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Quinn Empty Quinn

Post by Quinn February 27th 2015, 10:11 pm


[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Real Name » Quinn Ashford
Renegade Name » N/A
Alignment » Lawful Neutral

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

Age » 3
Gender » Female ♀
Race » -----
Hair » Red
Eyes » Red
Height » 152 cm
Weight » 124 kg
Blood Type » N/A

The Legacy

Personality » If you were to sum up Quinn in one word, it would be logical. Seeing emotion as a distraction at best and a hindrance at worst, she has decided that such things are beneath her and refuses to let such things effect her in any way. Quinn is one that would murder a child if she believed that it would be the logical thing to do. At the same time she would save that very same child for the same reason.

History » Quinn's story doesn't start with her, but instead starts with a man named Alexander Cooper. Alexander was a genius if there ever was one. However, he was as eccentric was he was smart, talking about things that no sane scientist would believe in. Even though his peers slowly pushed him out of their circles, he ran full tilt towards his goal, to make a new life form.

Alexander learned everything he could in an attempt to reach his goal, using that as both a way to gain funds and to use so that he can fulfill his goal. Of course, even with all of his effort, years go past without a single breakthrough. It wasn't until he one day managed to pick up a grimoire that his mind expanded in a whole new direction. If he had any friends left with his peers, once his search for magic began they all drifted away rather quickly, leaving him alone.

He finally managed to get a small breakthrough when he combined his knowledge of magic and science together, he was able to create a self learning program. Now seventy years old, Alexander's body began to fail him, with the search having taken it's toll. The time flew quickly for him, and he was already seventy years old by the time he was able to even create a decent prototype for a fully sentient AI.

As Alexander approached eighty years old, he was finally able to complete his goal, with the birth of his first creation. Naming her Quinn, Alexander treated her as his own daughter and attempted to teach her everything he knew. Quinn absorbed all of his knowledge like a sponge, learning even faster then he did. She even designed an upgraded frame for her to use after two years and together they managed to create nanites that she could control freely to hide her robotic form. However, every song must end. Just a mere three years after Quinn was born, Alexander was on his death bed, with Quinn standing over him, obeying his wish to not die alone.

As Alexander took his last breath, he left her with his final words. "Find your own purpose."

With those words in her heart, Quinn steps out into the word, obeying the last order of her creator... and the last wish of her father.

Powers and Weaknesses

Powers Weaknesses
Eat your heart out Tony Stark » Since Quinn's brain is a crystal based super computer that is compressed to the point where it can fit into a human sized skull. Besides her extremely high intelligence, Quinn has the ability to rapidly process any information that is presented in front of her. She can also recall any information that she has saved in her data banks instantly, giving her a perfect recall of whatever data she currently has.

Quinn can also rapidly learn anything that is put in front of her, from any field, able to master things in weeks that would take normal people years. She can also look at an object and get an understanding of how it works within a few minutes, enough to at least use the object. With more intense studying, Quinn is able to understand everything about the machine, to the point where she can easily repair or modify it.

Finally, Quinn has multiple processes running at the same time. Each process like it's own person, allowing her to focus on many different things at the same time without having to adjust what she is focusing on. She currently has four different parallels running at the same time.

Endo-skeleton » A combination of the metals that Quinn is made out of coupled with mana flowing through her whole body, causes Quinn to be extremely tough to hurt. She is completely immune to all small arms and can take hits from some of the larger weapons with only minor damage, if it manages to hurt her at all.

Exo-Skeleton » Quinn is covered in a layer of nanites that look like a mass of liquid metal. This metal responds directly to her thoughts and allows her to change how her outer layer looks quickly. It does not have the ability to change her endoskeleton though. Furthermore the liquid metal can become harder then steel, giving Quinn a secondary layer of protection against attacks.
Weakness » Quinn is someone who takes things at face value, believing in whatever is being said as long as she doesn't have proof that it is false. This makes it very easy to lie to Quinn. She would believe that the sky isn't blue if she couldn't look up and see that it was.

Weakness » A strong enough magnetic field can disable or even strip the nanites away from Quinn's endo-skeleton, revealing her real look for all to see.

Weakness » Intense heat can cause the nanites to experience glitches. This causes Quinn to close control over the shape shifting function of the metal and if the heat is hot enough, the bonds between the metal could fall apart, causing it to slide off of her body.

Weakness » If someone was to hit Quinn's core with a stream of concentrated mana, it can cause havoc with her systems. This forces Quinn to reboot her systems, disabling her for thirty seconds while she attempts to get her systems back to working order.

Weakness » When her nanites is placed in extremely low temperatures, the metal solidifies, causing it to crack and break when she attempts to move. While the metal itself is not harmed by this, Quinn is still unable to actively control it. Only once it heats back up to a manageable degree is she able to regain control over it.

Weakness » If Quinn's power source is badly damaged to remove, it ceases to gather mana and causes Quinn to shut down. Although she isn't technically dead, until the power source is replaced or repaired or for someone to connect another source to her, Quinn is in the machine version of a coma.


RP Mechanics

Connection Ports » Quinn has a number of ports down her spine that allows her to connect directly to a system. She has her own wires, since the ports are nonstandard. She's also ticklish around the ports.


Item » What the item gives you
What weaknesses the item has

Physical Priority
Reaction » One
Agility » Two
Endurance » Three
Strength » Four

Last edited by Quinn on September 14th 2017, 12:45 am; edited 29 times in total
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Quinn Empty Re: Quinn

Post by Chellizard February 28th 2015, 11:36 am

Your character, if not given other powers to show they are strong, durable, have high stamina, etc, will be frail and easily dominated in combat.

The RP Mechanics would be mild powers, especially if your character is able to do them on the go/in the field.

Analytic matrix is also a power. And the Rapid Learning/Technology Knowledge is a power: Super human Intelligence.

Please fix this accordingly.

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Quinn Empty Re: Quinn

Post by Quinn February 28th 2015, 2:49 pm

Is that better? Changed power one, added power two and added the second weakness.
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Quinn Empty Re: Quinn

Post by Chellizard February 28th 2015, 3:04 pm

Ok, I say again, is she stronger than the average man, is she tougher, does she have faster reflexes?

If so, those are all considered powers.

Add them and the appropriate weaknesses.

Also, nice play on the QT3.14

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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Quinn Empty Re: Quinn

Post by Quinn February 28th 2015, 3:42 pm

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Quinn Empty Re: Quinn

Post by Silus February 28th 2015, 5:17 pm

So she has superhuman durability.

Her second power states this...

Clockwork wrote:
Power 2: Her processing speed is clocked at around a teraflop in a single cycle, coupled with her rather large data storage, allows for rapid learning and processing of large amounts of data, giving her a high reaction speed. She has advanced knowledge of technology, magical based runes and ancient languages. Her processing core is crystal with magical rune based programming.

This is actually two separate powers.

1) She has advanced knowledge of technology, magical based runes and ancient languages. \

---> This is superhuman intelligence

2) Her processing speed is clocked at around a teraflop in a single cycle, coupled with her rather large data storage, allows for rapid learning and processing of large amounts of data, giving her a high reaction speed.

---> Superhuman intelligence will give you high processing speeds, but you're superhuman intelligence WILL NOT give you faster reaction times. If you want faster reaction times you need superhuman reflexes. Processing speeds is how fast you perceive things which is dictated through the mind. Your body being able to actually move and react to it is a different thing entirely.

So in essence if you want the ability to react it's a separate power UNLESS you want to try and cover it with your physical priority, but ultimately it's still relatively human from my understanding. If you make the reflexes a power though, it would need a weakness which would be simple enough Razz

I hope this helps.

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Quinn Empty Re: Quinn

Post by Quinn February 28th 2015, 8:06 pm

There is one small bit of fact that you guys keep ignoring and it's kinda sad at this point so I'm going to have to do a small rant. No anger btw, just...just facts.

She's a machine. Completely made out of metal and parts and there is not a single piece of flesh on her if you don't count the skin which can be completely burned off and wouldn't stop her from doing anything. Her power is that. It's been that. I actually didn't want toughness in general, I want just protection for the 'core' systems, the crystals that make what is considered her "CPU" and what is considered her "Power Source". Basically meaning her head and upper chest. Meaning you could blow off of arm. Shoot you STILL can blow off an arm.

I didn't have the knowledge as a super power because to a machine, it really isn't. It's pure memorization which would fall under the fact that she has both a very fast processing speed and a very large harddrive. The knowledge is completely what she learned WHILE studying what her creator learned. She can use that knowledge as she wills, yes, and with the right parts build another her, yes, but that doesn't mean I can suddenly build a nuke. I can't. I don't have the plans. I bet given enough time I could, but that would be standard human level, excluding the fact that she is a really really powerful machine.

And that's actually her true power, being a robot. Which covers low tier strength. Nothing like "I grab you and toss you the length of a football field." More. "I grab you and toss you out the window.". That covers better toughness. Nothing like "I laugh at your tank shell." more along the lines of "I walk into 9mm shots with no problem." and finally, increases reflexes. Less "I can run at 90 MPH." and more "I can keep a steady 25 MPH going for miles." or "I can dodge a bullet IF I see the shooter before he fires and can process the angle of the shot.".

None of that is overpowered. None of that is unfair. She's a machine.

Rant over. Now I'm going to go fix it again. For the love of god stop trying to make me have her more powerful then she already is.
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Quinn Empty Re: Quinn

Post by Silus February 28th 2015, 11:40 pm

Alright, I hear ya. I'm not mad and I don't assume you're mad. It's an RP forum, no need to get mad Razz

  But I'm gonna try and explain this as best as possible. Please keep in mind I'm at no point sarcastic, mean or indenting to be malicious or condescending.

So here we go...

I'm not saying it's overpowered.... I'm saying that we need you to list powers that make your characters different from a human.

  Being an android makes you different than a human.

I have someone. His name is Cale... he makes robots. These robots have to state everything that makes them different from humans. Be it processing speeds to durability.

 I don't care if it's "covered by being a low tier robot" You need to state that you have it. Just as my robots did, just as EVERYONE has to do.  No one is making you be more powerful than you want to be, you set your own limitations really.

  The thing you seem to be "hung up" in is the fact that it seems to be "common sense" that a robot is stronger than a human. Well i'm sorry to say that "racial benefits" aren't a thing. If you're race has super strength they all need to pay the weaknesses for it and it still must be listed.

 It doesn't matter if it's a super power to a machine or not. That's not what we're asking. We're asking what powers does it have, most comparably to humans. If your robot is stronger to a human then you need to list it. Otherwise if it's not listed you are not stronger than a human. It's that simple. It doesn't matter if it's common to a machine, because common machines/robots need to do the same thing you do.

  If this is a HUGE issue I'd suggest just making a new type of character and keeping in mind that you must list all your powers...regardless if it's a common or "natural" power of the race or not.

 If you're still interested in making the robot, I'm fully prepared to help you achieve your goal in making the robot you want with all the perfect limitations that would make your character equally as fun, not over-powered and perfectly balanced as you'd like. Feel free to PM me, or hit me up in the chatbox!!


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Quinn Empty Re: Quinn

Post by Quinn February 28th 2015, 11:47 pm

I already changed it.
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Quinn Empty Re: Quinn

Post by Silus February 28th 2015, 11:49 pm

She's not powerful enough.


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Quinn Empty Re: Quinn

Post by Asmodeus March 17th 2015, 1:26 am

[01:24:55 17/03/2015] Clockwork : I kinda want to switch strength and endurance
[01:24:57 17/03/2015] @ Cale the human : We are here to tell a story and to weave a tapistry of imagination an epicness
[01:24:59 17/03/2015] @ Forceaus : That's what people would probably see
[01:25:02 17/03/2015] Clockwork : Cale can you do that for me

I did what I was supposed to. Endurance and Strength switched.

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Quinn Empty Re: Quinn

Post by Atlas November 3rd 2015, 9:48 pm

Moved for edits upon request
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Quinn Empty Re: Quinn

Post by Atlas November 4th 2015, 2:14 am

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Quinn Empty Re: Quinn

Post by Samael Christensen December 18th 2016, 10:10 pm

Moved for edits

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Quinn Empty Re: Quinn

Post by Shadowoof June 24th 2017, 9:42 am

Moved for edits

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Quinn Empty Re: Quinn

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