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Travis Masters [Alpha]

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Travis Masters [Alpha] Empty Travis Masters [Alpha]

Post by Alpha August 6th 2014, 7:09 pm

Alpha - The First Born

Travis Masters [Alpha] Tumblr_n4v7jvcAsz1qcmw3mo1_500

Basic Biography

Name: Travis Masters
Codename: Alpha
Title: Rise Head, The Perfect Boy
Alignment:  Lawful Evil
Age: Physically 21
Gender: Male
Race: Homo Superioris
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Eyes: Grey
Height:  5’7
Weight:  134 lbs
Blood type:  0 -

The Looks






The Legacy

Alpha is somewhat erratic in how he acts, doing what he feels like, usually in a manner that baffles most people. if something catches his interest, he will likely look into it, regardless of what people tell him as far as how dangerous it can be. Has an oddly altruistic nature, yet views metahuman supremacists with a certain amusement and even disdain, enjoying shutting them down when possible.

 Travis was not born in the traditional sense, as most are born from a womb, he was born in a test tube. The place of his birth was a genetic project that was formed to create the perfect human, one perfect in every meaning of the word. As for the name of the project, one had not been given to Travis, though he had come to call it Project Perfection, due to the fact that the project was the thing that had birthed him. He was the twentieth project within the project, and the nineteen before him had been absolute failures. The failings had ranged from deadly strokes to massive heart attacks, and multiple tumors that usually formed after three months of their being “born”. His creation involved a human sperm, egg and the introduction of various metahuman genes in the attempt to create the perfect human, or atleast a potent metahuman.

The gestation period of the young man was around the usual nine months, until the child was fully formed, and then he went through a rapid growing period within the tanks that he was bred in. His body would rapidly mature, going from newborn to adolescent within a matter of three months, and that was when the problems really started for the ones before. The male came from the tube around the physical age of fifteen, with everything having already formed properly. The only difference being that his muscles were denser than the average humans and allowed him to do things greater than the average human, and his physicality was only improving. While his mental faculties were greatly matured, his mind was a blank slate and it was considered imperative that the male was forced to learn as much as possible so that it would excel, being expected more than most humans would have been expected at such an age.

The miraculous part was that it had learned more than any normal human should have in such a short time, taking in everything with a certain brilliance. In fact one could say that his processing power was beyond anything that a human could hope to achieve, learning languages within weeks and figuring out complex algorithms as soon as he learned the science behind them. It even seemed that his mind had hungered to learn more, and as such he would attempt to learn more; until it was at the point that the researchers over him had grown fearful of what the male was becoming. In fact due to a comment that had been said once, they had even seen the potential for bad that the male had developed and considered simply aborting this project after having collected his “perfected” DNA.

The problem with that was the fact that he had developed far beyond what they had anticipated, and as such they did not expect what had happened next, which was the forming of a powerful telekinetic gift. With this power he managed to rip apart the research team and managed to escape with little to no problem, not even a single spot of blood managing to mar him as he left the facility. However as soon as this had occurred, he was promptly sedated by his biological father and the one that had “ordered” his “birth” in the first place and he was then designated to be placed in a sort of family setting after having his memories altered heavily by a powerful memory manipulator. From then on his memory was changed to where he believed that he was simply born as the next step within evolution, beyond both mutants and humans. His “father” would play the part of the parental figure, and watch his development, to see where he went.

Time passed with Lucius a metahuman known for ambition and his red energy becoming a staunch ally. His memory was lost and found, allowing him a new plan of action after this best friend died at his own hand.


The Powers and Weaknesses

Gift of the mind: Another side effect of the strange experiments done to him is that Travis is superhumanly smart, capable of thinking hundreds of times faster than any human could. What has blossomed from this change is that he is capable of performing complex calculations that any human would be left confused with in a matter of seconds, learning and memorizing languages within less than a day, figuring out strategies and even predicting a person’s movements and actions based upon minor clues normally ignored.

Telekinesis: Travis is capable of remotely controlling substances with only a thought, allowing him to for example throw a large car with a casual motion and erect barriers around him to avoid being damaged. Along with this he is capable of creating mental blasts, usually facilitated with a motion of his hand, though that is not required. Overall the limitations of his telekinesis and how dangerous it is all depends on the users creativity, and he is very creative. Alpha is also capable of using this power to move himself through the air in a sort of flight.

Telepathy: Alpha's mind is capable of extending outwards, tapping into the minds of those around him. Through this, he can project his thoughts into a persons mind or even receive their thoughts into his own, allowing for a form of mental communication. Either through worming his way through mental defenses, or being allowed to, Alpha is capable of digging through their memories, as well as projecting his own into their mind.

Mind Control: Alpha's mind is capable of extending outwards, tapping into the minds of those around him. Through this, he can control people with merely a thought and bend them to his will, though the stronger the will of a person, the more effort he has to put into controlling them.[player permission as always]

Illusions: Alpha's mind is so advanced that to an extent he can alter the world around him. However, this is not a concrete alteration and is more akin to illusions than anything else. This can range from simply making himself look different to creating an illusory flame that is simply not there, though if a person believes it, they are likely to feel the heat from the flames if nothing else. These images can fool the sense of smell, sight, hearing, taste and [with permission] touch.

Telekinetically enhanced durability: Using his telekinetic power, he can create a sheath of telekinetic energy around him that acts similar to enhanced durability. This allows him to take mundane types of damage with out a scratch and even some superhuman damage.

Area Sense: Releasing a telekinetic pulse into the area around him, he can make a mental map of the area around him. Allowing Alpha to take inventory of the things around him.

Adaptive muscle memory: Alpha can copy any physical movement he sees, allowing him to copy any combat style as he sees as well as anything else. This allows him to become a master of combat with minimal effort.

Superhuman Reflexes: Travis can react to things at a superhuman rate. Bullets are nothing to him, and even superhuman movements are not beyond his ability to perceive and react to.

Superhuman regeneration: Through the use of a few spare metagenes Alpha had lying around from his days of gathering said metagenes, Alpha used these to vastly augment his own regenerative factor. This mostly consists of his cells rapidly repairing themselves, sealing up wounds with an impressive amount of efficiency. Small wounds seal up instantly, while major ones could take around a minute to two depending upon how severe they are.

Sonics: Sonic devices or high pitched noises can disrupt his telekinesis.

Concentration: broken concentration can cause whatever attack he is throwing to either weaken or cancel out

Family: His family can be used to exploit him.

Telepathy weakness: While doing anything beyond communicating mentally, Alpha will have to concentrate, this meaning he cannot dig through a persons mind and use his telekinesis.

Concentration: Travis's durability is not always on, and someone can take him off guard if they attack him when not expecting it.

Trade off: When using his durability, Travis has to choose between offensive power and having higher durability. Meaning the more durable he makes himself, the weaker his offense is.

Physical limits: Alpha can only copy moves that he can physically replicate.

Vague: While he can sense the area around him using this sense, what he sees is rather vague, meaning he can not really tell the exact things within the area.  

Alpha’s mask:  The mask is outfitted with lenses that allows the wearer to see in various spectrums. Infrared, nightvision, and Thermal are among the spectrums his mask lenses can see through. It also has the ability to rap into radio waves and various transmissions, to listen into as well as even send messages through.
Mask image:

Weapon weaknesses:

Wrist computer: Attached to his Cobalt suit that allows him to wirelessly connect to the internet and networks and project it outwards through a holographic screen. It can also be used to perform impromptu hacking when the mood strikes.

RP Mechanics  
Hypercognition: Alpha can instinctively or with little effort perform mental calculations beyond the scope of the human mind.

Pamnesia: Alpha is capable of remembering absolutely everything he sees, hears, feels or experiences since birth.

Parallell Processing: Alpha is capable of carrying out multiple thought processes at once.

The Perfect body: Due to the research placed into his body, Travis is easily capable of matching an Olympic athlete as far as physical prowess is concerned. His muscles produce far less fatigue toxins, and allow him to perform a peak human levels without tiring out, as well as lifting more than 3 times his body weight, as well as placing more force behind his fists. Not only that, but Travis is capable of reaching sprinting speeds of around 30 mph when pushing himself, and can strike with a frightening quickness. Along with this, he has a minor amount of enhanced reflexes, not making him by any means superhuman but he is beyond the average human. Finally is body is monumentally efficient, aging rate having slowed to the point that one considers him biologically immortal, body processing food, water efficiently. He is capable of going on with around eight hours of sleep a week. His genetics are also considered nearly perfect bearing almost no defects, and the few that exist are minor enough to not warrant any concern

Masters Pharmaceuticals: The source of Travis' wealth, a company worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

Last edited by Arcana on December 16th 2022, 7:06 pm; edited 27 times in total (Reason for editing : Added in character advancements, edited the personality)

Travis Masters [Alpha] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Travis Masters [Alpha] Empty Re: Travis Masters [Alpha]

Post by CainVulsore August 6th 2014, 8:33 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

Cain Vulsore
Travis Masters [Alpha] Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Travis Masters [Alpha] Empty Re: Travis Masters [Alpha]

Post by The Phantom October 21st 2014, 9:04 pm

Edits made, increased Intelligence and description.

The Phantom
The Syndicate's Six
The Phantom
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Travis Masters [Alpha] Empty Re: Travis Masters [Alpha]

Post by Entei November 17th 2014, 6:37 pm

Unapproved and moved.

Quick Draw
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Quote : Entei
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Travis Masters [Alpha] Empty Re: Travis Masters [Alpha]

Post by Alpha November 17th 2014, 6:42 pm

Edited. Added in purchased powerpoint into grid, and rellocated a point from strength into durability

Travis Masters [Alpha] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Travis Masters [Alpha] Empty Re: Travis Masters [Alpha]

Post by Entei November 17th 2014, 6:45 pm


Quick Draw
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Quote : Entei
Quick Draw

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Registration date : 2014-07-13

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Travis Masters [Alpha] Empty Re: Travis Masters [Alpha]

Post by Forceaus December 16th 2014, 12:47 am

Unapproved for edits

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Travis Masters [Alpha] Empty Re: Travis Masters [Alpha]

Post by Alpha December 16th 2014, 12:50 am

Edited, fixed the description of telekinesis to fit the ability number and added powerpoint

Travis Masters [Alpha] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Travis Masters [Alpha] Empty Re: Travis Masters [Alpha]

Post by Forceaus December 16th 2014, 12:51 am


Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Travis Masters [Alpha] Empty Re: Travis Masters [Alpha]

Post by Forceaus January 12th 2015, 6:33 pm

Unapproved for edits

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Travis Masters [Alpha] Empty Re: Travis Masters [Alpha]

Post by Alpha January 12th 2015, 6:39 pm

Finished edits, added purchased power point

Travis Masters [Alpha] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Travis Masters [Alpha] Empty Re: Travis Masters [Alpha]

Post by Entei January 12th 2015, 6:51 pm


Quick Draw
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : Entei
Quick Draw

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 394
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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Travis Masters [Alpha] Empty Re: Travis Masters [Alpha]

Post by Chellizard February 23rd 2015, 3:43 pm

Approved and Moved!

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Travis Masters [Alpha] JiLqjv0
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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Travis Masters [Alpha] Empty Re: Travis Masters [Alpha]

Post by The Bolt July 3rd 2015, 3:48 am

Added in advancements
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Travis Masters [Alpha] Empty Re: Travis Masters [Alpha]

Post by Alpha December 13th 2015, 11:20 pm

Added in regeneration from advancement #5

Travis Masters [Alpha] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Travis Masters [Alpha] Empty Re: Travis Masters [Alpha]

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