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Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider)

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Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider) Empty Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider)

Post by Danny The Sphinx October 9th 2017, 12:41 am

Any speculation they do would be simply absurd.


Of course. But, Danny has seen very odd things from her time spent in the greatest museums around the world. Each one of those oddities would typically be enough to try the fragile minds of the average museum goer. Especially those bratty third graders who never paid attention to "Do not touch" signs. But, Danny kept it together. And most of the time 'it' was her parents exhibits. Anything ranging from petty jewel thieves to mystical beings to simple kids trying to vandalize a set of armor, Danny took her job as curator of these exhibits seriously enough to fight off each one of them.

Except the vandals. They settled for a stern talking to and a picture.

Anyone wanting to steal from the exhibit would definitely be coming from a different school of thought. Danny brushed over what looked like a stone cover to a sarcophagi. When she ran her hand over the material she could feel the hollow indentures running within the case. A little knock rang hollow. It looked almost like web casing. A very hard web casing crafted into the shape of a sarcophagi. Along with a number of other cases exquisitely ornamented with black jewels.

Danny stepped away from the sarcophagi with her flash light and looked over to the vases. Same material. Wearing a pair of yoga pants with her cheerleading jacket over a red shirt, Danny continued her patrol through the exhibit hall. The same weblike material hung from dowels imprinted with images of a humanoid figure standing before an image of a ziggurat. The man stood with two arms held above his shoulders, followed by two arms under them, and strange enough, another set. She started to count the number of eyes when a noise sounded out from the hallway. "It's always gotta be someone coming to mess with these exhibits."

Danny turned to her bracelet, then to the source of the noise, never paying attention to the webbed lasso taking root under her ankles. She took a step forward, springing the trap. She found her weight turned around and her vantage point completely turned on its head. While her foot found itself snared, her arms still possessed enough freedom of mobility to give Danny time to conjure a blade.

One quick flash of her blade and Danny was free. She did not think through the landing as much and the nimble cheerleader fell on her shoulder, breaking into a very odd barrel roll. Danny got to her feet quickly, forming a shield to defend from anything attempting to attack her while she got her bearings, but her vision of the incoming hallway remained blocked.

While she kept her shield in place for defense, a force began to pull against her control. Fighting for control of her shield grew more tiresome, so Danny decided to give it up. But, on different terms. A turquoise bar grew from her bracelet, allowing her to project the shield in a direct path towards whatever thief tried to take a run at the Tamamoa art exhibit.

The shield stayed in tangible as it tore through the shadows of the rafters, knocking a hole in between the floors. Danny's light shined forth, illuminating empty space again and again. She turned, shining light into every crevice. Each absence only served to fill Danny with more anxiety. No way would anyone give up this easily, but still, she needed to find out where her for came from.

Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider) Empty Re: Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider)

Post by Logic October 9th 2017, 4:55 pm

A single strong strand of web shot against the top corner of the nearest building. The Hooded Spider's right hand grasping the end firmly as he swung across town. Wind sliding past and against his costume, while glitters of flashes of lights went about in the back ground. People were taking pictures, of what exactly was the question. As most of the time when others tried taking shots at The Hooded Spider, it only showed up as a blur and the darkness didn't help either, but every now and then someone would find themselves. This was fame, however it a topic such as that couldn't be any more distant in Keshawn's mind than ever.

Swinging upward, he released his grasp curving to do another mid air flip before shooting another web at the nearest building. Giving it this time a strong tug as the elasticity of the web shot him upward, allowing him to get a firm grasp of the edge of this skyscraper. Effortlessly pulling himself over the railing and gazing at the city from  below. " It's times like this where I wonder if I'm even making a difference. More meta humans are appearing at the same rate as I'm putting them away." Resting his elbows upon his knees, Keshawn slowly pulled down his hood and later his mask. Taking the chance the gaze at the front of it. "Are we making a difference?"  

It was a long internal struggle before he forced himself to put the mask back on. "I'm sure we are. Atleast..85 % sure." Times like this Keshawn had to accept Professor Matheus as a mentor, from his understanding Professor Matheus stated over and over that they were making a big difference. However every time they managed to remove one threat from the streets, and even bigger one showed up. The Professor Stated he would find a solution to end this like all else, a large project that he has been working on. But what exactly the project was remained a mystery to him.  

"Let's keep it moving." Gazing down the skyscraper, he prepped himself. Stretching his fore arms before jumping up and then off. A common procedure that divers take when they jump off the diving board. Slicing through the air downward, he was veering closer to the building before flipping to kick his feet off it and pro pulse himself  forward, returning to his swinging pattern.

Eventually he perched himself on a nearby ledge, gazing across as what most considered to be a prison. But in fact, it was one of the town's famous museums. Where an even most famous individual Danny. From what he understood and even most teens including him, pictured Danny as being one of those individuals who cared and did to much for their job. She was either crazy, or extremely passionate, either way it was a nuisance.  Professor Matheus stated it would be better for him to get retouch with his childhood and not to miss out on all the opportunities that came with it. So..he was enrolled back into high school. Where they took a field trip to the museum for the first time, where he met Danny. Long story short it was a very unforgiving experience, and it was probably best if he avoided returning for a while untl the situation went down. But something was off, a strong tingling..Keshawn's Spider Sense...warned him that something wasn't right.

But on instinct Keshawn moved, webbing over to the museum side. Crawling down the wall  to peer through the window into more darkness. It still wasn't sitting right to him, but maybe lucky enough Danny wouldn't be on duty. Knowing that the museum probably had alarms or something he couldn't just break in all willy nilly.  He pressed his hand on the glass, causing his hand to stick and with a good sift he was able to slowly unlatch the glass in the window and squeeze his way through to the inside, before quietly placing his back. "I'm in.."He murmured to himself, glancing around as he still clung against the wall.

Main Char: The Hooded Spider(Keshawn)

Status :

Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
-Professor Matheus

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2017-04-12

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Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider) Empty Re: Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider)

Post by Danny The Sphinx October 9th 2017, 7:41 pm

A little dust rained down through the newly minted skylight Danny insisted on installing in defense of her exhibit. All in all it might serve a better function now; everyone loves two story exhibits after all and the curator did tell Danny the Tamamoa wing needed something new. Holding her flashlight on the light switch on the side of the room, Danny decided to go ahead and spend some of the museum's  dollars on lighting the place up. And, oh the wonders she did find when those lights came on.

"Give a flash warning!" A girl's voice in the corner of the room shouted, holding her black sleeve over her eyes. She wore an all black outfit with her red hair pulled back into a ponytail. Her arm slowly came down, revealing a black mask covering the upper part of her face that kept her face unrevealed. "That can do real damage to people's eyes!"

"Calm down Becky!" A light skinned, blonde girl in a green body suit and mask stepped forward, cracking her knuckles. "We need to deal with Lil' Miss Perfect here first."

"I got just the thing." A third girl with a darker complexion stepped into the light with a purple suit and mask, holding a roll of duct tape. "Hold still, Danny."

"I'm stoked you guys recognize heroism, but I gotta say, this is going about it the completely wrong way." Danny tossed her flashlight at the girl in purple's head, while grabbing her cell phone.

Before the girl in green could take her stance, Danny managed to get behind her, lock her elbow with the woman's, and flip her over Danny's back. With her phone already firmly beneath her thumb, Danny made a quick smile and snapped a picture of the girl on the ground, activating an immediate posting to her Instagram account. After the picture snapped, Danny slid her leg under the girl's and quickly flipped her like a mattress. One quick down kick to the gut knocked the air out of the girl in green's diaphragm, giving a gasping sound that told Danny it was time for the next in line.

A fist flew towards Danny's face, but her grip caught hold of the wrist first. Once Danny could feel her thumb and index finger brush each other, she leaned close and put her left hand on the girl in black's shoulder. "Becky was it?" Before the answer came, Danny turned Becky around, pinning her arm behind her back, and snapping another quick selfie. "I'll tag this #girlsnightin." The phone then hit Becky in the throat, prompting Danny to reach for Becky's ankle and flip her on her back.

When a boot in purple came towards Danny's face, Danny pulled the same guard. While holding onto her phone, Danny managed to grapple the assailant's leg, spin inside of her guard, press Danny's back against the girl in purple's chest, and smile for another quick selfie. After the picture snapped, Danny elbowed the girl in the throat, stepped on the foot holding her up, and then turned to slide her arm around the girl's neck. Once behind her, Danny lifted the girl's arm over her head, locking it up. "I think Lil Miss Perfect is doing pretty well. But, you can come up with the next hashtag-"

While Danny lifted her phone to take one more defeat selfie, a strand of web hit Danny in the back. Once it connected, Danny found her grip loosen enough for the last girl to slip out. Instead of gripping to get the assailant under control, Danny found herself pulled back into a grip controlled by four arms. With her arms pinned firmly behind her back, two more arms came in front of Danny, placing two hands over her mouth. "This is no way to treat guests in your home." While cloaked in shadows, Danny could still make out a woman's voice above her. Two red orbs hovered in the darkness, giving Danny some idea of what could be eyes hidden behind a nest of possible hair. "I should show you how we treated guests when I was in charge of those rights."

Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider) Empty Re: Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider)

Post by Logic October 11th 2017, 12:11 am

His vision traveled across the hallway he entered, it was empty from what he saw. Well, besides the artifacts that were mounted on high podiums and paintings mounted into the wall. Dust and darkness, from his point of view all seemed well. Like a normal museum, but he had a urge..that he needed to talk a look around. "Well.." Allowing his sticky grip to loosen, he carefully dropped to the ground making sure not to disturb anything else around him.

But as soon as his feet touched the ground, he shut his eyes forcefully and held still. From what he expected, he thought museums like this had security laser ground traces like in the movies when a burglar robs a jewelry store. Giving off a sigh of relief as it seemed he over estimated the museums security system, and started walking around the inside of the museum.  Historic findings protected in thick layers of glass, statues that held such a realistic aspect, they appeared like they could come alive at any moment. He walked over a large rock which held historic markings that gave a brief history of an unknown language. Something that never really game Keshawn any interest, he moved further along the halls eyeing the passing picture frames. This place was huge, and being what appeared to be the only person in there only magnified what museum from the inside.

It was quiet, and dark. His muscles were getting tense and he had a feeling of uneasiness, but other than his own thoughts this place was pretty much quiet. He continued to walk, stopping suddenly as something seemed a bit odd. What was it? He walked over the specs on his mask widened, there were objects encased in a gray substance. "This wasn't here the last time I visited." he thought to himself, running his hand across the surface. "Webbing?" It was far different than the one he emits, it was a bit sturdy too. His eyes trailed around the room, spotting the same as he looked around. Objects covered in this gray webbing whatever. From there he saw it, an image of a man with what appeared to be four arms. He didn't make much of it at the time, probably just another one of those Egyptian or Greek Gods he be hearing so much about. So he let the thought pass.

There was a slight urge feeling at the back of his head, followed the sound of wreckage coming down the hall. He was right, something surely was up. But he hoped it was just a security guard who knocked down some artifact..or even better just one of the old platforms that held such an artifact giving way. Running down the hall, he stopped in the middle and jumped and pivoted mid air so that he now landed on the ceiling. Crawling, avoiding the shins of light that peaked through the window. He crawled towards the noise, stopping at the edge of the hall from his position.

Trying to hide his surprise, it seemed he has finally came upon where all the noise was coming from. Approximately three girls and one larger figure with from what he could see had four arms. It couldn't be..his mind flashing back to the picture. But it was holding something, no not something, it was someone. Probably the security guard that was stationed to work tonight, so many questions but as of now he didn't have time to form up the answers. Just going off instinct. While the four of them was focused on that single guard who was getting held, The Hooded Spider pointed his right hand towards a nearby vase, lacing his web onto it and slinging it over aiming to smash it into the back of the spider girls head. From there he moved in an instant, moving to a darker part of the room to hide his appearance. At the moment, there was alot of them, but he had to see what he was up against first.

Main Char: The Hooded Spider(Keshawn)

Status :

Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
-Professor Matheus

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2017-04-12

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Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider) Empty Re: Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider)

Post by Danny The Sphinx October 12th 2017, 10:34 pm

"I'm gonna shave her head!" The girl in purple stood, rubbing her lower back. "We can put her new haircut up on her dumb Instagram account!"

"We should hang her from the ceiling first." A pair of knuckles snapped, or at least it sounded like knuckles, but a girl wearing a green suit popped her back. "Does anyone have a rope we can tie around her ankles?"

"I've got duct tape we can wrap her up with. I'm going to put my Instagram tag over her mouth." A long strip of silver tape tore off from the roll as Becky stepped forward.

A loud crash broke out just behind Danny. In the wake of the crash, the tight grip released Danny. Her hand slid out, grazing her bracelet. Once her arms were loose, the next step would involve the blade protruding from her forearm and the arms of the spider holding her in place. The blade coursed across the arm of the spider, making no point of entrance, but granting Danny room to roll out. "Who's hanging whom from what again?"

While the trio stood in surprise of an attack, Danny decided to become the surprise and the attack. Coming out of her roll, Danny immediately squared up and threw her shoulder into the girl in purple's gut, lifting her off the ground and pile driving her.

"Don't worry, Destiny. I've got this under contr-" Turquoise bars wrapped around Becky and black suit.

The darkness of the room would offer The Hooded Spider some leeway in hiding, but the insult of the attack stung deeply to the pride of the arachnid. With all of her appendages extended, the spidery woman fired out a number of nets into the darkness encompassing the room. No corner on nook would be left open, and for good reason. Not only did she want to snare her prey, she wanted to illuminate where they were.

A spark of fire emerged from her hand, lighting the webbing she threw out.

Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider) Empty Re: Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider)

Post by Logic October 15th 2017, 2:37 am

Kept his hands pressed on the wall as he was gazing towards the womanly arachnid. His eyes locked on her, trying to take note of her appearance and also how she moved. Danny seemed to be occupied with taking out the other three girls, upsetting. That means he was obviously going to be left to deal with her. But it seemed her looks were not just for show.

All four of them sprung out, shooting webs in all directions but it seemed to only be a failure as none of them landed their mark by landing on the Hooded Spider. His eyes widening as he sees her hands sparked a tiny flare, before igniting all the webs she threw out previously and from there he knew..he was outsmarted.

The webs slowly started to get set ablaze, following the trails led by each individual thread until it covered the whole room lightening them up. From there he could be seen, his fingertips and feet pressed with his back against the wall. The slight look on his mask could easily display his surprise before he removed the look all together.

Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider) The-amazing-spider-man-movie-photo-7-550x366

He stayed in that position, just looking. There was nothing else he could do at the moment but look, his position revealed it seemed he had to result to other tactics.

"I take it an Apology is out of the question?"

His eyes locked onto the female arachnid, before looking over towards Danny and the other three girls in their squabble.

Main Char: The Hooded Spider(Keshawn)

Status :

Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
-Professor Matheus

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2017-04-12

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Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider) Empty Re: Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider)

Post by Danny The Sphinx October 21st 2017, 3:37 am

Danny landed another punch square in the chest of Becky. "I don't even know you! Do we have history or something?" A spinning kick pushed all of the air out of Becky's lungs, sending her to the floor half collapsed. She shifted her head six inches to the left, avoiding an offensive fire extinguisher. Her elbow shot back into the stomach of another girl, before twisting around her body, grabbing under her armpits, and suplexing her foe.

Feeling her subordinates failing over and over again, the woman turned from her inferno. "Am I going to do everything?" Her prehensile fingers snapped back into place. She looked over to the fire as it blazed through the sprinkler rain. "Might as well."

While Danny looked over the fruits of her garden of pain, she failed to notice the web wrap around her. First her hand stuck to her torso, while her off hand found itself close to her belly. Strand after strand continued to wrap her arms and upper legs under too much webbing for her to be able to even attempt breaking loose from.

Danny struggled, but without the use of her bracelet found herself pulled off the ground. Suspended from the ground, all Danny could muster came from attempting to kick her legs far enough apart to split the webbing from the middle.

Museums Don't Just Rob Themselves (Hooded Spider) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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