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Vile Empty Vile

Post by Vile August 11th 2016, 11:47 pm


"In sickness and in health."
That's what he told me.
But then I got sick.
And sicker.
And sicker

And then he ran away.
Abandoned me.
I will not let anybody feel that alone again.
At any cost.

Basic Biography

Real Name: Ailbhe Amara
Renegade Name: Vile
Title: Queen of the Defiled. Matriarch of Filth. Caretaker of the Wretched.
Alignment: Neutral.
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Race: African Metahuman (Albino)
Hair: None
Eyes: Sickening Green
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 110 lbs
Blood type: Toxic

The Looks

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The Legacy

Personality: Vile is motherly in many aspects. She is proud, both of herself and those in her care. She cares deeply for all of her children and she will fight to the death to defend them. She is their advisor, caretaker, leader and maternal figure. When it comes to protecting her kind/the grostesque/abandonned, she is ruthless - going as far as to fill the sewers they live in with a deadly pathogen, which she keeps her followers immune to. She will not tolerate intolerance and encourages her charges to be proud of their mutations, but insists they remain hidden for their safety until the world is ready to live alongside them. She can be cruel to people who have made her kind's lives difficult.

History: Amara was born in Egypt, in the city of Cairo. Her childhood was very average, she had wealthy parents and attended school. It was there she met with the man who would become her husband, a missionary named Michael. She and Michael became friends and then became something more. Everytime he visited the city, they would meet up to catch up on eachother's lives.

When she was 25, Michael proposed to her and naturally, she said yes. It took some convincing, but eventually her father agreed. The wedding ceremony didn't occur for another 4 years, when she was 29. The ceremony went off without a hitch, with Michael's family visiting for it and Amara's entire school showing up. Michael moved in with Amara so he could continue his work.

They honeymooned in Paris, and when they went back, Amara revealed that she was with child. Overjoyed, the pair of them began re-decorating their house and thinking of baby names. When she was eight months pregnant, her Doctor revealed tragic news. Their child had died in her womb. Not a miscarriage, no notable faults, the baby just got sick and died. Amara and Michael were both distraught, with Michael becoming more distant and Amara becoming ill. The doctor's reported that her sickness was severe and that she had no more than a year to live. She had hoped to spend her last days on this earth surrounded by the loved ones, especially Michael. But Michael ran. He left a note saying he couldn't stand seeing her like this and had returned home to New York. She was weaker than ever.

Her body slipped into a coma for years. Her brain activity was too high for her life support to ethically be shut down, but her body was comatose. And it was during these years that her mutations began. She had several dimples growing over her body and her sickly pale brown skin was starting to turn white in patches. After 3 years, the dimples had become large holes in her flesh, which oozed a foul smelling substance. Her skin was completely white and pale, with some pitch black running through the veins. Many people who went to visit her reportedly fell ill - this and her physical changes was grounds for her being heavily Quarantined. She awoke a few months later.

After many years of being alone with nothing but her thoughts, she mastered her new found abilities. She eventually learnt that the goo that constantly slithered down her back was under her control, allowing her to use it to create tendrils and shapes. She also taught herself to absorb the sicknesses which had infected the room she was kept it. The Doctor's scanned it and after a few more weeks of tests, decided it was safe to lift the Quarantine. She walked through the hospital, curing the sick. Absorbing their disease. She got a reputation as some sort of second coming, but all she wanted was to see Michael again. After her deed at the hospital it was easy for her to gather enough money in donations to organise a trip to New York.

When she found Michael's home, her heart broke for the second time. Michael had remarried. She stood at the white picket fence of his house, staring through the window. She saw his wife, a pale skinned girl with blonde hair. And then she saw the child. Her eyes stung and she brought her talonned hand to her stomach, a tear falling in memory of her own child. Micheal looked out the window and saw her. She pulled up her hood and quickly turned around, getting back into her taxi. The taxi suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

The taxi driver said nothing, he simply got out of the car. Amara went to open her own door but it got pulled open and she was dragged out. Several humans circled around her, and she looked around, confused.

"Freaks like you are dangerous." One of them kicked her and she screamed. A hoodie wearing onlooker began running towards them. One of them lifted a baseball bat, with the intent of splintering her skull over the pavement, but the onlooker grabbed the bat and floored the man with a clawed swipe.

The group's attention turned to the man and Amara began to stand. Her eyes swirled a noxious green and she threw her arms forward, casting a filthy air over the group. They began coughing, eyes blood shot. Ichor burst from her palm and she impaled one of them before tossing them aside. As they choked and slowly died, she ran to the person who saved her life. She lowered his scarf and hood, revealing the grostesque face, with hideously sharp teeth and scales dotted all over it. They were a freak; just like her. She quickly drew the poisonous mist out of his body nd into her own.

The two of them sought refuge in a nearby abandoned cinema. Introductions were made.
He was called Kyle Thompson, but his friends called him Sidewinder.

The pair explored the cinema and discovered a hole in the ground, which lead to the sewers. Out of fear more people would come looking for them specifically the police, as amara had just murdered 5 people, they descended into them. Sidewinder explained to Amara that violence against the physically mutated metas was extremely common. They'd all just become used to hiding, but he admired how confidently she had walked the streets. She couldn't go home. Not after hearing that.

Michael gave up on her and it destroyed her; she was not going to give up on people like her.

"Go and bring your friends here...."

She brought a hand to her stomach. Perhaps a chance of motherhood was still within her grasp after all.

The Powers and Weaknesses

(All characters can be as powerful as they want, as long as they are balanced with proper weaknesses.)

Power 1: Ichor: Vile's body is covered in several coin sized holes which constantly ooze a pitch black, tar like substance which she refers to as Ichor. There is 6 of them on her upper back, two on her lower back, one on each shoulder, one on the palms of her hands and one in the back of her throat. She can control this Ichor as if it where an extension of her own body, allowing her to create tentacles and other appendages. She can also control it when it's not attached to her body like a hydrokinetic can control water. It is very tough and resilent, almost like elastic. It's main use is to impale people and infect them with her poisons and diseases, however it can also be used to create additional limbs, constructs, armour etc. It is extremely toxic.

Power 2: Nosokinesis: Amara's metagene allows her to manipulate diseases on a variety of scales. She can change their method of transferal, such as airborne, waterborne, sexually transmitted etc. She can turn one disease into another and even remove diseases from a person's body altogether. She can manifest diseases as a gas or as a liquid (usually in the form of her Ichor). Amara usually has to force the diseases to enter someone's system, however, with player permission, she may generate them instantly inside someone's body.

Power 3: Toxokinesis: Amara's metagene also allows her to secrete and manipulate poisons to a similar degree. She may cure or corrupt people with poisons. She can manifest toxic gases in the forms of 'bolts' and 'beams' or spit toxic fluid. She can't turn one poison into another but she can generate a poison at will once she absorbs it into her body. Amara usually has to force the toxins into someone's system, however, with player permission, she may generate them instantly inside someone's body.

Power 4:
Diagnosis: Amara is able to sense what diseases and poisons are in a person's body.

Power 5: Resistance: Amara is not actually immune to poison and disease. Instead she resists it by causing her body to constantly counteract the diseases and toxins coursing through her body. If you were to infect her with a new disease or poison, she would show symptoms for a few minutes but soon her body would adapt and let her continue unhindered. This also makes her something similar to a carrier. She uses her powers to confine the poisons and diseases to herself most of the time, but if she were to leave them unrestrained, diseases she's caught would become contagious and spread.


Weakness 1: Natural Immunity: Amara's poisons and diseases will not effect people who are wearing Hazmat suits etc unless she pierces the suit. Robots and the Undead also cannot be infected. People with resistances to poisons/diseases are more resistant but not completely immune.

Weakness 2: Patient Zero: While she can resist poisons and diseases, if one she has never encountered before enters her body, she won't have an immunity to it for a few minutes, which means that if it were strong enough or fast acting it could be used to render her unconscious, harm or even kill her. However, it will only work once. Using drugs to apprehend her increases her resistance to them. Fortunately, as she hasn't told anyone this, very few people will think to use drugs against her.

Weakness 3: Sickly: Amara is not in peak physical condition. She's slow and truthfully, quite fragile. However, if someone makes it too her and she's ravaged their bodies with toxins and diseases, they'll be slow and fragile too. Her Ichor also helps compensate for this.

Weakness 4: Range: While her body is constantly infected - meaning that unless she stops them, melee contact with her is almost certainly going to end with contamination - her ranged attacks are relatively slow moving. The poisons + diseases fade after a few seconds without a host, meaning her 'gas blasts' can be dodged, unlike many airborne contagions. Her control of her Ichor is limited when it is far away from her.

Weakness 5: Diluted: Water will dilute her Ichor, reducing it's toughness and elasticity while also making it harder for Vile to manipulate. If she's complete submerged, until she's dry, she'll just have a poisonous liquid oozing from her body's Ichor slots, which she is unable to control.

RP Mechanics

RP Mechanic(s):

Contaminate: I've explained above how her powers can be used in combat, however out of combat, she can generate invisible airborne pathogens and poisons etc. If it furthers the plot. She can also instantly afflict someone with a disease rather than having to infect them with it if it works with the plot.

Physiology: Amara's physiology is slightly different to a normal humans. Her pores are slightly larger, allowing her to secrete thicker substances, her nails are more claw like and her teeth are sharper. She has a longer tongue than a normal human, it is capable of reaching inbetween her eyes. Her tongue and lips are covered in her Ichor.


Physical Priority
(You are to put these physical attributes in order from 1 to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest.)
Agility: 2
Endurance: 4
Reaction: 1
Strength: 3

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Post Mate
Post Mate

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 184
Location : Chicago
Job : SHRP Champ
Humor : I'm pretty sick.
Registration date : 2013-03-08

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Vile Empty Re: Vile

Post by Zell August 12th 2016, 7:13 am

Approved until stated otherwise.

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"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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