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Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley)

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Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley) Empty Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley)

Post by Swordsmaster October 2nd 2011, 10:07 pm

Project Death, the six foot five brute of a man with a skeleton face hidden by his cloak and black hood stands on top of a building in Nashville, Tennessee. A place he has not ever been to as he looks around for his target whom happens to be yet another young female around the age of twenty three. He smirks and jumps over to the next building as his targer moves, bending his legs to make sure that the building does cave in underneath his strength and crash down into the ground. He waits till she walks into a back ally, shaking his head at the foolishness of the girl, wondering why they always seem to want to jump into a back ally.

The Hero Killer jumps down into the ally behind the girl standing up straight to his full height of six foot five, black cloak covering his body while the hood covers his face. Eyes that show off only his blood shot eyes that would instill fear into those who look into them. He crosses his arms and looks down at her, "You have been noticed by Project Perfection, feel honored and either come with me willingly or I shall take you with me my way." He mutters out in a dark, haunting, unused, thick Russian accent that instills fear into all those who hear it, making their legs shiver and quake as if they are going to brake or die underneath his gaze.

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley) Empty Re: Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley)

Post by Echo October 2nd 2011, 10:27 pm

Echo chirps and then frowns. She's wandered into an alley. Why does she have to be Blind? She spits once, wiping her mouth and swearing crudely. Her black hair is a mess, her clothes dirty and ragged, and her face darkly tanned and stained with soot and dirt. She is not a pretty sight- thinner than before the fire. She'd continued from Kansas, crossing the plains, the Mississippi, and other small landmarks. Something unknown urged her to continue, she felt that it would drive her to the ocean- around the world.

A thickly accented voice breaks into her thought and she sighs. Another thug. There'd been plenty of them- all trying to steal from her or rape her until she'd gotten so bedraggled that anyone might mistake her for homeless. But there were always the most desperate ones who still persisted. But why a russian? Echo had never encountered one before, actually, and it intrigued her a little.

"Yes, of course. Introductions are so rudimentary." Her low voice grinds out. "Though I must say that I'm rather flattered. Perfection? You have chosen far from the right woman, sir. There isn't a perfect bone in my body. Quite literally- they're next to hollow." She had lately taken to speaking like a rather stately english lady, and had perfected a fake accent over the months of her travel on foot and by hitch-hiking.

"So then, if I do decide to put up a fight, what would you do this time? Hold me at gunpoint? Or haven't you even that. Though I must think now. After all, surely if you've a project," Echo turns to face the direction the voice had come from. "You've also funding?" She cocks her head to the side and smiles. Her sharp, white teeth, glisten and her har falls away from a pointed ear. "So then. Project perfect is it? I'm blind. My teeth are needle-sharp. I have pointed ears. I use echolocation. Does that really sound perfect to you? No. Thank you, i think I shall continue on my own way for now. I don't like people. Especially not you as far as I can tell."

Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley) Breathesigfinished

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Location : Good ol' Wisconsin.
Age : 27
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Humor : Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon...
Registration date : 2010-04-03

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Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley) Empty Re: Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley)

Post by Swordsmaster October 2nd 2011, 10:41 pm

Project Death listens to the pointless banter, and fake accent of the girl simply sighing waiting until she finishes. He cracks his knuckles when she finishes, "My way it is then miss echo." He mutters slamming his foot down on the ground as hard as he can sending making the street crack and send a small fissure out in every dirrection as it attempts to knock the girl on the ground. After that is done he lets his cloak fall to the ground to give him better manuverability, once it touches the ground he sends a punch flying at the girl's jaw attempting to shatter it using all of his strength. On most people he wouldn't go that far with the ones the 'family' wants a live, but from what he was told it seems this one can take a punch from him. Something the Destoyer wants to prove is not true by beating her to the ground then calmly carring her to the van. Well, that is the plan at least, though nothing always goes exactly according to plan, as that blaze girl proved by escaping.

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley) Empty Re: Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley)

Post by Echo October 3rd 2011, 10:57 pm

The earth shakes and Echo jumps nimbly to the side, sending waves of echolocation about her in order to find a safe landing. As soon as she hits the ground, she readies herself. There will be no more talk now- she can feel it. Echo squeaks just soon enough to see it coming and barely turns out of the punch. It still hits her cheek, but with less force. She spits, hissing a little as she assesses the damage quickly with her tongue. the inside of her cheek has deep marks in it from her teeth, but they are still intact. Which she intends to use.

"Well you didn't waste any time, did you..." She mutters, dropping all pretense now. "So then this is what you want?" She narrows her sightless eyes and squeaks a few more times, taking in her surroundings- anything that she can use to her advantage. A fire escape catches her attention, but she has to keep moving. She skirts left, then right, squeaking all the while, hopefully confusing him. She knows how undignified she must look, but she is slowly moving backwards, toward the fire-escape.

The nice thing about being blind and able to use echolocation is that you get a general awareness of everything that your sounds hit. She thinks, still zigzagging backward- left, right, left right- very slowly. She sends out chirps throughout this process.

Damn... I think i must have given too much about myself away. Stupid english accent and cocky thoughts! Echo thinks. She knows he'll be aware that she uses echolocation... He'll notice what she's doing soon enough. Sooner than later, this guy's no newbie. She thinks grimly.

Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley) Breathesigfinished

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 389
Location : Good ol' Wisconsin.
Age : 27
Job : Farm hand
Humor : Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon...
Registration date : 2010-04-03

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Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley) Empty Re: Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley)

Post by Swordsmaster October 3rd 2011, 11:23 pm

Death watches as the girl starts jumping right and left, screeching as she goes looking around he spots the fire escape and cracks his knuckles figuring out where she is going. "Not today you don't," the 'skeleton reject' mutters out under his breath as he claps his hands together as hard as he can sending out a shockwave, watching as the building and ground starts to crack and crumble, the fire escape tilts off it's hinges dangiling basically unsafe to climb now. He sprints over to the girl and aims a round house kick at her gut, attempting to knock the wind out of her and send her to the ground where he'll throw a punch at her head to knock her out. If unsuccessful with that Project Death simply dives to the side to avoide any counter attacks before sending a sweeping kick out at the girl, wanting her down on the ground reaching for her head to slam it in the ground and shut her up. As you can tell the buff grim reaper does not want this fight to go on any longer than it possibly has to, needing some food having not eatin in a while.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley) Empty Re: Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley)

Post by Echo October 4th 2011, 1:53 pm

Echo isn't fast enough and is caught in the stomach by the kick. She feels two of her ribs crack. Without stopping -stopping would surely be death- she rolls over instinctually, barely avoiding his punch, and stumbling to her feet, chirps and decides it's her only choice. She runs, top speed to the dangling fire-escape and -thanks to her light bones- manages to scramble up onto the pile of bricks. A moan from ahead distracts her. She chirps and sees a hand sticking out of the rubble. A small one?

Great. Just what I need. People who need saving... Looks like a girl, too... Echo thinks grimly, leaping over to where the hand emerges. Carefully, she removes several bricks to find a little girl, someone- her father?-'s body thrown over her. Echo clenches her fists.

"This is evil. Do you realize what you've just done?!" She roars at her opponent. "They didn't do anything to you! She's a little girl!" Echo is frantically removing bricks, pulling the girl out of the rubble, setting her to the side, turning, and - filled with an animal-like rage- Hissing, baring her teeth, making her echolocation sounds with more feeling in them than her speaking. "I don't usually care... But little girls pull at my heartstrings. Especially little orphans. Because that's what you just made her." Ehr voice, always gravelly, is a low, menacing growl. She has an insane desire to fling herself at the man and tear his throat out with her teeth.

I'm probably going to die now- this is no mugger. He doesn't seem ordinary at all. How does he make the earth move? I'm so screwed.... but that girl! He would have just let her die?[/i Echo's thoughts whiz abou tin her head, and she shakes it to clear them a little. Focusing on his image in her mind, she chitters and tries to pick out where his weak spots are. He likes melee and can manipulate the ground somehow, so what else does he do? Anything?

Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley) Breathesigfinished

Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 389
Location : Good ol' Wisconsin.
Age : 27
Job : Farm hand
Humor : Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon...
Registration date : 2010-04-03

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Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley) Empty Re: Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley)

Post by Swordsmaster October 4th 2011, 2:23 pm

Death cracks his knuckles as the girl moves over to the rubble ignoring everything she says. Although he ignored it, the project scientists certianly did not as his ear piece buzzes to life. 'Death what are you doing!? We told you to keep the cassualties to a minnimum you big oaf, now we have to cover up some this is good get the little girl as well we can take her to the labs.' He is told through his ear piece watching as the girl gets pissed off, an emotion all humans seem to have except him. The emotionless goon walks forward as if not care in the world, sense in truth he has none, ever so slowly coming upon Echo. "What exactly are you going to do about it madem echo? " Death asks before quickly throwing a bone shattering punch straight at the girls jaw, followed up by a left hook to her neck, where if it hits he'll open his massive hand and wrap it around her throat picking her off the ground while choaking her. The experienced, trained, merceless, destoyer is ready to end this fight and take the unconsious body of the echo girl and little orphan back to Project Perfection.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley) Empty Re: Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley)

Post by Echo October 4th 2011, 2:35 pm

Echo strains in his grip, but she can feel herself losing circulation. Her head swims, she feels light and her "vision" goes completely black. She squirms, tries to bite, anything. Her hands come up and scrabble at his arm, reaching out, trying to claw his eyes. She Squeaks a few times, and then is forced into unconsciousness.

The girl shivers in fear and shock. She begins to crawl away, but her pink nightgown catches on a bolt sticking up out of the rubble. she frantically tugs, then goes back and unhooks it, stumbling to her feet. She cuts her foot, trips, and hits her head, the world goes dark in a similar way to Echo's.

Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley) Breathesigfinished

Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 389
Location : Good ol' Wisconsin.
Age : 27
Job : Farm hand
Humor : Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon...
Registration date : 2010-04-03

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Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley) Empty Re: Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley)

Post by Swordsmaster October 4th 2011, 2:46 pm

Project Death watches as she goes unconsious and slings the girl over his shoulder as he walks over to the young one. He picks her up as well, slinging her over the same shoulder as the white van pulls up into the ally, back doors opening where he lays them down and closes the door looking at the small scratches on his body and bite marks on his hands. "Send Astrid out here to heal me if you would please." He mutters to the scientists who simply nod and take off to the hellicarrier for Echo, then the labs for the little girl who will become the next Project experiment. Project Tigress, from her socks which were tiger stripped, sounds good to him but alas he never gets any say in the naming of the rest of his family.

((topic ended))

Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley) Empty Re: Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley)

Post by Astrid October 12th 2011, 9:05 pm

Astrid was summoned to heal Death, a common theme unfolding for her. She was a tool to be used, but she was okay with it, she was valuable. That made her safety ensured, no one would ever dare to touch her or even look at her the wrong way. She jogged the last couple of feet to Death, she was almost considering him as not being as bad as she thought he was at first. He didn't really have a say in the matter, so she couldn't blame him for what he did. She grinned at him as she began to heal him.

"You don't seem too badly hurt, you aren't getting soft are you?" Her laughter was soft as she teased the big guy.

Your magic white rabbit has left its writing on the wall, we follow like Alice and just keep diving down the hole.

You can't offer your poison to me in your kingdom of filth.

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Registration date : 2011-08-25

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Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley) Empty Re: Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley)

Post by Swordsmaster October 12th 2011, 9:15 pm

Death watches as the healer comes up and shakes his head a very small, highly unoticable, grin reaches his face at what she says though it quickly dissapears. The smile could have only been seen with those of 'cat like' reflexes or 'eyes of a hawk' for it was not up very long and was very small for a 'man' of his size. "Me, getting soft? Why madem I think I am only getting stronger, I only stay because they tell me to." Death says looking down at her as he turns back into his 'normal' human form, conciderd 'atractive' by most, and giving a sly smrik that he copied perfectly from watching movies with 'bad ass' or 'cool' villains or vigilanties only doing so because the Scientists told him it would help him fit in better with the appearance he takes on. "Now, if you'll exuse me Miss the good Doctor has asked me to pick up something else before I return. I await your next little visit, expect less cuts than this time."

Posting Master
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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley) Empty Re: Another city, another female, another abduction(closed to Riley)

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