffee! I could go for some coffee, what about you? Don't worry, I ain't gonna hurt you anymore. I'm sorry if I did. I also really hope you are the slime girl or I may be going crazy."
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OPEN Re: Slime and Dash

Post by Row March 17th 2018, 12:09 pm

This would be her end. She knew nobody could find her. If they did, they would probably treat her as a toy or something, or worst, a dog would swallow her like a pill. Dogs love swallowing things! Inside she screamed as her thoughts of her own death grew more and more wild. She took a deep breath, figuratively, and tried to push though the hungry. She tried to roll out of the box, but she was too wet. Then she bumped against the sides to dislodge it but it was stuck. It was hopeless, until she head a slouching sound.  

Something or someone was walking into the alley. A new fear broke out of her erratic mind. What if that hero comes and smashes her. The foots steps grew louder as did the imagined sound of her core breaking. Her core trembled and trembled until she saw a foot. The hero found her.

She stopped trembling, if only to appear like garbage. There was no way for him to think that this small ball was that giant liquid monster. That did not make sense to humans right? The box was lifted and Pori saw his face. Her fears were confirm, the hero was not finish with her. Above him in the sky, she noticed somethings strange, holes in the sky. If the holes were his doing, then that explained how he escaped. The man was magic and that obviously meant he was going to use her to make a potion. She wanted to scream. Her mind went blank as the man's hands reached towards her. Her core trembled until it was picked up.

She was going to be boiled into a potion or turned into a frog. She did not want to be a frog. Frogs were slimy... not that she was not but that did not matter. She did not want to be frog and put inside a magic jar. With this fingers wrapped around her body, she lost her ability to move. For the first time, that she could remember, a human has touched her core. She wanted to scream again as she truly felt his warm. Through her slime, she can detect contact and temperature but she never had a sense of feeling. However now she was experiencing the sensational force for the first time in years.

As she fought through the overwhelming sense of feeling, only for the man to start drying her. Inside the core she laughed, rocking around and nearly fainting until she was dry. Dried off, she became parched and for the first time, thirsty. It was a weird feeling to desire liquid but even she did not fully understand her body. With nothing to focus on except the man's, she did her best to stay still. She hoped the man would let her go but he started talking to her. He suspected she was the slime girl, offered her food, and promised not to hurt her. SHE KNEW IT. HE DID THIS TO HER. In her anger she rocked in his hand...

and her planned was ruined.

Poring Flan
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OPEN Re: Slime and Dash

Post by Nate6595 March 21st 2018, 8:11 pm

Sam smiled nervously at the rocking core, though he didn't know it was a core of course. It was cute, the rocking of the core, but he felt really guilty for this. He was the one who had accidentally put her into this state. He was just trying to help, seems like he did some real damage. The lack of slime was also concerning. He wondered if he accidentally killed her body and that...that would be awful. For now, he would just have to do his best to make it up to her. He had to show her he didn't mean her any harm or anything of the like. He was a hero after all. He had to protect and help anyone, even if that person was a slime person.

Cupping her carefully in his hands, he walked out of the alley. "Hey...not sure if you can hear me, friend, but I'm really sorry about all that. I didn't want to have to use my portals, but there were people inside ya and cars, and the cops were shooting at you. I didn't want you or the people to get hurt, ya know? I just wanted to get you guys out of there." He carefully walked down the street, holding her gently in cupped hands. "But we'll fix ya up somehow! Get ya good as new! I'll make you some food as well, I saw how it made ya grow before, so hopefully you can eat in this form." He bit his lip looking around. Luckily no one was there to see him carrying this thing. They were all distracted by the crime scene. This gave him the perfect cover to get away. "Can't let them see ya and take you away! Who knows what they'd do to ya. But don't worry, I'm gonna keep you safe, at least until your back up and running." He looked down at the core, smiling confidently. "I really can't apologize enough for everything. I feel awful for it. I should've gotten there sooner, at least then I'd be able to help ya from the crowd." He shook his head. "But don't're safe now." He looked on ahead and continued forward.

After a few streets, most of which he had not run into anyone, he turned the corner down an alleyway and went over to a dumpster. Once there he threw open the lid and looked inside. "Alright, Slime Girl person! I am gonna set ya down for a moment, but I won't leave ya there long." He set her down on a blanket which he had draped over the dumpster earlier that day. He had washed it and left out to dry, thankfully now it was. Once she was snug in the blanket he hopped into the dumpster and went searching through his bags. He took out some canned peaches, some beans, and some soup. He also grabbed two bowls and two plates, as well as a battery powered hotplate. Once he got back to the blanket he would make sure she was still snug there. "What do you say? Some peaches, beans, soup? Nothing too fancy, but I figure it some good light eating. I hope ya don't mind the humble set up. I would offer to bring ya to a place to eat, but I doubt you want the attention drawn to you. I can pick you something up afterwards, if you're still hungry after we finish eating. It's the least I can do for ya!"
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OPEN Re: Slime and Dash

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