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Mystogan Empty Mystogan

Post by TheLordOfTime123 March 22nd 2017, 10:24 pm


"The choking mist"

The Bio

Real Name: N/A
Villain Name: Mystogan
Title: Lord of the Mist
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Age: ?
Height:Can change
Weight:Can change
Blood type:?

The Looks

His natural state is a big grey fog. He can shapeshift however, so he has many forms. His favourite is a lithe 26 year old male

The Personality

He's very intent on finding a way to infiltrate the superhero/villain circles to control all the supers of earth. He is quite calm and passive, prefering to let his minions do the work for him. He believes himself to be above the mundane events of life and treats people only as ways to get what he wants.

The Story

Mystogan's history is very murky. He is an intelligent life-form that wiped out the life on Mars and came to Earth on one of the shuttles coming back from Mars. He is determined to make Earth like Mars, an empty planet, devoid of life.

The Priority

1. Agility4
2. Endurance1
3. Reaction2
4. Strength3

The Powers

Shapeshifting: He can control his form

Flight: Being a weightless mist, he is capable of flight

Mystons creation: He creates his Mystons to fight for him and possess his victims.

Telepathic Control: He can telepathically control his Myston minions.

Incorporeality: Being made of mist physical attacks pass straight through him.

Superhearing/Echolocation: He can hear things with immense detail and uses this to Echolocate.

Aetherkinesis: He can control air

Self-supplying: He doesn't require food, air or drink to survive

The Weaknesses

Shape-Shift Limitation: He cannot become any bigger than his original form, a 10m by 10m cloud.

Flight Limitation: His flight does not grant him superspeed outside of vacuum

Myston Rebbelion: Because his Mystons are only controlled by his telepathic power if it could be blocked the Mystons could break free of his control

Telepathic Confusion: If he isn't concentrating when he gives the instruction they can become muddled up along the way

Incorporeality Limitations: His power of incorporeality is flipped, he does not pass through objects, they pass through him. Therefore he can't go through walls and stuff unless there is some kind of crack that he can shape-shift through.

Blindness: He has superhearing and echolocation because he has no eyes and relies on his hearing to move around

Aetherkinesis Limitations: He can only control air up to 15m away and cannot lift heavy objects with finesse.

No Taste: He has no mouth so he cannot taste
The Items

The Minions

Mystons: He can only make one Myston every now and then

The Fluff

He's a giant floating cloud

The RP Sample

See Chameleon

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

Last edited by TheLordOfTime123 on March 23rd 2017, 11:42 pm; edited 2 times in total

I am an underaged minor and should not be here.

please report my account



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Registration date : 2017-03-19

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Mystogan Empty Re: Mystogan

Post by Thorgron March 23rd 2017, 8:58 am

So obviously this app isn't finished yet but I'm going to stop you before you get too far and have to totally rework this character. You cannot have a character who has conquered all life in the Milky Way galaxy, nor can you establish that earth is the only planet in the galaxy with people with superpowers. Both of those statements are inherently false as we've had other characters from other planets that had powers and were not ruled by a man made of mist. Come up with another backstory that doesn't make this guy the most important person in the Milky Way and doesn't prevent anyone else from making what they want as far as alien characters.

Mystogan Pbucket
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 630
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Mystogan Empty Re: Mystogan

Post by TheLordOfTime123 March 23rd 2017, 3:40 pm

sure, didn't really expect it to be allowed, I'll make him some kind of creature that wants to take over the galaxy, but Earth is his first place. I never said that it was the only planet with superpowers, just the first planet he'd met with mutant population.

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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2017-03-19

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Mystogan Empty Re: Mystogan

Post by Thorgron March 23rd 2017, 11:36 pm

If you didn't expect it to be allowed then why did you put it up? Either you are deciding to cover your ass and pretend like you didn't think this would get approved to protect your ego, or you didn't actually think this would get approved from the start and deliberately wasted my time. I'm not even going to get in to the splitting hairs you've got going on with the end of your reply as that backstory is no longer applicable. I'd suggest you read our rules and look at a handful of completed characters on the site before finishing this one. Get back to me whenever its ready to be looked at again.

Mystogan Pbucket
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 630
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Mystogan Empty Re: Mystogan

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