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Déjà vu. (Nekrobear)

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Déjà vu. (Nekrobear) Empty Déjà vu. (Nekrobear)

Post by Quinn May 23rd 2016, 3:14 am

Jenna rubs her temples, already getting annoyed at this whole operation. She had wanted to just bust in with a bunch of guys, take out the Sneks before they even knew what had hit them and then blow up the lab with a couple of pounds of plastic explosives. However, seeing as how the clinic is currently located in the middle of one of the wealthiest parts of Hollywood, her advisors had quickly rejected that plan in favor of kidnapping some of the converted civilians to see if they can break the brainwashing.

Of course, they had actually managed to break some of it, but at the same time the cops were now patrolling the area a little more heavily. Kidnapping was a double edged sword in this case, they may be getting good intelligence, but to cover their tracks they had to grab people completely unrelated to her current goals, which meant more complications. Jenna was really beginning to hate that word. Complications. She had been hearing it much too often nowadays. "Okay, let's go over this again, from the top. First, to make sure that it didn't seem like you were anything but a normal kidnapper, you decided to grab people that had nothing to do with this, correct?"

"Yes, bu-" As the man was about to explain his reasoning, Jenna slammed her hand against the table, silencing him before he could keep going. "Shut up! You will give me one word answers until I tell you otherwise you stupid fucktard." She relaxes back into her seat, sighing loudly. "After that, for whatever reason, the enemy figured out that we are targeting them and have started to move containers out of the clinic, right?"

"Yes." She eyes the man, waiting to see if he was stupid enough to try to explain himself again, though it seems like he learned his lesson from her last outburst. "Furthermore, for some stupid reason like not wanting to get caught, even though they are already onto us, you decided to not put trackers onto any of the containers, therefore letting them get away without any real chance of us finding them."

"Yes." The final answer was enough for her, she turns her attention from the squad leader in front of her to the two guards that she knew was completely loyal, thanks to her abilities. "Process him, he may be working for the enemy. Find out what he knows before you do a memory wipe. Maybe after that we can actually get some use out of him." The man doesn't try to beg for mercy, instead going straight for his gun. Jenna had already expected for this to happen, having already moved from her seat and ducked under the bulletproof table before he could do anything. Moments later he was disarmed and dragged away, letting an annoyed looking Jenna go back to her seat. She looks at the other people at the table, giving them a small, tight smile. "So, does anyone else have any bad news for me?"
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Déjà vu. (Nekrobear) Empty Re: Déjà vu. (Nekrobear)

Post by The Nekromonga May 23rd 2016, 5:54 am

The operation was based out of a large mansion in Bev Hills, the former home of one of those celebrity rappers who didn't know how not to spend their money. Much of their luxurious furnishings were repossessed, though some pieces, like a large bust of the rapper, remained, a sign of decadence.

Jenna's entourage was complimented by a squad of Net Ninjas, ninjas who were also proficient with computers and technology, much as they were proficient with espionage and hand-to-hand combat. They paraded around the internet as cosplayers with a strong enthusiasm for ninja culture, so no one could guess this group of Asian hackers to be actual ninjas. They even had Hamster mascots, that they dressed up like ninjas and took pictures of, with clever names like Hattori Hamzo and Kotaro Furrma.

Click. Click. The ninjas were taking pictures of Hamzo and Kotaro Furrma as they moved around the scale model Japanese set piece. The traditional mercenaries with guns and body armor simply sighed. When did these ninjas have the time to make a scale replica of a japanese temple?

Their leader, if she could be called that, was the orange haired, leather wearing biker chick Oyuki. She was seated at a computer station with three screens, monitoring city activity. She twirled a kunai in hand, receiving reports from Jenna's agents on the ground, keeping things organized.

Of course, she was still talking in her high pitched, anime-Japanese girl voice. Luckily one of the hacker ninjas sat nearby to translate, garbed in dark blue and black shinobi attire.

"Some local teen vigilantes were trying to investigate us. Luckily they took one of the obvious leads and found a dead end." One report came in.

"An insider with the police department has completed in making a police report to throw the investigation off us." Another report came in. So far so good.

A ringing on the line caught the hacker ninja's attention. "Captain Wombat is on line 3." She puts the hero on video, being the mole in the hero community who could be bought to keep his nose elsewhere.

His phone seemed to be on the ground, seeing Wombat was there too. His nose was broken and bloodied, and his wombat mask half torn. "Uhm... yeah... Captain Wombat here... I was uh... handing out 'favors' to some of the local heroes when... Prodigy showed up."

A silence fell over some of the mercs and ninjas present. "...I uh... tried to explain what the 'favors' were, but those Prodigy kids don't mess around. Things got ugly... and I... might have... given this fella an address. About an hour ago. I passed out when... when..." Captain Wombat broke out into tears. "...I'm sorry, I really am. Just a heads up he could be there any minute now. I'll keep my half-pay and won't bother with the rest. Wombat out."

Any minute meant that minute they were in right now. The alarms sounded as the perimeter guards' radios came up on the speakers. "We're under attack! A single assailant! possesses high speed and combat skills! Send the ninjas! UGH-" The call cut to static, as gunfire and explosives were heard in the background.

The hacker ninjas brought up all the mansion's camera feeds, and they just barely track the fast moving attacker. It was some sort of armored samurai or ninja, a sword at her back but taking out the sentries with a fast spinning, non-lethal battle staff.

"C-Cybah ninja-desu!?" Oyuki said, never quite speaking in english. The hacker ninjas quickly take off their headphones and draw their own swords.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
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Déjà vu. (Nekrobear) Empty Re: Déjà vu. (Nekrobear)

Post by Quinn May 23rd 2016, 6:30 am

Of course, fate seemed to have it out for Jenna, since the moment she asked for bad news the alarms instantly went off. She looks up at the ceiling with a large sigh, her face seeming to say why me? She looks down at the four people in the room, staring at them for a good ten seconds before waving them towards the door. "Get out, you are all useless at this point. Regroup at point seven." The moment that they leave, only her and the four bodyguards left in the room, she pulls out her phone, sending a quick text before tossing it aside, one of the guards with her helpfully crushing it under their boot without her having to say a word.

"Give me a status report, I want to know who we are dealing with." A screen is helpfully projected out of the table, showing all of the cameras that were set up, giving her a nice clear view of ex-special forces getting their ass kicked by some high-tech samurai. A quick read through shows that it was confirmed as a member of prodigy. She stares at the screen, almost in awe by the fact that dozens of trained men couldn't handle a single person. "Oh my god! Why the hell did I hire them again? I haven't seen such a one-sided ass-kicking since Diana." She pauses, thinking for a second before a light bulb seems to go off over her head. "Oh fuck, it's Diana."

There goes every getaway plan that Jenna had, just tossed right out the window before it was run over by a train. She covers her face with her hands, muttering something about damn sneks and stupid traitors and lame heroes who couldn't take a punch. That reminds her, why the fuck did one of the heroes they were paying off know where her fucking address was? She makes a mental note to bring that up with the hacker ninjas the next time they asked for something to help with their weird hobbies. She takes a deep breath to get herself back under control. "Set up an ambush but wait for my signal. I want to have a chat with my friend first." She digs out a mask that she uses when she wants to become Darkheart, easily fitting it over her face as she stares at the door, waiting for the samurai to kick it down, her bodyguards blending into the shadows as they get ready.
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Déjà vu. (Nekrobear) Empty Re: Déjà vu. (Nekrobear)

Post by The Nekromonga May 23rd 2016, 10:20 am

Jenna's elite guard watched the security feed of the cyber-samurai. Their lead man, an aging soldier with hair already graying, quickly makes a new assessment of the threat as she was making her way to the control room.

"Riot shields. Electro-batons. Face masks. Spotlight." A few words was all they needed to switch up their tactics, seeing how the assailant's rampage was underway. "She's overlapping their fields of fire. They're afraid of hitting each other." He deduced, calmly analyzing instead of panicking. Still, this Diana person had guts, running into gunfire like that. Must be the armor. They shut the lights and take up positions to overwhelm their assailant when they entered.

The Ninjas meanwhile... simply vanished into the darkness. No sound, no silhouette, as if they weren't even in the room anymore. They were being ninjas of course.

The door burst open, and immediately the glaring spotlight was turned on the new arrival. Electro-batons were raised to attack, but it was one of the remaining house guards.

"Help! help me..." He muttered, feebling shielding his eyes from the bright spotlight.

"Where's the intruder?!" The lead bodyguard said, only to notice a detail too late- a flashbang on the man's vest was missing pins. In a loud bang and a blinding flash, the defenders were disoriented, their ambush foiled.

The stiff staff's ends struck heads and kneecaps, knocking down the elite guard. The leader put up some resistance, his helmet protecting him from the flashbang. He bull-rushed the cyber-samurai into the wall, thrusting with the baton and going for a hand, relieving her of the staff.

"Not bad!" The cyber samurai praised her foe, but it only meant the sword was now drawn in a blinding flash, slicing the baton in two.

"...No... no! no sword can be that sharp!" He protested, resigning himself to death. But, much like the other guards, The lead guard found a hilt to the back of his neck. Painful, almost snapped his spine, but not a killing blow.

The ninjas only then materialized from the dark, their assorted exotic weapons held to the cyber-samurai's weak points. Oyuki herself had a kusari-gama's chain around Diana's sword arm, restricting her movement.

"...Ninjas... I was not expecting ninjas." She muttered, looking around the room, her gaze eventually falling on Jenna. She most definitely did not recognize her or Oyuki.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Déjà vu. (Nekrobear) Empty Re: Déjà vu. (Nekrobear)

Post by Quinn May 23rd 2016, 11:18 pm

Jenna groans and tries to hide her face in her hands again, too bad the mask was in the way and didn't give her the effect that she wanted. On the plus side it stopped her from getting blinded when the flash bang went off. "I said wait for my signal. Did I not fucking say wait for my signal?" Jenna could only sit there and wait for Diana to chop her way through the guards, seeing as how they are all useless at the moment. To be fair, it was Diana, they were useless anyways.

The one guard that hadn't been taken out of the fight decided to charge Diana by himself. Spoiler alert, he didn't last long. With him out of the way Oyuki popped out of the shadows with her hacker ninjas, able to at least stop Diana for a bit, who knows how long that would last. "Well, I didn't expect some teen hero wannabe to bust into my this a lair? Man I have shitty tastes in lairs." Jenna glances around the room in thought for a second. "Where was I...oh yeah, bust into my lair and just slice her way through my minions. What do you even call yourself? Cyber Samurai? Roborai? Dumbass in a suit? Eh, doesn't matter."

Jenna leans forward in her chair, trying to glare at Diana through the mask. "Point is, what the fuck do you want?"
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Déjà vu. (Nekrobear) Empty Re: Déjà vu. (Nekrobear)

Post by The Nekromonga May 23rd 2016, 11:30 pm

Oyuki relieved Diana of her black sword, and had a look of nostalgia and relief than anything else. The biker ninja didn't make any weird anime sounds for oncer. Oyuki sheathed it and offered it to Jenna with two hands.

"First off I didn't slice anyone, but you'll have a lot of hospital bills to pay." Diana seemed to have gone on a tangent now and took pride in her not killing anyone. Instead she severely crippled these guards, making them a financial and emotional burden on their families, while taking away their ability to make a living. Hurray heroism!

"Second. It's Ronin. Third, if you must know, there's been kidnappings lately, but nobody's been talking... until I ran into some Captain Wombat character paying off some local heroes." Diana talked freely with Jenna, feeling something very unusual. Dejavu it was.

"Have I met you before? Something about this feels very familiar." She just came out with it, and Oyuki gave Jenna a look that just went 'should we tell her?'.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Déjà vu. (Nekrobear) Empty Re: Déjà vu. (Nekrobear)

Post by Quinn May 23rd 2016, 11:48 pm

Jenna takes the sword and looks at it, then glances up at Oyuki. "No." With her suggestion being answered in such a clear way, she turns back to Ronin, "While I would just love to stay here and talk about pointless shit, I have things to do and places to be. Oh, I'm keeping this by the way." She waves the sword at Diana before speaking to the four ninjas that were keeping her in place. "Hold her here for ten minutes, then get out. Please for the love of god don't get caught, I have enough shit to deal with besides having to break your asses out of prison."

With that being said, she turns and opens up her escape route, which is just a normal hidden elevator to the ground floor. Secret tunnels are for losers. She steps in with Oyuki before turning to Ronin, offering her a small wave. "Oh, also, your naming sense is shit. Ronin? Are you for real? Ha!" A button press later the doors close, the elevator music turns on and downwards they go.
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Déjà vu. (Nekrobear) Empty Re: Déjà vu. (Nekrobear)

Post by The Nekromonga May 24th 2016, 12:18 am

The ninjas look up at the samurai, who was starting to crack her knuckles. "You heard the lady. Ten minutes."

The ninjas tried, but only made it to six. Diana was left huffing, her armor suffering a few scratches, but she was swiftly in pursuit now. Thanks to a built-in grapple, Diana swiftly leaps out of a window and swings toward their direction, running along a wall. That time spent running, Oyuki and Jenna had reached an SUV.

"Looks like that suit's for more than just show!" Oyuki had dropped the anime-girl speak, and talked like a normal, New Jersey raised ninja princess. Against her better judgement she starts the car and heads for the gate, but Diana landed on the hood of the SUV and blocking their view. "Give me back my sword!" She huffed. Oyuki slammed the brakes, lurching herself and Jenna forward in their seats but tossing Diana into the asphalt driveway. She went a-splat on the ground, slow to recover.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Déjà vu. (Nekrobear) Empty Re: Déjà vu. (Nekrobear)

Post by Quinn May 24th 2016, 1:17 am

"What was your first clue?" Even under pressure Jenna doesn't lose her snark, instantly replying to Oyuki as they pile into the SUV to make their dramatic getaway...which was promptly ruined by Diana jumping onto the hood of their car. Jenna stares at her friend as she slams into the pavement before turning to Oyuki. "Reverse."

Seeing that Diana was already starting to get to her feet, Jenna decided to repeat herself a little louder this time. "Reverse!" With that, the SUV suddenly starts going away from the annoyed teen hero, backing through a wall with ease before sliding between two trucks. "Okay, now, go for the clinic and don't lose her. I have a plan. No, you don't want to know. It's a bad plan."

With that, the SUV was off, darting through the streets with Diana somehow barely keeping up with it, heading for their objective while unknown to the teen hero, Jenna's forces were moving into place to lock out any backup once she enters the clinic, making sure the cops don't get in the way of the very horrible plan.

It didn't actually take them that long to get to the clinic and they instantly went inside, Jenna only pausing for a second to make sure that Diana was still following them before they slipped inside, Jenna stunning one of the nurses that went to greet them as Oyuki handled anyone else that tried to get in their way. "Gas masks on, last time I was in one of these they knocked me out."

The mask was changed for something far more useful as she waits for Diana to find them, Jenna leaning up against a wall after telling Oyuki to hide in the shadows, the sword put up against the wall.
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Déjà vu. (Nekrobear) Empty Re: Déjà vu. (Nekrobear)

Post by The Nekromonga May 24th 2016, 2:06 am

The medical staff were quickly overtaken, the brainwashed thralls still speaking in that polite-speak even when threatened. However, since their last attack the alien masterminds of the clinics had a wonderful surprise in store.

Diana meanwhile, looked at the clinic. The interior was eerily familiar. She spots Jenna who was waiting for her. "...What's your game, shrimp? Why'd you bring me here?" Diana was being mean, mostly because she'd just sprinted a few city blocks to keep up.

Oyuki meanwhile, found no resistance in the clinic's back rooms. She was expecting a Snake man, a deadly creature they had fought previously. "Darkheart, I found the room where they keep the captives. They were preparing them for shipment... somewhere. No contact with those Snake people you fought last time." She looked at the captives being held in the stasis pods, trying to figure out how to release these people safely.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Déjà vu. (Nekrobear) Empty Re: Déjà vu. (Nekrobear)

Post by Quinn May 24th 2016, 2:51 am

Jenna holds up a finger, telling Diana to give her a moment, her other hand touching her throat to turn her comms on. "Ninjarella, just look for hostiles, we have our oh so annoying guest here, so I need a moment. Oh, and don't get caught, these guys are even more annoying then cops."

That being taken care of, Jenna grabs the sword, holding it easily in one hand. "Bring you here? Last I checked you were the one who was sprinting after us. I wonder why you even want this thing back, it's a really shitty sword. And shrimp? Really? Where did you learn how to insult people? The back of a cereal box?"

Gunshots can suddenly be heard from outside of the building, seeing as how a hero sprinting after a car wasn't exactly common, attracting the cops attention. "Oh my, it seems that we have some uninvited guests outside, I do hope they like my friends. Anyways, you have a choice here, follow me and maybe get your sword back and most likely find the real person who was doing the kidnapping or go save the shitty corrupt cops."

With that, Jenna was through a door, locking it behind her before Diana can reach it, buying herself much needed seconds to start running down the hallway towards the back rooms. She was, of course, cursing herself out in her mind for trying to piss off Diana. That was never a good idea.
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Déjà vu. (Nekrobear) Empty Re: Déjà vu. (Nekrobear)

Post by The Nekromonga May 24th 2016, 3:44 am

Diana followed Jenna, and unsurprisingly the sight of so many people being packed up for shipment made her start to have more feelings of familiarity. "...Wait, these aren't... hospital beds. What're they doing?"

Oyuki decided to exposition. "It's Stasis. Not human technology, grasshopper."

Diana looked at Jenna and it seemed she was beginning to realize there was more to things than she initially suspected. "I don't know what's going on here, but we should get these people in stasis out, at least."

Oyuki bargained on Jenna's behalf. "...Long as Darkheart stays free."

"Fine by me. We can play another time. Now, how do we get these folks out?" Diana queried, looking at the complicated controls. Oyuki figured out the alien tech from the other clinic, and started getting people out. So far no snake people had made themselves known... which was worrying the paranoid ninja.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Déjà vu. (Nekrobear) Empty Re: Déjà vu. (Nekrobear)

Post by Quinn May 24th 2016, 4:15 am

Jenna was starting to get worried herself, seeing as how besides the actual nurses, they haven't seen a single threat to stop them from rescuing the people. Suddenly, an idea forms in her head, thanks to a lot of horror movies and even more horror games. "Ninjarella, be careful. They could all be controlled."

She doesn't bother to explain herself more, instead slamming a hand down onto one of the people already released and letting her stun glove go to work, tasering them into unconscious before they can do something stupid like gang up on our unlikely group. "Knock them out as you release them, the cops will collect them when we leave. We don't have a lot of time and we need to go deeper."

A few minutes later and all of the people are knocked out and on the floor, Jenna already heading deeper into the clinic to find out what the hell was going on, starting to get a very horror movie vibe going on. Jenna was starting to jump at shadows, making sure to stay within reach of Oyuki, just in case something happens. "What the hell is this place so creepy? I swear to god if they made some sort of snake zombie I'm going to be pissed."
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Registration date : 2015-02-27

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Déjà vu. (Nekrobear) Empty Re: Déjà vu. (Nekrobear)

Post by The Nekromonga May 24th 2016, 10:45 pm

Diana watches as Jenna and Oyuki went to work, the prospect of these civilians being under some sort of mind control frightening yet quite probably. "Sorry." She apologizes as she makes them pass out with an artery choke.

Once they'd finished, Jenna moved deeper into the facility. They eventually find one more patient in the  stasis, surrounded by machines and surgical tools. She seemed to be just some pizza delivery guy, a lanky teenager still in his uniform.

"Oh good, we missed one. What were they doing to him?" Diana gestured and Oyuki disable the boy's restraints.

"Huh? What's happening?" He asked as he started to come to. Diana already had her arm around his neck, starting to choke him out... except he didn't pass out.

"Wait stop! Don't do this!" He tried to resist, but he seemed to have quite the neck fortitude. Must be a Judo-ka or something.

"Don't fight it, just go... to... sleep!" Diana said, but the delivery guy's eyes began to bulge, and his skin began to bubble. His arm reached behind him at an impossible angle, and Diana was tossed into a shelf full of strange medical tech, sprawling on the ground among scalpels, needles and alien microchips. Oyuki was beginning to back off, protecting Jenna. "...Looks like we found their new security measure!" She remarked, gesturing for Jenna to leave.

Pizza guy turned into some kind of giant blob creature, reaching the ceiling, his clothes merging into the thing's goo-ish body. A vaguely deformed human face materialized where the thing's head should be. Its long, gangly limbs ended in vicious claws. Its voice was some tortured, inhuman noise, disturbing and alien yet so very human... like the thing was in terrible pain. "BLAHRHAHRAGH!"

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Déjà vu. (Nekrobear) Empty Re: Déjà vu. (Nekrobear)

Post by Quinn May 24th 2016, 11:27 pm

Jenna takes a couple of steps back, making sure at someone was between her and the blob at all times, fishing through her stuff as she looks for her pistol. "At least it's not a zombie snake, though maybe this is worse." Commenting as she pulls her weapon out, she empties the magazine into the blob, seeing that it was completely and totally useless.

She blinks twice before looking down at the pistol. "Well, this wasn't nearly as helpful as I thought it would be."

Jenna looks back up at the blob that is now starting to move towards them before she turns and just tosses the sword at Diana. With that taken care of, Jenna instantly turns in place and starts to run, leaving both of her friends behind to deal with the blob. Her voice floats out from the hallway she dashed into. "I'm not a hero!"
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Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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