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Electric Vibes

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OPEN Electric Vibes

Post by Blaze May 17th 2017, 12:26 pm

Black lightning releases from the ebon speedster, Blaze, as he races through the crime filled streets of Chicago, Illinois. The speedster is running at a surprising 1,125 miles per hour, and has a horrified expression on his face. Suddenly from behind him, almost coming from nothing, a red suited speedster with blue lightning follows the speedster. The speedster is not far behind Blaze running at 850 miles per hour and accelerating rapidly. Blaze, not paying any attention to where he is going runs into a small apartment complex in East Chicago, Indiana. The building turns into flames as the red suited speedster quickly stops to a complete halt. His face now visibly seen, he is an older white male with a very decent, but not perfect body build. As Blaze looks up at the other speedster, he notices the building beginning to catch fire. He quickly runs throughout the building and saves every person, he can notice. As he runs the last woman out she screams in agony as she watches flames blow throughout the building.

“My daughter!” the lady screams as Blaze begins to dart up to go retrieve her, but the red suited Speedster is too quick. Blaze runs through the building at 1,000 miles per hour, but the red suited speedster is darting through at an impressive 1,050 miles per hour. The two speedsters run straight through the building down to the park next to it. They stare each other down as Blaze glares at the red suited man, who is holding the little girl. The red suited man quickly goes to phase through her chest, but Blaze runs over and grabs her. Blaze quickly sprints back as if he was never gone.

“Who are you?! Why are you doing this?!” Blaze screams passionately as the red suited man smiles. The skies begin to darken as lightning strikes all around the two speedsters. A lone yellow lightning bolt streaks across the park behind the speedster in red as he calmly laughs. Blaze looks around as the lightning bolt quickly forms itself into a man in all yellow.

“Well, I am known as Captain Quick. This is my associate, you should have met him in your little battle with “Cryo”. He is known as “Shock Wave”. He is by far the most torture loving Terrorist in all of the world, and thanks to your friend, “the Berserker”. He is this way.” Captain Quick says with a large smile on his face.

“Why red?” Blaze says with a sarcastic smile on his face. The two speedsters stare down at each other as Shock Wave becomes impatient. He fires a quick lightning bolt at Blaze and hits his shoulder with it. Shock Wave quickly steps forward, but Captain Quick puts his arm out and stops him.

“Why not just kill him now while we have him Quick? Are you growing soft on the Ebon Speedster himself?” Shock Wave exclaims with a very aggressive expression on his face.

“Just go air side and watch for any others. These heroes never come alone anymore,” Captain Quick exclaims with a smirk on his face. Shock Wave rolls his eyes and flies himself up to the Chicago Skyline. He looks around for others as Captain Quick runs at Blaze, but the Ebon Speedster jumps from the ground and uppercuts the speedster. Captain Quick falls down to the ground as Blaze jumps up to his feet.

“I really need some help.”

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2017-03-18

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OPEN Re: Electric Vibes

Post by Entei May 17th 2017, 12:48 pm

The night air was cool against the skin of Ari Filton as he took a stroll through the streets of Chicago. Still here on an assignment for the FBI, a lit cigarette hung from his mouth as he came upon the interesting scene. Blurs of black and red to most people collided into each other for a moment, before a bolt of lightning struck the dark one. Then again, Ari wasn't most people. The scene was very clear to him.

The speed at which these individuals moved was impressive, faster than any he had seen before, immediately marking them as meta humans to the young detective. His duster trailed behind him as his shoes clacked against the black top on approach to the scene.

"Oi." He called out, removing the cigarette from his mouth, a thin trail of smoke following behind. "This isn't exactly an open carry state. You got a permit for that uhm.. lightning bolt.."

Taking a few more steps forward, his eyes began to glow a translucent yellow color, before his arms and hands began to emit the same yellow color, sending small trails of golden radiant light around him.

"I'm not exactly a fan of uneven fights. So, young man," he said towards the black speedster. "Perhaps you would like a hand. I know, I know, how unlike a police officer. I like to break the mold however."

Quick Draw
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Quote : Entei
Quick Draw

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Registration date : 2014-07-13

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OPEN Re: Electric Vibes

Post by Blaze May 17th 2017, 1:41 pm

“Of course, especially with these two gimmicks. I think I can-” Blaze says until he is interrupted by Captain Quick. The Ebon Speedster quickly attempts to maneuver him, but he is too slow as Blaze takes a right uppercut into his left side of his ribs.

“It’s too bad you won’t live past this day, Ebon Speedster.” Captain Quick exclaims as he attempts to phase through Blaze, but he misses as Blaze runs behind him and jumps under the slide. Captain Quick races around searching for him, but is not successful. He looks up and notices Shock Wave in combat with the police officer. “This is how you die Blaze.” Captain Quick says with some sarcasm in his voice.

“No, this is how you go back to prison.” Blaze says with a smile on his face as he bursts from under the slide. Blaze runs over and uppercuts Captain Quick, when trying to run past him Quick pulls Blaze down to the ground with him. The two run back to their respective sides and run again at one another, but they both land hook shots on one another. Blaze is knocked out as Captain Quick notices Shock Wave in trouble.

“See ya Shock Wave! I hope you have fun in Metahuman prison!” Captain Quick shouts as he darts away from the scene with blue lightning streaking behind him, but Blaze is still unconscious.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2017-03-18

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OPEN Re: Electric Vibes

Post by Kubi Tsuru March 4th 2018, 4:12 am

A good hot dog worth traveling halfway across the world … and this, was a great hot dog. The bun was soft and tender, the meat salty. Relish, mustard, ketchup … it was festooned with the works. His mouth was watering just staring at it. Truly, it was a miracle among hot dogs. Kubi could only admire the beauty of the sausage. It was gorgeous; perfectly cooked. OH, he could on and on. The smell of it made his stomach grumble. Okay, done admiring it. Man, he needed this. A good hot dog could really turn his day around. With the plane delayed, his hotel room not being available, and then his suitcase being stolen, he really needed this small comfort. But then, at the worst time, a streak of lightning knocked it out of his hand, splattering on the floor.

Now Kubi was typically a calm person; he can maintain his composure through taunts and insults until the sun blow up, but at that moment in time, seeing that hot dog fall on the ground damn near gave him an aneurysm. Oh, Kubi was mad. He quieted that small part of his brain that told him it was his fault for eating like a weirdo on the side of the street. No, now he was following the streak. The mountain of a man rounded the corner … to see an odd sight. One brightly dressed speedster knocked out, the other heading right towards him on a collision course. He was still far enough way … Kubi grinned. With perfect timing, he side stepped, holding his arm out at perfect height for the speedster to slam right into.

”Really shoulda been lookin’ where yer goin’, huh, asshat? You owe me a fuckin’ hot dog.” If he was successful, Kubi would follow up his clothesline by attempting to grab the speedster. He was going to beat it out of his hide.
Kubi Tsuru
Kubi Tsuru
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Quote : "Power isn't the ability to hurt people, but rather the ability to resist temptation."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Everywhere, pretty much
Age : 44
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Registration date : 2016-06-10

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OPEN Re: Electric Vibes

Post by Blaze March 4th 2018, 5:17 pm

Captain Quick quickly ducks underneath Kubi’s arm and turns, slamming his fist down into Kubi’s head. As Kubi falls down onto the ground Captain Quick looks at him with a very diabolical expression on his face. Captain Quick runs around Kubi, creating a circle of lightning following Captain Quick, surrounding Kubi from any help. The speedster laughs as he stops for a quick second, to examine Kubi.

“You are quite the task aren’t you? What makes you think that you helping that sorry excuse of a metahuman is going to do for you?” Captain Quick shouts as he stomps down on Kubi’s hotdog.

Captain Quick goes to phase through Kubi, but suddenly a black streak of lightning smacks against Captain Quick and he launches ten feet away from Kubi. Standing by him, is the speedster Blaze, who helps him up to his feet. Suddenly from the side though, a shard of ice flies right before Blaze’s eyes. As it smacks against the street light Blaze turns to see a woman with long white hair. She fires off another shard of ice, but this time it smashes into Blaze’s left hand. Blaze glares over at the woman and quickly sprints of towards her, running at 900 miles per hour. He quickly uses his right hand and tries to slam into her head, but Captain Quick comes from nowhere and spears Blaze down into the road.

“Hey you!” Blaze shouts at Kubi as Captain Quick holds him down, with the white haired woman standing beside him with ice forming in her hands. “You going to help me here or are you just here to watch me die?”

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2017-03-18

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OPEN Re: Electric Vibes

Post by Row March 4th 2018, 7:10 pm

Its mid day, Lunetta was roaming through the town, jumping from building shadow to building shadow. Despite doing her best to avoid the light with the use of a black hoodie, she was still feeling the draining effects of the sun. Exhausted, she found a shady spot behind a building's shadow and sat down against the wall.

"Gia... this curse. How did the others overcome it."

Gia could not respond. Her bond was weaken due to Lunetta's training in the sun and thus was inaccessible to the girl. Lunetta signed while pulling her legs closer to her. She did not have Gia and was stranded in the middle of random's building shadow with no guidance. Also she was tried beyond belief and overheated.

The easiest problem to fix was being to hot. She removed her hoodie. She had a blue tank top underneath which was drenched in sweat. A gentle breeze put her in heaven as she aired out her shirt but the side effects from her powers would outlast the wind. Pulling her legs back to her chest, she rested her head between her legs. Her eyes slowly closed as she drifted off to sleep.

“My daughter!”

Lunetta opened her eyes and her body was even hotter then earlier. She moved away from the wall and saw that the building was on fire. She quickly ran out of the shadow, following the shadow of the smoke when she noticed two blurs moving out of the building.
"Heroes," she whispered.
"No... the red one is special," whispered Gia, "Follow him."
Lunetta nodded and ran towards two blurs while limited her exposure to the sunlight. As she struggled to tail them, she noticed the player base growing with two of them knocking each other out and the red blur pulling in this giant Hulk of a man yelling about a hot dog. Then an ice base metagirl joined the fight leading this into a giant battle.

"This is chaotic Gia."

"But it might raise your image in the eyes of Eclipse. We need higher access."
"Yes Gia."

Lunetta put back on her hoodie and ran towards the large guy who was being attacked by red blur. Even though she doubted her usefulness, she at least could work better under the giant mans shadow.

With her face still covered by her hood, she moved into the giant's shadow when the red blur was blasted away. "Hi uhh. I-I-I am here to... help... I think I can."

Poring Flan
Electric Vibes Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Registration date : 2017-07-29

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OPEN Re: Electric Vibes

Post by Kubi Tsuru March 5th 2018, 12:04 am

Did he just- no he didn’t. That asshole just punched him in the back of the head! Oh, it didn’t do anything; if it weren’t for his freaky speed powers, in fact, Captain Queer would have ended up breaking every bone in his hand. Captain Queer … fuck it. Not original, but it’s the best he could do. And now, he had no idea what was going on. He was hungry, tired, wearing dirty clothes. He hasn’t showered and now this asshole? And some icy bitch? And- was some damn loli hiding in his shadow? What the fuck is wrong with Chicago? He spun angrily on the girl, but honestly, he couldn’t even be mad. He just sighed.

”Right. I have questions, but they can fuckin’ wait. I’ma catch that quick fucker, but first.” He casually ripped a lamppost out of the ground, hefting the heavy steel pool like a twig. This he threw directly at the chick firing ice; now typically he wouldn’t harm a chick, but somehow he knew she’d dodge it. He didn’t stick around long enough to see if it worked. The post flew straight over Captain Queer like a spear, but Kubi was already chasing it. He had already proven that his attacks were ineffective. Now Kubi was going to prove how effective he was. ”Right. Ya’ll motherfuckers need t’ stop this shit before I shove your head-” He pointed at the red-suited speedster. ”-so far underground th’ chinese’ll be using yer skull as a pot.” He stripped his shirt as he talked, the fabric fluttering away. And as it did, brown armor, like the chitin of an insect, appeared over his body. Energy surged through it, enough to light him up and blow his hair back. ”And you. Ice bitch. Calm th’ fuck down, go get some fuckin’ Starbucks, slip on yer uggs, and go home ‘for y’ break a nail.” He wasn’t joking anymore. His Spirit Armor was integrated now; there was hardly anything in heaven or earth that could harm him.
Kubi Tsuru
Kubi Tsuru
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : "Power isn't the ability to hurt people, but rather the ability to resist temptation."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Location : Everywhere, pretty much
Age : 44
Job : Fire Hunter
Humor : All kinds and constantly
Registration date : 2016-06-10

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OPEN Re: Electric Vibes

Post by Row March 9th 2018, 7:49 pm

The man became really pissed, not that she could blame him. His shirt flew off showing his huge back with strange writing over. Then weird insect like armor spawned on his body. Also, the man was running away, forcing Lunetta to find another shadow to reside in. Under the save cool cover of a near by try, Lunetta watched as the man charged forward with a barbaric rage. Given the situation she would be force to wait idol until she could better understand what was happening.

Poring Flan
Electric Vibes Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 296
Registration date : 2017-07-29

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OPEN Re: Electric Vibes

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