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The Bigger They Are....

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The Bigger They Are.... Empty The Bigger They Are....

Post by Ace May 5th 2012, 11:17 pm

"You want to be a part of it, New York, New York!!" Ace sung as he walked through the streets, getting odd looks from people around, he didn't care, its been the first time in ages since he's been to new york and nothing has happened. Its usually, recruit this or stop the city from being destroyed that, but not today. Finally time to kick back and relax. Ace stopped at a hot dog stand to buy a hot dog and headed towards central park. Ace never really got to do the touristy things when he lived here because he wasn't a tourist. But now that he was, he was going to do all those things. Ace sat on a bench in central park eating his hot dog when he happened two hear two young men conversing about something, they were wearing thirst that had the sleeves ripped off and their hair was bent at gravity defying angles, not that Ace could say much. "Hey Hart, did you hear about the big match today?" Said the one with a red shirt and dirty blonde hair.
"No, whats going on?" asked Hart
"The Big Man is challenging any challengers to a fight down at the Joint!"
"Woah, Seriously? We should get down there and beat him!"
"Man, thats stupid, we wouldn't stand a chance."
"Whatdaya mean? We'd own his sorry ass, Hell, I alone could beat him."
"Tell you what, I'l give you a hundred bucks if you beat him"
"Deal, This'll be easy, real easy" Hart smirked triumphantly and started off towards "The Joint". Ace thought to himself *Come on Ace, you don't need to do this, do all the touristy stuff you're going to do* Ace thought, "Bugger it" Ace said to himself as he carried on after the two men.

After a good half an hour of walking they came to a large warehouse, from the outside it looked completely normal, like any warehouse in New York, but inside there was a large ring with floodlights lighting it. Blood stains decorated the floor of the ring like a abstract art. In the middle of the ring stood a large figure, hands in the air triumphantly as a man slay convulsing on the ground. Ace took a seat to watch this man before he stepped up to the plate. Hart entered the ring and an extravagant man came on the microphone "And we have a new challenger, a home grown New Yorker, please welcome to the ring HART ASPHALT!!!" There were a couple of claps and a whoop from the man with the dirty blonde hair before the man stared talking again "And our reining champion, The beast of New York, THE BIG MAN!!!!" the crowd erupted in a huge tidal wave of whoops, whistles and claps. The bell rang and the crowd fell silent, Hart took one step towards the Big Man. The Big Man smiled before smacking Hart down, he started spewing blood even before he hit the ground, The bell rang and the crowd erupted again and Ace started making his way down to the arena, slight smirk sneaking across his face.

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The Bigger They Are.... Empty Re: The Bigger They Are....

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 5th 2012, 11:35 pm

It wad calm in Central park. He had come up here to New York because there had been trouble, really big trouble latley and he was going to settle it all. He latex in a tree and heard two guys talking about a tournament. About time he cought a lead, go to the fights and find the high rollers, it is what he always said to himself. He leaped out of the tree and followed one person behind them all the way to the arena. He thought if he wins the match they would try to jump him at the end. He would then catch them and question them. It seemed pretty far, just so no suspicion was aroused he decided to run into an ally and jump up onto the roof of a building. He went and in the same sudden when he went out of site his power cloaked the bottom of his feet and when he jumped his power expanded sending him flying onto the top of the building. He hurried and cought up before they left him behind. He seen them walking and proceeded jumping building to building.

As he walked behind them the guy he was right behind followed the two other guys into a wear house. Hmm he must of over heard them too. Well I'll let them fight it out before going up and kicking his butt he thought to himself. He went over and leaned on the wall near the door. Atleast this place was properly set up with proper equipment. This might not be what he needed for it seemed like an organized event, but he was not just going to let it slide and him give up. He immediatly sprung up when the guy he followed was smightened down so easily. He was about to walk up and settle this until another guy had already made his way up quicker than he responded. He just decided to sit and wait until he was able to get up on stage as quick as possible if needed. Hurry and go down dammit so I can finish up here!

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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The Bigger They Are.... Empty Re: The Bigger They Are....

Post by The Perfect Sandwich September 1st 2012, 6:24 pm

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Reason: Time span ended.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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