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The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.) I_vote_lcapThe good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.) I_voting_barThe good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.) I_vote_rcap 
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The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.) I_vote_lcapThe good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.) I_voting_barThe good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.) I_vote_rcap 
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The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.) I_vote_lcapThe good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.) I_voting_barThe good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.) I_vote_rcap 

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The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

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DBL XP The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Shadowoof October 17th 2017, 9:30 am

Could today have gotten any better? No. Worse? Maybe. But that's what happens when you decide to say screw it and follow the ashen haired girl who has a serious kleptomania problem. He tried reasoning with himself back at that alleyway. Turns out all he did to reason himself out of this was further pull himself in. But mostly, it was one of her commits about him. And this time he didn't have an internal argument about how shes an asshole or that he was correct in some other way. Because she was right. He was being an edge lord and he didn't want to be a damn edge lord, that just wasn't what he wanted to be yet he could not deny his last few words literally were edgy. Sure he had to find Sam. Sure he was going to do a lot of bad things in that search. But right now? He was dirty, sore, lonely and needed a distraction. Ann gave him that distraction.

Having gotten that out of the way, Jake had unstrapped the elevation mask strapped to his arm back onto his face before turning his red vision on and following the girl. Something he had to like about this ability was anyone who he wanted to find in the general area was going to be found. Course if they entered a crowd, he'd have difficulties. But a girl swinging across buildings? That made his job so much more easier. Following her was a mission however. He still refused to take his shirt off, so he had to jump between and over buildings, making his progress, while admirably faster then most, still a slow process compared to the webslinger.

He would however, finally catch up to Anna, who had perched herself on the edge of a building, that duffle bag of goodies on her lap. When looking past her, Jake saw the entirety of her idea and he was not very fond of it. "Not my idea of fun, robbing a bank with..." Jake began counting the lives inside that bank, all very easily seen thanks to his red vision. "I mean... Oh alright." He couldn't lie, a bank was maybe not the best thing to rob at this time, but he has a very serious issue. And that was money. Having none, meant he was in the situation he was in currently. Robbing a few hundreds from a bank could solve that issue, till at least he managed to find Samuel.

"So what is the plan Spider. Sneak in, break in. Crawl in?" He asked the last one as more a joke then seriousness, but then remembered the girl could crawl, while he had to use his immense strength to mimic such actions, keeping himself attached to something with pressure, grip and brute force... That museum would hate him.

Last edited by Shadowoof on October 31st 2017, 8:21 am; edited 1 time in total

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Johanna Sharpe October 17th 2017, 8:26 pm

The ashen haired thief, Johanna Sharpe, Sat perched on the edge of a building. She had been fiddling with the contents of her faded green duffle bag in a fruitless effort to make space for the potential cash she was about to ‘withdraw’ from the bank across the street. She had been biding her time as well hoping that a certain someone would show up. Several minutes passed and she continued to sit on the ledge, her legs kicking back and forth playfully while she hummed a tune to herself. A soft thud on the roof just a few feet behind her caused the humming to stop.

A sly smile crept onto Johanna’s face as the boy’s voice called out from behind her. Jake had taken the bait, more importantly he hadn’t bothered to talk her out of what they were about to do. This was completely different from the museum back in Chicago, this time instead of trying to stop Johanna, the boy would be assisting her. Jake tried to voice his concerns but did well enough to shut himself up. Rising up from the edge of the building, Johanna turned to Jake, the smile still plastered on her face. “Plan?” she said jokingly. “You tell me. You’re the one with the glowy eyes. What do you see?” she was obviously referring to Jake’s red vision.

She couldn’t understand how he was able to track her during their fight after escaping the museum, but after seeing it used to hunt down the vampires earlier in the night, Johanna was certain that he had some sort of ability to see through walls. Before Jake could answer her, Johanna raised a finger to silence him. “You know what? don’t tell me. Half the fun is not knowing what you’re getting yourself into. So stick close, do what I tell you, and we should walk out of this much richer than we currently are.” she flashed the boy a wink and then leapt from the building. Extending an arm, Johanna fired a strand of webbing and swung herself onto the roof of the building and crept quietly over to the skylight that was positioned over the bank lobby.

Johanna waited for Jake to join her on the roof before she would commence with the break in.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Shadowoof October 18th 2017, 12:35 am

Jake had a look of momentary surprise plastered to his face at the reveal of the girls deduction of his red eyes, but not a second later dropped it. He shouldn't be surprised for something that made itself obvious. Helped he had an idea that the girl in front of him was smart, had to be for what had happened for the past while. It was not or she was overly accepting.

About to state what he could see in guards, locations and such as per her request, Jake was shot down when she spoke up, telling him not too tell her. Shutting his mouth in response, he simply nodded his head to her instructions and turned off his red vision for now. Finding a wink and a retreating form in her slightly torn suit heading towards the roof of the bank. For a moment he had to admire the suit, something he hadn't had the time to do mostly because of everything that happened. How it looked and fit...

Deciding that was enough of that thought, Jake looked to the roof and saw that it wasn't too far of a jump, still he decided, maybe it was time he began to use his wings in ways that aided, even if it was small, just another way to get use to the large buggers. Shrugging his own slightly torn shirt off, Jake ran and jumped off the roof towards the banks roof, as his decent from the air began, he unleashed his wings and allowed them to slow him down so that when he landed on the roof, he didn't make much of a sound. With that done, Jake went about folding his wings to his back and then feeling them slip under his skin and vanishing like magic, before putting his shirt back on and catching up to Anna.

Deciding to give the bank another look over, Jake turned his red vision back on and looked down as he made his way over, noticing not much different besides some misplaced guards, obviously having moved since he last looked. He did notice something of irregularity. One of the red lights that were people was following another red light, and when they passed a third light, who after a wave from the lead, began to step in line and follow the lead light alongside the second light. Deciding that must have been a guard thing, Jake turned his red vision back off and looked to Ann, expecting some sort of order seeing as she said she would be giving them. Even if he had thought something odd about the guards pattern, she did say not to tell her anything.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Johanna Sharpe October 18th 2017, 1:55 am

Johanna eagerly waited by the skylight for Jake to join her, and even managed to find herself smiling when he took her advice and used his wings for the first time today. It felt good, like she was making some progress with the boy. As much of a loner as she was she had to admit to herself that it felt good to have some form of company these last two nights, even if one of those evenings was spent tearing apart an abandoned apartment building. The smile slightly faded as Jake joined Johanna and turned did his weird glowy eye thing. With a slight tap on his shin Johanna looked at him dead in the face with a sort of scowl “Stop that! It’s cheating!”

Once the boy fell in line, Johanna commenced the break in. She quickly turned to Jake and spoke to him in a whisper. “Be super quite and stick close to me.” with that Johanna turned back to the skylight and began looking around its edges for the lock that would allow them to enter. When she located which pane of glass it was hidden behind, she quickly shot a strand of webbing at the glass but did not detach it. She then took her claw like nails and began to rotate her hand in a circular motion till shit had cut a nice clean circle into the glass pane.

The small piece of glass dropped down ever so slightly, but remained otherwise still in place thanks to the webbing that was stuck to it. The young thief then lifted her arm up and removed the circular glass piece, leaving behind a hole big enough for her to squeeze her hand into, to undo the lock. The ashen haired girl would then raise the large pane open enough for her and Jake to sneak in and would use her ever trusty web shooters to hold the window open for them.

Johanna would be the first into the building as she descended from a strand of webbing like a real spider. As she cautiously lowered herself into the lobby of the bank, Johanna kept her head on a swivel as she knew all to well that there would be several security cameras she’d need to avoid. This was usually the point in the break in where the young girl would make a mad dash for the security office, but with Jake around, she needed to make sure he didn’t screw things up. Letting go of the webbing, Johanna would stick herself to the roof of the lobby and wave for Jake to follow her in. From what she had scouted, there was a walkway on the top floor that didn’t have any cameras watching it, this would be the point from which they would launch their full infiltration, if something didn’t go horribly wrong before then.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Shadowoof October 18th 2017, 5:05 am

Jake could only give the girl a smile to her scowl, enjoying the jib far more then he should have. The smile shut down however, when she spoke to him to be quiet and to stick close to her, something he was sure he could manage well enough. It was then she proceeded to make a slow and excruciatingly slow process into opening the panel of this roof light. Deciding that he had the time, he leaned back and look at Anna, not to get an idea of what she looked like without the suit, but on who she was. Why she was. What she was. So far she came across as someone who doesn't care, who only has a carefree personality and is looking for a quick buck, but she has an excitement for battle, he felt it back during there fight.

Yet now... She showed some restraint, invited him along this and helped him when she had no reason too. She hadn't even said anything about him losing the shirt, which now that he thought about it, was quite different. Maybe it was because they were... Acquaintances? Not a hero and a villain, but two people with nothing happening and a need. Her need for more money, his need for survival and... companionship? He was down his friend... The whelplings, or Razeths kids, dragons, were cool but he never saw them much after what happened. And normal people just felt so far away from him... Metas, angels and demons. He had strange friends and acquaintances.

When Anna was done with the window and began a slow decent down, Jake stepped back a moment and decided to 'cheat' again now that she wouldn't notice. Turning on his red vision, he noticed that some of the lights, guards, were no longer at there posts. In fact, the posse of three was even larger, the formation seemed too... Strange. Looking ahead to where they were going, while able to see though the walls, he couldn't fully describe the see though items, but from what he could tell... They were heading towards where the money Anna was looking for was most likely at.

Turning his vision back off, Jake looked into the hole and saw Ann was at the bottom and motioned for him to follow. He didn't see a easy way down without making too much sound, however with the fact the guards seemed to be... Converging. Jake opted to just drop as silently as possible. And it was possible, thankfully he had the body for it as well. Crawling into the opening, Jake held himself into a T pose before letting  go. Keeping his position, as soon as his feet touched the ground, he kept on his toes and lowered his body to the ground, so an almost inaudible thump was the only thing produced from his action. Keeping low to the ground, Jake eyed the location of the guards, not seen with the simple eye now, before looking to Anna, giving her a curt nod to continue, for he would follow.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Johanna Sharpe October 18th 2017, 5:32 am

Ok so they were inside, things were of to a good start so far, but now is where Johanna had to truly improvise and show of her masterwork. Before the two teens were two options, either they could head straight for the cash and hope that they didn’t trip any alarms or run into any guards along the way. Or they could make their way to the security office and try to disable everything from there, which would make the heist go much smoother. Reflecting on what she had said earlier, Johanna opted out of excitement and aired on the side of caution.

With that in mind the young girl decided that hitting up security was the best option, especially since she had Jake to accompany her. There was still a bit of challenge in even this part of her plan as she didn’t know the layout of the bank. Usually there was far more prep time that went into this sort of thing. Of course this was more spur of the moment and that’s how she truly enjoyed doing things. The ashen haired girl chose to stick to just hand signals for the moment until she was certain of what they were up against and as such, she beckoned for Jake to follow her as she crept down the walkway.

Not to far from where they had landed was a wooden door, upon Johanna’s inspection it turned out the door was unlocked. Behind the door was a stair case that lead down to the ground floor right behind the teller stations. It was like this robbery was gift wrapped for them. A sweet treat to end this chilly October night. Though as the two continued to sneak through the building, Johanna couldn’t help but feel like they were walking into something. The air was so still within the building that it was almost unsettling to the young girl, but she wouldn’t let it deter her from making a score.

Johanna and Jake would eventually make their way to the security office on the opposite side of the building. Again the door was unlocked and now the ease of the whole situation was beginning to get to the ashen haired girl. She cautiously opened the door only to find the small room completely vacant. All the security monitors had been turned off. *Is someone else trying to make a score here?* she wondered to herself. She then placed her duffle bag on the seat and got to work switching on all the monitors. “Ok so either everyone took the same day off, or this is the shitiest bank I’ve ever seen. Anyway, looks like the way is clear, just gonna turn the cameras and alarm off. That should give us enough time to get to the vault before anyone is notified.”

Retrieving her bag off the seat, Johanna turned to Jake and waved for him to follow her. “Lets get going. Money isn’t going to steal itself.” before walking out of the office, Johanna snatched a piece of candy out of a dish on the desk and popped it into her mouth.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Shadowoof October 18th 2017, 6:04 am

The trip was mostly silent, however Jake knew that much. The way the posse of guards had headed to the vault, if all of them were not already there... As they continued, Jake began to seriously worry. If this was routine, not all of them would be gone, and when they made it to the security room... Not a single person, it was if they just all got up and started... Following someone with a single motion. Seems there was a master mind behind all of this. Which meant Anna wasn't the only person who decided this place was worthy of stealing from.

Jake mused over telling Anna about this, or if he should leave it as a surprise of what he expected to see. Because he had without a doubt, when they got to the vault, there would be an entire garrison already there. What would she do? He already had an idea... But who was it that would be suffering from Ann's wraith... They were about to find out.

Upon making it to the vault,the two teens would start to hear a tapping sound, resounding from the room of the vault, and upon sighting the room... The two would find that what Jake had somewhat thought was right. The entire garrison of guards were there, with most of them stationed inside the vault, gathering the loot and piling it into bags. Outside stood a few, some stuck frozen, even as the two entered, which the guards could clearly see, they remained silent, almost glazed, as if they were not there.

And in the middle of the room, a man faced the the vault door, which had no damage to it, just simply opened, a slight tap coming from his foot. He wore a fashionably nice, white button up shirt, the sleeves rolled up to below his elbows, with purple and black lined throughout it. Suspenders held up the pants he wore, which only went down to just below his knees, where his legs were oddly shaved clean. His boots were also fashionable in design from the back, but one could sight from his tapping that a red orb of some kind rested at the tip of the shoes front. And finally he wore a top hat, with long golden hair going all the way down to below his neck. "What's that? Someone... Not in the system..." His voice was pronounced, seemingly echoing off the walls in a sing song way as he turned to face the two intruders, his eyes wide and bloodshot, and his face masked in a coat of white paint except for three yellow triangles painted onto his face on his cheeks and forehead respectively, the one on his forehead was completely filled in however, while the other two had gaps in the middle. Even his nose had a red paint to it, only the very tip of the nose wasn't filled in ether.

It was now that seemingly dead faced guards all turned there heads towards the entrance that led to the vault, yet they remained still, as if waiting for an order. "Why... You should not be here... Hours into will... You are not in the will." The clown seem the mumble, his shoes resuming a constant tap on the ground as he kept muttering will.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Johanna Sharpe October 18th 2017, 6:43 am

Johanna’s suspicions had suddenly been confirmed as her and Jake rounded a corner to the vault where they were immediately greeted with two statuesque guards. Johanna didn’t even freeze in her tracks, but rather almost seemed ready to lunge at them until she noticed how eerily still the two guards were. Looking past them, Johanna took note of how the vault door had simply been opened without any signs of forced entry. Several other members of the banks security staff shuffled about the inside of the vault while a very oddly dressed figure tapped his feet impatiently.

Upon turning around and seeing the obvious attempt at clown make up and over all visage, Johanna immediately cringed with terror. Though as quickly as the terror showed itself, it faded away. She wasn’t quite fond of clowns, never was since she was little, but she wasn’t about to let Jake or this creepy guy know that. Instead she slowly backed up a few feet so that Jake was now in front of her. “Well you see, we um…We just wanted to make a withdraw is all.” she said, her voice obviously shaking and nervous.

A variety of situations rushed through Johanna’s mind as she stared down one of her little hidden fears and his posy of seemingly mind controlled security guards. Johanna found herself slowly reaching for her duffle bag and to the ancient sword that rested at the bottom. This was definitely a scenario that Johanna thought she’d never find herself in. One in which she attempted to steal from a place that was already being robbed. The creepy clown figure was just the icing on the cake. Normally she was prone to violence but the man and his puppets had yet to attack the two teens.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Shadowoof October 18th 2017, 7:19 am

Jake hadn't seen this coming. The mind control? Maybe. It could have easily been an inside job, the wave a signal, but this? This... Creepy ass clown looking bugger? That was... Very new. What else was new? The way Anna was talking. As if this clown scared her more then super fast vampires. Wonderful. About to step forward to try and do something in this impossibly strange situation, the clown stepped forward himself, looking the two up down, a hand patting his chin. "Withdraw? No... no..." Then as if he had a an epiphany, one of the yellow triangles on his cheeks filled in like magic, white being replaced by a glowing yellow, before it dulled and his eyes began to slightly glow. Not like Jake's eyes, but just a faint glow as he continued to stare down the two.

"All. Wrong.. It's all wrong. The very adequate girl... A thief, angry and bored. Such pride... And the clothing... tight and Dark.. Darker. Not suited..." His eyes changed to Jake, who was about just as nervous as Ann at this point, the way he talked.. "You, adequate, yet shy.. No.. Undecided, unknowing. So tired and sad.. Not fit... baggy clothing, far too big.." And with that, his eyes stopped glowing, but the painted triangle remained as it was.

Now, the red nose began to fill in, as the clowns hands seem to fill with a deep seated energy, glowing all the way to his finger tips. "Your not in the will. Guards.. Guards in will, took long. But... Can fix... Fix what you are..." The clown, who had not much a smile on his shell shocked face, smiled, his teeth an ugly yellow and grey, crooked and sharp. He held his hands into the air as the red nose completed itself and the room would begin to fade in and out to the two teens, as if reality was shaping itself. A deep grey mist rising all around the two as the effects of the clowns power took place.

In a moment after this distortion of sight and reality, Johanna would feel her body shifting, the suit she wore would find itself snugly fitting her body a little too closely, muscles and bone seeming to shift without pain, just contracting and expanding or getting smaller, she might even find herself a little taller, for the clown had shifted reality and shifted the bad girl, into a bad boy. "Better, Beeettterrr. Suited for... Person.. Yes..." And like that, he'd turn back to the vault, as if his job was done and he thought nothing more of the two teenagers.

"....Ann?" To Johanna's side, a sliding thump could be heard as Jake fell to his knees slowly, a hand on his pants, pulling them up as they had become to big for his waist, his other hand covering small but obvious lumps under his torn shirt, she also would notice many changes in his body, his stature was slimmer, muscle tone died down a little till he was just a little toned, his hair had grown so that it flirted with his shoulders almost and he was looking to her, his facial features gone soft, feminine. A look of shock and surprise on Jake's face. "Please... Not this again." His... Her voice was softer as well, but that confusion was not just for him, as he stared at Anna, seeing the exact same changes on her... Only... Very. Very different.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Johanna Sharpe October 18th 2017, 8:43 pm

The only thing more creepier than this clowns outward appearance was his speech pattern, it was enough to send chills down Johanna’s spine and make her feel even more uncomfortable than she already was. Still, for as weirded out as Johanna was, she wasn’t about to let her biggest fear stand in the way of her and all that money. She was a thief first and foremost and would not be outdone by some freak in makeup. Her hands quickly tightened into fists as the clown began to analyze them. “Oh believe me pal, I aint angry. You’d know if I was angry.” she murmured.

Just as soon as the clown had finished talking and turned his back to the two teens Johanna could feel her suit tightening around her body. Her fist instinct was to look down and identify why it was that her skin tight suit now almost felt bone tight. Her gaze drifted down and the first thing she noticed was that her chest….well her chest wasn’t exactly her chest. Both of her hands immediately shot up and she began groping herself. “What the hell happened to my boobs!” She yelled. It took her a moment to realize that her voice had deepened and her hands weren’t as slender as they used to be.

“Oh you have got to be fuc-” she, no he, was cut off when a soft feminine voice called out to him. The ashen haired boy would turn their worried gaze to their left. Hunched over on the floor in a bundle of clothes was a slim looking young girl who was doing everything she could to keep parts covered. *Not again?* Jo thought as the words escaped the young girls mouth. There was an air of shock that rushed over Johanna in that instant, but then it was gone as quick as it came. For as rapid as the clowns trick was, Johanna’s mind had acclimated to what was going on all to quickly. Upon seeing the young girl to his side, Johanna quickly came to the conclusion that they had been genderbent.

At first a sigh of relief escaped from his mouth at the fact that they hadn’t switched bodies. Jo peered at the slender girl to his left and cracked a smile “So that whole exhibitionist thing carries over no matter what gender you are huh?” Johanna chuckled mentally to himself as he took in the sight. Jake had gone from this somewhat stoic figure to a lump of timid flesh but he/she was still kind cute. Johanna placed a hand on her chin not sure if she preferred this Jake to the other, both certainly had their own charms.

The smile quickly faded from Jo’s face as he shook the thoughts from his head. Turquoise eyes fell to Jake’s feminine figure once more. “What do you mean ‘not this again’? Genderbend often?” His gaze then turned back to the clown. The fear was still there, but Johanna could feel the blood beginning to boil in his veins. He tried to raise his arm up to fire a shot from his web shooters but that was proving to be too difficult with the added muscle mass that was being suffocated by his suit. With a low yet audible grunt Johanna reach for his shoulder and with a hard tug he ripped the suit which freed up his arm for a bit of extra movement. He would do the same to his other arm before finally leaping into action.
Sadly with as terrified as she was of clowns, it looked like Jake was going to be in no condition to fight at the moment, so Johanna would have to swallow his fear and do the fighting himself. With movement restored to his arms, Jo would fire a strand of webbing at one of the mind controlled guards. The sticky thread would engulf the mans face, and with a forceful tug from Johanna, the guard would come flying towards him. Half way through the air, Johanna would try to spin kick the guard into the wall but instead of landing a hit with his foot, his calf muscle collided with the guards head instead. The result was the guard mildly being pushed into the wall. With a growl of frustration Johanna walked up to the man and punched him in the face causing him to collapse to the ground.

He gave a slightly shocked yet happy look to how easy it was for her to walk in this new body, as it confirmed something for him….They still had their powers. “Listen here asshole. You’re going to change us back and you’re going to hand over all the cash or I’ll really show you what I look like when I’m pissed off!” the visible anger in Johanna’s eyes slowly overtaking her fear and replacing it with fearlessness.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Shadowoof October 19th 2017, 5:05 am

The change had been similar to the one Johanna suffered from, but like her, Jake had grown and lost things... Oh had he lost things. And it was terrifying. His thoughts were on a mix of things. Like why was his chest heavier, and why did it feel all... Breezy down there. Didn't take him... No... Her, at this point to figure out what happened. So now here she was, on her knees, clothes far too big for her now slim body to fit in, both hands being used to cover... Everything up and her face as bright as the red vision she used.

At first she had looked to Johanna, who had indeed become a male, her there features shaping to a handsome... A male face. However that skin tight suit had become more then just a suit at this point, detailing everything and she meant everything. Nothing was helping her right now, and Anna was just making it worse with all of her commits, each one making Jake feel worse and worse about her situation. "No! I was just... Turned into a child last time." That wasn't fun. He was weaker, and he had a a very angry demon trying to kill him and Nate, who lost there powers with that age regression.

This however, was so much more different. That was a magic that must have taken the demon some time to create. This... Clown just did it on the spot, as if he decided that the two teens didn't fit there genders and he would fix it. The way reality seemed to warp... Was this magic? Or something far more dangerous...

The guard that was beaten stopped moving, but during the entire beat down Jo had delivered on the mindless man, he had not resisted, as if he didn't care. However, the clown seemed to stop whatever he was doing. His shoulders shuddering. "The will... A Jerry..." He turned towards Jo, his eyes a frightening glow, the final triangle on his face had filled in. "You... Not happy.... Disagree. With Genere Piegatrice?" As his words left his mouth, the ominous energy returned to his hands, his neck started to bend and twist till finally it seemed to split apart, but rather then a gory visual, it was like a light that distorted reality came from the split, till the clowns head faded back into space, only it was tilted to the left, as another head was there now, tilted to the right, it could be said to have looked similar if not for the fact there face was baked in black paint, strange symbols written along there forehead and completely glowing eyes of a yellow nature. If one noticed, the the old face that tilted to the left looked more normal now, even there teeth were okay, except for the fact the grin they wore was one of pure mischievous intent.

"We Will See You And Enjoy. Now Jerrys Attack!" And with that distortion of reality, the brilliant energy that seemed to shape the reality around Genere shined even brighter till a giant square appeared, where several bags of cash flew into it, some of the bags still attached to guards as they proceeded with there job, stuffing a handful of cash into the bag mid flight, soon followed by the clown themselves  vanishing into it, the light show vanishing, leaving the two gender misshaped teens in a room filled with guards, all looking at them, all advancing on them.

Any other time, Jake knew what she would do. And that was escape, so in an effort to stand, she looked at the mildly slow guard zombies. "Ann... We got to go..." Jake managed to get the words out, wincing at her own voice. So foreign.  She tried taking a step once and then twice, trying to walk like she did before, feet straight in front of her, but these new hips and legs don't line up the same way. And all too soon she found herself tripping up on the baggage of these pants and the way her legs didn't work, falling flat on her... Chest. Feeling slack, Jake tried to stand again, only to feel a soft breeze on just the top of her behind, causing her to freeze and slam herself back to the ground to hide it from any view, despite the many guards closing in. "Annnnnn!" She called out, begging for any kind of help. Her face filled with pure shame and terror.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Johanna Sharpe October 19th 2017, 6:18 am

The fearlessness that had boiled up within Johanna faded in an instant, the grotesque looking clown did not take kindly to Jo’s words and in turn did something that only made the young boy hate clowns even more. The strange tearing of space and time around his head, splitting his neck apart the way it did then suddenly the addition of another head. Johanna did his best to hold back a swell of vomit and gritted their teeth. *Why can’t this type of shit happen to someone else?* he thought. Johanna’s turquoise eyes went wide as the creepy clown figure created some sort of portal that began to swallow him and the guards that were looting the vault.

The ashen haired boy attempted to overcome their fear and rush after the odd creature, but it was to late, the portal closes and Johanna was now surrounded on all sides by left over mind controlled guards. His gaze turned to Jake who was still on the ground protesting that the needed to get out of the back immediately. While Johanna agreed, anger began to well up within her again and he needed to vent. Letting out a loud yell of frustration Johanna began to unload on the nearby guards. His fists flew in a violent rage.

As the young thief teed off on the guards he over heard his name being called out, no more like a while or cry. Turning around He saw that three of the guards were closing in on Jake’s feminine form. The young girl ad tried to move but ran into a problem that Johanna hadn’t faced, and that was a shift in their center of gravity and overall loss of balance. It also didn’t help that Jake’s old clothes were far to big for her new slender frame. Letting out a slight groan, Johanna ran towards the wall to his right and vaulted over a guard, and quickly fired a strand of webbing at the opposite wall. With a strong tug Johanna launched himself at one of the guards, delivering a hard kick to their face and knocking them down.

Upon landing Johanna crossed his arms and fired a strand of web from each of the shooters at the two remaining guards. The webs latched onto their face, and when it did, Johanna pulled her arms apart causing the two guards to slam into one another and collapse on the ground. His heart was beating a mile a minute, the thrill of the fight, of the hopeless situation they seemed to be in, this was the type of chaos the young girl, now a boy, thrived on.

Despite wanting to continued to fight on, there was no way he was going to be able to do that while babysitting Jake at the same time….well ok maybe he could, but he didn’t want to. Without hesitating, Johanna scooped up the embarrassed girl in his arms and began to rush back through the bank the same way they had entered. He’d have to make a slight change in plans however as there was no way Jake would try to climb out through the skylight in this state, especially if it meant having to bear it all. Johanna would make a small cut across the teller station area to a door near the back of the bank.

Kicking the door in with all her strength, the metal slab flew off its hinges. He leapt over the door without skipping a beat and quickly ascended the stairs till the two teens were on the roof. Once there he’s gently place Jake back down on the ground, his cheeks a slight hue of red. Johanna did his best not to look down at the young girl, his eyes shifting between her and the sky above them, sweat visible rolling down his forehead. “So um…You’ve got quite soft” he said struggling to hold back a coy smile.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Shadowoof October 19th 2017, 7:11 am

Staying close to the ground but seated upwards, Jake only had time and worry to wait on. The time was Anna being far too slow for her liking for him to get here and the worry being these guards. While she wasn't too worried about what kind of pain they could bring, more what they could rip and tear and she was not ready for this new body of hers to be in the viewing pleasure of the damn world.

Thankfully, Ann came to her rescue, easily taking out the enslaved guards and scooping her up, something she was not comfortable with, which only made her feel bad for Lorelei, who she had done this too. Had she felt this way too? Of course she had rougher skin and the ability to crush him in an instant. She also had better clothing then this, where his hands where impromptu belts to keep everything in place.

Taking them throughout the bank, passing familiar hallways and such, they finally made it to the roof after a rough kick of the metal door blocking there passage and the very long and even more uncomfortable flight of stairs. After finally being let down, Jake kept her eyes to the ground, deciding that the grains were very interesting at that very moment, heck, they could be interesting for the next couple of years.

Then, of course, Anna decided to talk, only what they said further made the ground that more interesting, till Jake realized that she couldn't stare at it forever... Even if she wanted too. Glancing up at Ann, Jake took in her new form again... And decided to stop glancing at her arms. "Well... Yea. I'd say you've gotten a bit  exhibitionist but I honestly can't handle this right now..." Deciding to look back to the ground, she looked up to Ann with her best convincing smile she could give. "You.. Wouldn't happen to have a safe house with clothes... Would you?" Jake wanted to say she was joking, wanted to sound like she was joking, but she was on the verge of desperate. She couldn't keep in these clothes if she wanted to kick that clown in the ass. Oh, right. The clown. They needed to find the clown... And decide what to do with him... Clothes first however. There was just no way she could fight in... This.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Johanna Sharpe October 19th 2017, 7:45 am

Johanna stared down at Jake, unamused with the boy’s suggestion at first. “I don’t have any place that you’d be comfortable visiting in your current condition. Besides….If I gotta suffer wearing this suit then there is no way I’m going out of my way to make you feel comfortable.” Johanna folded his arms across his chest as if what he said was final and his gaze returned to the stars. After a few seconds Johanna began tapping his foot rapidly, he was growing impatient and this discomfort brought on from having a male body stuck in a skin tight suit designed for a slender teen female body was beginning to drive him nuts.

With a long sigh Johanna turned back to Jake. Staring at the seemingly fragile girl, Johanna realized they couldn’t continue like this. They had to locate the creepy clown and get their real bodies back, but there was no way that was going to happen with Jake barely able to keep her clothes on. “Alright, come on lets get going. If we can’t rob a bank the least we can do is rob a clothing store.” This was going to be interesting to say the least. Johanna couldn’t leap from roof top to roof top like Jake could, or at least he never tried.

The only alternative was to swing around, but carrying an extra body around while doing so was a lot different that swinging around with a duffle bag hanging from the shoulder. Feeling uncharacteristically bad for Jake, Johanna nervously picked up the young girl and embarrassingly tried to position her in a way that would allow Johanna to swing from building to building. A familiar shade of red overtook the young males cheeks. He couldn’t quite figure out what he was so embarrassed about, it’s not like he hadn’t seen or touched his own body when he was the his right gender. The sensation was a bit different when it was someone else’s body.

Once Johanna was sure that Jake wasn’t going to fall, he stared her straight in the eyes, their faces were uncomfortable close. “Whatever you do, try not to squirm to much ok?” and with that Johanna leapt off the roof of the building and began to swing. He had a rough idea of where they were in the city, after all this was his backyard, and with that in mind, after spotting a few familiar landmarks, the ashen haired boy realized they weren’t to far from a small clothing boutique. A few more blocks were rush by before Johanna would touch down in an alleyway. He would place Jake down once more before approaching a worn metal door. “We should be able to find something here. I know the owner….sort of. This place isn’t wired with security or anything.” and with the, the young thief crouched down before the door and reached into the duffle bag.

Producing lockpicking set, Jo would get to work on the door and almost in no time at all a small click would fill the air and the door was slide open slowly. Johanna rose from his crouching position and turned back to Jake. “Lady’s first!” he said with a large grin.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

Post by Shadowoof October 19th 2017, 8:24 am

Jake could only pout at Ann for being selfish in his own way, but he couldn't hide the smile that came soon after, for while of course he was trying to be rude, Jake was beginning to accept that this was the thief's way of life. And honestly it was just amusing, be even more amusing if she didn't have clothes that made sure she was blushing at almost every second...

Then it happened. Ann said something about them having to go, to which Jake was going to make a retort about how he might be a bit slow. ONLY for Ann, male Ann. Starting grabbing him and shifting her around his body. It was both uncomfortable and made his face bleached with the color red. She just kept touching everywhere with everything and it sucked because it also felt nice and she felt violated at the same time for feeling such a feeling in a body that was not her own. Of course, that was when she realized it. He had the mind of a boy, yes. But she had the hormones and the body of a girl. If reality shifted that much inside the two teens, besides there thoughts, hormones were something that were out of there control, and seeing as she was not use to such hormones...

She wanted to hit Ann, herself and that clown all at the same time. But refrained from doing so when Ann managed to find a good way to carry her as she moved, his face far too close to hers. She could feel her cheeks warming again and silently cursed herself, before blaming female biology. Seemed like the best thing to do now. So, now Jake was clinging tight to the male body that in all rights, should be under his skin, but wasn't, trying to get rid of this infernal blush that would not escape her cheeks while also keeping a hand on her pants to stop them from falling, her chest however...

She was thankful that she could ignore it till they got to the shop, Ann explaining it belonged to someone she knew before proceeding to break into the place. "Should ask for a key if you know them. Much faster." Jake committed, silently waiting for the door to open, and when it did, she tried to race in yet only managed a slight fumble as she still had a ways to go to get use to the way her hips and body moved. At first she went right to the male clothing, instinctive, but upon realizing she needed some more... Feminine garments. She moved along to the female aisle. First she took a... Bra. And then took a few moments to find... Underwear.

Jake found herself shivering, feeling like a utter pervert yet knowing that this breeze feeling had to go, that and she'd be a even bigger pervert to go commando. Finding a style of boxer like female underwear, Jake took them and began looking at jeans, deciding that when he turned back, he'd need bigger jeans to fit himself in. So he grabbed a slightly larger pair of jeans and a belt, finally, she got a good t-shirt. "I'm getting changed so don't come to my booth." Jake called out to Ann, knowing the man who was once a girl would at the very least respect privacy enough.

Getting into said booth, Jake began her change, removing her current clothes with eyes closed, not wanting to stare at these foreign body parts, not wanting to not see what was missing. It made changing a little slower, but she had managed to get the undergarment and jeans on eventually, fastening the belt to her slimmer waist so that it wouldn't fall so easily. All that left was... Realizing her mistake.. She fidgeted on the spot and turned her head away from the mirror, looking up and towards the curtain. "Umm.. Ann? I need... I need a little help... Putting a... b... bra on. I don't know how..." Jake hated this even more then before, wondering how girls did this normally. Didn't they have anything easier then this stupid clip thingy? Maybe he should have watched more TV ads, cause at least then he could have learned anything about female clothing. The other thing was, he wasn't sure how to put this one without looking, and he really didn't want to look or have Ann look, mainly as he was now. Heck she wasn't even sure this stupid bra would fit. Stupid clown. When they found him, Jake was going to be sure to punch them in there stupid red nose.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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DBL XP Re: The good girl and the bad boy. (Johanna. Halloween double xp thread.)

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