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Insanity Empty Insanity

Post by Gray October 31st 2017, 11:54 pm


"There is no light."

The Bio

Real Name: Daniel; last name unknown
Villain Name: Insanity
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Age: Unknown
Gender: Genderless, often seen and referred to as male
Race: Unknown, formerly human
Hair: None
Eyes: White, formerly green
Height: Varied, typically appears as 8 feet tall or higher
Weight: Varied
Blood type: Unknown

The Looks

The Personality

Insanity is sadistic. It will often cause pain, despair, misery, suffering and agony on people because for it, it's fun. Ity gets the most of its enjoyment out of terrifying others and making them feel helpless and scared. His motivation used to be causing people to be terrified, but now, is determined to make everyone feel the same fear, dread and terror that his victims have felt.
The Story

Daniel was born as an only child to his parents. He had a good childhood, except he was different from everyone else. He was capable of bending reality. He often used his abilities to further his own gain, mostly just to get good grades in school. One day, he had an argument with his best friend. He fought with him about a project that they were supposed to do but Daniel picked someone else. The argument soon escalated into a fight. It reached it's peak when Daniel got so angry, he let out a burst of light that destroyed the whole town. It didn't take long for an agency to find him and use his abilities to their advantage. They had done experiments on him, hoping to get him to obey them without question, they thought it was best to torture him into submission. After many years of abuse, He finally snapped. He used his powers to manifest various creatures to terrify and kill the men who did this to him. Due to his actions, the facility was having a gas leak which eventually developed into a site-wide fire. It didn't take long for the whole facility to explode. Daniel however was still alive, mostly due to his abilities keeping him from dying. He escaped and ran into a wooded area nearby. As he ran, he saw his reflection in a lake close by. What he saw horrified him, he saw an emaciated blackish-green humanoid staring back at him. He soon realized that his psyche broke from all the agony and pain he endured, alongside his reality bending abilities as well. This revelation had fractured whatever sanity he had left in him. And so, years later, his powers did in fact come back just not in the way they were meant to work. He soon started his rampage by terrorizing children. Later on he stalked and hunted down teenagers until eventually, he preyed upon adults.
The Priority

Agility 3
Endurance 1
Reaction 4
Strength 2

The Powers

One of Insanity's primary abilities is shapeshifting. It can alter his body into many forms of animals, insects or just combining them all to create a chimera. It can also separate parts of its body to act as extensions of its will. It's shapeshifting also allows him to transform any part of it's body into claws, blades or the maw/mouths of other creatures or to just transform into a chimeric abomination. But it seems to prefer using tentacles as it is better at disemboweling foes.

Dimensional Travel:
Insanity is capable of taking anyone and anything into it's pocket dimension. This dimension is molded by Insanity itself and is controlled by it. It can manipulate it to be as disturbing and creepy as it wills it to be.
This power is permission based.

Fear Empowerment:
Insanity has the ability to mold itself based on how the person views it. It can understand the greatest fears of people and exploit them. It can induce fear into almost anyone; it's ability to cause fear into others is strong enough that mere things that one would find creepy, but not scary, would be augmented and amplified by it. Insanity can sense the fear in others and manipulate it.
This power is permission based.

Insanity can transform into a vanta black-colored smoke and reappear elsewhere in it's solidified form. This acts as a form of evasion as well as a surprise-and-attack tactic. It can't use this ability to teleport itself very far, it can only use it for close to mid range to confuse opponents. Insanity can transport itself a maximum of 15 feet.

Telepathic Immunity:
Insanity is immune to having it's mind read. Should anyone try to read it, they are immediately greeted to a traumatic event that happened in their life.

The Weaknesses

Insanity's body cannot handle the cold. It's movements are vastly slowed and tends to stay away from cold environments. It is vulnerable to freezing and takes a long time for Insanity to recuperate afterwards.

Piercing Weapons:
Piercing weapons are capable of harming it. Insanity's vulnerability to sharp objects or bladed weapons mean that it can still be harmed but is still capable of enduring it.

Insanity can't exist when exposed to sunlight. He can only exist at night or in an enclosed space that's dark enough.

High-level magic can stop it. It has a difficult time trying to exploit the fear of magic users.

Cybernetic Enhancements:
One of its biggest weaknesses is to cyborgs or robots. Insanity is incapable of detecting any fear inside them due to having most of the parts that kept them human, gone. Without any fear to manipulate, Insanity is to either force itself to fight, or to retreat.
The Items

The Minions

The Phobians
The Fluff

Insanity is often surrounded in pitch-black smoke. It will also tilt its head if confused.

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

Last edited by Gray on November 6th 2017, 2:30 am; edited 10 times in total

Status :

Quote : Smile.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : Not telling you.
Age : 24
Job : unemployed lol
Humor : meme
Registration date : 2017-10-24

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Insanity Empty Re: Insanity

Post by Shadowoof November 1st 2017, 12:09 am

Dimensional travel and Fear need to be Permission based as you can not take ones fears/Take someone's character into another world without there say so.

Total Annihilation isn't exactly a weakness, it's a character dying and that is mostly up to you, making it so the weakness would never happen less you decided to kill your character. Unless stated otherwise, I don't see this as much a weakness.

Maybe make sure there is a limit or weakness to the sublimation, as if he can just avoid attacks with no problems or attack while in the form, there is not much anyone else can do. So do describe what exactly it can do and what is written above.

Shape shifting and the ability to separate parts of your body that act by themselves are two separate powers I am pretty sure. Unless stated otherwise, please treat them as such.

Some more things might need to be looked at but for now that is all I state clearly.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Insanity Empty Re: Insanity

Post by Gray November 1st 2017, 2:20 am

its ability to separate globs of its person aren't able to think for themselves. It still is a part of it so that means that its still "connected". its just not a part of it at the moment.

Status :

Quote : Smile.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : Not telling you.
Age : 24
Job : unemployed lol
Humor : meme
Registration date : 2017-10-24

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Insanity Empty Re: Insanity

Post by Gray November 1st 2017, 4:19 am

fixed some stuff and changed image

Status :

Quote : Smile.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : Not telling you.
Age : 24
Job : unemployed lol
Humor : meme
Registration date : 2017-10-24

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Insanity Empty Re: Insanity

Post by Dubloon November 6th 2017, 2:32 am

Approved until stated otherwise.

The Characters
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "...."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 181
Registration date : 2015-07-20

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Insanity Empty Re: Insanity

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