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A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!)

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A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Empty A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!)

Post by Blink May 9th 2012, 6:13 pm

Katie sighed as she sat in the lecture hall, taking a short break from taking notes. Man, this is boring. And in fact, it was. Nothing interesting had happened all day, and she didn't do anything cool in any of her other classes. Nothing fun even happened in between them, no petty little thieves, no gang violence, nothing that could give her the chance of having a little bit of fun had happened, and it was already later in the evening. Today was just like any other average boring day. After a few minutes, the professor dismissed the class. Katie grabbed her stuff, shoved it in a pocket of her backpack, and left the lecture hall.

Slowly climbing down the stairs at the front of the building, she turned onto the sidewalk and started making her way back to her apartment, she had a new weapon she was working on that she wanted to finish today. She walked on for a ways and passed into the 'not-so-pretty' side of town where her apartment was; prices were cheaper there and she knew she'd be safer in these streets than an average human would be so she didn't care. Walking along, she hummed a tune to herself until she approached a side street that caught the attention of her senses. She slowly peered around the corner to see a dark, empty street, but her keener-than-average ears heard voices, and she could tell that there was someone, or something further down. Looking around to make sure nobody was nearby, she zoomed down the dark street and stopped near the other end, a tall brick wall standing where the road would have continued. Hearing the voices to her right now, she turned her head to notice that the road continued on in that direction. Quickly hiding behind the corner, she peered around it to see shadowy movement farther down. Deciding to investigate further, she quickly pulled her outfit out of her bag, changed into it, and continued on, following whatever this happened to be deeper into the maze of New York alleys.

( Sorry if this is short, I'm bad at thinking of starters :/ )

A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Blink_10

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A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Empty Re: A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!)

Post by Troglodyte May 11th 2012, 8:17 am

The Blueblooded gentleman thief was paced back and forth, an annoyed expression on his face as he watched his gang of miserable thugs through his monocle, his eye squinting slightly, His cape fluttering behind him in a quite villanous manner. Gentleman did not quite fit into the enviroment he was currently in, his anachronistic, yet expensive-looking suit standing out like a crocodile at the hound-pound and his monocle and top-hat looking even more ridiculous. In short, most people that stumbled across his path would assume that he had gotten lost on the way to a costume-party. The five thugs where all the sort of street toughs you generally found in this part of town, shaven heads, scarred faces and bandanas, but there was one thing that set them apart from other thugs. They where all wearing expensive, almost identical suits, wich was very ill-suited to them.

"Gentleman, I am vexed with your abysmal performance! Yes, 'vexed' is just the right expression!" The gentleman said eloquently as he paced back and forth, his voice sounding more tired than actually angry, nevertheless it was enough to cause his assembled minions to sweat bullets.

"It ain't our fault, boss, the police. . . !" The biggest of the thugs started, and even though he was close to 6'6 feet tall, and probably weighed around 300 pounds of muscle and looked as if he would burst out of his suit if he moved too quickly, there was quite a bit of nervousness in his voice. However, before he cound finnish the sentance, the Gentleman interrupted him "Pah! Flimshaw! Boulderdash" he cursed out loud

"The police? I'm not talking about the robbery, although you bungling dunderheads managed to fail miserably at that too. I was refering to your lack of vocabulary, your lack of style! We have been over this already! And by the way, Mugsy, we don't say "Ain't", It is not a proper word!" The Blueblooded gentleman said, following it up with a sigh.

"I go through the trouble of choosing you your gang, pulling it up from the gutter, utilizing my superior intellect to provide position of prominance to you peabrained apes, and you won't even listen to me? I take it upon myself to raise you above your crude lives, introduce you to culture and the ways of your betters, even increasing your vocabulary, but you won't even listen to me!?" The gentleman continued as he walked back and forth in front of his entourage.

He sighed heavily and stopped in front of the biggest man who had tried to speak up earlier, looked him over from to p to toe. as he did his best to decide what to do with him. "Alright, Mugsy. How about trying to say whatever it was that you wanted to say earlier, using proper words?" the gentleman said, his melodic voice as smooth as silk and as poisonous as a cobra.

"Uh, yeah, uh, like. . . Ahem. We can hardly be blamed for our failure, sir. The rotten police arrived and interrupted our robbery." The big thug tried again, the cogs behind his heavily scarred foreheads seemingly spinning furiously to placate his angrily pacing boss

However, it was at that time that the gentleman stopped. He knew he was not alone. He had heard someone moving about nearby ever so faintly, and even though there was a possibility that it was nothing but a cat or something equally innocent, he was far from convinced. "Gentlemen, I think we have ourselves a little inteloper and whatnot." he said, his eerily calm voice, dripping with menace and sheer villany
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A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Empty Re: A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!)

Post by Ironic.Reality May 11th 2012, 10:51 am

Breeze flowing through his cloth mask as he sits atop the roofs, he watch's as the thugs pace back and forth arguing. Terric wasn't one to enter and take charge, he gathered information and decides what to do before hand. He is more of a tactical person, but can take deadly accurate actions if necessary. He had heard them talking about police and from their tones they were frantically deciding on what to do. Seemed as if they were getting ready for a fight. As Val slightly tugged on the elbow of his shirt, which could only mean someone else was near that he had not seen already. "Damn this one must be keen on quietness" he thought. As he quickly scanned the area looking for the person Val, his hound, had sensed before. Terric then motioned for val to go take cover just in case things got a bit dangerous. So she leaped across the back building with such elegance and landed precisely on the other side of building, a 15 feet gap, and didn't even make the slightest sound.He moved to a darker area along the roof top to where he could be less seen even though he could blend in with ease due to his smoke abilities which he did not need to use at the moment. "With all these cars its hard to listen in" he thought . This is why he preferred the jungle seen much easier to move around from limb to limb but since his days with Chelle Takeiro-DiMartino, he had learned to adapt to the "City scenery" He had decided to wait for the men below to make their move first before he made his.

It was quite boring waiting on someone to make the first move. Back in the forest it was much easier to predict a animals movement but, humans are the total opposite. He was here for the weapons though, he was looking to find one of his former pal's, Iridium, -he had a factory in this area- so he could gather his new arrows he had requested a while back. He figured helping himself to a little action would be a little interesting. Even though he preferred the quietness and not getting involved with too many people. He knew getting himself a name could get himself known in these parts of the world though, then possibly his brother would come out from the shadows with the word of a strange smokey figure who spewed fire at his will would get around. And he would finally get his vengeance. Terric sighed at the thought that his brother would kill his whole families blood line, but he forgot to kill the most important, Terric. So this would have to do for now.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 73
Location : Orlando, Fl
Age : 34
Job : Slacker, Inc.
Humor : [21:55:17] * Chellizard just, cannot deal with the stupidity cluttering this cbox.
Registration date : 2011-03-13

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A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Empty Re: A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!)

Post by Chellizard May 11th 2012, 12:03 pm

"Why on earth would we even be discussing this?" she asked, loudly from the back seat of a taxi. She was on her way to the 'slums' in search of an old thrift store. A slim cellular phone was perched against the side of her head, and she was attempting to change into something less expensive to hinder any thugs from attempting to jump her. She could always use her wings to ward off attention, but she would surely get attention from someone. So, instead of her designer dress, necklaces, jewelry, and the like, she settled on jeans, converse, and a corset. She felt odd in the clothing, but she would fit in so much better around of these parts. She pulled her hair up into a pony tail, dropping the phone into her lap.

She was arguing with her brother, Nate, about borrowing more money. It was high-time he got a job, and she was sick of supporting him. She was having a hard time as it was. The IRS would be down her throat, even if she was a sort of Ghost when it came to her existence. Hell, there was probably not even a shred of proof that she was even alive. "No, Nathaniel. We're finished talking," she said, snippy, while snapping the phone closed. That boy annoyed her to hell and back. And Hell wasn't even that bad!

Turning her attention from that, she spotted a little thrift store, but decided against it and had the cab driver let her out here. She had stashed her more 'fancy' clothes into a silk bag and that bag was tucked into a very disguised backpack. It was beaten up, and looked invaluable. She pulled the one necklace she never took off forward and let it drape around of her neck, relaxing against her upper chest. She smiled down at it and thought about Terric and Val. Two very special people. Well, one person, the other a dog.. but one helluva dog. Chelle sighed and looked away from the necklace before a faint glow caught her eye. She looked back at the necklace and furrowed her brows together. 'Val?" she whispered beneath her breath, letting the necklace go to land against her flesh.

Chelle then began to walk forward, all thoughts of the thrift store, and the old chandelier she had found online completely out of her mind. She kept glancing at the necklace, noticing the glow get brighter as she moved. She started up the ladder of a fire escape and brought herself farther up. The glow was intensifying with each step she took. Finally, she reached the roof of the building. Ironically, it was the same thrift store she wanted to browse. She looked around and then just spoke, ever so softly, "Val, ph' dos ghil?" (Drow: Val, are you here?) Thinking all hope was lost, she heard a soft, sweet whine. She grinned and quickly moved across the roof, toward Val. Her eyes were wet with tears of joy while she knelt down and scratched around of Val's ear's and under her chin.

Val whined once more. She laid down and covered her nose with her paw. It was a sign. It was as if she said 'be quiet.' Chelle then understood. Terric wouldn't make Val wait alone, not unless there was danger brewing. Chelle's wings then spread behind of her, the hilt of her blade strapped to her left wing. The blade's hilt was beautiful and glinted in the soft setting sun. Night was upon them. Terric had to be nearby. She looked around, and even across them. It was too dark now. He was well hidden. She flew from the roof with Val to the one just across from them and whispered, but loud enough so that Terric could possibly hear. "Terric..?" She had no other care in the world, even if danger was brewing. He was back. It was a miracle.

-My DeviantArt-
A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Empty Re: A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!)

Post by Spring-Heeled Jack May 11th 2012, 7:38 pm

The hissing of compressing pistons and the whir of spinning mechanisms accompanied the crunch of gravel and scratch against metal as Springheel made his way across the rooftops. The symphony of the barely audible had a police siren harmony, one that whined in the background, the Doppler Effect making it difficult to tell just where they were in the way off space. "bah bah bah, bababadah, bah bah bah, bababadah, I'm walkin' on suunshiiiinee hey'eh! And don't it feel GOOD!?" The slightly off kilter bank robber muttered to himself with an abject glee that was probably inappropriate for a man who had just committed several felonies. What could he do? Crime was really the only thing he was feasibly able to do these days anyone, with his record. Besides, he was damned good at it. The young villain swung the large bags of cash in each hand in a jaunty manner as he skipped from rooftop to rooftop. "Uh-" was all he could get out.

Too caught up in his own antics he hadn't put enough force into his leap, and was plummeting towards the ground below with a startling velocity. He flailed for a moment at the surprise, and the realized he feel from higher than this on a regular basis, and just made sure to position his feet beneath his center of gravity. Veins spread through the pavement as his metal boots slapped into it "-oh." he finished. "Heh," he mumbled to himself impressed with his own reflexes "like a fugin' cat". He looked around, to and fro, for the sacks of cash that had slipped from his gasp when he landed it in the alleyway. He grasped at one, finding it quickly, then looked around frantically for the other. He went over to pick it up, satisfied with his retrieval skills, and unawares of his failure at observation. While counting his loot to make sure it was intact, he noticed the form of a rather sharply, and oddly, dressed man not five feet away. "Oh...missed you there." He said in an amicable tone "How's it hangin Dapper Dan?" He tossed the bags of cash over his shoulder with one hand, offering the other in a friendly wave. He noticed the goons behind this new guy. He was pretty sure he knew what was going on.
Spring-Heeled Jack
Spring-Heeled Jack

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Registration date : 2012-05-09

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A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Empty Re: A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!)

Post by Blink May 12th 2012, 9:54 pm

Katie approached another corner of the street and hid around the building, seeing that the group she had been following after was over on the other side. Her suspicions were confirmed when she heard them talk of robbery, and she knew then that it was a good idea to check this whole thing out. She was just about to step out to interfere -she wasn't the type to just sit around and wait for things to happen- but then she heard the conversation change, and what seemed to be the leader of the group pointed out that they were not alone. She gulped; they'd heard her? Now she didn't have the element of surprise. She paused for a moment, considering what she should do. Should she just run out and confront them? No, it would give away her exact position. And running away was definitely not something she wanted to do.

Just then, she heard a crash from the other side of the building, and peeked around to see a new person there. 'He wasn't there a minute ago...Wait. Does that mean he's the person they were talking about..? Maybe they don't know I'm here yet.' Deciding to wait a bit to see where things go between these people, she ducked down low and hid as best she could, hoping nobody saw her yet or knew where she was. However just to be safe, she made sure that she had her blades were with her, and she slid her goggles down over her eyes. 'This might take a while, good thing I don't have any homework due tomorrow.'

A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Blink_10

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Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2012-04-29

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A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Empty Re: A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!)

Post by Troglodyte May 13th 2012, 5:07 am

The Blueblooded gentleman thief was somewhat surprised to see a masked individual literally dropped in on his little meeting out of nowhere. He immediately (and incorrectly) figured that the sounds he had heard earlier where his doing somehow. The odds of having two visitors at the same night at the very same time was well. . . astronomical. As the stranger made his rather amiable greeting, Gentlemans expression showed that he was not at all amused by these pleasantries

"Dapper Dan? Really." The gentlema said dryly, his voice filled with displeasure and contempt. He squinted disdainfully at the newcommer through his monocle. He raised an eyebrow quizzically, as he turned slowly to fully face the man. He then sighed theatrically and shook his head slightly at the rather ostentatious suit the man wore. Another costumed nutter mucking about in the night causing trouble and mischief. In a way he was surprised that people did not have anything better to do.

However, the gentleman was slightly conflicted about how to proceed with this man. On one hand, he wore a costume and that usually indicated some sort of superhuman ability or extreme skills in some area or other. He had tangled with superhumans before, and even though he often came out on top, he had tangled with a few that where too powerfull for the likes of him to even hope to defeat. The bags of cash over his shoulder indicated that he was indeed some sort of a bank-robber, thus making him a potential competitor on the whole 'Crime spree market'. Even though the Gentleman rarely got engaged in fights with strange costumed individual, the big sack containing presumably large quantities of money was something of an incentive. Of course in all fairness, it might not be a bag containing money at all, it might be filled with potatoes or bus-tickets, but usually when a masked individual leaps across the rooftops carrying bags over their shoulders, its usually money.

"I don't think we have been introduced. I am the Blueblooded Gentleman Thief, and these are my gentlemen-in-training." The Gentleman said in a rather grandiose, theatrical waving a hand dismissively behind his back to indicate the thugs in fancy suits, currently picking out stillettos baseball-bats out of their coats. "You may refer to me as 'sir' for a less. . . Syllable-intensive workout." he continued in the same tone, an arrogant smirk appearing on his face.

"Those bags of yours look awfully heavy. I'd be happy to lighten your load a little." He continued after a brief pause, the smirk on his face turning into a full-blown smile. A smile that oozed with greed and conciet. He had already counted the odds. They where in his neighborhood now, and he had five of his guys with him. He could have fifteen more here in a minute and even though the man in the mask might be a super, he had probably tangled with worse before.
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A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Empty Re: A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!)

Post by Ironic.Reality May 13th 2012, 11:54 am

Among all the noises of the night one stood out from the rest, a faint whimper from Val, then it vanished as quick as he heard it. He knew something was up because she would not break her silence he had trained her too well in the art of stealth. Sometimes he couldn't even hear her sneak up upon him but, he loved it. Onto the main fact the only reason Val would break silence could only mean one thing.. "Chelle..?' He thought. He shook his head back and forth for a second then came to realize he had heard a feint whisper of his native tongue "Val, ph' dos ghil?" (meaning-Are you there, Val-) He then turned about at a 90 degree angle swiveling on his heels. Then he saw a glint of a blade coming towards him. Then he heard his name from a quiet soft voice of a woman. It was her, Chelle Takeiro-DiMartino or Chelle as he knew her by. He quickly moved towards her and reached for her hand and went to kiss it, as he looked into her auburn hues. He had then moved his first finger up towards his mouth motioning for her to keep quiet, then he crouched to the ground of the rooftop and used his index finger to make small smoke gestures which formed words but only in Drow, his native tongue since he only knew how to speak english not write it yet. The words said "Gaer zhah natha situation aluin pholor harl lu' im scouting ol doeb." (meaning-There is a situation going on below and im scouting it out.-)

As soon as he finished writing this sentence a loud thud came from below, it sounded like metal against pavement. Terric then quickly but making sure he was still hidden looked over the edge to see what new was happening. There was a new figure, a man with two large sacks. He didn't know if this man was with the others or not but he had still decided to watch closely and observe what the men were going to do next. Terric then let in a deep breathe through his nose, that smell of fragrance was so elegant. A smile then came to his face beneath his cloth mask, he was very happy that the woman he had loved was back in the picture. "I have to tell this woman she cannot leave my side ever again but, this will come much later." he said in the back of his mind.

One thing he thought back to a bit earlier was that the man was startled way before this new figure appeared with his noisy introduction. He knew there was another one nearby because this new person was not keen on the "quiet type". He had better keep his eyes and ears open to any newcomers.

A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Pbucket
A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) SWh2eA Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) AYKvgA Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) 5f9qpA Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) 6CtUK

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 73
Location : Orlando, Fl
Age : 34
Job : Slacker, Inc.
Humor : [21:55:17] * Chellizard just, cannot deal with the stupidity cluttering this cbox.
Registration date : 2011-03-13

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A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Empty Re: A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!)

Post by Chellizard May 13th 2012, 12:18 pm

Seeing Terric and a finger over his lips made her instantly quiet down. She knelt down next to him and let her wings fold behind of her back, acting as an anchor to keep her from falling over the edge of the building. She shuffled back slightly and one of her wings arched to hide her at the sight of a newer addition to this odd meeting that Terric had been spying on. A man with loud, very noticeable foot falls. Chelle furrowed her brows in an annoyed manner. The necklace finally settled down, the spirit link between herself and Val reconnected for the time being. Chelle smiled to herself and silently drew her blade. Her wings ruffled in annoyance. She wanted to jump down there and cause a ruckus, but she chose not to. Using her keen sense of hearing, she eavesdropped and noticed Terric writing in Drow. She nodded and would write back if she could, but she had no way to actually reply other than give him a glance in the nearly inky night. She somewhat wanted to whisk Terric away and ask him where he had been for all this time, but she chose against it. They were going to stop some trouble from brewing tonight; even if she did bat for their team.. but Terric did not need to know that. No one needed to know that. "The Blueblooded Gentleman Thief, eh?" she thought to herself, racking her brain for anything she had heard about him. And, with a bit of struggle.. she found nothing. He was new on the streets of New York. Maybe that was a good thing.

-My DeviantArt-
A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Empty Re: A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!)

Post by Spring-Heeled Jack May 13th 2012, 8:52 pm

Springheel redistributed the bags in his hand so that now there was one in each. "Hu, oh yeah?" He said without an ounce of maliciousness. He looked at the The Blue Blooded Gentleman Theif. Damn, that was a mouthful. "Well that's such a kind gesture. And awfully gracious of you. But you know what? I got a better idea. I think I'll keep my money. How's that sound?" There wasn't an ounce of sarcasm in his voice, everything he said was with the utmost sincerity, and a tinge of amusement. He counted the thugs under his breath, but made sure his utterances were audible to this new contender. "One, two, three...-oh, yeah. Those are pretty good odds Gent. But seeing as how I'm such a sweetheart and these poor guys probably don't have dental, I'm not gonna kick their teeth in. He continued, heavily implying the fight would be in his favor.

Springheel, in one bound, hoped back quite a ways never turning his back to Gent or his goons. He wanted to get some distance. He looked at the men, surrounded around the aristocratic little fop. He chuckled to himself and got a devilish idea. It had over taken him in an instant and he was quite pleased with himself. He noticed the way the men looked at their 'boss'. The dimness of their eyes and defiant body language told him all he needed to know. "Okay. You know what? I'm going to be an even nicer guy than usual. The guy who brings me Gent's here molars? He gets alla dis." He jerked out the bag of cash suggestively. "Come on boys, don't you wanna see what color his blood really is?"
Spring-Heeled Jack
Spring-Heeled Jack

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A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Empty Re: A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!)

Post by Blink May 14th 2012, 10:36 am

Katie quickly realized that this situation was probably going to end up in a fight. Noting the fact that the two parties were seemingly against each other, and that neither of them were up to much good, she decided to just stick around and wait a while, see how things go between them. And once one of them takes care of the other she'd be there to take them down too. Perfect plan. 'Jeez, I'm such a genius sometimes.' she boasted to herself inwardly, turning around to assess her surroundings. If this fight really got going, things might spread out more and she could be spotted, which would totally screw with her plan. Getting a short running start, she jumped up onto the wall of the building across from her, pushing off of it and bouncing backwards, landing on top of the building that was on the corner.

After landing on the other building, she walked over to the edge to look down and see if anyone saw or heard anything, but she quickly sensed that she wasn't alone up there. Turning to the side, she saw two other figures watching the situation occurring below. 'Sheesh, more people I don't know?' she thought as she approached them slowly, holding her hands up innocently to show she wasn't trying to attack them. As she got close enough (but still keeping a safe distance away) she whispered to them in a barely audible voice "Hey. You guys know any of them or what's going on down there?"

A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Blink_10

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A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Empty Re: A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!)

Post by Troglodyte May 14th 2012, 6:24 pm

Gentleman nodded politely and gave a radiant smile as the man thanked him for him for his 'kind' offer. "Oh, think nothing of it, old bean. After all, good manners and good breeding is all that separates us from the beasts in the forest, don't you agree, sir?" he said poshly, his somewha deep, pleasant-sounding voice, posh intonation and theatrical manner speech sounding far more befitting an actor in an old, stuffy rendition of a shakespearian play rather than the leader of a vicious, yet oddly-dressed street gang.

Without changing much, his plesant smile gradually grew more sinister as the newcommer asked what he thought about not getting the money. To be entierly fair, Gentleman had not really expected the masked man to give it up without a good fght, but he had hoped that this would not be nessecary. Still, he was quite convinced that he would indeed win. "Oh, come now, dear fellow, be reasonable. we both know it will be so much more easy for everyone involved if you simply elect to agree" he said, his voice still amiable and friendly. If you disregarded the actual words of his sentance, the intination suggested a discussion over the weather or the stock-marked rather than death-threats.

As Jack started to talk about how badly he was going to hurt his minions if they attacked him the gentleman just smiled. He had no intention of sending these bunglers against the costumed hooligan facing them, there was simply no way that he could rely on the for this sort of work. As Jack started to talk about how he was going to 'take it easy' on them when they attacked, the Gentleman Raised an eyebrow quriously, yet his smile remained as confident as ever. He figured his opponent was up to something, and he desperately tried to figure it out, but he did not realize exactly what he was doing untill it was too late.

"Well played, sir. Well played indeed." The gentleman said apreciatively as Jack turned his own entourage against him. However, he was not particuralrly worried about it. These men were commoners of the worst stock, mere garbage and human refuse. They would stand litte chance against a world-class fencer and martial artist like himself, and even less so against a world-class fencer and martial artist with his special abilities.

Even though they tried to be quiet, he could hear his noisy minions approaching from a mile away, their big, bulky bodies where heavy and thus their footsteps were quite audible, as were the the noise of switchblades being extended, and it seemed that one of these buffoons where actually trying to sneak up on whilst rattling a chain.He turned around quickly, brandshing his frail-looking umbrella like a rapier, Poking one of the men approaching him straight in the eye, causing him to clutch his now-empty eye-socket and shriek from the pain and shock whilst backing away in terror. As he did this Mugsy approached him from the left, but before he had time to do anything, Gentleman had already punched him straight into the solar plexus with the free hand, causing him to lose his breath and curl up into a pile.

Two of the remaining two men backed away from the whirlwind of pain and destruction whom untill four seconds ago they had considered their indisputable leader, but one of them seemingly did not get the message. The gentleman however grabbed his wrist and put one hand on his chest, and the almost rabid, knife-wielding killer suddenly got a pleading look in his eye. The sort a man got when a gun was unexpectedly aimed on his forehead. He froze in fear, unable to move an inch. Ricardo knew that The gentleman had loaded his clothes with his special brand of 'kinetic energy', even if it was unnoticable to his senses, he had seen it before

"Trying to take a whack at the old boss-man, eh? I can't really say I blame you, that is indeed alot of money" he said cheerfully to his minions, keeping an eye on Jack in case he would try anything.

"But before you decide to have another go at me, I'd like you to remember what happened to poor, unfortunate Ricardo here." He said, letting go of the man, thus triggering the effects of the energy. Ricardo shot up into the air like a rocket, on verge of breaking the speed of sound, smashed through balcony on his way up, and within seconds, he had dissapeared into the clouds of the night-sky.

"Another puppy goes to heaven." The Gentleman said with a smirk as he turned back to Jack, the remaining ex-members of his gang either running away as quickly as possible, or in mugsys case, Crawling away as quickly as possible.

"I have to admit it was quite the clever plan you had and watnot, yes a fine plan indeed." The gentleman said as he played with Ricardos knife absentmindedly.

"Your one mistake was considering those disloyal, plebeian ruffians your main opposition, in fact, I consider them little more than lackeys, if that even. They lack the natural aptitude or breeding for anything else, really." He said disdainfully snorting at his former minions. Despite his rather harsh quip about his them, he actually felt rather bad about the cruel way of ending Ricardos life. After all, he was not a cold-blooded killer, but running a gang like this was like leading a pack of dogs. As alpha, the other dogs obeyed you, but they constantly tested your limits, eager to depose of you and take over leadership themselves, and poor Riccardo had always been a bit too ambitious for his liking

"Now, please hand over the money, and you have my solemn vow as a gentleman that I shall not harm you." he said, his voice showing no hint of malice or ill will, despite the finality of the words themselves
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A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Empty Re: A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!)

Post by Ironic.Reality May 17th 2012, 9:37 pm

Terric heard light footsteps from behind. He turned his attention away from the fight that was going on underneath of him. "Zexen'uma rathrea uns'aa." (meaning-stay behind me-) he stated in a low voice. He put a hand back across Chelle's torso to block her from the oncoming stranger. While still crouched he took a few steps forward, then stood up completely. He had drawn his bow while he stood up and already notched an arrow. His eyes of a fiery blaze finally seeing the face of the once titled intruder. Letting down his bow and relaxing the arrow he chuckled. It was just a girl, a curious one but just a girl. Turning away from her he spoke over his shoulder "I have no idea but they don't look friendly.. Wait.." He quickly, quietly and efficiently moved back to the edge of the building, seeing as he had heard a bit of a commotion stir up. Once he did he saw a figure fly passed him up into the clouds. Confused yet entertained he continued observing patiently.

(Sorry for the wait and the shortness in my post, but my muse has been shitty lately.)

A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Pbucket
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A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Empty Re: A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!)

Post by Chellizard May 20th 2012, 9:45 pm

Silently staying squatted was easier said than done when one was out of shape. Chelle, well, as slightly out of shape. But she was also NOT dressed to stay hunched down like she was. And once Terric told her to wait even more she got a bit annoyed. She adored the man, and how adorable he was, and just.. he was amazing. She smiled and watched him saunter off to investigate the new set of foot steps and rose a brow when it was just a girl. Tired of squatting like she was, she stood up and stepped away from the edge of the building to address the girl. "Are you a good guy?" she questioned, her wings spreading behind of her. They folded around of her like a sort of robe and relaxed a moment, then ruffled up and folded behind of her back. Rolling her shoulders, her head tilted. Once she got her answer, she moved back to the edge of the rooftop and saw a body fly toward the heavens. "Whoa.." she said silently. She then decided enough was enough. It was time to meddle. She let her wings spread and she dropped down to the alleyway, directly between the two men. "Good evening, boys. What's with the arguing and fighting, eh?" Not to mention, the smell of blood was making her nose go crazy. She was 'hovering' with her wings flapping every once in a while to keep her in the air, not touching the concrete alleyway. She looked between the two men, examining each of them.

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A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!) Empty Re: A Not So Boring Night (Open to anyone!)

Post by Spring-Heeled Jack May 26th 2012, 9:11 pm

Spirngheel shifted weight nervously to one foot then back to the other, releasing the hiss of compressed air from his boot's pistons. He had been largely unimpressed by Blueblood's display of violence. Marquis Jaxon was a man who quickly assessed situations, and his assessment of this one left him with two options. The first option is that he could get taken like a punk for his hard earned krill. The second, preferable option, was that he beat this upercrust wannabe out of his tax-bracket. So really there was only one option. But that wasn't what set him off balance though.

It was the appearance of this broad. Some winged emo looking freak descending from the rooftops. Hm. Did that mean she had been watching what was going on. He scanned his surroundings using the infrared sensors in his mask. He picked up three more heat signatures on the eaves above his head. The thing about infrared is you can only make out silhouettes really, but he could fairly guess at the other three forms above him, the darkened outline of which he could make out against the man's warm body. One was a man, looked to be in the position of holding a bow. The other was a girl, and her body temperature seemed a bit warmer than the rest which probably meant she had recently used some type of superpower.

Okay, so the odds were a little different now. A few goons and a loser in a bad suit was a non-issue. But now there were potentially three more supers added to the mix. Thankfully Blueblood had done Springheel the favor of showing his hand in that little display of his. So now Springie had to think a little quicker. "Okay. Hey! Little Boy Blue! Listen. I'm not going to give you my money. You know why? Because it's MY MONEY. I will however make you a little deal. From one gentleman thief to another. You back me up on this one? I'll split it with you, 50/50. Think about it. We have better odds together than alone." Springheel really hated getting into fights, but for some reason there was always a new challenger around the corner.

Last edited by Spring-Heeled Jack on June 2nd 2012, 11:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

Spring-Heeled Jack
Spring-Heeled Jack

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