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The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp*

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INV ONLY The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp*

Post by Adam Johnson October 7th 2019, 12:43 am


He rose to the sound of a car horn honking loudly. A drawn out chord that stung at his ears, eyes sleepily blinking. A fan hummed in the room, plastic white blades spinning in the darkness. He felt his body slick with blood sweat.  Leaving him staring at the apartments popcorn ceiling, and listening to the steady breathing of Samael still locked within a more easy looking sleep. He envied the man's ability to sleep without the dark dreams harrying him. Even in the darkness, lit by nothing he could see his form, and his emergence from the blankets was easy too. Silent footsteps against the carpeting, slipping into a pair of dark brown colored slacks and a black shirt portraying a realistic rainbow colored skull across the front.

He had more important things to do than lay awake as the sun sunk below the horizon, even if it were a good bit better than being alone. He settled a kiss against the sleeping cambion’s forehead, descending the stairs down to the antique shop below with only a stop to collect a pair of tan slip on loafers. Lily fanned herself with a paper fan, offering a sardonic smile to him. Long, black hair wavering within the breeze of a metal bladed fan. ”Hearings better than you think dad,” Her smile was petulant, arcing a brow with eyes trained on him. Almost accusatory if not for the playfulness.

”Not my fault the hours for this place are ludicrous. Should think about closing earlier,” He rolled his eyes, keeping the smirk where it was.

”I’d be losing so much nightly traffic if I did that. You’d be surprised by how often vampires come to me demanding a sun charm as if I know how to make one of those, ”

”Do you?”

”Hell no. Besides, even if I did the money they're offering is way too low,”Another shrug, stirring a dark cup of coffee until it turned a milky cream color and sipping from it. ”as if i’d so some potentially dangerous magic like that for basically free.”

”Explains the scorched smell in the air,” He massaged his nostrils with index and thumb, grimacing with the scent. ”i’m really impressed with how you manage to get away with this kind of stuff,”

”Well, if your daddy Osiris wants to lodge a formal complaint with me he’s free to do so,” With a small amount of derision playful as it was, keeping eyes perpetually on the door.

”Don’t call him that. Makes things sound weird,”He pierced a veil of glamour beneath the counter, removing a glass filled with dark red with a straw attached. Sipping at it with a subdued slurp. Cold but serviceable.”so, any luck on tracking down those problem wolves? I heard they’ve been quite a bit of trouble. Probably some kind of mage right?”  All he got in turn was a shrug, as if someone had managed to confuse her through their own sorcery.

”If they’re being protected by a mage it must be a damn powerful one. Haven’t seen this kind of thing since the red haired bitch when The Fae thought trying to double cross me in their weird club was a good idea,” Sh adjusted the thick white shawl covering her arms to hide what looked to be thick scales decorating them. ”most I got was they were in New York. Probably Brooklyn or maybe The Bronx. One of those shit holes anyway,”

Adam seemed to consider that for a moment, deep in thought before breaking out of it with a nod. ”Sounds familiar...a little too familiar,” The mention of it was enough to make his annoyance apparent.  

”For obvious reasons but I got a message wanting you to see what it’s all about,” She explained, with an almost comical roll of the eyes while producing an envelope from underneath a leather-bound book, sealed with a circular red wax lump with the sigiil of The Sun and Stars. He frowned, ripping it open and unfolding the thin letter casually to read over it.  He took a few minutes to read it over before letting the sigh slip through his lips in a long and low whistle.

”Oh yeah, definitely a problem I have to look over. Sounds like a bunch of trouble really,” He ground his teeth, looking more annoyed than anything else. ”though something tells me that if I say no it won’t go very well. Our sovereign rarely takes that answer very well,” Adam folded it back up with terse motions, sliding it into his back pocket before falling silent once again for a few long moments while Lily seemed to walk around the shop itself.

Even with his thoughts the click of heeled boots was audible. ”I can have a portal up for you in a few minutes if you want one,” She stated, adjusting a few curios and statues on one of the cluttered shelves. ”don’t worry, I promise to leave your boyfriend alone. Seemed like he could use a little sleep from last night,” For once there wasn’t a judgmental heat within her voice, though it was replaced with an unknown emotion. Maybe worry?

”Where would I be without you?” He managed with a chuckling scoff, fixing dark brown eyes on her which reflected the florescent light of the shop.

”Stuck on public transportation of course,” She removed a bottle from one of the top shelves; a dark green liquid that sloshed and bubbled when jostled. ”imagine you having to ride in the cargo hold of a plane in one of those coffins. Now that shit is pretty funny,” She brought the bottle to a bowl, liquid glowing with a few whispered words before being poured into a bowl.

”so, what exactly is that for?”

”Skin potion. Been testing to see how well it deals with acne,” She read his expression, glaring daggers at him. ”not for myself. There’s always a teenaged demographic for this kind of thing,”

”So...can I have the portal now?” He pushed setting aside his now empty drink. She rolled her eyes at the question.

”Alright, fine,” She motioned for him to follow through a short hallway to a door settled at the back. Muttering some arcane words under her breath for a few minutes until sparks rose from the hinges and even the frame as she opened it with flourish. Swirling green plasma appeared beyond where a room would be, with the faint image of what looked to be Brooklyn beyond.

”Enjoy brewing your zit juice,” He said, with a smirk.

He whipped out his cell phone and dialed a number he had gotten at some point. It rang five times before he got an answer. ” I probably haven’t called you in a while, probably awkward I know. Oh, this is Adam though I guess you already know that,”  He sighed as if he were making an ass of himself. ”heard there was some stuff going down with maybe some wolves in New York and thought maybe you wanted to look into it.  I’ll be waiting in New York, have a hotel room so I guess i’ll be waiting there for a few days.” Hanging up he realized he might have sounded more awkward than he needed to. He could feel Lily’s eyes on his back and that meant it was time to get moving.

He sent the address through a text and stepped through the door beyond the portal with the sensation of walking through water. Beyond the door opened and he stepped out onto a street lit by one of the light-posts. Looking around he found himself washed over by a profound sense of nostalgia, which faded when he remembered why he was here in the first place. At times he remembered why he didn’t like the ideas of “vampire kings”. Continuations of ancient sovereigns who had burnt those that did no follow their tight rules and drained subjects dry when they didn’t comply. For now he had one thing he needed to deal with and it was a problem he had stopped before.

The wolves of New York.

He had dealt with them once before, when he was a little younger and Samael was only a fresh from childhood. An eighteen year old trying to make it within the world. He quickly picked out the hotel he put a few days in, prepping himself to collect information from across the city There had to be something about the wolves moving around. The local packs were dealing with strange things in each borough. Rabid wolves which had no issue ripping apart people, wolves or whatever else they got their teeth into. It was strange they weren’t even rampaging, which meant they were still dealing with some kind of new monster. The blinds were closed enough to keep all sunlight out should he sleep, though he didn’t even know how long it would take for Matt to get here. However long that took.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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INV ONLY Re: The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp*

Post by Humanity October 8th 2019, 12:42 am

The world was changing. One moment he was living on the streets and struggling to stay away from others, and the next he was taking care of more than just himself. He missed those days in all honesty. The days when it was just him and the worry of food and shelter. It may seem rather dramatic, however he knew what to do in order to ger food and shelter. Those were problems he was adept with. Unfortunately, how to save your child's soul from being digested by Typhon, King of Monsters was not exactly something anyone was qualified for. Then to throw more on top of it he had to take care of Silus now. Sean was certainly a good father who cared, but Silus continually said that something didn't feel right with Zell, like he wasn't really himself anymore.

That was a whole different mess. In fact, Matthew was certain that Sean only agreed to it because the very stressful transition to having his father be more medieval and a changed personality was possibly detremental to a child's psychology. He totally sold it to Sean, Sean was a picky buyer though. It wasn't until Zell had started proclaiming that the children needed regiments in nuclear survival and the art of improvised warfare that Sean realized that it was going to be best for Silus to not be there for the adaption. Silus was actually with Sean that day, it was one of the only times he would be able to see some of his friends, as they avoided that child like the plague. Or in the case of one person in particular, he kept them away from Silus as if they were the plague. Of course he was taling about none other than Isaac, the progenitor of the name X before it was passed down. The second one, whom seemed to avoid Silus had been Ryan and he was there as well today.

"So hold on, you can't tell me that you don't think that Atlas is a goddamn superhero!" Isaac snapped for a moment, a wry smile playing at the corner of his mouth as he chewed his turkey sandwhich. Matthew rolled his eyes at the thought of his words being used against him. He watched as the messy black-haired young man started to scratch at his barely visible goatee and a tiwnkle in his eye. The banter was something he despised sometimes. If he wanted sass and snark he had Stoic for that.

"I'm not saying he's not a hero. He is. One of the best. What I'm saying is that his loss actually complicates things. Too many people were seeing him as this god-send when he is just another person in a costume. He is a Hero. He is a SUPER-Hero. He is also a symbol, and that symbol was shattered. I was just being witty when I said he wan't so super now..." He said as he thought to himself. He had invited Damian Miles as Humanity to come meet up at a rooftop and even the scores. To exchange his identity in for already knowing Atlas'. Of course it wasn't tough, Atlas didn't hide his identity. It would have also given Atlas a way of preventitively stopping him if he ever lost his marbles. His invitation was rejected apparently, as Atlas would never show. He retired to his house on his won and his other friends had arrived. Now here he was, defending his own words that were twisted against him.  "Ryan! Help me out here. I didn't say he wasn't a superhero."

Ryan aveted his eyes with a small smile, causing Matthew to throw his hands up and slide back in his seat. The theatric display was actually comedic to the others around, though he heard a yelp as he slid back. Jumping up he looked to see that a small dog had allowed itself entry into his home. He reached down and began to pet the dog. He knew already that this was Shael, otherwise some strange and friendly animal had just let itself into his house. Regardless the case, he as immediately apologetic to the small creature.

"I'm sorry Shael! But you probably shouldn't be in that form while there's so many people around. You're bound to get stepped on, and I'm not sure Isaac has his shots." Matthew said in an apologetic and even friendly tone. He then shot a glare to the jet-haired man before looking to Ryan. "Ryyyyyan. Foooood. What'chu want? Shael. You too." He said as he began to open the firdge and put out a small bag of what appeared to be dough, then another small resealable pouch of meat. The fun and games were on as he ended up making a calzone with the massive amounts of dough he had, folding ham and  scattering sausage into the sause covered surface. He quickly placed onions and basil, then showering white mozzerlla cheese across the board, then layering it with another thin layer of taco-blend cheese. Then he finished it off by adding another layer of sausage and ham, folding the circular dough in laf, sealing the edges and slathering melted butter and garlic-salt on top. He placed it in the oven and returned to making whatever it was that Ryan requested...should he have it. All the while he kept his ear on the conversation at hand, ensuring Isaac didn't say anything to give his identity away to his friend. He was shocked as Shael morphed before his eyes and sat into the fourth chair, patting the table as he looked to Matt, eagerly awaiting food.

"WOAH! So hol' up. You're a shapechanger and... Ryan, you're a metahuman too?" He seemed like he was just finding out all this information as new information. Matthew rolled his eyes as he got out glasses and poured the glass of pink lemonade over the forzen rocks within their transparent prison. By the time he finished he placed a glass befor eeahc person, only to ge tot his and realize that Shael had finished it all. He froze momentarily before filling it up again, then realizing that Ryan had finished his. This cycle continued for three glasses before Humanity finally set the near empty canister down and looked back and forth between them.

"Really? Shael I get you being an animal and not being used to sweat glands but are LITERALLY water. How are you that thirsty?" He asked as he chuckled a little. Looking at the empty canister he realized he would need to make more. He shook his head and slid his glass over to Ryan and poured what remained into Shael's glass.

"Thirsty bitches up in here." Isaac said with a short chuckle to himself, looking at Ryan and Shael before taking a sip of his lemonade. The second Shael looked back at him he started to chug the substance, fearful thtat the wild-child would confiscate his beverege. Matthew placed lemons and grapefruit within the squeezer and just as he finished with the lemonade he heard his phone ring. He furrowed a brow as he noticed the caller and sighed.

"Ryan, Shael. Someone come refill everyone's stuff please. I'll also need my glass back after it's filled. Thank you...THANK YOU." He said the second time as he helf out the drink, Shael taking the hint and releaving Matthew form his duties as the host. Matthew missed the call and quickly punched in his pin number in order to get into his voicemail. It was the vampire he had met quite some time ago, while he was out and about.  

"Sounds great...." Humanity said with a sigh after he got the message. Suddenly the phone vibrated within his hand and he realized that it was an address. He quickly looked it ove,r committing it to memory and deleting the text. He knew that Stoic could dig it up if he tried, but that was fine. Adam wasn't a saved contact and if anything ever happened it would prove a useful red herring. He put his phone away and returned to the table. He looked over the guests there. They seeme dot be having an okay time. Ryan and Isaac seemed to bond over the most trivial things, Shael was awaiting food and seemed to stare Ryan down every time they even looked at each other's generl direction.

"Shael, wasn't expecting you today. What's happenin'? Shael I dunno if you met him but this is Ryan. He's a friend of mine, and of Silus as well. Even with trouble in paradise. This is Isaac, another friend of mine. He's pretty quirky and a superhero enthusiest, despite the fact she looks like she- uh he buys from and sells for your dad." Matthew said, throwing in a subtle jab that Isaac wouldn't know about. He had almost stated that he helped mentor and train Ryan on his hydrocryokinesis, but then he realized that Isaac would just blow open his cover like naked Miley Cyrus to a residential building.


The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp* Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp*

Post by Adam Johnson October 8th 2019, 3:31 am

Ryan liked spending time with his friends. It was nice all things said, the casual conversations and smiles being shared between everyone there. Matt and a friend of his were seeming to talk about Atlas and his own merits as a superhero, though he thought he was from the few images he saw about him. Youtube videos of a nice seeming guy who even posed for the camera when there was time in his busy heroing schedule. He knew how to play along with the little theatrical thing the two of them had going on, even noting the yelp of a dog he didn’t notice until attention was brought to it. He knew how to add to the conversation, when to do so and even when not to speak. It was al so fun he remembered why he missed hanging out with his friend, even if tat were just one of many reasons why.

That was when he noted the dog shift into a more human looking form after soaking up the attention Matt showered onto him, taking on the form of a kid around sixteen with tan skin, dark colored hair and a wide toothy smile. ”Stupid chairs, always smashing my tail,” he grumbled as of still annoyed by being scooted over despite his expression seeming far more pleasant than the quick tone. Even his way of speaking became more excitable afterwards, as if that were his default expression. He pondered over this while sipping at what tasted like lemonade and drinking it up before even realizing that he had done.

Ryan smacked his lips and looked down at it, furrowing his brows and holding out the glass as more was poured into it. Not like he even needed to ask for more it felt like.  Maybe his friend could just read his mind or see that he obviously was holding an empty glass of drink. ”People are made of like…70% water and they need to drink a lot,” He said with a smile, as if that were an impressive comeback. Shael seemed to just look at him, strangely as if there were something on his face. Ryan brushed at around his lips and chin, feeling nothing and the strange look didn’t stop. He didn’t say anything of course, instead looking away and watching his friend though Shael turned his attention to the person who was surprised he could shift.

”Yeah, I can turn into lots of stuff,” He turned from Ryan and smiled at Isaac.

”Like what?” Ryan questioned genuinely.

”Animals, sometimes people but I don’t do that a lot” He explained, continuing the glaring as if that were something he didn’t even stop.

Ryan tried to ignore it.

That was when Matt returned from something and introduced them to a friend while Ryan had been chatting with him over small thing. He liked the guy overall, seemed like someone he could be friends with. ”Oh, I was bored and the house was pretty empty so I decided to come over to see what everyone was doing. Silus wasn’t here but you were so…here I am,” He managed before digging back into his food, seemingly pleased with just having something to shove into his mouth. He seemed to turn towards Isaac, considering him deep in thought and nodding along as if the statement about working with his dad was exactly something that he would do.  

”Nice to meetcha,’ Ryan said with a smile, trying to get his mind out of the strange stare down that came with the strange shape changing guy.  ”so, who’s your favorite superhero? Since you’re um…an enthusiast and all.” He was trying to start some conversation, eating at his food while doing so and maybe to get to know one of Matt’s friends.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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INV ONLY Re: The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp*

Post by Humanity October 23rd 2019, 9:19 pm

Matthew noticed the odd glaring but he elected to ignore the implications, resorting to cutting up the golden and crispy garlic calzone pieces into many large sliced, all to different plates. He walked past Shael and gave him a small tap on the cheek, his own narrowed eyes at the young man. The last thing he wanted to do was have Shael scaring people off he couldn't spend a lot of time with. He then ruffled his hair and placed a large slice before him, then one before Ryan. Isaac was next and finally Matthew took a seat himself. He was listening as Isaac continued to talk about the heroes he adored.

"Oh wow. That's a tough one. Atlas is pretty much an OG at this point, but then you got a bunch of decent heroes out there. Redline was a pretty brutal one but his point came across. Lightyear is cool but he's way too mainstream. If I had to pick a hero though...I'd pick Draconis. Dude's a human but he's got his brains and his wealth. He's just a good person too. Got his own private army that prioritizes civilian safety and support. It's kinda like if Humanity were one of the good guys." Isaac said, looking away for a moment as he shrugged. Matthew smirked as he shrugged a little and leaned back in his chair, using his hands to lift the steaming pile of cheesy dough, taking a bite. Ryan and Shael would have their chance to voice their piece.

it would scald his mouth and he would drop the piece back on his plate, taring sharp inhales in and letting himself exhale as he tried to cool off the piece within his mouth. He refused to spit it back out in front of others. Though the attention he garnered was enough for everyone to know. He quickly took his drink and splashed it into his mouth, taking the attention away from the Humanity comment.

"Smooth..." Isaac said as he smirked. Most people would assume he was teasing his friend, though the truth between the two was tense as for a moment Matthew flashed a look of warning before swallowing and letting out a loud sigh.

"Oh bad." He chuckled, though he cleared his throat and shook his head, another huff before he joined in on the conversation himself. "I dunno man. Draconis is cool, but I gotta say. Silus is a pretty good hero for a kid. I mean I know a lotta good people with powers. Present company included. But what do you define as a hero? Is it just a great person with powers? Ryan's one of the best heroes I know then. If it's someone whose like, a different persona and the whole media outrage then I'd say Seraphim. I'd just prefer a good guy over an actual hero-"

"Of course you would...I gotta grab another drink." Isaac said with a smirk as he stood up and walked towards the kitchen. Matthew shifted slightly as he shook his head. The wounds would never heal, even if all was forgiven, nothing was excused.

"I dunno. I'd take Ryan any day over Atlas. Shael too, for that matter. These guys are proof enough for me that the only heroes you need are the ones you call your friends. Because they'll protect you from everything. Including yourself." He said as he put his hands up in a false sense of surrender, before going back to take a bite from his food.

"Alright, they'll save you from yourself. But are they going to stop someone like Humanity? Let's think about that. What y'all think about Humanity?" Isaac said, the game shifting to a very dangerous area. Matthew had to stop the urge to reach across the table and grip his friend by the collar. Their relationship had always been very antagonistic, but in the end they always reconciled. But this was approaching a dangerous line, and Matthew had to believe that Isaac would know where to stop.


The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp* Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp*

Post by Shael Atterrius October 26th 2019, 7:04 pm

Shael was content with the glaring until the thump came, causing him to grunt for a moment before realizing who had done it. His expression had switched to a more questioning expression, though the food set before him quickly undid any questions he had. All it took was a ruffle of the hair and a large ham to placate him, biting into the large chunk of meat and ignoring Ryan now while doing that. Meanwhile Isaac seemed to answer Ryan’s question about heroes, though the young wild child didn’t care much for people and what heroes were. That sounded more like something that Silus cared about. People in masks people on the tv talked about, with awe or fear because that was just humans were as his sister put it. More animals than they liked to admit, which meant more like him than they would admit.

He did note that Ryan’s expression changed a little when some Humanity guy was brought up. He heard something about him while laying on the couch, though mostly when Fera was bored and watching tv. The news she called it, though it just looked like some old humans talking about things he didn’t care about. There was the occasional story, like watching that strong guy from New York who could carry heavy stuff really good. People liked showing videos of him doing things like that, though he seemed to be gone from the stations these days. It was almost sad but he was sure the guy was hibernating or whatever.

”Picking out a favorite hero is pretty tough,” Ryan mused to himself, seeming to think a little deeply about anyone he could pick while also biting into his calzone. Matt seemed to bite into something a little too hot than he was ready for, which seemed to cause a break in the conversation. He seemed to look down at the table when Silus was brought up, though Shael himself perked up when he heard it.

”Yeah, Silus is a pretty good hero from what I heard.” He stated, not really paying attention to the small amount of color rising to Ryan’s cheek when Matt seemed to state he was likely one of the best heroes he knew. Being called a hero just confused the kid even more. ”don’t thin I’d be a good hero. Don’t even got a costume and that seems pretty important for the hero thing,” Shael added, as if that were the most important thing when one wanted to be a hero. Ryan looked to Shael who seemed to be considering Isaac for a moment as he walked, watching something before tuning back to the conversation.

”I…don’t think the costumes important here,” He stated trying to speak up finally.

”It isn’t? But like all the heroes I see have one so it seems pretty important,” Shael pressed when Isaac returned with a question about Humanity, which caused Ryan to swallow and Shael to swivel his attention towards the male. That made the wild child think for a few moments, brows furrowing and brain working a little faster to formulate a small opinion. He was after all being told lately to think over things, so maybe he could give that a try. Not that it was particularly easy considering that his brain didn’t lend well to deep thought.

”Humanity…I heard some things bout him on the news. Mostly stuff like terrorist and stuff. I think that’s pretty bad, so I guess he’s a bad guy.  Don’t know too much though so he could be a good guy for all I know,” Shael shrugged, seeming to not care much about if he was actually good or not. Personal experience showed him that just because someone called a person bad didn’t make them truly bad.

”Humanity? Well, he seems like a pretty bad guy I guess. Blew me up, so that wasn’t fun I guess. Though i’ve…fought him I guess like twice…still don’t know what he’s about though,” Ryan tried to answer the question, though he seemed more confused than he cared to admit. Chewing on his lower lip and then biting into his sandwhich. Shael could even hear the irregular rhythm within his heartbeat, though he chalked it up to him just being awkward of nervous for some reason. Now he was glaring again, despite also eating at his ham voraciously. All he could tell was that something was making the room a little awkward, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small speck. A seed when one could look close enough.

The shell broke, cracking before a small sprout rose from the seed into a large stalk and then luminescent purple petals grew from a point on the end. The act of a beautiful, almost unworldly flower coming to life in seconds. ”So what do you think? Made it myself.” He smiled toothily, sharp canines a little more pronounced as he showed the room.
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 164
Registration date : 2015-08-01

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INV ONLY Re: The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp*

Post by Humanity October 28th 2019, 6:06 pm

The entire situation would come to dead air for a moment as Isaac seemed to have realized the full scale of what he had just done. He was half expect one of them to think of Humanity as a protector, but then again it made sense to him. He looked to Matthew as he seemed to step away for a moment, forgetting his own drink. A twinge of guilt ran through him, but to some extent he knew he shouldn't be surprised. There was a reason Isaac wasn't X any longer.

"All good points." Isaac seemed to sigh before Shael took advantage of the situation in order to turn this into a moment where he could show off his skills as a spirit. Immediately the small crack lead to a stalk and then beautiful glowing petals. Isaac looked dumbstruck for a moment as he began to awkwardly chuckle.

"Maaaatt? The fuck dude. You're friends are awesome. Why are we just now meeting!? So how does that work? Botanokinesis or Botanical Alteration? Botanogenesis with an alignment of internal will manifestation?" Isaac began to nerd out immediately. Matthew smirked and pointed to the heavily distracted man who seemed to almost leep across his food to stich his face in the glowing plant.

"That's why. Sit down in the damn chair Isaac. I'd legitimately expect this from Shael, not you. Sit back ya filthy animal. No offense Shael, you're fine buddy. Damnit. I just wanted to have lunch." He said as he seemed to place his drink on the table, swatting at Isaac with a newspaper before a lone sheet of shining paper seemed to slide out. Quickly reaching down and looking curiously at the paper he shook his head, confused.

Why was there a Halloween party at HQ? He didn't authorize that and it's HIS property. Of course the usurper left no name, no one brave enough to claim this travesty for themselves, likely knowing that his verbal wrath would be upon them. Luke. It was definitely Luke. This was a Luke thing to do. Try and get the group together for fun and bonding in a way simplistic and flashy enough to play into Charlatan's love of tomfoolery. Actually this could be fu- NOT NOW!

"Shael, I am low-key diggin' this flower. If anyone ever teaches you how to romance appropriately, god help anyone you're after." He said as he shook his head and shrugged. Then he looked back from his food to Ryan. This was a nice time to get everyone together, but he hadn't spent a damn minute with the person he intended to. He didn't mind Isaac dropping by, nor Shael. They could live here if they wanted to and he'd make it happen. Ryan was rarely ever around and his life had been the one that went through the spin cycle one too many times.

"Ryan, you strike me as the Halloween type. Christmas type. All things cheery. Halloween party in a week. Wanna go?" He asked, immediately there was a voice in his head. While others heard Humanity in a terrifying and horrific way, this voice was almost cartoonishly mortified, surprised and possibly even frightened. WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? He immediately acted as if nothing was wrong, though he immediately came to regret the invitation, unsure if whomever was throwing this party was truly having one and not just trying to see if he would be stupid enough to appear somewhere in costume.


The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp* Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp*

Post by Shael Atterrius October 28th 2019, 6:27 pm

Shael’s attempt to lighten tensions immediately lead to him not understand most of what was being said.  From terms about botanical things he nodded along as if any of the words made sense, while rolling them over his tongue and trying to make sense of what was being said. It did seem to change the subject and feel of the conversation, so he was fine enough with that. ”uuuummmm…one of those? I just call it magic,” He said with a shrug, eyeing Matt who seemed to be distancing from the conversation though that didn’t last long enough to matter. Even his own wolfish intuition couldn’t get everything.

”None taken,’ He added to the no offense comment, Ryan seemingly confused by the sudden nerding out about plant based powers. The sound of paper sliding against paper could be heard, Shael turning towards the source but not seeing what the sound was. He furrowed his brows, though set the flower down and continued to eat his food while Ryan considered the question about Halloween and his love of it. Specifically a Halloween party in a week. He nodded along. ”I’m very good at romance. Fera just think I’m too young for a mate right now. ” Shael said rather planly with a shrug while Ryan reacted to the invitation.
”A party? I’ll have to get a costume but sure. I like parties,” he smiled, liking the idea that he could go to some kind of event with Matt. It also just sounded fun.

”I know someone who could make you a costume.” Shael added, seemingly done glaring at the slightly taller male. ”just gotta tell me what you want and give like…three days notice.” he seemed to be reciting something, stroking his chin before turning attention back to reality.

”Oh…um thanks. So yeah, I’ll totally go with you,“ He added with a more sure smile before taking a bite from the calzone.
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 164
Registration date : 2015-08-01

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INV ONLY Re: The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp*

Post by Humanity October 28th 2019, 7:19 pm

The situation had come to the fact that Shael announced to basically everyone that he was good at romance. It follows through with the proclamation that his sister didn't believe him ready to mate yet. Humanity wanted to address that startement so badly, but he knew that if he said anything out of color then everyone around him might get the wrong idea. He just cleared his throat and moved on with his meal a little. Though thankfully the concept of the costume was enough to change the small wild-child's mind.

There was something refeshing about Shael and Ryan getting along for that moment. Even if it would be short lived, or maybe even long lived. Two people who Matthew knew, that he could bring together, were always the things he took pride in. All of his accomplishments and still nothing held a candle to bringing people together. Uniting them and allowing them the chance to learn and experience from each other. He was a massive nerd and he knew it. Anyone who judged him could stick it where the sun didn't shine...for most people.

Ryan had to go get a costume. That would do well. Hopefully, that or they would end up with that were horrifically unthematic. He could imagine Ryan walking in with a snowman costume and than he would have to just put the stop on the whole thing. Red dye might fix it if we were tyring to do Jack Frost 2, revenge of the killer snowman. That was an utterly horrible film, and that premise alone would have him being shunned. It was a catastrophy waiting to happen.

"Just nothing...overly Christmas. My only request. We still have to get through Thanksgiving." He chuckled, hoping that SHael would be socially aware enough to catch the comment concealed as a joke.

The day passed and he leaned back in the couch with a sigh. He knew he would need to head out very soon. Tomorrow was a long day. He had no one to hold down the house, or take care of the dog. The dog took care of himself mostly though, he was a smart one to be sure. Silus was out for a bit, trick-or-treating was something that Sean really wanted to do with his youngest. Humanity scoffed a little as he let out a cough. Sean was a good father. Regardless of who thought what, Matthew didn't want to take that from the family. Sean still deserved a chance to have SOMETHING with this whole shit-show of an uneducated Zell suddenly arriving into their life like a wrecking ball.

"You know, if you don't have a place to stay...this place is always open. It's not great and looks like shit on the outside's a house." He said absently to Ryan. Isaac was passed out on the couch, the grandmother clock was ringing at the late hour. He knew that Ryan would never stay if Silus was here, to even get him on the same city block was impressive. But the thought of Ryan, after all this time, still lacking a place to live was troubling.

"I uh. I'm headed out tomorrow after lunch. I'll be back in about a week. I'm kinda hoping that you'll still be here. I know that you're struggling. I know you don't believe me when I say I've been where you are. But I have...and running form your friends because you feel like you're...not deserving of them. Like they're disappointed in you. You can't run from that, even if you run from them. If that means anything, at all, then I just want you to know...I'm glad you came." He said with a slight sigh, reaching over and placing an arm around Ryan, pulling him into a half hug. It was too early in the morning for him to be putting up fronts, and truthfully he would probably end up deliriously spilling the fact he was Humanity if he stayed up. No it was time for bed and he knew it. If there was nothing tethering him, he was going to head off to bed and sleep, leaving Ryan with the option of sleeping in the room Silus occupied normally.


The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp* Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp*

Post by Adam Johnson October 28th 2019, 7:41 pm

Shael took a few minutes to understand the joke but he seemed to like it once the joke itself came across. The rest of the day seemed to go well, the wild child enjoying the time he spent with his friend and Matt’s friends even.  By the time that night had actually come it was Ryan, with Shael resting on the floor curled up in the form of a dog deep in dreams. It could have been charming if he didn’t know what to think of the strange child. Instead Ryan was seemingly the only one with Matt at this time, taking in the sound of the Grandmother clock chiming. It had a tendency of chiming off every hour or so.

”Oh..uh..thanks,” He said with a mild smile, not sure what he should take it with. Being told he could just stay here whenever was nice, but that came with it an…interesting implication. He didn’t know if he was ready to face Silus yet or if he would ever be. The last time they saw each other didn’t go well, pretty poorly actually and he knew his…former friends opinions on the man known as Lucius Alba. That was followed by what was best described as verbal diarrhea, and a half hearted hug which Ryan quickly turned into a full hug. Wrapping the slightly taller male into a tight hug before pulling away. Maybe he needed to hear that more than he was willing to admit.

”I’m glad I came too,” It was all he could say, sighing and watching him walk away. There was a separate bed, though it seemed just large enough for him to lay in. Wrapping up in the covers around him and allowing himself to fade into sleep. Sleeping in a proper bed felt amazing honestly, and that was why falling asleep just came so easily.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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INV ONLY Re: The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp*

Post by Humanity October 28th 2019, 8:07 pm

Matthew had left some money on the table, a not efo rRyan telling him that if he chose to stay than he could feel free to use the money to make sure he had enough food. He broke down a few budgeting options for him as well. He knew that Ryan probably would have a slightly difficult time reading, so he tried his damndest to make sure that it was simple, nicely written and the occasional drawing. Ryan was a perfect representation of what happens with a potentially smart person doesn't do pay attention in school...because they were busy....being homeless.

Matthew did as he always did when he went on these kinds of missions, or rather "assists" as he called them. He set up a room with a hotel somewhere and unpacked. This time he wasn't called as Humanity, but as Matthew, an unexpected twist in his life. This would be an odd experience for him to encounter his friend's doppelganger once more. The last time they'd met, it was in different circumstances.

When he finally armed himself to the teeth, he began his stretcheds and finally suited up in a rather decent uniform. It was his old Bloodmoon gear, it kept tight enough that it could be worn beneath regular clothing, allowing him to conceal his actual armoring with even the barest skills of deception. Two folded blades broke into four pieces, layering over top of one and other before taking a rather deceptive form of their own. His "Cellphone" and his "Belt Buckle" both lethal weapons he adorned, he quickly began to strop the more discrete weapons to himself. The thought flashed through his mind of how much his life would be like a bad comedy if people were to require him to disarm.

Throwing his dark trench-coat duster over himself he stepped out, dressed as a casual civilain but armed to the teeth in supernatural slaying weapons. Silver-dipped weapons and magically runed equipment, stitched in a rather well disguised method. He knew who he was looking for, and he knew that in the 24 hours it took for him to get there, it would probabl have given this person time to do basic recon or come up with SOME kind of plan, if not actually get themselves captured. Walking up to the building he was texted about he stopped.

"I hate the Big-Apple. With a passion. I was always a granny smith guy." He said aloud, as he turned to look, listening keenly as he tried to discern where those ever-so-silent footsteps were coming from. His arm seemed to drape for a moment as he started to let it jiggle, clearing his mind he felt a sudden visage behind him, a familiar face. He had the chance to react now, but he chose to ignore the viasge. He opened his eyes and sighed.


The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp* Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp*

Post by Adam Johnson October 28th 2019, 8:41 pm

Adam had waited a good day or so, keeping the right amount of money flowing to allow him the hotel room specifically meant to house him during the day. At night he hit the streets with all of the info he could gather. Working through a few cops who had connections with the supernatural underworld. Half-Fae who knew enough to hide what they were and work alongside their more human colleagues, and likely some meta humans along with that. Murder reports, occasionally glimpsing at more recently mutilated corpses and the like, anything to get information and details on what they were doing. The last time he dealt with these wolves it involved some kind of alpha that got a little too big for himself but Osiris was convinced it was something more than that. A danger that couldn’t be ignored and so he followed it as quickly as he could.

So far he managed to collect as much information as he could in the style that Samuel had rubbed off on him. In a few manilla folders thick enough for his own tastes.  He did have to give enough information for the person he was meeting about the stated werewolf issue. When the time came and the moon was full in the sky he came to the meeting spot, dressed in a simple grey shirt under a thick looking winter coat and blue jeans. He approached the man with the same silent steps, seeing the tension mount and man turned towards him and smiled with the slight glint of fangs. ”Little tense?” He questioned teasingly, not expecting him to calm down by any measure. Didn’t need a human who would let themselves calm down at all once.

His fangs slid back into their sheaths, one hand extending to hand off the folders. It was cold, though he barely noticed it beyond the frosting of his breath in the air. Coming to life and then fading from view. ”Cities pretty nice once you get used to it. Spent a good decade here and not…too much to complain about,” he added waiting for him to read through what he was offered. Savage murders bodies ripped apart and specifically hearts and livers missing from the cadavers. He wondered how many weapons the man had brought on him, though if he had anything on him they were likely well hidden.

”Can’t say i’ve seen too much to guess where they might strike next. No features in common, aside from being very human,” He stated, furrowing his brows in thought while motioning for the man to follow along him. ”well, I didn’t have anything until I found something. Not on any police records I assure you because no agencies funded by your government track inhuman bloodlines anymore but I found some information about these victims having some interesting bloodlines way back. Enough to mean something, though why the wolves in particular are taking these hearts I have no clue,”  He explained what he did find, allowing him to look through the folders.

A few descended from angels, demons and some even faeries. ”What do you think? I’ve got some ideas but can’t jump to any assumptions on my end,” They were now standing before what looked to be a brick apartment complex, a few windows bright and some of them dark as well. ”because if I’m right, I know who the next victim is.”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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INV ONLY Re: The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp*

Post by Humanity October 28th 2019, 9:07 pm

Matthew didn't relax at all, he just nodded and turned around. His entire being was tense, but not enough to lock his movements. It was a practiced level of vigilence and alertness. With a small smile he seeme dto greet the Vampire as he defended the city a bit, saying he had not a lot to complain of. Humanity on the other hand knew that this was a very densly populated area, therefore a vampire trying to stay lost and hidden away would have no such quarrels with the large area. Buisness was addressed as he was given a manilla folder to thumb through.

"The inhuman underworld is surprisingly the most human part of the supernatural community. Because if there's one thing that talks universally, it's currency. Just means having to understand what that currency is." He said as he began to look through the folders with greater intrigue. There were issues with some of these pictures. Things that didn't make sense, even to a supernatural crime. He walked with Adam as he spoke of actually having discovered something, which was a good thing to hear.

"Hearts are quintessental pieces for rituals, provings and even sustinance for any of the akin races. But the real question remains why would they target these hearts?" He mused aloud, as he began to flip the pages over and over again. He began to contemplate the nature of these beasts and began to realize that they were already in a depth that was far deeper than Matthew should be in. He really needed to go get his other suit...

"It doesn't matter what they need these for, or why they're attacking these people. If you know who the next target is, we should get moving. If you're wrong, then I'll tell you my hypothesis." He said as he closed the folders. He was at an uncanny level of business, a sens eof hyperfocus. He was competant, but now he was actually focused and driven. He'd follow Adam as best as he could, hopefully they'd be best to take a vehicvle of some kind. Even if it meant renting or borrowing one. He began to rummage through the backpack he brought, taking out a small package and then some nearly invisible twine, a fishing-reel with arachnid appendages attached with the brand name plastered on it.

"Sorry if I'm not the most talkative. I'm just...really thinking about this one." He said, making a partial excuse for himself as they continued their journey. It wasn't as if this was a social call, but he felt as though he should have been more polite, or at least more friendly. He couldn't help but feel like he was required to devote his entire attention to this situation first though.


The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp* Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp*

Post by Adam Johnson October 28th 2019, 9:44 pm

Everything worked on a kind of currency. Blood, money, secrets and anything else people could think of.  It was a good thing he had some information about what he was dealing with, mostly about wolves and their apparent desire for human hearts. Vaguely human hearts. ”Why these people  in specific is the best question honestly. No real answers came up, aside from perhaps some kind of vague blood magic. It’s always blood magic with hearts like these,” He rambled off, remembering the last tine he was sent after a blood mage. Targeting his people for their blood and to bind their undead sovereign, which didn’t go as well as they would have liked.

”It’s a pretty big guess but it’s better than not knowing anything at all. If it’s not the case…well I guess we’ll be back square one,’ He hummed to himself, considering the complex and the door with the small dingy number beside it.  He didn’t need the man to speak much, now that would likely lead to more casual conversation and less them stopping people being killed. He was supposed to care about these people and he did to an extent, so he was looking into things. Parking the two of them in a small park adjacent to the building, relishing in the fact he didn’t need binoculars. Superhuman vision had some perks.

”Not talkative is fine. I’m used to dealing with partners who don’t talk very much,” He stated, thinking back to Sammy who…well when he was serious didn’t talk much at all.  Might have been the whole serious half-demon thing he had going on, which made plenty of sense. The sound of people still moving about and even the faint apartment noises from a cross the street as if they were so close to him. It reminded him partially why he didn’t like staying in cities for too long, down even to the fluorescent lights which occasionally caught his eyes and stung them.  ”dealt with werewolves before? They’re a pretty dangerous bunch,” He explained, thinking back to when he last fought one and the mess it had left him.

He produced what looked to be a metal flask from his back pocket, a single green rune carved into the front of it. Unscrewing the cap and taking a small draw from it.  People walking along the sidewalk caught his attention around half an hour into their vigil, catching his attention in a way that burned his nose.  A familiar scent that caused his face to screw up, almost discomforted by it. ”looks like we might have our people. Try not to look too hard at them. Tall black guy with the short blonde next to him,” he didn’t make him looking apparent, whispering low enough that he hoped the radiant city noise would keep their conversation hidden.

”Operations a little amateur but you’ll see these guys don’t really do anything in depth. Mostly killing, maiming and leaving. Police usually blame some kind of meta unless they know better. Have to come in and clean up these idiots.” He explained,  waiting until they were far enough that following them was possible. Taking the cross walk across the street and eyeing the metal stairs which ascended. ”I’d probably suggest you go first…they usually don’t suspect a human close to them. So many around here actually,” Explained stepping back. ”Third room to the right on the second floor, I would suggest being careful. Don’t know what they’re planning to do. I’ll keep close. Don’t worry.” He added, licking his lips.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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INV ONLY Re: The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp*

Post by Humanity October 29th 2019, 1:47 pm

There was no doubt about the concept that the were-wolves were attmepting something beyond the traditional scope. He had his own theories so far, but he was hoping that hsi chaotic brain was wrong. But what he already knew he wasn't wrong on was the fact that all of the signs so far pointed to the fact that this wa atypical activity. That just meant that unfortunately, someone was pulling the strings and for someoen to pull the strings of a werewolf needed to be sufficiently magic, or an incredibly powerful werewolf themselves.

"They're also immune to most religious wards that your kind resent. Werewolves were all commonly formed fromed from the Earth, though virus and magical infection are prominant theories. Their bodies reject Silver the same way most Vampire's do, leading to the validation that Lycanthropic and Vampiric lines trace back to some kind of immunoconversgiant bacteria." Matthew said as he continued to walk, quoting what he had recalled from his own investigations as well as from memories of the ones who came before. He shook his head slightly as he continued to walk, deep in thought and not elaboraiting further on the comments he made, despite the fact that his views were likely not much appreciated.

They continued to walk as they made it through the street. His eyes were scanning everyone for brief seconds as he paseed them, never looking at them more than for a moment. The second that he saw Adam's nose scrunch up and his face distort slightly, he knew it had to be a werebeast. He stopped and closed hsi eyes a bit, following Adam still as he listened to him explain and point out the ones he had picked up on.

He truthfully hadn't figured out a successful way to track the werewolves of this world, and so he improvised and adapted to ways that he knew he could manage a bit better. Primarily by blending in or making himself the one who was hunted. Either of these methods were good for were-beasts as they seemed to be always hunting. Adam made a comment, but Humanity just codcked an eyebrow at him with a smirk. He alrady knew what he was going to do as Adam disappeared.

Matthew reached into his bag and withdrew a small horn and what appeared to be a denture cup. He smirked as he unscrewed the cap and spashed some of the liquid onto his neck, then all around him, rubbing it into his skin and under some of his clothing. He took sunglasses out and placed them on his face before he swallowed hard and began to pursue the targets. He would follow them a little on delay, sniffing as he walked a little in a quiet and subtle way. His steps were quiet, effective due to the training he recieved. It wouldn't be long before he reached the upper levels. He ended up taking to the room, as he walked in he was blindsided as a duo of arms reached out and grabbed him, pulling him closely. Matthew made some convincing snarling noises for a moment, ones that even true animals in the wild confused for their own. Despite everything he opened his mouth and bit down on the arm that gripped him, the enamle-resin colored fangs bit into the arm, allowing him to slip past and drop down. He kicked out a little as he turned, arm planted into the ground, squatted down with his eyes scanning around, still a little growl in his throat. His upper lip twitched as he flashed inhumanly sharp fangs for a moment.

He made a point to act strangely, unlike anything one might have expected. He knew with experience with wounded animals that there were characteristics they took when adapting to life without a certain type of sensory. He made no reactions to audible cues and he seemed to move his head a little rapidly, his eyes in a constant state that mirrored the R.E.M state, taking in every detail as he could. Thanks to the horn being capable of creating any liquid he desired, the werewolf hormone that it generated would asisst in masking his scent to being one of their own. His realistic fangs made it look like he had simply felt threatned. His eyes stopped as he pulled them sunglasses down, revealing amber eyes rather than his traditional heterochromatic spheres. The charade he put up all the wya yup the stairs, the sniffing was to throw their sense of sound, but his silent footsteps were very akin to a deadly predator.

He had, for all intents and purposes, become a deaf werewolf that remained in it's human form, growling and watching as he seethed. A couple more sniffs and he seemed to lower his head, eyes narrowing cautiously at the other man across the room. Waiting to see if they would recognize him as another were-being, or if these were the to-be victims.


The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp* Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: The wolves of New York (Humanity) *2xp*

Post by Adam Johnson October 29th 2019, 2:28 pm

Adam trusted the human would be able to handle himself. He didn’t know exactly why he felt that but perhaps it was his own intuition which allowed him to let the man move on with whatever plan he had in mind. There had to be something interesting, maybe even something that broke away from what he might have chosen for them. He seemed to know a bit about supernatural lore, which meant maybe he did his research if nothing else. Perhaps even something about how to kill werewolves if things came down to it. Someone so relatively frail likely had to use tricks compared to him.

With that acceptance he slipped into the shadows, taking advantage of his own ability to move silently while watching the man. Mostly slathering something on himself from an unknown horn and quickly changing his own scent into something else. It burnt his nostrils much like the smell of the other two. What was he planning exactly? Adam watched with a renewed curiosity as the wolves seemed to double around and grab him, garnering a bite in turn as they pulled their hands away from the man. All at once he had an idea, not moving from his spot while the scene played before him.

“What the hell?” One of them questioned considering the now snarling male, considering the scent with a few sniffs and  frowning. “didn’t think they were sending one of the crazies to us” He stated finally, snarling and looking at the faint indentations within his arm.

“Isn’t crazy a little rude there…” His partner seemed to complain, rolling her eyes after scenting the air.

“Hey, we’re not gonna hurt’cha.” The tallest of them said, seemingly to crouch down somewhat, though that didn’t seem to hide his own still immense height. “can you speak? Belong to a pack?” Now they were…worrying over the seemingly mad lycan while also waiting to what he assumed was kill someone.  They seemed to pause all motion, and he stood there curious as to what exactly they were dealing with. The tallest wolf seemed to try and reach for the mad wolf again, but this time with a softer hand. Where they were leading was…well not the apartment he was told about. What was going on?

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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