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An Offer You Can't Refuse

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An Offer You Can't Refuse Empty An Offer You Can't Refuse

Post by Volt January 4th 2012, 9:40 pm

It was cold, dark and windy, but Volt never seemed to pay much attention to the weather. His mind was more fixated on what was inside this warehouse. He was standing on the roof, peering down in through a window. The room was entirely empty, save one electronic safe against the back wall. The entire building was unlit, except for the light that was currently illuminating the safe. "This is just too easy!" Volt said out loud to himself. Maybe it is too easy... He thought. If I didn't know better, I'd say this was a trap... "Ah, fuck it!" he laughed and kicked in the glass, cutting his shin up a bit. He jumped down, ignoring the blood running down his leg, and approached the safe slowly. Volt glanced around one last time before tapping on the safe. "Quality safe." he said to no one in particular. "This thing could keep out almost anyone! Keyword, almost..." he smiled as he absorbed the electricity from the device and it clicked open. "Bada- Aw what the fuck!" he cursed as he saw that the only contents of the safe was a small folded up slip of paper with his name on it. Intrigued, he snatched it and opened it up. All it said was 'Turn Around' in large black writing. "Aw shit, man. I'm screwed, aren't I?" He asked, without turning around.

An Offer You Can't Refuse Voltsg10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : Wherever I wanna be.
Job : Whatever it is, it isn't my homework.
Humor : Public Masturbation (While under the influence of heavy narcotics)
Registration date : 2011-12-20

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An Offer You Can't Refuse Empty Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse

Post by Dr Everyone January 4th 2012, 10:34 pm

"You very well might be, depending on your choices in the next minutes."

The pale man in front of him was a few inches shorter than him. Dr.Everyone had set a trap for him as soon as he became aware that he was robbing warehouses in the area. He'd done some research based on what the man looked like, and found out his villain moniker.

The pale man turned around to find that twenty men armed with automatic weapons had surrounded them, all of their guns aimed at him. But standing opposite him was a man in a helmet that hid his entire face wearing dress clothes under a lab coat.

"I know who you are, Volt. Perhaps you know me? I am Dr.Everyone, and I can either be your employer, or your murderer. And if you think you can escape and take 'door number three', well, let me debunk those ideas right now. Under this floor are three dozen barrels full of gasoline and ten pounds of C4 ready to detonate them all. Needless to say, if you don't sit down with me and talk, you die. Now what will it be, lightning boy?"

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]An Offer You Can't Refuse DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 26
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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An Offer You Can't Refuse Empty Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse

Post by Volt January 4th 2012, 11:06 pm

Volt stared at the man for a moment, then blinked a few times before saying anything. "Hey man, I don't like dying any more than the next guy." he said and let out a short chuckle. "What I do like, is this." He gestured to the empty safe and the warehouse, now full of armed men. "Like, seriously cool man. This whole elaborate plan, just for me? You really know how to make a guy feel special!" he cackled. "I hadn't even realized people knew who I was, and then you come along, like... Damn! I don't wanna sound star-struck, but you're Dr. freakin' Everyone! And you know who I am! I feel like such a badass." He smirked and then glanced around at all the guns pointed at him and started to feel a bit uneasy. "But, uh, hey, I know we just met and stuff, but could your guys maybe point they're shit somewhere else? It's kinda rude." The smile quickly returned to his face as he said "But so you said something about employment? Because you know, I'm currently out of work, and it's hard to get a job lookin' like... Well, whatever I look like. And either way, chances are if I worked anywhere normal I'd end up electrocuting my boss or something ridiculous like that. But I digress. What did you have in mind?"

An Offer You Can't Refuse Voltsg10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : Wherever I wanna be.
Job : Whatever it is, it isn't my homework.
Humor : Public Masturbation (While under the influence of heavy narcotics)
Registration date : 2011-12-20

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An Offer You Can't Refuse Empty Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse

Post by Dr Everyone January 4th 2012, 11:56 pm

"I am glad you recognize me. However, if you tell anyone that I'm alive, I'll have to kill you. Then whoever you told. And maybe everyone they know, for good measure. And I only know of you because I looked into the break ins around here. Sorry for bursting your bubble," Dr.Everyone said, in a tone which said he actually wasn't sorry "But I am not one who leaves people feeling cheery."

Dr.Everyone gestured to the armed men and they put their guns down.

"If you think the fact that two dozen gun barrels are no longer pointed at you does not mean your chances at escape are any fairer. There's still the elaborate bomb I have that will remove this warehouse from the yellowpages. And I believe in the case of an explosions, I'd fare much better. Follow me up to my office."

Dr.Everyone walked up the stairs to a room with a window overlooking the entire warehouse. Only two armed men followed the two superhumans. Dr.Everyone opened the door and sat at a comfy seat behind a desk. The two armed men directed Volt to a steel chair in front of the desk. The two armed men took position on either side of Volt, six feet behind him and standing.

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]An Offer You Can't Refuse DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 26
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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An Offer You Can't Refuse Empty Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse

Post by Volt January 5th 2012, 1:58 pm

Volt sat down, and ran his hand through his hair. "So, what were you thinking? I specialize in... Well, murder. But I can do other shit too! If it runs on electricity, I can shut it down." he began rambling. "Like this one time, there was this tool driving a hybrid, and..." he realized that the Doctor probably didn't give a damn about his story, so he stopped himself. "Uhm, so, yeah... I'm gonna stop talking now..." he said as he fidgeted in his seat. He didn't know what the villain had planned for him, but as long as he didn't end up dead, Volt was satisfied. He figured that whatever he ended up doing for the Doctor, chances are it would be fun, and he would most likely be better off than he was currently. "So... What's up, Doc?"

An Offer You Can't Refuse Voltsg10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : Wherever I wanna be.
Job : Whatever it is, it isn't my homework.
Humor : Public Masturbation (While under the influence of heavy narcotics)
Registration date : 2011-12-20

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An Offer You Can't Refuse Empty Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse

Post by Dr Everyone January 5th 2012, 2:19 pm

"What is up," the doctor said in a mocking tone, "It that I am the leader of a crime organization. Not large, but they get the job done. You've proved yourself a good thief, and I'll take your word about your skills at carrying out a hit. This," Dr.Everyone said, spinning around once in his chair with his arms raised. "is Phoenix. The Crime Organization I own. You can be a part of it, as some super human muscle. Whatever you help steel, you can keep thirty percent of, You'll receive no insurance, no dental, no tax write-offs, and if you die completing a job we will leave your body where it drops. On the upside, you make money, you have a job, you can steal things, and on occasion will kill people I order you to. Oh, and you don't die right here. So, what do you say, Volt. Want to join Phoenix and work for me?"

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]An Offer You Can't Refuse DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 26
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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An Offer You Can't Refuse Empty Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse

Post by Volt January 5th 2012, 7:19 pm

Volt considered his options. Die, or join this organization. Seeing as death was not on his agenda, his choice was clear. "You know, I was starting to get bored with the whole 'lone wolf' thing anyways. I'm in." he said, grinning at the thought of being paid to kill and steal. "The benefits don't sound great, but I don't have any insurance, dental, or whatever the hell tax write-offs are anyways, so I don't think I'll be any worse off than I am now" he said jokingly. "And as for the dying thing? I'll be dead. So what the hell do I care, eh? And either way, I don't plan on dying any time soon." Volt stood up, and itched the back of his head. "One more thing... Are job interviews always this menacing for guys like us?"

An Offer You Can't Refuse Voltsg10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : Wherever I wanna be.
Job : Whatever it is, it isn't my homework.
Humor : Public Masturbation (While under the influence of heavy narcotics)
Registration date : 2011-12-20

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An Offer You Can't Refuse Empty Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse

Post by Dr Everyone January 8th 2012, 2:26 pm

Dr.Everyone relaxed, his tone of voice showing as much.

"It's good to hear you've decided to take me up on my offer. I might have gotten hot and bothered if you hadn't." The Dr.Everyone said with a coy-yet-unseeable smile. "And yes, they are. Or rather, they are when the person in line for the job attempts to burglarize the place they are going to be employed at. But since you've accepted, you'll find things less threatening."

Dr.Everyone got up and motioned for Volt to follow. Dr.Everyone led him back to the ground floor, and then down a secret set of stairs hidden by a removable floor panel.

"These two underground floors contain an armory, bathrooms, a cafeteria, and some living space for those who need it. And of course, I lied about there being a bomb. Now, if you need to, you can stay at the living spaces here. Or stay here if you want to. But if you stay at the living spaces here, you'll only received twenty percent of whatever you help thieve. You'll still be paid full for any other work I have you do."

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]An Offer You Can't Refuse DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 26
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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An Offer You Can't Refuse Empty Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse

Post by Volt January 9th 2012, 9:40 pm

Volt followed the doctor down the main stairs, continuing down the hidden stairs as well. "Well, seeing as I'm currently staying in an abandoned power plant, with the only form of bed being a pile of blankets and pillows, This seems pretty enticing." he said with a wide grin. "But I also don't sleep very much. Since I can absorb energy from just about anything electronic, I don't really require rest unless I'm low on energy or if I just got my ass kicked. But, it would be nice to have a place to go that isn't infested with rats the size of my head, so I think I will stay here for a bit." Volt stuck his hands in his pockets and looked around, before looking back at Dr. Everyone. "So... When do I start?"

An Offer You Can't Refuse Voltsg10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : Wherever I wanna be.
Job : Whatever it is, it isn't my homework.
Humor : Public Masturbation (While under the influence of heavy narcotics)
Registration date : 2011-12-20

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An Offer You Can't Refuse Empty Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse

Post by Dr Everyone January 11th 2012, 4:13 pm

Dr.Everyone reached into his pocket a handed Volt a red and orange touch flip phone.

"It's as secured a line as I could get on a cellphone. It's battery life is two days. Through this number you can reach me, and I can reach you. If you are not here, I'll call you when I require your expertise. I look forward to having you in Phoenix. And on a side note, do not make me regret not planting a bomb."

Dr.Everyone turned to walk back to his office. He called out over his shoulder.

"Your free to go about as you wish, just remember. If I call, it would be in your best interest to answer."

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]An Offer You Can't Refuse DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 26
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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An Offer You Can't Refuse Empty Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse

Post by Volt January 11th 2012, 10:21 pm

Volt took the phone from the doctor and held it in his hand. "Alrighty then, man. I guess I'll catch you later!" he said as Dr. Everyone walked away. Volt grinned and looked down at the cell phone. "2 days battery life? My ass." he said as sparks flew from his finger to his phone. "More like 2 years." He laughed at his own joke for a moment, then started down one of the hallways. I wonder if I'm the only 'super human muscle' that the Doc has hired so far... He thought to himself. From what he'd seen so far, Dr. Everyone was the only super human in his organization. This comforted him, knowing that he was more powerful than the majority of the organization meant he wouldn't be pushed around. Volt gave himself a super fast tour of the underground barracks ending with an vacant room, with fresh sheets and an empty closet. There was a dresser for clothes, a desk, and one mirror. He laid down in the bed, which was probably the first he had laid in for at least a year and a half. "Oh Jake, you've hit the fuckin' jackpot now, haven't ya?"

An Offer You Can't Refuse Voltsg10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : Wherever I wanna be.
Job : Whatever it is, it isn't my homework.
Humor : Public Masturbation (While under the influence of heavy narcotics)
Registration date : 2011-12-20

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An Offer You Can't Refuse Empty Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse

Post by Sponsored content

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