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David Norman (Hero)

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OPEN David Norman (Hero)

Post by Dustin Waugh March 10th 2017, 1:33 am

David Norman

The Bio

Real Name: David Norman
Title: The Provider
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: German
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5`3
Weight: 130lbs

The Looks

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The Personality

David is interesting as are the other people of the world. cant really say he is happy or sad but yet more in depth on how he feels. He is of a normal standard with a constant straight face with no form of mood showing. He sticks to his strict ways to keep himself in check and his abilities in check, but at times when he is over whelmed in a mood he does not tend to try and show but smirks when happy or a slight straight and distressed face when he sees something disruptive. The only one he lets out in all colors is his anger. Quick to take hook he is creative and quick, but at the same time destructive when angered.

The Story

How do you explain miracles? Maybe when something absolutely amazing happened in your life for the better, or a gift you receive that makes your entire life better. Is it to hard to see the miracles in life, or are they plain as day. Some miracles have strings attached and some strings are rather unlikable to your favor. You like white?... Well you got black. But was it that bad to get something tragic, but get something amazing in return. Well it would be the right time to tell you about Daniel Norvace.

Daniel was the average kid born into a wealthy family. It was great that everything was handed to you, but Daniel did not want a life of money control. He only considered money the means to help others into your place. It was the greatest life anyone could wish for and he gave his allowance to the few homeless people he seen. He was still at a young age, but everyone thought he was a blessing. Why would you try and change humbleness. The question would now arise and you would wonder how is his life tragic and is the money a miracle? Well no.

Daniel's family took a great toll when a chairmen of their company seized control of the company from underneath everyone's nose. This incident made the family bankrupt and forced to live on the streets. But it was not over; in a case where a wealthy family hits rock bottom it makes people go over the edge. Soon coming back to a small apartment they lived in was more painful than livable. He would come home to the abuse of his mother and father. The would abuse and mistreat their own son because of financial issues and the would blame him on other days for just giving money away. With the constant beating hospital trips became more regular and environment was worse for ware. He was slowly dying from the abuse he received until one day his father pushed him back making him fall onto the grounds out side the apartments complex. Daniel fell back and hit the pavement causing a sever impact to his skull, but this was the miracle. Daniel stood back up and soon everything slowed down.

What was going on? Well his ability that was suppose to mature at 35 was rushed to his current age of 12 do to the impact. Soon his head was overwhelmed with more knowledge and he stood there as his body healed. What this feeling was had no explanation, but now it was the last straw. He felt a change in himself and after everything with his parents he too had to change.

Later that night he escaped from his room down a emergency escape ladder. It was now that his life would change and he would also soon realize the full extent of his abilities.  First came survival and he had to teach himself. It started with him living in the woods close to the town he stayed in. The police would search but he would simply mask his presence as if he was not there. It came soon that he learned his ability name. The power to manipulate everything in his reality. But even if he had all this power he did not use it in any poor manner. He did not go power crazy like his own family, but kept true to helping others that were worse for ware then himself.

It was sometime around the age of 15 that he decided to keep up the act since he was never going back home no matter what occurred. It was time to fully support himself and using his abilities and the proper paper work he went into a court house and forcefully had his papers made out. He walked in as Daniel, but came out as David... David Norman. And he would be the hero people looked to; the hero who could change any mans destiny. But lets start with one man at a time.
The Priority

1. Reaction
2. Endurance
3. Agility
4. Strength

The Powers


The Weaknesses


The Fluff

He is able to draw crowds of people with the soothing sensation of a multi guitar like skill. Banjos, acoustics, electric, and etc.

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Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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Number of posts : 143
Registration date : 2012-05-13

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OPEN Re: David Norman (Hero)

Post by Champion March 16th 2017, 1:44 am

Approved until stated otherwise
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Number of posts : 184
Registration date : 2015-07-29

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