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Jack Attack

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Jack Attack Empty Jack Attack

Post by ShroudedKonqueror October 7th 2017, 1:00 pm

Square buildings and plazas dotted with various citizens blurred beneath Adam as he soared above Washinton, DC. His This time, he didn't even need Ariana to convince him to go out in his Titanium armor., he had grown to enjoy being in it. The suit hummed the same soothing tune it did every time he flew and his face was bathed in the soft orange of his HUD.

Look at him now: patrolling the city for any villainous activity. A few months ago, he never would've thought that he'd be behaving like a full-fledged superhero, but here he was. After coming out on top more than once against the powerful organization that took Ariana, his confidence had ascended to a place where even his schizophrenia couldn't drag it down. His state of mind took him to a height even his suit of armor couldn't take him.

He swooped down onto the roof of the Congressional Budget Office building and folded his wings behind him. He looked over Southwest DC as the sun began to fall below the relatively low skyline of DC.

If Adam didn't know any better, he would've thought he heard a small voice inside of him inviting a challenge tonight.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-06-10

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Jack Attack Empty Re: Jack Attack

Post by Spidress October 7th 2017, 5:56 pm

In the still of the night, a sudden commotion evoked. For out of nowhere, a car came flying through the front windows of a jewelry store, shattering glass and loitering the streets with shards the size of apples. In the next moment, a nearby light post was ripped from its place in the ground and toppled over, where its shadow quickly engulfed a cluster of innocent bystanders.

However, before they could be flattened like pancakes, a stream of web suddenly appeared from the distance, latching onto the falling pole and stopping it dead in its tracks. Seconds later, a curvaceous woman clad in a brilliant red attire --her luscious long brown hair flowing behind her elegantly-- swung down from the skies, appearing directly in front of the citizens. Many of whom recognized her as "Spidress".

"Get going," she instructed the others behind her. A swarm of zombies, the culprits behind this unfortunate attack, erupted from the jewelry store and were closing in on her position with every passing second. Spidress' eyes narrowed.

With impeccable speed they lashed out at her. Given how severely they outnumbered her, Spidress had no other choice but to lift up her arms and hope for the best. She was consistently on the defence as the dozen or so zombies attacked her, relentlessly and without end. Many of their strikes connected, and with time they managed to tackle her to the ground and bury her with their surplus of bodies.

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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Jack Attack Empty Re: Jack Attack

Post by ShroudedKonqueror October 8th 2017, 3:00 pm

With the sun sliding beneath the horizon, it seems Adam's challenge would be answered.

The calmness of the young evening was shattered by the sound of grinding metal pervading the streets below as a lone car slammed into a jewelry store. Adam leaped up out of his crouch. The shift in tone was so jarring that it wouldn't be out of place in a horror movie.

What the fuck.

Before he could jump down to street level to attend to the citizens in the mangled car, a towering street light, dislodged by the previous commotion, tipped towards a group of civilians that had been rushing to observe the situation.

However, his intervention wasn't needed as, what seemed like an huge strand of webbing, clung onto the streetlight and halted its fall. A metahuman gracefully landed in front of this group of civilians , telling them to go. She was full figured with long brown hair and clad in a bright red outfit; neither Adam or the Tatanium armor knew of this new hero, but he sure wanted to.

But there was no time for introductions as a group of zombies seemingly materialized out of nowhere and tackled her as she tried to defend herself. Without thinking, he extended his mechanical wings and swooped into the street below, knocking the group of zombies off of her with his massive wingspan. He landed and extended his arms, ready to shoot them with his pulse bolts should the need arise.

"You alright?

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-06-10

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Jack Attack Empty Re: Jack Attack

Post by Spidress October 8th 2017, 5:40 pm

Rising to her feet, Spidress' hands tended immediately to her rear end, dusting off the bits of dirt that had accumulated as a result of having been scorned against the ground. This prompted the fleshy mounds of spheres that comprised her buttox to wobble ecstatically; their movement persisted for several seconds without pause. Running her fingers through her hair next, she wasted little time in locating her saviour.

Suited as he was from head to toe in armor, Spidress couldn't exactly make out any other detail configuring his person. Nevertheless, she studied his figure with curiosity, pondering upon the happenings of his equipment, in particular his wings.

She nodded. "Yeah. Thanks to you."

The sound of more zombies shrieking in the distance forced her back into reality. Dawning her fighting stance, she glared at the opposition. She had little idea who this winged man was, but seeing as though he had rescued her from harm's way, there was a good chance he was on her side. At least, it appeared to be that way on the surface.

"I'll take the five on the left. I'll leave the five on the right to you." With a leap forward, Spidress swung into action, garnering her meta human abilities to easily dispose of the zombies like fodder. One went down with a kick, another with a punch; two were tied together with her webbing, and the fifth was slammed to the ground by the girth of her jiggly rear.

Sitting on him while pressing down, she watched as the man confronted the other zombies, patiently waiting for him to be done.

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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Jack Attack Empty Re: Jack Attack

Post by ShroudedKonqueror October 8th 2017, 9:34 pm

After her response, Adam reluctantly turned away from the curvaceous hero and focused on the recuperating zombies. Apparently he was being tasked with the five zombies right in front of him, as more were approaching from another side.

Meaty crunches emanated from behind him as, apparently superhuman, blows landed on the zombies attacking from the rear. Right in front of him, two zombies lunged at him, arms extended. Two sharp cracks split through the ambient noise as white pulse bolts tore through the charging zombies, sending them to the floor.

Instead of waiting for the remaining zombies to attack, Adam activated his thrusters and shot towards them, tackling the one in the middle while his wings dealt punishing blows to the flanking zombies' heads. He grabbed the remaining zombie by the throat, lifted him in the air, and tossed him into a building with a wet crunch.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-06-10

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Jack Attack Empty Re: Jack Attack

Post by Sponsored content

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