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Vicious  Empty Vicious

Post by superguy1 October 15th 2016, 12:10 am


"I do it 'cuz it's fun. I do it 'cuz I can. I'm not a lion, fox, or wolf. I'm the apex fuckin' predator, and killin is what I do."

The Bio

Real Name: Erick Crown
Villain Name: Vicious
Title: Apex Predator, Evil Personified, The Devil Himself
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Black Wendigo: Brown/Patchy
Eyes: Brown Wendigo: Red
Height: 6'1 Wendigo: 10'9
Weight: 211 Wendigo: 750
Blood type: O Wendigo: Viscous Black Fluid

Erick is 6'1 with wild black hair, and dark brown eyes. He's rather unattractive, with a chipped tooth and crooked nose, though is physically in good condition. He has an athletic build, and broad shoulders. There is chain link design tattooed around his right shoulder.

The Looks

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The Personality

Erick is a sadist. He is evil. Nothing more, nothing less. He kill because he can, and hurts because it's fun. There is nothing human inside him at this point, as anything that could be seen as a "conscientious" is gone. He kills indiscriminately, seeing no difference between man, woman, or child, prey is prey.

The Story

Erick was the son of a skinhead, neo-Nazi father, and a drug addict mother. Growing up in a backwoods town in Montana, he was never sent to school, or left his town at all. The early years of his life consisted of watching his drunken father beat his mother and older sister, and torturing whatever animals he'd catch out in the woods. His father was a drunken asshole, and Erick often received the backlash, in the form of beatings and other violent outbursts. Being short for his age, 13, his father made it clear that Erick was worthless, unloved and unwanted. The rare occasions when his father wasn't incredibly drunk, however, he would sit in on his meetings. The meetings where essentially 9-10 overweight, angry neo-nazis spouting their hatred of minorities, referring to them in less than flattering terms.

When he was 16 he hit a growth spurt, from 5'5 to 5'10. His father still engaged in his drinking and beating of his wife and daughter, however he was proud of his son, who had adopted his fathers neo-Nazi beliefs, and general hate of most everybody. He would take Erick out hunting, which he saw as the only real skill a man needed. If you could kill, you were strong, and strength is all that matters. Erick's first run in with the law came about three months before his 17th birthday. He'd shot a man, Mexican, for supposedly trespassing on their property. There wasn't enough evidence to prove otherwise, as Erick's father had been the one to call the police, and the body was found on their property. It wasn't true of course. The man had been walking down the road, in front of Erick's house, looking for help after his car had stalled. Erick had been out hunting with his dad, when they spotted the man. His father had grabbed Erick's gun by the barrel, turned it towards the man, and nodded. Erick had smiled before taking the shot. His first kill. By the time he turned 17, Erick had been arrested twice, both times aggravated assault were the charges. The first was a black woman who had called his father a "deadbeat skin head asshole" in the line of the local shopping center, and the second was a boy three years younger than him, who Erick said "seemed like a fag." His father would either bail his son out, or pick him up after his Juvi sentences, proud as ever.

The boy's violence tendencies continued. After a third encounter with the law, this one for spraying swastikas outside of the local homeless shelter, he was made to see a psychologist who determined that the boy was a  psychopath with a knack for violence, and recommended he receive help. His father refused, claiming that "My boy ain't no fuckin kook, just cause he stand up for his people!". Erick became more and more violent as time went on. A month or so after his diagnosis, his sister had decided she'd had enough of her father's abuse after he came home drunk and attempted to sexually assault her, at threatened to call the police. Hearing this, knowing that his father, the only person he "respected" might be taken away from him, was not something he'd allow. While his father was out drinking, and his mother was passed out on the couch, high on some drug, he made his way to his sisters room to find her packing, planning to leave. He killed her, violently. Still feeling...unsatisfied somehow, he went out to the living room and killed his mother. Erick had dragged both bodies outside and onto the front lawn, where he planned to show his father, and they could admire his work. It was there that it happened. Laying there calmly between the bodies of his mother and sister, blood pooling under him, something was awakened. Or perhaps something died. It was as if everything human about him, whatever it was, burned away. Leaving a husk of a human, driven by a need to hurt, and be cruel. When his father arrived, in his usual drunken stupor, he sat up, excited to see his reaction, to feel that approval. It didn't come. The sight of his dead wife...and what must have been his daughter, though the face had been bashed in to the point of being unrecognizable, broke him out of his stupor. He was horrified, and emptied the contents of his stomach on the lawn, before running to the house to call the police. Realizing what his father had done, Erick decided that the old man didn't have what it took to survive. He wasn't strong. The illusion of the powerful man his father made himself out to be was shattered, and Erick knew... he KNEW that he was prey. A lamb in a wolf mask. By the time the police arrived, Erick had killed his father two, biting the man's throat, tearing it out, and maiming the body.  It took three officers to get him under control, after he'd stabbed the first, and bitten the finger off of the second, before being shot twice in the chest.  

Three years had passed and he was 20, serving his triple-life sentence, in solitary confinement, after several vicious attacks on other inmates, and a few on officers. He'd maimed and killed his first cellmate, a drug dealer with the Japanese mafia, on his first day. The second two were both fellow skinheads, who had attempted to bring him into their gang, during lunch. Though it'd only been 43 seconds before guards got to them, it took hours to clean up the mess, and there was no hope in trying to ID the bodies. Erick was locked up, and muzzled, then thrown in solitary. No one complained, because though his treatment may have violated his rights, they'd all stopped seeing him as human after a point. By the 15th day of isolation, he had begun to lose his mind. He'd started hallucinating, seeing devils come to him at night. Whisper things to him. Only...they weren't hallucinations. Somehow, his evil, his pure..un-humanness, had caught the attention of something. Something older, and much more evil. It reached out to him and into him and gave him a gift, a power. With only one instruction. Hurt. His first transformation hurt. It was excrutiating as his bones broke and snapped and stretched into new formations and shapes and he became the Wendigo. He dreamed of it all. Tearing out of his straitjacket, and through the doors of his cell, as if they were paper. He dreamed of the look in the first guards eyes. Terror. Pure and untainted. Just terror. Helplessness too, as he was torn apart by the monster that was Erick. Disembowled, and eaten while still alive. He remembered leaving he man there. Dying, with his insides partially eaten and on the outside, but still alive. Suffering. He, and for the first time since that day in the woods with his father, he smiled. He repeated this throughout the entire prison, or switching it up and hurting people in different ways, the sound of his laughter, inhumane and terrifying, filled the prison and inspired dread in anyone who heard it.  He woke up from the dream, in a forest, covered naked and covered in blood. He knew what he was now, and what he could do. What he would do for as long as he lived. Hurt. Choosing the name "Vicious", his reign of terror began.

The Priority

1. Endurance
3. Agility
4. Strength

The Powers

Transformation: Erick transforms in the Wendigo. A large creature, with deerlike antlers, a wolf like head, an elongated human torso with exposed ribs, long bony arms and big clawed hands, as well as goat-like hooves.

Physical abilities: As the Wendigo, Vicious is incredibly, deceptively strong. Able to tear a man in half with ease, or life a large van above his head, with a bit of a struggle. As a human, he has the strength of a 6'1 man in peak physical condition, and being psychotic makes him slightly stronger if thrown into a rage. As the Wendigo, Vicious has a wolf-like since of smell and hearing, rabbit-like jumping that allows him to jump about 15-20 feet in the air, hawk-like sight, and burrowing abilities allowing him to dig into the ground much like a mole and move around under the ground, as well as a snake-like tongue that is 7 inches long and allows him to "smell" through taste.  He is also an incredible tracker, like most other predators. Running on two feet as the Wendigo, Vicious can reach a top speed of 93 MPH, and 175 when on all fours

Regeneration: In his human form, he can heal from cuts, stabs, and the like in minutes. In his Wendigo form he can heal from almost anything, given time. Healing from the cellular level is possible, though would take years. Lost limbs would regrow in minutes.

Physical Weaponization: Given the fact that the Wendigo is essentially dead, he has no problem removing organs and more, to use. For example, removing his intestines to use as a rope.

Dread Howl: In his Wendigo form, Vicious' howl is about as loud as a jet engine, and cause a feeling of immense dread in those who hear it, causing them to either be paralyzed with fear, or throwing them into an adrenaline induced rage. This doesn't always work, being ineffective on some superhumans. This howl causes victims to release fear hormones that allow him to better track them.

Animal Control: In his Wendigo form, he's able to communicate and control animals in a 3 mile radius. This works on all animals, who's eyes turn a deep red while under his control. He can also throw all animals into a rage state, attacking anything and everything around them.

Voice Mimicry: In his Wendigo form, Vicious is able to speak using any voices he's heard before. This allows him to be a more effective predator. Calling people into the woods with the voices of their loved one asking for help, only to meet their doom.

The Weaknesses

Transformation Time: It takes Erick about 30 seconds to fully complete his transformation, but he is completely unable to fight, or move during this process, in which he is on the ground convulsing.

Being Hunted: Both Erick and the Wendigo form are predators. They're made and live to hunt, stalk, and kill prey. If and when they find themselves being on the retreat, or hunted, they become illogical, irrational and don't know how to react, leaving them vulnerable to mistakes.

Unwilling to Stop the Hunt: When Vicious identifies a victim, and begins his hunt, he won't stop. No matter who they are, or what the conditions, he won't stop until he kills them or simply can't hunt any longer. This can lead him into very bad situations, making him vulnerable to traps and often pitting him against "prey" that may be stronger than he is.

Warring Mindsets: Vicious occasionally has trouble controlling the more animalistic desires. For example, if he's involved in a fight against Super Dude, and should be focusing on him, when suddenly he sees a mirror. Rather then fighting Super Dude, Vicious would attack the mirror, because the animal instincts of the Wendigo told it it should attack this rival animal that's on it's territory. Situations like this leave him vulnerable, as he has to fight and override those instincts.

Holy Grounds: When in his Wendigo form he is unable to entire any religious place. Church, Mosque, Buddhist temple etc... It's as if there is a force field that keeps him out. It gives prey a place to hide. In his human form he can enter, but is completely powerless once inside, unable to transform.

Holy items/Imagery: In the Wendigo form water blessed by any ordained priest, sheikh, rabbi, etc burns. It won't kill him, but it burns, and slows his healing factor, to a point where something that would heal in 5 minutes, would heal in 30. Holy books/items such as crosses, Bibles, Qurans, etc cause him physical sickness, that leads to vomiting, dizziness, and occasionally passing out if he was already under great physical strain. In his human form, it simply causes headaches and dizziness.

Human Form: In his human form, he's lacking in any super senses/abilities outside of his healing. In this form he is vulnerable.

The Minions

Animals: The only minions he has are the animals he can control at times, though they're not always under his control.

The Fluff

Vicious' presence is usually obvious, by disappearances in the area, or grisly and brutal murders pinned on bears, "large animals", and other things. If the howl is heard, you know he's near. The temperature about a block around him will automatically drop by 20 degrees.

Last edited by superguy1 on October 15th 2016, 6:19 pm; edited 1 time in total




Carl Gator:
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Vicious  Empty Re: Vicious

Post by superguy1 October 15th 2016, 2:56 pm

Ready for approval




Carl Gator:
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Vicious  Empty Re: Vicious

Post by Chellizard October 15th 2016, 5:57 pm

Application Checklist

1. Does this application's Bio have the adequate information? Yes

2. Does this application's Look section have at least one photo, or six sentences detailing their character? Yes

3. Does this application have adequate personality information listed? Yes

4. Does this application have a detailed history with plot oriented information? Yes

5. Does this application properly use the priority list? Yes

6. Does this application have the proper 1:1 ratio for Powers:Weaknesses? No
Comment: You have 9 powers, despite how simplistic they are. You only have 6 weaknesses.

However, I can see you moving Dread Howl and Physical Manipulation to RP Mechanics, and grouping your strength and speed to "Slightly Enhanced" superhuman abilities. That would balance your application.

7. Do the items on this application have adequate weaknesses? Not applicable.
Comment: Edit and remove the section from your application.

8. Does the Minion on this application have the proper 1:2 Powers:Weaknesses? Not applicable.

9. Do the RP Mechanics actually qualify as a role play mechanic? Yes

10. Is there an RP sample? Not applicable.
Comment: Edit and remove the section from your application.

Application created by [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] | This code is open-source and available for free use.

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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Vicious  Empty Re: Vicious

Post by superguy1 October 15th 2016, 6:20 pm





Carl Gator:
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Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Vicious  Empty Re: Vicious

Post by Chellizard October 15th 2016, 7:07 pm

Approved and moved.

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Retired Moderator
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Vicious  Empty Re: Vicious

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