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Sight Master

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Sight Master Empty Sight Master

Post by Tguitar February 15th 2017, 3:13 pm

Sight Master

"To be one with nature you just need to be one"

The Bio

Real Name: Raymond Azura
Hero Name: Sight Master
Title: The Eye
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human Being
Hair: Black and messy hair
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 1.73
Weight: 64 kg
Blood type: Umm, actually I should really go ask my Doc bout that.

The Looks

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The Personality

Ray is an ok guy, after all he's been trough it's amazing to see him this way. Curious and inquisitive, smart and well, over all a nice guy, he seems to care deeply about others, he's really empathic to the extent that he sometimes feels others pain, due to this he seeks to help anyone that's suffering, pain, he just can't stand it.

The Story


The Priority

1. Reaction
2. Agility
3. Strength
4. Endurance

The Powers

Tech Creation: Ray is quite adept at making low budget gadgets, thanks to chemistry and great tinkering abilities, depending on the complexity of it and its requirements he could even finish a gadget in less than half an hour, if every condition for the gadget is met.

The Weaknesses

Human: Ray doesn't have a physical power, so punches hurt, and falling from a building kills, he is completely mortal and feels pain as you and I.
Empathy: Violence for no reason makes him sick, sometimes even feeling half of the victim's pain.
The Items

Hud Visor: This is what Ray uses to keep himself from death, with custom software and no internet conexion (thanks to a friendly hacker) it uses a software written by Ray, it shows a map (that must have been pre downloaded due to no internet) and enhances Rays natural targeting skills, and can predict a punch strength fast enough to advise him with a course of action (usually evading the punch). The hud main purpose is to show him a window with live feed coming from an attachable camera.
Weakness: The hud is made of glass, so if it can break glass, it can break the hud.
Attachable Camera: it's attached to his "sidekick Tito". It's a Thermographic camera and can zoom enough to recognize someones face from a 100 meters away.
Weakness: Loses signal if Tito is farther away than 100 meters
Terminal: Attached behind his left hand, used to connect to another device, pc, cellphone, etc... With it Ray is able to hack most softwares.
Weakness: Only has enough charge to hack 3 devices, if the software is too complex, it'll deplete all charges.
Quiver: Used to store his arrows, with 30 arrows ready for use. Usually he keeps more arrows stored for "reloading" the quiver.
Weakness: It's carried like a backpack with a strap, so if someone removes the strap it's bye bye quiver.
Belt: Carries Rays arrows enhancements. Such as:
-Sleeping gas, enough to affect a group of 5 average human males.
Weakness: Air or Water can neutralize this gas.
-Small explosions, Mostly used to break a lock or some device but give it a good headshot and it's quite effective
Weakness: Can't break anything harder than concrete.
-Molotov arrowhead, fire spreads only 2 meters from where it hits unless there's fuel around, catching only one average human male completely on fire or two average human males by igniting parts of them.
Weakness: Obviously water, 1 Lt of water is enough to kill this fire.
-Hacking arrowhead, used to link to a device strong enough not to break under the arrow impact.
Weakness: If intercepted, can be used to hack Ray, due to it being linked to his terminal.
-Grappling Hook, able to grapple up to 300 meters tall buildings, luckily for Ray he tinkered most with this adaptation cause, well, he kinda feared falling to his death. The grappling hook can lift Ray only so lifting someone else requires the use of another grappling hook. Ray has a max amount of 4 of this hooks.
Weakness: The rope is completely flamable, so a nice fire should neutralize this device.

The Minions

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The Fluff

Software Knowledge: Ray can understand any software just by looking at the code, after that modifying it to fit his needs becomes as easy as typing.
Biology Knowledge: Ray knows flesh, any living being that originated on earth has a system that Ray knows how it works, so healing a living being comes easy for him, don't be mistaken, he's no doctor yet if you are on a rush it's probably enough.
Archery: Ray uses a bow since his childhood, he never killed anything with it, but the sensation of hitting a target always gave him a rush of pleasure.
The RP Sample

Where am I? It's a building, I'm not sure what's inside the building, I'm on top of it, this building could be a corporate business, it could perhaps be where Clarke Nt lives, I laugh at the thought. What am I doing here? Well I'm surveying the area, checking to see if anyone needs help, Tito, my lovely partner helps me with this, I can see what he sees, through his eyes, we are one. Buy nothing, he doesn't catch a single thing, there's nothing wrong anywhere, I've got free time, so I call him through a mic, it's like a videocall what we're doing really, nothing fanc. Here we are, chilling on a building, feeling the wind hit our faces, I can see why he loves flying, I would too. I take out a joint, it reminds me  of the past, all the other joints, I can remember my parents, yet that isn't enough to stop me from smoking it, when I smoke it, I just... I can feel the wind, I think I'm the wind, for a flash there I can feel I'm Tito, I'm one with my surroundings, and then, BANG. Chill, I say to myself as I jump across the rooftops, Tito knows the drill, he's heading to the place, yet making sure no one sees him, Now I get a clear picture of the shooter, he seems afraid, good, there won't be no need to shoot him, I jump down behind him aided by my grappling arrow, "Hey man, I see you've got a nice gun there, would you mind lending me that?[/b]" the shooter looks at my up and down, and throws the gun away, "I'm sorry dude! I was just trying it, I swear, I didn't hurt anyone, I was curious, you know?" Looking around I see he didn't actually hurt anyone, I call Tito and he lands on my shoulder and with that I say "don't make loud noises kid, someone may be sleeping, I'll be taking your gun, don't go making mistakes" as I say that I grab the gun from the floor, it's warm, really heavy, I completely dislike guns, so noisy, interrumping my thoughts I hear "Thanks hooded dude! I will not make a mistake, shooting that thing was horrible, I won't do it again..." I take my leave, and walk away from this guy, when he no longer sees me I send Tito to spy him, what I see shocks me, he's going home, and when the door opens he hugs and old lady so tight even I can feel that hug, I feel good, it feels good to be around.

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Status :

Quote : "Nature and Tech, that's where evolution is heading"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 7
Location : Argentina
Age : 25
Registration date : 2017-02-06

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Sight Master Empty Re: Sight Master

Post by Rozmer February 20th 2017, 8:45 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Registration date : 2014-08-13

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