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Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn)

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Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn) Empty Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn)

Post by Dusker August 8th 2016, 7:13 pm

Tyler had been contracted another job. This one was very peculiar in the way he received it. A few days ago he was in his apartment watching TV when he heard a knock on his door. When he went to answer the door he found that there was no trace of anyone being there, accept for a note that had been left for him. He picked up the letter and examined it. It looked like one of those letters you would get if you where to be knighted by the queen. As he opened the letter he read.

Dear Dusker.
I would Like to request a job for you. I need you to go into downtown LA and search for a club called the scarlet temptress. In that club I would like you to find a woman called Ruby king. Once she's found tell her this phrase "The pact of blood is sweet" and she sould give you further instruction from there on out. The price will be worth the trouble.

Your's sincerely, A friend

He stood outside of the club in a line and looked at his watch. '12:30 huh. Well that's two days without any sleep.' he complained internally as he hoisted up his backpack which had his gear inside. 'We get inside, have a few drinks because why not, ask the barman where I can find Ruby, find her and do whatever I need to do.

As he got to the entrance the bouncer asked for ID. "Here ya go!" He smiled as he pasted him the ID of a Kris Porter with his face put over the picture of the guys face. "Okay." the bouncer said bluntly as he moved aside to let Tyler in.

"Okay then, step one..." he mumbled to himself as his ears filled with the sound of dance music. He walked up to the bar man and asked for a couple of drinks. After a few minutes of getting drunk he asked the bar man. "So do you know where I can find Ruby king?" whilst taking another swig of his drink. "Yeah she can be found by the back exit of this building..." the guy replied in almost emotionless tone. "Um thanks I guess." he laughed awkwardly as he walked to the fire exit.

Well enough the girl was there. "I'm looking for a girl called Ruby king, is that you? Oh and The pact of blood is sweet." he stated as the DJ switched songs. "Yes, that is me, you are Dusker I assume?" the girl said in the same tone as the bar man. "Um yeah, I was told to follow your orders." He explained with a weirded out tone. 'whats going on here?' he asked himself as he awaited her answer.

"Good, please follow me." The girl said as she led him to the basement door. "You first." the girl said bluntly as she opened the door. Tyler looked around one last time before walking down to the basement. 'I have a bad feeling about this.' he thought...
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 213
Registration date : 2016-07-29

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Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn) Empty Re: Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn)

Post by Arcana August 9th 2016, 5:22 pm

Making oneself a magical protector always had a few more nuances in it than dealing with mundane crime. When it came to criminals, they had their secret passages and their codes to remember. However with magic one always had to deal with ore annoying things, such as illusions concealing things and just overall more annoying things that would require specific metahumans to accomplish. It appeared that a fair number of demons had begun to move into Los Angeles of all places, granted normally that wouldn’t bother Sean as the demonkind did what they willed.

The difference this time however was that they had drawn his attention, possessed the wrong person or something along those lines. Finding a connection to this demon was the key, as they would normally not let themselves be tracked, regardless of how powerful the mage. It was a powerful one, that much Sean could tell but he had been hunting them for a good week now. Mike had offered to help him, but they didn’t really come up with anything that could help him overly much, save for a lead that he hoped would prove useful. If this also had any connection to Thanatos, well that would help deal with another annoying potential threat to their realm.

That was why he was at a nightclub, though not so long ago he wouldn’t have needed an excuse. Luckily clubs didn’t require that one be dressed up, so he went as casual as possible, wearing a hoodie with sleeves long enough to cover the symbols and fingerless gloves to over the rest, deciding on  a pair of blue jeans as far as pants went.

With a few protective spells out of the way, Sean made his way to the club that he was supposed to be going to. He was supposed to be looking for someone that called themselves Ruby King, so that was what he would do. Even from the outside he could hear the loud music, veritably shaking the ground as if people just did not care about their hearing. With a smirk, he approached the place and flashed his ID to the bouncer types at the door. All it took was a glance at it for them to let him through, and so he fell into the press if people dancing around.

”Why do I feel like there’ll be accusations of being a whore accompanying this?” Sean muttered, absently playing with a ring on his left ring finger. Silver eyes scanned the room, catching ahold of someone walking to what looked like a fire exit. ”Wonder where the fires at.” Just call it his keen intuition or desire to nose into peoples business, but Sean had to follow, so he would do just that.

This involved a bit of maneuvering around people but he did so well enough. There was a faint air of magic about this place, so he would not dismiss the possibility that he was following an actual lead, or perhaps just some...well that goes without saying.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn) Empty Re: Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn)

Post by Dusker August 9th 2016, 6:21 pm

Tyler continued to walk with the girl until they reached a door. the door had the words 'Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate' written on it in what seemed to be blood. He stood there and looked at the words. 'I think that I'm gonna have to gear up just in case.' he thought as he placed his bag onto a nearby table.

"What are you doing?" the girl asked as she gave him a look with her dead eyes.. "I'm getting my gear ready..." he replied with a nervous laugh as he pulled out his body armor. "I suppose that you will need to be geared up." she replied as she stepped off to let him get ready.

After finally finishing to get ready he put his harness on and looked at the girl 'what's going on here?' he asked himself once again as he brushed himself off and checked his clips. all full.

"Are you ready?" the girl asked as she held her hands behind her back. "Sure, let's go inside..." he answer as he walked up to the door. As he got closer the girl opened the door and quickly shut it when he was inside. After a corridor that for some strange reason had numerous turns, almost as if he was in a labyrinth, he ended up in a room.

This room set off many red lights when he looked inside. the walls where covered with pentagrams drawn in blood with black cloth separating each pentagram. In the middle of the room there stood a woman. this woman may also be called a demon. "This is a set up insist it?" he sighed as he looked at the devil.

"My my, your certainly smart." the devil laughed as she started to walk over to Tyler and and pulled his head up so that they where staring face to face...

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Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 213
Registration date : 2016-07-29

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Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn) Empty Re: Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn)

Post by Arcana August 11th 2016, 6:16 am

Talk about poor security. Sean thought to himself as no one appeared to even try to stop him, and so he went without any real roadblock within his path. Something felt off about the woman leading the young man, but then again that might have just been him reading too deep into things. So instead of thinking, he would just follow and hope that he was on the right track of things. If he could, well he would protect the likely unfortunate civilian that would get caught in the cross fire and if not, well  he could feel sorry about that later.

A bit into this tailing bit, well he came face to face with what looked like some kind of shut door in his face. ”Isn’t it rude to just shut a door in peoples faces?’ Sean muttered to himself,  opening it and being greeted by what appeared to be some kind of labyrinth in the form of a hallway. The only thing that really let him follow was the sound of a door shutting, giving a vague enough of an idea to actually follow. It was also that air of read that caused the hairs along the back of his neck to stand up, something that drew him to the door.

”Wow, really doesn’t look like the normal type of back room deals in these kinds of clubs goin on. I mean, unless the chicks into body armor and ritual sacrifice.“ Sean quipped after pushing open the door, seeming to lean against the frame of the doorway.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn) Empty Re: Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn)

Post by Dusker August 11th 2016, 8:22 am

When Sean walked in both the demon and Tyler cocked their heads in his direction. "Who's he, another one of youe henchmen?" he asked the demon with a puzzled look. "I have no idea who that is, isn't he one of your friends?" she answer back with a question. Tyler just looked at her and shrugged.

The devil then let go of Tyler's head and started to walk over to the guy leaning on the doorframe. She looked into his eyes and smiled "Would you please be my servant, if you do I'll give you a reward." she said as she used the power of seduction on him.

Tyler started to laugh when he saw the result of it, she completely failed.
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Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 213
Registration date : 2016-07-29

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Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn) Empty Re: Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn)

Post by Arcana August 13th 2016, 8:22 pm

Sean was never really the henchman type. Something about having an egomaniac telling him what to do, well that just did not look like it would go anywhere good really quickly. ”Oh, I see what you’re trying to do here. I’ll be honest with you chica, blondie over there had a better chance of doin whatever you’re doing.” He noted with an amused smirk, letting a soft puff of breath out, which rapidly would increase to a gust that would likely cause the woman to stumble back a few feet.

With a little room given to him, Sean looked around the room for anything else. These pentagrams looked interesting enough, though they seemed to be either summoning or possession symbols, considering how demons tended to work. ”I was looking for some information on a certain inter-dimensional type or maybe a few. Was hoping you would be able to give me that info, so I decided to take a little time from your back room fun time.” Sean waggled his eyebrows as he would take a few steps forward, just letting the sheer pressure of the energy circulating through him out.

To those without any ability to sense such things, well it would just feel like a sudden chill flowed through the air, but to those that could. They would feel as if they were a rabbit looking upon a tiger almost. ”I’m looking for any info about a demon named Malphas, takes the form of a raven when he isn’t  walkin about as a human. Know anything about him?”

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn) Empty Re: Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn)

Post by Dusker August 17th 2016, 8:22 am

When she saw that her power of seduction hadn't worked on the guy she was baffled. "You have the meta gene don't you!" she hissed before walking back over to Tyler and trying the same thing on him. "Wait your  not a vigilante?" she questioned with a dumbfounded look.

"Me? A vigilante? Vigilantes wish they were half as good as me!" he quipped as he the guy asked if she new anything about some demon guy called markiphas or something which Tyler tilted his head at. "I think I've hear of that guy before, or maybe it was someone else..." he mumbled as he waited for the demon to answer.

"Of course I've heard of him you idiot, he's the most famous demon in the underworld..." the demon stated "As for his location I can't really tell you anything, he's apparently went dark."

Tyler then quickly pulled out a beretta and placed it on the back of The demons head. "What are you trying to do? " he demanded as he pushed the barrel into the back of her head.

When he did this the demon just smirked as people started to rush threw the door. "Unhand her!" they all said in unison as the demon quickly ran behind the forming armada "Thank you boys, now attack!" she giggled as they all rushed towards Tyler and Shaun.

My stuff:
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 213
Registration date : 2016-07-29

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Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn) Empty Re: Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn)

Post by Arcana August 19th 2016, 9:20 pm

”What, can’t control anyone who has a metagene? Wow, you must be pretty weak for a demon.” Sean taunted, rolling his eyes as he pushed himself up from his leaning position, attention half on the other person in the room. It appeared that person was more the type to pull a gun on someone, and the demon had no useful information about the demon he was looking for. Of course some low class demon would know nothing, but he was hoping that convention would have been undone at the moment. She would rush past him, as men appeared, all of them protecting their demonic mistress.

”Wow, this the best she got?” He sighed, rolling his eyes as he fluidly sidestepped one of them, slamming a palm into one of their stomachs and reducing them to unconsciousness. This all was one motion, seeming as if they were nothing to him. A few more of them would try to either hold him, or even try to attack him. They were them met with immensely powerful winds that threw them into a wall, likely breaking a few bones and maybe some necks as well.

”Okay i’m done with you mooks.”Shouldering his way through, Sean turned towards where it seemed like the lady would have run and he dashed in that direction.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn) Empty Re: Omen (with Arcana and maybe Quinn)

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