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It still burns for you.

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It still burns for you. Empty It still burns for you.

Post by Entei September 29th 2015, 2:05 pm

“FUCK!” The demonic prince roared, bringing his hands high above his head. As he forced them down, rage filling his movements, around him blue fire erupted and exploded from cracks that ran deep in the ground.

He had found himself back in hell, the one place he could really let loose, and let his unfathomable power fly. He had no restraints here, no need to hold back, and no worry about hurting anyone. After all, who cared about a few demons who happened to get caught in the crossfire? More importantly, who was brave enough to lecture the prince? After a few short gasp, he let another fearsome roar escape from his chest, causing the flames on his tail, and his horns of fire, to explode outward, nearly covering his entire body in his cerulean fire.

In his right hand, he held the ring he had given Uzma. The promise that they would be together forever, the only thing in the world his fires could not harm. With a great sigh, he fell to his ass, burying his head in his knees. He missed her. Every single day, he missed her, so badly at times he would not even get out of bed, spending the entire day lounging around his penthouse. What was worse, was that even after all this time, his demonic senses could still pick up faint traces of her scent.

He had truly loved her, with every fiber of his being, and he couldn’t even remember why they had broken up. He rubbed at his forehead, remembering the exact spot where the ring had hit. With a sigh, he picked up his Kurikara blade, sheathing the blade, and extinguishing his flames.

Hours later, Michael stood inside of the ice cream shop where Uzma had worked. It wasn’t a hunch, he knew where she would be. As stalkerish as it seemed, it wasn’t hard for someone with his money and resources to keep track of someone's whereabouts, especially with a friend like Jeisen.

“Hey..” He started, stepping from behind a group of customers who were in line ahead of him. He was dressed very simply. Blue jeans, and a black tank top, with the name of Tyuki’s band written across it. A gift for her uncle, apparently.

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Quote : Entei
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It still burns for you. Empty Re: It still burns for you.

Post by Chellizard September 29th 2015, 2:22 pm

Waking up each and every morning to do the same routine had Uzma on a loop and downward spiral. She was losing parts of herself. The only thing keeping her on her toes was Tyuki or Bliss giving her something to do at least once a week. Rolling over on her bed, she looked at the empty spot next to her and sighed.

It had been a month. A solid month. The time had come for her to make some changes. Moping around was not for her! She was, of course, supposed to be an "independent black woman that don't need no man-" at least she lied to herself each and every day since she threw the ring at him.

Everything had happened so fast that even she was sure it was more her fault than his. Grumbling to herself she stood and peeled off her pajamas - an old tee shirt he had given to her. It still smelled like him. And she honestly refused to wash it. Yeah, that's gross, sue her.

Uzma looked at herself in the mirror of her small en-suite in the two bedroom apartment she had moved back into. Her roommate was glad to have her back, seeing as bills were now easily paid. Splashing her face with water, she offered herself a smile of encouragement.

"Today will be good. It will be better. I know it." patting her mocha skin dry, she turned to exit the room, her hand gently flicking the lights off as she made her way to work.


Standing behind of the counter, she was clad in her small shorts, button up striped shirt, big golden name tag, and an annoyed look on her face. Another snot nosed kid was putting his face all over the glass, staring at the ice cream while the mother of the child stood idly by and did nothing to stop him from spreading his germs.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but can you please remove your child from the glass? It clearly says 'do not lean on glass.'" Before Uzma could even begin to sound more sincere, the woman began to chew her out.

Uzma was about to raise her voice when she heard the familiar voice. Her eyes instantly flicked from the enraged mother to Michael. She let her eyes carve over him, taking him in.

"... Hi." she finally said, one of her coworkers stepping in like the champion that he was.

"Go. I got your shift." he said, knowing full well who the guy was, and what he meant to Uzma.

A faint smile crawled over her lips as she took off her name tag and walked around the counter. The furious mother had shut up by now, her attention crossing back and forth between the girl and boy who looked as if they had just experienced love at first sight.

-My DeviantArt-
It still burns for you. JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5018
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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It still burns for you. Empty Re: It still burns for you.

Post by Entei September 29th 2015, 2:30 pm

"Uhm.. so.." Michael said, running a hand through the right side of his mop of blue-black hair, revealing his pointed, almost elf like ears. His tail swayed behind him, something he had long tired of hiding, more than likely freaking out customers. But, at this moment, he didn't really care. His heart was beating a million miles a second, his tongue felt thick and dry, just like his throat. Gulping, he was nervously rubbing at the back of his neck.

"I uh.. I missed you.." He said finally, his blue eyes darting from her to a spot on the ground one could swear he found just so intriguing. "...A lot. Everything feels so empty without you. My bed, my home, even my heart.."

He coughed afterwords, a small blush crossing his face. He really didn't know what to say at this point, prince of hell or not, he was still the awkward seventeen year old boy who had just found out about his lineage whenever he was around her.

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Quote : Entei
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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 394
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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It still burns for you. Empty Re: It still burns for you.

Post by Chellizard September 29th 2015, 2:44 pm

She stood, quiet for a few moments with the whole ice cream parlor watching them. She had so many things she wanted to say, but she just did not know where to start. She could remember the past like it was literally yesterday. Michael had changed somehow, but right here - right now - he seemed like himself. So whatever had happened to him had clearly been fixed. Or maybe it was all a ruse? Maybe. She had no idea, and her own mind was racing so fast that her heart was barely keeping up.

She felt faint, and her knees buckled before she finally caught herself and snapped out of it.

"Took you long enough." she finally said, her bright emerald eyes locking onto his own gorgeous orbs.

She stepped forward as she spoke, giving him a punch right in the shoulder. She then opened her fist and laid it down on his shoulder, her other hand moving up to caress his cheek.

"There's so many things I want to say. But first I want to just go with..."

She cut herself off and let her eyes search his.

"I'm sorry." she finally said, her whole entire form - body and soul - gravitating toward him. Everyone else around of her was slowly fading out of existence. All that mattered right now was him.

She wanted to make today different, and she had. Finally.

-My DeviantArt-
It still burns for you. JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5018
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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It still burns for you. Empty Re: It still burns for you.

Post by Entei September 30th 2015, 2:38 pm

Michael's heart rate skyrocketed when Uzma came close to him, his cardiac rythm sounding more like a heavy metal drum solo than anything else. He gulped as her hand came into contact with his shoulder, what did he do here? Were they okay? Could he kiss her? Would that be too soon? He was confused, and it showed with the deepening blush across the young demon's face.

"Uzma.." He began, trying to find his words carefully. His hand moved to hers, moving it instead to his chest. "My heart.. it still beats so fast for you. Even when I think about you. I can't imagine a single day without you, please, come back to me. I love you, I always have and I always will."

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Quote : Entei
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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 394
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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It still burns for you. Empty Re: It still burns for you.

Post by Chellizard September 30th 2015, 11:11 pm

As Michael took her hand and laid it over his chest, she could feel the rhythm. It was rapid, and it never skipped a beat. He was being sincere. He was telling the truth. He did love her.

Uzma's whole body just felt like melting into his and she was finally brought back to reality when some kid shouted.

'Ew get a room!'

The ice cream parlor slowly faded back into view, but Michael was at the epicenter. Smiling, she leaned up on her toes and pressed a gentle, loving kiss upon his lips.

"I missed you too. My bed has never been more empty, and neither has my heart." The sappyness leaked from within her very core and she was just so happy at this moment.

"I quit." she said, looking back at her coworker, who happened to be a manager.

"Nah, you're fired." Offering Uzma a thumbs up, he gave her a smile.

Chuckling, Uzma slid her hand into Michael's and her fingers fit so perfectly into his.

"Wanna get outta here? I have a feeling we still need to have a good conversation." She said, leading him toward the door.

-My DeviantArt-
It still burns for you. JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5018
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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It still burns for you. Empty Re: It still burns for you.

Post by Entei October 2nd 2015, 12:38 am

"Uhm, yes. Let's.. let's do that." Michael said, his fingers interlocking with hers, his heart skipping a beat or six, his face transfixed into a near permanent smile. He led her outside, his hand squeezing hers tightly, missing the feel of it. As he walked down the street, with her in tow, he slowly and slowly lost hold of all the anger he had welling inside his chest his path month.

"So.." He started, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "You've always been better at starting these conversations I'm kind of... stupid."

He used the describer for lack of a better word. While he wasn't a moron, her certainly wasn't as smart as Uzma, or Jeisen were, and that was just fact.

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Quote : Entei
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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 394
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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It still burns for you. Empty Re: It still burns for you.

Post by Chellizard October 11th 2015, 12:48 am

The majority of their walk was silent as Uzma walked with him, forcing the crowd on the sidewalk to part to make room for the biracial couple to walk by. She had not a care in the world. It was 2020, afterall. All of that had gone done of the drain - the controversy, anyway.

Once the crowd started to thin, and they were a couple blocks away from the majority of foot traffic, Uzma finally spoke.

"Where were you? And why was it that... the last I heard of you, Jeisen said you had gone rogue..." she muttered, looking up at him with sorrow in her eyes now. She was pained to think of Michael like that. A rogue hero out to do... whatever he wanted, frankly. Which made him not a hero... not at all.

She knew he had a good heart, so she was going to give him a chance to explain. But, those weeks ago when she flung the ring at him...

She was angry. She was beyond angry. She was just pissed off beyond belief.

Sighing, she searched his face for answers as they rounded another corner. The stoop of her building was within her sight, and she was ready to sit down with him and talk once they reached it. Her street was almost empty, and that was one part she enjoyed about living within walking distance of that ice cream shoppe.

-My DeviantArt-
It still burns for you. JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5018
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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It still burns for you. Empty Re: It still burns for you.

Post by Entei October 11th 2015, 5:30 pm

"Well uh, to be honest, I don't really remember.." Michael said, scratching at the back of his head slowly, his palm messing his hair up even more than usual. "There was something with a collar, and some guys in suits, and like.. I dunno. I guess I fought Jeisen, but I don't even remember it."

It was true, the last months of Michael's life were a blur to him. There were small sections he remembered, but, they were more of a blurred picture than anything else, no real clarity to them. With a sigh, he leaned against her building, sticking his hands in his pockets, his deep blue eyes locking onto hers.

"I am a demon, you have to remember that. Sometimes I lose control, it's going to happen. I haven't had hundreds of years to learn to control it like my sister, my powers are still growing, and so is the demonic influence."

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Quote : Entei
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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 394
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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It still burns for you. Empty Re: It still burns for you.

Post by Chellizard October 15th 2015, 4:50 am

She let go of his hand and turned away from him when he mentioned his powers were still growing. She wanted so badly to just flip her shit. She truly had missed him, but really? Seriously? Of all the excuses...

"I could have HELPED you, Michael." she finally said, tears evident in her eyes, and the slight waver in her voice supported them. She turned back to face him, bu sunk down to sit on the stairs leading up to her townhouse.

The old brick stairs were worn with weather, but still looked lovely and vintage. She looked picture perfect, despite the sorrowful expression on her face. Her shoulders slumped forward as a single sob raced through her entire being, making her buckle over. Her knees pressed into her chest and the tears came heavier now. She could feel her mascara running over her beautiful brown skin.

Soon she was just a mess of tears. She hiccuped through her tears and looked at him. The watery gaze pleaded for his affection.

"You know I could have helped you..." she whimpered, her lips trembling with the utter sadness she felt for him. She just wished she could go back and force herself into his situation. She knew part of her could have helped him in those moments of sheer weakness of willpower. She just felt so horrible and hated herself for giving up on him so easily.

"I shoulda never walked away from you. Not when you needed me the most. Not when..."

She cut herself off.

"Not when I needed you the most..." her voice cracked as she said the last bit, her heart thumping rapidly in her chest. She started to hyperventilate. As she did, her skin threatened to become stark white. Her body was not accustomed to panic attacks this severe. She was about to ascend in front of people.

-My DeviantArt-
It still burns for you. JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5018
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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It still burns for you. Empty Re: It still burns for you.

Post by Entei October 15th 2015, 10:21 pm

"Hey.." Michael said, his voice soft, compassionate, full of empathy. His Cerulean eyes followed Uzma, his body mimicking her movements without him even really noticing. He wrapped his arm around her neck, pulling her close to him. His lips caressed her forehead, kissing it softly, the soft fur of his tail rubbing against her back.

He could hear everything. The beating of her heart, the way the breath caught in her chest, everything. He let out an empathetic sigh as he leaned his forehead against hers, letting her feel the warmth of his skin against hers.

"I'm always here for you, I always have been, and I always will be." He reached into his pocket, pulling out the golden ring he had made for her, and holding it up for her in his palm. "I want to continue to be there, and make everything okay."

Michael gave her a smile, a large one, the first one had had in a long time. Around her, he was comfortable, he felt safe. No matter where he was in this world, this woman was his home, and he knew that.

"If you'll have me, I'd like you to agree to marry me again, Uzma."

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Quote : Entei
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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 394
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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It still burns for you. Empty Re: It still burns for you.

Post by Chellizard October 18th 2015, 8:49 pm

She whimpered and held her hand out. "I.. don't even remember why I threw it at you now..." She sighed, calming herself down as she allowed him to put the ring back onto her left hand. She sniffled a bit more and stood up, latching her arms around of his neck.

"I'm still sorry," she added, giving him a kiss. Her attention was pulled away for a moment, however.

Sirens wailed down the street heading back toward the ice cream shoppe they had come from. Across from the ice cream parlor was a designer store with jewelry - expensive jewelry. Someone could have broken in there!

She looked him in the eye and let him go.

Without a word, she glanced from side to side, and then ascended right in front of him.

"I can't give up on my true purpose, Michael. Will you join me?" she asked, her alien form now standing in front of him. Well, hovering. Her feet did not touch the ground. She had mastered changing the cells of her clothes as well, so now she could transform wearing everything she had on if she had to.

Being the Aegis of Earth had it's perks - the power set and all that, but her free time was mostly filled with saving people and taking down bad guys.

She hoped Michael would join her.

-My DeviantArt-
It still burns for you. JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5018
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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It still burns for you. Empty Re: It still burns for you.

Post by Entei October 21st 2015, 4:31 pm

Michael smiled lightly as the ring fit snugly back onto her finger, he had always been rather proud he had made the ring the correct size. He heard the sirens before she had, and mentally sighed. He supposed the two of them really didn't have the luxury of having the typical reunion, despite how much he was hoping crime would wait at least a few hours.

"Well, I suppose it's a good thing I hired that secretary." Michael said, pulling his cell phone from his pocket. He dialed a few numbers before relocking the screen and sliding it back in. After a few seconds, his sword, The Kurikara blade, appeared before him, and he deftly caught it in the air. "I've had a few changes, try not to be too shocked."

With a flick of his wrist, years of swordsmenship helped him to expertly release the blade from it's enchanted wooden prison. Cerulean flames danced along the blade's length, instantly spreading their enchanting light to their master.

His iris's instantly died their light blood red, along with the canines of his mouth enlarging into their fang like nature. His already pointed ears grew in length, become lithe and elf like. Flames ignited from the blue hair on his tail, and his two horns of fire returned atop his head. From his back, flames exploded outward, forming his skeletal, torn and demonic wings.

"Well." He said, cracking his neck, sliding the sheath of his sword through the loop of his jeans. "Shall we?"

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Quote : Entei
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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 394
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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It still burns for you. Empty Re: It still burns for you.

Post by Chellizard November 8th 2015, 11:35 am

Uzma grinned as she witnessed Michael's transformation into his more well-known form, Entei. She had not yet been given a name, but the SHERPA Comics look-a-like to her, Starlight, was actually giving her a good reputation. Uzma's antics were first thought to be a copycat vigilante trying to replicate the character from the books, but now it was noticed that this stark white figure was indeed real.

She had saved more people than she could count now, and she was proud of it. It was time to save some more.

"Need a lift?" she asked, offering him her hand. If he accepted, she would form a bubble around of him, making him hover next to her as she flew toward the sirens. If he denied, she would fly overhead.


At the scene, there were five men, all dressed the exact same way. But realistically, it was one man with the ability to replicate himself. There was one outlier to all of this, however. Another figure dressed in a cloak from head to toe. The cloaked figure looked to be the ring leader of the five copies.

Uzma arrived and floated up behind of the police barrier. The men were cornered, but they had taken hostages. Uzma glanced for Michael, calling out his hero moniker.

"Entei!" She looked for him to figure out what move they should make first.

-My DeviantArt-
It still burns for you. JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5018
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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It still burns for you. Empty Re: It still burns for you.

Post by Entei June 6th 2016, 11:10 pm

Entei smiled at the now alien form of his girlfriend, a crooked smile with a single sharpened canine showing over his lower lip. The skeletal flaming wings on his back stretched out, before flapping once, like a phantom muscle working it's way back to relevance. A small gust of wind showered the ground at his feet, warm and quick, created by the sudden exertion of force from his new demonic power.

"I don't need a lift, no." Entei said, still taking the girl's hand. "This is just because I enjoy it."

As she hovered, his wings would slowly flap, creating pockets of wind underneath them for the demon prince to hover with alongside her. It had been a long time since he had played the hero, and it was something he sorely needed to get back into doing. After all, if the son of Satan couldn't be a hero, who could right?


Unlike his graceful and gentle girlfriend, Entei preferred a more... flashy and obnoxious approach to heroics. As they reached the scene, he released her hands and willed his demonic wings to return to fire, before disappearing in a could of cerulean sparks behind him. As he fell, the wind rippling the loose clothing he had worn, the fires of Ghenna surrounded him. The only thing the five men would see as they looked up was a demonic meteor of death and destruction hurtling right towards them.

He landed hard, the ground cracking beneath him but his demonic heritage preventing the boy from taking any real damage. As he crouched there in a three point landing, he slowly rose to his feet, flames whisping from his body in quick and numerous clouds. He cracked his neck as he glowing blue eyes locked onto the group of men, the same crooked smile from earlier, albeit more evil and menacing, present on his face.

"Only five Starlight? Wait.."

Although Entei wasn't the smartest, and his sense of intuition and perception weren't the greatest, his sense were ironically heightened to beyond super human. His nose wrinkled and contorted as he sniffed the air surrounding them. His smile turned to a disappointed frown very quickly. Here he was hoping for a simple beat down, before getting back to making up with the love his life. But no, life was never that easy for the demon prince.

"They all have the same smell, great."

With a flick of his wrist, the blades of his sword glowed molten blue, before he sunk it into the ground. Blue flames rose on his arms, and he stared the man down.

"Well, this is your city hun, after you."

Quick Draw
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : Entei
Quick Draw

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 394
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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It still burns for you. Empty Re: It still burns for you.

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