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Alex "Necrosyce" Yeung

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Alex "Necrosyce" Yeung  Empty Alex "Necrosyce" Yeung

Post by beepsa March 30th 2018, 10:20 pm

Alex Yeung

"Okay, I guess."

The Bio

Real Name: Alex Lee Jefferson
Villain Name: Necrosyce
Title: The Horror of Eelry
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: Dark, dark brown
Eyes: Dark, dark brown x2
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 138 lbs.
Blood type: O+

The Looks

Alex is the pale one on the right.

The Personality

Alex is your typical, uncool, teenager. He’s generally unambitious and unsure what he wants to do with life-- and enjoys the simple things, like hot pockets and video games. He’s a bit of an anxious, easy to push around person-- mostly due to not wanting to make a splash. All Alex really wants, deep down, is to be cared for. Due to the trauma his powers gave him, Alex can be a bit detached from scenes that would normally scare-- anyone, really. He has a fondness for the macabre, that is both parts genuine boyish interest and a very heavy coping mechanism. He’s awkward, and mayhaps starved of personal interaction-- amplifying his unnerving attitude in most conversations. He’s either unflappably calm or beyond terrified in conversation, and unless he’s comfortable, it’s nigh impossible to get anything in the middle. He classifies himself as a follower. He’s not someone who makes big splashes-- he’s just along for the ride, you know? He has a few hobbies, one particularly noticeable one being digging up graves, and ‘collecting souvenirs.’ He just wants to have friends, again. His powers and his general isolation had been driving him insane and paranoid-- he is fearful of superheroes or any metahuman organization. He believes they’ll want to experiment on him and harm him. Or just kill him outright. A surprisingly good strategist, and not entirely stupid. Just blinded by puberty and newfound testosterone. He’s defined by the people he hangs out with, it seems. His self identity is inherently wishy-washy. Often inwardly nihilistic, and has a very dry and cryptic sense of humor. Despite this standoffish, hallow and uncaring attitude-- the teen is actually very empathetic and sympathetic, often finding himself swayed to others much stronger personalities and wills. At the end of the day, deep down-- he just wants to have the family he’s never had the chance to have. And, sure, while morally blank, these people he’s met and these beings he brings back from the dead are much more like family to him than the rest of the world.

The Story

After his birth parents tragic death, Alex was taken in by his Aunt and Uncle in Louisiana, mostly for monetary reasons. As such, he became a victim of neglect, and that neglect bled into bullying at school. Unknown to him (and to the town,) Alex had latent powers connecting him to the undead and the underworld itself. Intense powers. Unbelievable powers-- one’s that simply didn’t have a conduit to express itself through. In order to escape from the town’s barrage, Alex found escape in ‘talking’ to the dead. As he dug up one particularly old grave in the dead of night, something peculiar happened. The right ulna was glowing, an eerie purple iridescent. Wide eyed and stupefied, Alex reached out for it, yanking it out of the skeleton. Upon ripping it out and touching for his own, he heard it-- for the first time. The undead. All around him, in the graveyard. It was a whisper, only the faintest of noises, but it was chilling. Shaking the focus and realization away, Alex forcibly pushed the voices out, and chalked it up to all those horror movies he’d been watching making him have an overactive imagination. Pocketing the bone, Alex went back home and went to bed.
Upon awakening that morning, he heard sickly, grotesque sounds. Coming from his Aunt and Uncle’s bedroom. Grabbing the nearest blunt object-- that weird bone, Alex creeps towards the master bedroom, peaks open the door, and sees two undead devouring his family. Beyond horrified, the teen let out a yelp, stumbling backward. The zombies shambled closer, and Alex, a frightful kid of only 14, swung with the bone as a form of self defense, hoping to all hopes and higher powers that may be that they’d just-- stop. And, with that thought, and with the bone in hand, they did, idly blinking at Alex, their eyes full of hunger suddenly placated. He could-- hear them? Their impulses were base, and crude, and disgusting-- but he could hear them. Alex took this as a sign-- buried his family in the backyard, and began his life as a necromancer. Soon enough, as his army grew to about ten, the town started to evacuate. After all, a few people had been taken in by this unstoppable power by human standards. Soon enough, the town became a ghost town, and Alex spent time getting the basic commands down, and learning how he can raise the dead. After about 3 months of getting the bare bones down, he was approached by a girl who went by Allocer. With her pushiness, he decided to join her ranks and fight with her. Along the way in a various assortment of adventures, they picked up two more members for their ‘villainous’ group. They’re an official group, or at least Allocer says. He’s just here for the ride.
The Priority

1. Reaction
2. Strength
3. Agility
4. Endurance

The Powers

Alex has powers that can be grouped underneath a singular topic as ‘Necromancy,’ but it’s much more nuanced than that.

Death Conduit- Alex is a conduit for the macabre. Meaning, beings who are dead or are closely tied into death can feel Alex’s energy as a positive thing, and can siphon small fractions of the boys immense aura to energize themselves in small ways. This power, however, also tends to make those who appreciate the boys energy much more willing to cooperate with him.
Dead Brain-Alex ‘shares’ a brain with his undead constructs. He can feel their impulses and desires, and can tell if they’re being attacked, and from murky mental cues can find their general location.
Grave Robber- Alex can bring the dead back to a catatonic, undead state. They do not have genuine feelings, but have carnal desires. Their “personalities” are empty husks loosely based off of Alex’s assumptions of them. Caricatures.
Rise- Alex can raise, currently, a total of 80 undead without chance of death, and up to 40 with complete control over them all. Around 160 is where death becomes certain, at least currently. The zombies are slow moving, but physically hardy, deadly, and have a determination to devour human flesh. The only way to really kill them is decapitation, though they can be stalled through various other means. They are low level intelligence, and solve things through the power of hordes unless otherwise directed by their puppeteer.
The Weaknesses

Death Conduit- There may be a gentle compulsion to be in agreeance, but the ability does not force them to like him. Just to be more open to the idea than usual. Furthermore, Alex smells like rotting flesh and the undead all the time. It’s one hell of a deterrent for anyone who is not a fan of the aspect. The energy siphoned is simply residual, and can do nothing more than just make the other more alert. Non-sentient undead are simply drawn physically towards Alex, rather than any semblance of care.
Dead Brain- Depending on how many summoned, they can take over his mental functions entirely, resulting in a nonpermanent comatose like state until enough undead are murdered and dispatched to revive the teen. If no one can destroy the undead, then Alex will wake up in a week, with more mental control-- enough to barely sustain the current amount of undead. Around 40 undead is when this starts happening-- around this time, also, is when the power becomes overwhelming for the boys body and mind, and he starts freaking out, making him an easy target.
Grave Robber- This process is a traumatic, emotionally and physically exhausting experience that takes a heavy toll on the teenagers body, driving him further to the brink and making him much more vulnerable. It can only he done at night, and he can only raise one at a time. The process takes a total of four hours, and he must spend time reliving their death in his headspace-- if he lets out a sound, or physically reacts, or drops the bone-- the process fails and he cannot try again with that corpse.
Rise- Raising past 80 gradually increases the possibility of Alex going permanently comatose, as a conduit for the undead and a harbinger of the apocalypse. A number past 110 is a 75% chance of this permanent coma. He’s still alive, and can feel pain, but can’t do anything else but wait for someone to kill him. Past 40, the negative for deadbrain starts kicking in, as well as Alex loses all evasive mobility, and must stay still to focus on commands and orders. After using the Grave Robber ability, it thereby then holds him bound to that zombie until its death. He does not get the choice to simply undo the revival process, and thereby, doesn't get the chance to relinquish himself from the control. He has to constantly be controlling the zombies and constantly giving them mental orders, in order to keep them precise. Think like Sims with their freedom on. Once they finish their task, they'll do whatever they want-- even if whatever they want is bad for them and for Alex, unless if Alex makes sure to keep them busy, all the time. They're also generally unintelligent creatures, and directions must be direct and on the nose to ensure they don't mess up.
The Items

The Ulna- The conduit for Alex’s powers. Without it, Alex is really only actively has the ability Death Conduit. The bone stores in reserve a small fraction of Alex’s potential. It can be used for a day max by someone else for similar capabilities as Alex, plus the same consequences.
The Minions

Zombies! He can only raise normal humans. To officially kill them, you must decapitate them to berid Alex’s messages from coming through, thereby cutting off the ‘life’ Alex gave them.

The Fluff

He’s left handed, and still can recall the name of everyone who used to live in his 63 people town. His favorite video game series is Civ. He’s also a fan of the Resident Evil series. He has a secret adoration for light hearted pranks and wholesome memes. He admires the goth aesthetic, and wants to look as cool as they do. He tries to do guyliner sometimes-- it doesn’t turn out well.
The RP Sample

Sometimes, the flashes of their viscera spread about in their bedroom still haunted him, when he’d look at certain things. Like spaghetti. It kind of looks like entrails, especially when you add the red sauce. But, most of the time-- he feels kind of blank. There’s not much he can look forward too, honestly. He’s just about killed as many people as he’s brought back to life, which is, right now? About 10. Those numbers of people he’s aided in killing is going to increase, though. He has 10 undead to take care of, and he must feed them. He thinks. He hasn’t actually checked to see if they require sustenance to stay alive.
But he thinks it’s probably rude to not feed them. So he’ll keep feeding them. He hopes they’ll deal with like wild animals for now, though. Because he doubts humans will be in sight until some hero or some police force comes to murder him for evacuating an entire town. He bets it’ll be about four, or three months before anyone thinks about doing anything for this situation, though. So it’ll be animal dinners for them until then. Maybe if they beg nicely enough he’d be willing to give away an arm, or something. That’d be kind of cool, being a one armed zombie man. Boy? Man. Hm.
Letting this musing lead him through the house, Alex sighs, the sounds of undead groaning permeating his brain, along with the carnal thoughts of: CONSUME, DESTROY, DEVOUR repeating ad infinitum in his head. It can drive you a little crazy, you know. Makes him think things. Like-- what if he just hunted down the rest of his town? After all, it’s not like they’re really good people. They sat by and watched him suffer. But also, that seems like a lot of work and the local game store is now completely robbable. So, that’s a win, at least. With a look about the trashed house that now reeks of death, Alex moves to get some cereal. It’s something quick, and easy-- and since the fridge is now full of raw human flesh, it’s pretty much all he eats. Milk goes bad by a lot, so he really only goes out and gets the super small ones. Since, you know-- he has an entire town to himself. Which is kind of cool, he supposes. It’s like playing a video game in it’s creative mode, just watching things go by. The undead are kind of nice-- they fill some weird void in their own, mushy, half hearted and inherently incomplete sort of way. He just wished that maybe there was at least one person who stayed. One person who thought, ‘hey, maybe this whole undead thing is sort of cool.’ But-- obviously, he guesses, it’s some sort of a health hazard and also the thing of nightmares. Okay, fair. But still. He doesn’t think they’re coming back. He’s really alone. For the rest of his life-- like a crazy cat lady, but instead of cats he has undead beings that want to destroy all of humanity. As this tangent leads itself on and on, he pours his milk into the cereal bowl.

Moving to the couch with his cereal, and pushing aside an undead arm that fell off, he begins to eat. He probably should have washed his hands after touching a rotted corpses arm, but it’s not like he’s going to live particularily long, anyways. Just as he’s thinking this, rich, purple smoke appears in front of the TV, dissipating to reveal a-- woah. Is that a demon?


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Last edited by beepsa on March 31st 2018, 4:39 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 40
Location : NYC
Job : in school for acting!
Humor : nonexistant
Registration date : 2018-02-03

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Alex "Necrosyce" Yeung  Empty Re: Alex "Necrosyce" Yeung

Post by Zonkes March 31st 2018, 2:12 pm

Add 1 more weakness on the Rise ability and I think we’re good.
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : I was that guy Zai. To Vorik, to Murph and to Pat. I’m sorry.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : What’s the difference between a clown and a pancake? Not much after the steamroller incident.
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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Alex "Necrosyce" Yeung  Empty Re: Alex "Necrosyce" Yeung

Post by beepsa March 31st 2018, 4:42 pm

Done! Posting it here w the additions highlighted also because I don't wanna make you search through all this mess of writing.

Rise- Raising past 80 gradually increases the possibility of Alex going permanently comatose, as a conduit for the undead and a harbinger of the apocalypse. A number past 110 is a 75% chance of this permanent coma. He’s still alive, and can feel pain, but can’t do anything else but wait for someone to kill him. Past 40, the negative for deadbrain starts kicking in, as well as Alex loses all evasive mobility, and must stay still to focus on commands and orders. After using the Grave Robber ability, it thereby then holds him bound to that zombie until its death. He does not get the choice to simply undo the revival process, and thereby, doesn't get the chance to relinquish himself from the control. He has to constantly be controlling the zombies and constantly giving them mental orders, in order to keep them precise. Think like Sims with their freedom on. Once they finish their task, they'll do whatever they want-- even if whatever they want is bad for them and for Alex, unless if Alex makes sure to keep them busy, all the time. They're also generally unintelligent creatures, and directions must be direct and on the nose to ensure they don't mess up.


Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 40
Location : NYC
Job : in school for acting!
Humor : nonexistant
Registration date : 2018-02-03

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Alex "Necrosyce" Yeung  Empty Re: Alex "Necrosyce" Yeung

Post by Zonkes April 1st 2018, 2:12 pm

Approved until stated otherwise.
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : I was that guy Zai. To Vorik, to Murph and to Pat. I’m sorry.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : What’s the difference between a clown and a pancake? Not much after the steamroller incident.
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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