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Who Sent the Robot Hooker Assassins? (Entei, Woof)

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INV ONLY Who Sent the Robot Hooker Assassins? (Entei, Woof)

Post by The Nekromonga March 24th 2017, 10:51 am


Not too expensive but not too tacky either, Afterlife was one of the many hotspots of nightlife in New York City. Inspired by Asian and futuristic design, the place was the sort of location for a bunch of ultra-rich teenagers to have a debauched graduation party. Occupying the Top-most floor of the high rise, it was a snazzy place that was just accessible enough to walk-ins with the cash for it.

Of course, Shauna the helicopter pilot was bringing a client to the place via Helipad. A young twenty-something man, the son of some big time politician, and a couple of big burly bodyguards in suits.

"Yeah dad... you didn't get the right color for the Yacht... I wanna go speak to the salesman next week..." He conversed with his father, apparently, not even bothering to look out the window to see the magnificent view.

"Entitled brat." Shauna thought, sighing to herself. Losing her medical license meant at least she'd get behind the controls of aircraft again, though the money was, as always, in the private sector, taking jobs for these billionaire's kids. She gets clearance to land on the Afterlife's helipad. The young male was still talking on his phone and walked in through the grotto door with his small entourage.

"Here Sherry, have a drink. Not too many though, you're taking me home too okay?" He said, nonchalantly  handing Shauna a couple of hundred dollars.

"Gee thanks. And It's Shauna." She said. Cash was cash, and she left her helmet in the Heli, to head to the bar. She stepped in wearing her aviation jacket and glasses, headed to the bar, and started drinking immediately. She was just the pilot, so she didn't have to listen to Junior for at least four hours.

She looked around the place, and found that there were more than a few... scantily dressed women, for obvious reasons. Ain't no rest for the wicked, she supposed. Bills to pay, mouths to feed, like everyone else. But Shauna always had a bias against women who took the "easy" way, but realized some of them might not have had a choice... she was wondering which ones were here against their will, but sighed. She needed this job, and she needed to keep out of trouble.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Location : Philippines
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Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
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INV ONLY Re: Who Sent the Robot Hooker Assassins? (Entei, Woof)

Post by Dustin Waugh March 25th 2017, 10:06 pm

No guys I'm not going to no strip club. You guys are lunatics.
Come on man. You know we need you tonight and we are only asking this one time since we know a great hang out.
No I'm not going to go look at women and cheer them on for posing nude. It's sickening to think they get up there and do it for money and looks.
Help us this one time and it will be a one time thing. We know that forging documents is against the law, but would you mind helping us live a little even if the decision is a little wrong. No one will get hurt.
And like that they hooked David with the whole help them routine to do something else, but this was definitely the last time he would let this shameful display of his abilities go in to question. He went ahead and forged all the I.D.'s and made them look 100% identical in every way to real drivers license.

Later that night David went and got ready to leave putting on his casual wear not caring what other would think. He was dressing comfortable and as far as any one could see the clothes literally screamed he did not come to party. After a half hour a taxi pulled up to his apartment and started applying the horn. Oh whom ever that could be was not really a mystery nor was it a guess for who taxi it was either. It's annoying at the most.

After driving a couple miles out from the apartment he handed out the fake I.D.'s to everyone who needed one. Only two people and it was not a good feeling either. It made him break out into cold sweat. At the same time it was not that bad. He was laughing and cutting up with his friends, but making sure no other laws were broken. They arrived at the club reading Afterlife on the billboard sign. It was a strange name and he started thinking to himself. Why Afterlife? Why not something that would bring more business. He did not have a good feeling. They were carded at the door and he showed the bouncer his I.D., but he was still skeptical about letting David in. The man looked at the card for intrusions but found nothing and let David pass with his friends.

As the walked in they all went their separate ways and David went right for the bar. Sitting down he sighed as he moved his hand underneath the bar. He picked his hand back up holding a class with a brown substance, but all it was is a softdrink. Dr. Pepper to be more accurate. he was sitting close to a person who also seemed like they were not dressed for the occasion. Sweet Join the club he thought.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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INV ONLY Re: Who Sent the Robot Hooker Assassins? (Entei, Woof)

Post by The Nekromonga March 27th 2017, 9:05 pm

While a very long line of people were waiting- struggling to get inside, A small group of Asian and Caucasian women with small amounts of clothes on them were able to waltz in unopposed. Many male eyes were on them, as they were made up, wore high heels and moved in a certain way. There were polite words to describe them, and also not-so-polite words.

Having had a couple of beers, Aviator Shauna could not help but rant feminist to the nearest person, David. "...Look at those girls... you'd think that... everyone wants an education and decent life... and then there's them... easy ride... Although... I can't help but think maybe... some of them were forced into it, so I can't just... just... judge... and..." Shauna buried her face in her palm, taking her that long to realize the was ranting.

"Sorry, Ranting. Girls like those really piss me off, seeing I went to med school and pilot school... and still can't hold onto my cash."

They were met by one of the bar's staff, and led up to the VIP rooms where Shauna's passenger and buddies waited. Even the serious-faced bodyguards couldn't help but grin to each other.

"Ugh, Junior and his buddies had to hire them too."

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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INV ONLY Re: Who Sent the Robot Hooker Assassins? (Entei, Woof)

Post by Dustin Waugh March 27th 2017, 11:21 pm

He seen people trying to force themselves in at the entrance, but he was lucky enough to make it on time. He seen a few women enter as the bouncer seemed to be a suck up for the snobby drama queens. He looked around the room and his friends were just living up the night like a bunch of idiots. Soon the girl started her conversation about the girls that had walked in. It was slurred but comprehensive. He chuckled and looked over. So I guess it was your helicopter i saw landing on the roof. What model is it?

He didn't mean to question, but normally he would be shy about things, but sometimes drunk people were easy to talk to like an authority figure with no memory. He would go to agree with the girl as he sat there talking about the girls. Truly I believe if some kids had the time to get out and do work they would appreciate things better. Man he sounded like an adult. He took a sip of his drink and set it back down.

The bartender looked over in a puzzled face. Guess she was wondering who gave me the glass. I'm here with my friends right now, forced her with my friends I mean. They swore up and down the needed to be here for the surprise party after. Something about hitting on those clueless type women. He grinned and then turned into a serious face. He was here against the law; he had cold sweats and he felt uneasy and decided to take another sip.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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INV ONLY Re: Who Sent the Robot Hooker Assassins? (Entei, Woof)

Post by The Nekromonga March 28th 2017, 10:12 am

Who Sent the Robot Hooker Assassins? (Entei, Woof)  Bed97d4a8e6043f9256bdcac6e4fc521

"The Sikorsky isn't mine, I just fly it. It's actually my ... ugh, passenger's. Like, for getting from junior to senior year in college. The thing even has a friggin toilet and shower." She said with a certain bitterness. If superheroing only paid royalties...

Shauna swirled her drink in her glass, and sighed. If you want to make money, you learn how to do exactly that. "Surprise party? Trust me kid, you'll find a better match in community college. Sometimes the world is just so damned unfair."

One of the ladies who came in was on the prowl, so to speak. A bombshell of a blonde, tall, pale and almost eerily beautiful, She passed by Shauna but saw she was way too into her drink. She also passed David, but found him a bit too young, and probably lacking in funds. Up close, there was an almost uncanny artificiality to her beauty, and a harshness in how she judged him.

The lady stopped just two seats away, a rich looking type businessman, in his forties but still fairly attractive and fit, more her speed. They start chatting up, the rich guy quickly falling for her wiles, about how she had a start up company that was low on funds.

Shauna just didn't mind their conversation, muttering bullshit under her breath. Still, she couldn't help but wonder about Junior too. She decided to take a superpowered peek, using her super vision to look into the VIP room where her passenger and his college buddies were, her eyes briefly flickering like rainbows... Still talking and drinking it seemed, the college boys quite timid and taking their time. "Kid's got no game." She muttered.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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INV ONLY Re: Who Sent the Robot Hooker Assassins? (Entei, Woof)

Post by Dustin Waugh March 29th 2017, 7:00 pm

No kidding. Those are amazingly price helicopters and i see how they can easily fit a shower with a 13 man space passenger seating. Yeah they were pricey but David could make an assembly line over night and sell them for high dollar with papers and all, but he would feel bad since he didn't pay taxes for anything and that was against the law. Yeah I could never afford something like that. I'd never get to 10 million in my life time especially since i keep helping the homeless so they have shelter. He chuckled. Money was always given to him, but he just liked giving it out to the people who actually needed it. He could get buy on things he could create with his mind.

Yeah she is right. Those idiots never had to sneak in a bar. They could have just went to a college party and hit on strangers. They did not need to bother him when he had more people he could be helping. But it slipped his mind. incredibly gifted but memory was always mixed with other thoughts.

She had whispered something that he didn't hear, but lip movement was clear. Yeah, no one really has game.He referred to the lady who passed him. She would never tempt David since she was not kind hearten. He took a sip of his drink then reached under the bar again. He shuffled around and then picked his hands up and back on to the counter top with a bag of jolly ranchers. He pulled two out of the same color and popped them in his mouth and sighed. It was going to be a long night. He looked over to his drunkin company partner and held out the bag. Wants some flavor with the alcohol?
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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INV ONLY Re: Who Sent the Robot Hooker Assassins? (Entei, Woof)

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