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Kasondra  Empty Kasondra

Post by ProwlerKnight July 17th 2024, 9:31 am


"By the might of Olympus!"

The Bio

Real Name: Kasondra
Hero Name: Kasondra
Title: The Spear of the Gods, Defender of Humanity
Alignment: Good
Age: 2563
Gender: Female
Race: Demigod
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Gold
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 195lbs

The Looks

The Personality

Kasondra is bold, often speaking her mind, regardless of others feelings. She is a proud warrior, and will never back down from a fight, even if the odds are against her.  

She has a good heart, and has compassion for humanity, willing to lay down her life to protect it, as she feels is “the duty of the gods.”  

The Story

As with any Greek legend, Kasondra was born of the Gods, specifically Athena, the goddess of the warfare. Kasondra was sent Earth as a child, to be raised by her father, a Athenian soldier, and his wife.  

While most girls played and chased the boys, Kasondra was left out, due to her immense strength. Most of the other kids were afraid of her, or jealous of her power. But Kasondra found solace in training with her father, learning how to fight. She was a natural, mastering every weapon in rapid succession, favoring the spear. When she was a teen, Kasondra was recruited in the Athenian army, her strength and durability proving to be a valuable asset in wars. With her father, Kasondra fought in many of Athens battles, fighting against the Spartans, Trojans, and many more.  

During a battle with Sparta, however, Kasondras father would fall to an enemy spear. As she held him in her arms while he died, the battlefield suddenly came to a still, as time seemed to freeze in place.  

Standing before her, was a woman, clad in armor and carrying a spear. This woman called herself Athena, and claimed Kasondra as her daughter. Revealing she had loved Kasondras father, Athena came down to personally guide his soul up to Olympus, where they could be together.  

Recognizing her courage and honor, Athena would take Kasondras hand, as they all travelled to Olympus together, to live among the other gods and demigods.  

Over the centuries, however, Kasondra grew restless, as she watched the empires rise and fall, and kings come and go. She watched the rise of Metahumans, and the turmoil that brought. She witnessed two world wars, and the destruction humans were capable of.  

But as London fell, destroyed by one of the beings who claimed to be a hero, Kasondra could no longer sit by. Taking her mothers spear, Kasondra returned to the mortal world, vowing to be a warrior of justice, and a bringer of peace.  

The Powers

Demigod Strength: Kasondras Demigod physiology puts her in the superhuman levels for strength, being able to lift upwards of 100tons. She can punch hard enough to put a large dent in the armor plating of a tank. She is capable of leaping incredible heights and distances in a single bound, scaling small skyscrapers.  

Demigod Durability: Kasondra is impervious to mortal weapons, and is even able to take blows from some of the heavy hitters. Her celestial origins make her even impervious to energy based attacks.  

Demigod Speed: Kasondra can move at incredible speeds, running at Mach 12 with minimal effort.  

Demigod Reflexes: Able to perceive at incredible speeds, Kasondra is fast enough to fight at superhuman levels. She can deflect bullets, even from automatic fire, she can even react fast enough to avoid attacks from some speedsters.  

The Weaknesses

Celestials: While strong enough handle most mortal beings, and superhumans, Kasondra is vulnerable against her own kind, divine energy can affect her. She is vulnerable to divine and unholy powers.  

Magic: Kasondra is still susceptible to magical attacks and spells.  

Warriors Madness: Kasondra is the daughter of the Goddess of War, she suffers from a condition often called “Warriors Madness”. The longer a battle ensues, the more Kasondra loses control, and her bloodlust rises. Eventually, she will lose all composure and go into a full battle rage, aiming to kill her opponent.

Poseidons Curse: Kasondra, cursed by Poseidon through his rivalry with Athena, is weakened by Sea Water. Upon contact with her body, it can render her unable to move, as it saps all the energy from her body. If she were to ever swim into the ocean, she would immediately sink and start to drown. River water and such doesn’t have this effect, only sea water.  

The Items

Kasondras Spear: Gifted to her by her mother, this spear is celestial in nature, which allows it harm any being it comes into contact with. The spear is 6 feet long, and tipped with a golden head.  

Weakness: The spear can be taken from her, and even used against her.

The Minions

The Fluff

Warrior: Kasondra is trained to use any melee weapon, from all around the world. She is also a highly trained hand-to-hand fighter, having studied several forms of martial arts over her centuries of travelling.  

Oxygen: Much like other mortals, Kasondra still needs to breath, and cutting off her air supply is a good way to take her out of a fight. While she can hold her breath for decent amount of time (30 minutes), eventually she will need to breath or pass out, and possibly die.  

Injury: Kasondra does not have superhuman healing, and any injuries she sustains during fights take time to heal like average humans.

Ageless: Kasondra does not age past her early 20s, even though she is well over 2000 years old.  

The RP Sample

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Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move. Your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and tell the whole world:

“No, you move.”

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 155
Location : Bangor, ME
Age : 32
Job : CRMA
Humor : Dark, Goofy, Nerdy, pretty much anything
Registration date : 2022-01-29

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Kasondra  Empty Re: Kasondra

Post by inquisitor July 19th 2024, 7:48 am

Forum Moderator
Forum Moderator

Status :

Quote : Fellas, you can walk out of here on your own two legs, or the EMTs can wheel you out on stretchers. Make the right choice. -Gavin Clough

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 160
Location : Being bouyed by the laughter of podlings.
Age : 34
Job : Warbound
Humor : Not child friendly.
Registration date : 2019-03-30

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