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Red and blue, Angel and demon.

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Red and blue, Angel and demon.  Empty Red and blue, Angel and demon.

Post by Shadowoof March 4th 2017, 7:51 pm

Jake awoke to the sound of glass breaking, it was early in the morning, too early for Jake, his mind spurred him to go back to sleep and forgot about the sound, the sound of glass that sounded so... close. Sitting up and practically lunging out of his bed, Jake activated his red vision and scanned his wall, able to see though the walls and view the entire apartment. There was only one light in the opposing rooms, his mother, he could tell because she was different from most he saw, the average being was almost entirely red, pulsing like a heart beat but his mother was not bright red, she was dim, like her life was on the blink, he had only seen it on one other person, a man named Helios, but his was like a darkness that swirled along with the red, rather then the red dimmed like now.

Looking around to the other apartments, Jake could see no disturbances, there was no light that was sneaking, no light figures reaching out to take somewhat transparent items or any lights facing each other in an all so familiar situation that Jake had grown use to in his day to day activity's, something he could see if there was one in motion. Turning off his vision, Jake quickly got dressed and left his room, getting to the kitchen where his mother stood, her face looking into her hands, the window she stood next too was broken, yet there was no glass inside the room, as if the window was broken from the inside. "Mom.. You alright?" Jake said, slowly walking towards her, looking to her hand to see if it was cut but only to find that she held a knife in her hand, the same knife she always looked for when cooking, looking to his mother, Jake saw that she still stared at her hands, unfazed by his words till suddenly her head shot up, and she turned to Jake, the hand that carried the knife seemed to raise as if preparing to strike but it was not what took Jake's attention, it was his mothers eyes. They were pitch black, like the lust demon Jake had encountered days ago but different, maybe it was because this was his mother who's black eyes bore into his own.

And then, as if a light had switched in her head, the black faded from her eyes to her normal blue, the hand with the sharp instrument lowered, she looked confused, as if she didn't realize what had happened.  Slowly, a small and confused smile reached onto her lips as she looked at her son. "Oh, Jake sweety. I.. I was just looking out the window when I saw something... I.. Think I need to lie down. Don't be too late alright. Knowing you, you have a friend to see again." Amy said as she walked over to Jake and gave him a quick peck on his forehead before bounding away to her room, Jake turned to follow her, his body still, frozen, his eyes never leaving her hand, the hand that still tightly gripped the cooking knife.

As soon as he was sure she laid in her bed, Jake rushed to his room, throwing on his red suit and leaving though the window, rushing to get to his roof and jump away to the next, he felt terrified, more terrified then anything he had ever faced before. Not Flatline, Not Chroma and not even Samael's dad. And he had faced them head on, nearly died to them, but just that moment, as he looked at her eyes, he had never felt so... useless, so scared. It was like looking into the eyes of a demon, a demon that wore his mother's face, her skin. Shaking his head, Jake stopped jumping, feeling he was far enough away to calm down and think it though, he was a half angel, ether his mom or his dad was a angel being of some kind. For his mother to have black eyes, eyes like Samaels, eyes of demons. Jake thought about the window, it was broken yet not from the outside, if she had done it, with her hands, then why was it that she had no cuts, no blood... Jake thought of many ways it would make sense, maybe she smashed it with the knife, maybe it was smashed from the outside and she cleaned up, maybe she was just durable...

Shaking his head once more, Jake knew he didn't have time to ponder on it all day, and he knew the best way to keep him busy, to find something and... hit it. Jake groaned at himself for thinking the way he did, when did punching people become something to distract him, when... when did being a good person become something for his own needs. Looking to the next building, Jake ran and jumped across to it, knowing that he could focus on what was right or wrong later, he wouldn't find what he was looking for by just standing still and stressing about his own self any time soon.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Red and blue, Angel and demon.  Empty Re: Red and blue, Angel and demon.

Post by Entei March 21st 2017, 9:45 am

Entei was lost, not in the literal sense, he knew exactly geographically where he was. Even if he didn't, his phone which was currently buzzing away in his pocket would tell him. No, his confusion was metaphorical, something with his soul rather than his body. It had been a while since he received his 'gift', his inheritance as it were, the blue flames which he controlled and manipulated. Despite his power, despite how far he had grown, he still had no idea what to do with these flames. His first instinct was to become a hero, and he played that game for a while. Hell, he had even helped lay the groundwork for an organization which did quite a bit of good before it's disbanding.

But now, besides taking the odd job every now and again, he had gone stagnant. The world was full of heroes it seemed, and a cambion with a hot head wasn't needed it seemed. Perhaps that was the reason he found himself jumping from rooftop to rooftop, a large red parcel strapped to his back. He had always found physical activity to clear his mind, and anything that involved other people wasn't really an option for him anymore. Not with his immense physical strength.

With a sigh, he crouched on an outcropping of a building, like an animate gargoyle, looking out at the city beneath him. His tail laid limply on the stone beneath him, swaying slightly in the breeze. At three hundred feet in the air, this fall would kill a normal person. It brought a slight smile to his face as he thought on the fact that he could survive this, probably unharmed, at worst with sore joints the next morning. With a yawn, he jumped.

He soared through the sky, the wind rippling against his body, falling. Falling. Falling. Fifty feet. One hundred feet. Two hundred feet. With a burst of flame, large wings erupted from his back, allowing him to soar over the skies. Maybe tonight was a good night for a patrol

Quick Draw
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : Entei
Quick Draw

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 394
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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Red and blue, Angel and demon.  Empty Re: Red and blue, Angel and demon.

Post by Shadowoof March 22nd 2017, 7:54 am

Tonight was just not his night, New York was a big city, he knew every night would never be the same night, he wouldn't always find a meta or a norm doing something that required his kind of action. And while this fact should have comforted him, should have said, this place is safe from the likes of those who would ruin it for selfish reasons, that tonight, good people would sleep safely. But this was not the fact for Jake, he was... well. Confused and knew that this confusion would last lest he took his mind off it, and focused it on something else.

As Jake stood on his rooftop, pondering on what he should do, he did not notice the movement of shadows that silently crept towards him, till a voice, ragged and demonic spoke out behind him. "Little nephilim." Jake jumped forward and turned to the voice, a feminine looking shadow stood... well, sprouted before him from the roof, simply staring at the red clad boy before he finally remembered her.

"Your one of those demons that Lust controlled." Jake said, looking the demon up and down and making a quick check around her, making sure she did not have any friends, waiting for him to let his guard down.

The demon simply giggled to his words, and slowly shrunk back into the shadows. "I may not be able to avenge my master, but an old friend of yours will." Her last word ended in a laugh, leaving Jake both confused and slightly annoyed, the demon, being made of shadows would have made it impossible to even try and harm her with any type of physical attack.

However, he was not left alone for long, as a low growl made it's way towards Jake, a large hell-hound, bigger then any Jake had seen before made it's way towards him, Jake took note of two scars at it's chest, each the size of a shoe, his size of shoe to be exact. The sight reminded him of the beginning of his time in the pit of Ravens with Samael, where he had slammed his feet into a hell hound so hard it's chest caved in. Only those white scars felt like nothing compared to what Jake saw before him, the hell hound had grown a few feet, it's claws looked longer, and somehow sharper.

Staring down the larger beast, Jake was not so sure it would end the same way it did last time and knowing words would not work with it, he prepared himself for the worst. However in his thoughts, the beast moved first; faster then before. Jake did not have enough time to move back as it swiped it's claws at him, connecting with his side, Jake was flung from his roof to a nearby one, he felt warmth tickle down his side and knew he had been cut by the hell-hound. A change to what was before; for those claws were sharper then the last time the two met.

Responding before the hell hound could get another hit in, Jake lunged at it, tackling it to the ground, Jake straddle the beast and punched it several times, hearing crack after crack, black blood seeped his gloves when he was finished, Jake was about to  get of  the hairy creature till he felt claws grab onto his hood and fling him off. Landing, Jake looked to see the hell hound standing back onto it's feet, it's face, broken and bloody was already healing, healing even faster then it had healed when he last fought it. Backing away, Jake decided he would try a different tactic, letting his wings loose from his back, he turned and rushed away from the hell hound, Jumping so he could catch air, letting his wings flap, Jake was thinking of how he was going to use his height to advantage till he felt a tight weight pull him back, rough hand like claws gripped onto his leg as he was brought to the the roof and slammed though it, a shrill scream coming though his ears before he was pulled back into the open air and slammed onto his back, the wings cushioning the landing but taking the pain instead. Trying to stand, Jake felt himself get lifted once more and slammed into the roof again, again and again.

Finally, Jake felt the clawed hand leave his leg and yet he laid there, feeling tired and sore, the sound of laughter began to erupt into his ears, the shadows rose around the two beings, multiple shadows rose from the ground, taking feminine forms , all demonic in appearance, all laughing. "Like our new pet? He's been dying to taste you after you left him to rot in this dreadful world... Maybe we should keep you.. Make you our little birdy." The commit from the lead shadow lifted the spirits of the shadows who began to giggle and continued to laugh much to Jake's misfortune, and he did not feel like whatever they had planned was going to end well for him, thoughts of chains and cages entered his mind, knowing from what little interactions he had with there master, who seemed the sought to play with toys like that, a fate that Nathanial might have suffered if not for Jake's red punch.

Rising to his feet, the shadows that surrounded him all stayed in place, not fearing the boy. The hell-hound waited patiently for an order, and with a flick of a shadowy wrist, it bounded towards Jake, who stood in place, arms raised and ready to intercept the force of death that approached him.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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