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Little Fish, Big Apple, and Even Bigger Trouble! (Shadowoof)

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INV ONLY Little Fish, Big Apple, and Even Bigger Trouble! (Shadowoof)

Post by Johanna Sharpe January 2nd 2017, 9:06 pm

The mini convoy transporting Clover, Zaap, Lorelei, White Skull, and Winston rolled on silently into the night, leaving behind the shady and otherwise abandoned docks in favor of a much more civilized environment. The masked assassin had agreed to take Clover and the rest of the group to confront a mob boss that was intent on stealing tech from Clover’s company. Originally White Skull was going to deliver the merchandise on their own, but had their plans thwarted by Clover’s younger adopted sister Lorelei, and her new friend Zaap. Needless to say, the whole night had been one giant cluster f**k for the skull faced assassin.

The delivery truck and luxury sedan serpentined through the city for a good hour as White Skull made good on their promise. Eventually the truck would stop several blocks from the warehouse where the mob boss was waiting. Despite agreeing to take Clover and the others to the drop off, this is as far as they would travel with Clover in the truck. While White Skull might have been a heartless killer and ruthless psychopath, they were also a cunning businessman and they weren’t about to put their employer in harm’s way. White Skull killed the trucks engine and turned to face Clover. “Alright princess this is as far as you go with me. I promised I’d take you to meet this guy, but I’m not about to lead you right into the belly of the beast. So git.”

Clover knew what the masked hitman was trying to do, or at least attempting to do. Normally she would protest and refuse to leave the vehicle, but in this instance her leaving the truck was the smart thing to do. With a loud sigh Clover displayed her utter disapproval of the notion of being kicked out of the truck. A few moments later Clover would enter the car carrying Lorelei and Zaap. She plopped down into the passenger’s seat with a pouty expression on her face. With her arms folded across her chest and without even shooting the others a glance she issued one command. “Drive.”

The vehicles would once again begin to move though this time it would only be a short distance before they eventually came to a stop once more. White Skull pulled the truck into a large warehouse, the doors were wide open as if whoever was inside was expecting the delivery to show up at that exact moment. Winston pulled the vehicle over to the side, just a few feet away from the warehouses entrance.

---Inside the warehouse---

White Skull slowly pulled the truck up into the large metal building, and brought the truck to a stop just a few feet in. The entire place was cloaked in darkness, the only light being a small row of lights hanging over the truck, again as though someone knew that the truck would be stopping there. The shiny thug got out of the truck and took several steps towards the darkness before stopping dead in their tracks as a low humming sound kicked up as if a power source of some kind had just come to life. A pair of neon green lights lit up in the darkness. The way they hovered in space gave off the feeling of two ominous eyes staring down White Skull. “I believe I told you to come alone.” a very deep and heavily robotic voice echoed out from the shadows. Before the shiny metal assassin could even retort, the voice spoke out once more. “Stay your lying tongue assassin. I can sense their energy from here.”

White Skull let out a small chuckle as their hand trailed slowly down to their waist where a small pack of grenades rested. “You seem a little hot and bothered, more so than usual. How about you chill out!” they said before quickly grabbing one of the grenades and chucking it at the glowing eyes. The small metal cylinder didn’t even make it three feet before it was halted in midair. A greenish blue hue enveloped it briefly before it vanished from sight. White Skull’s head zipped about as they tried to figure out what just happened. The hue came back seconds later right behind the assassin, followed by a massive explosion of energy. The flash of the blast was visible to Clover and the others. The sudden burst of energy prompted the girl to leap out of the car as fast as she could. Seeing Clover leave the vehicle, Lorelei tapped Zaap on the shoulder before flinging her door open. “Come on!”

Back in the hanger, the energy blast had blown Clover’s assassin deeper into the warehouse and closer to the source of the mysterious voice. Though White Skull’s suit protected them from the energy blast, it would not protect them against what came next. An invisible force took hold of Skull Face’s neck and lifted them off the ground. “It was unwise to challenge me.” the voice grumbled.

“We’ll see about that” White Skull said, as they struggled against the invisible restraint around their neck.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
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INV ONLY Re: Little Fish, Big Apple, and Even Bigger Trouble! (Shadowoof)

Post by Shadowoof January 4th 2017, 9:10 am

This wasn't good, it wasn't great. It wasn't terrible.. Jake could not do much but stare into a dark corner of the car, outside the window or at Lorelei's hair or other strange things that made her seemingly normal now. Compared to undead demon spirits taking over there daughter's to the white skull assassin who killed.. so many people.. and was now leading them to the bad guy behind all this. Somehow all this just made Lorelei, who should have confused or scared most people, somehow the most normal thing.  

Yet all Jake did was remain silent, not a single Canadian accented word from his hidden lips. No matter how much he wanted to, to ask question after question after question. After a while, the night dragging on and silently reminding Jake his failed promise to Anita of returning to the gym, the car would stop, piquing the interest of the red suited boy as Lorelei's sister Clover came back and sat in the car, ordering a simple issue to the driver before they continued. Remaining silent, Jake simply took this as they were getting closer to there destination. Other then that, he still didn't know what the plan was so he just stuck to thinking about it.

Soon enough the car came to a second stop,Jake however didn't really think about it, too distracted by his own thoughts till the sudden bright flash of light erupted and shined though the windows. Stunned for a few seconds, Jake heard a door open before Lorelei's figures tapped his shoulder and she spoke. Jake simply nodded and followed her out of the car, jogging inside the hanger, Jake was once again stunned at the sight of two large eyes in the middle of darkness.

Walking closer, Jake could see that White skull was in the air, much like how Lorelei had held them earlier only this time Jake suspected his blue friend had yet to do anything and more importantly not on White skull. Not sure what to do, Jake looked to the van, that White skull drove into this hanger with and ran towards to it, quickly grabbing under it and raising it over his head, He would begin running forward before leaping into the air, high above both the eyes and White skull before throwing the van towards the neon green eyes in an effort to try and... help the mercenary. Falling back towards the ground as the vehicle flew right at his target.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Little Fish, Big Apple, and Even Bigger Trouble! (Shadowoof)

Post by Johanna Sharpe January 4th 2017, 7:33 pm

Clover was the first to the open door of the warehouse, coming to a skidding stop on the loose gravel of the alleyway. Lorelei soon joined her, both sharing a brief moment taking in the very shocking sight before them. A pair of ominous green eyes floated just out of view, lurking in the shadows. White Skull continued to struggle against whatever invisible force it was that had them by the neck. The green eyes shifted from the assassin to the two girls, but quickly changed focus when Zaap arrived on the scene. Unlike the Lorelei and her sister, Zaap wasted little time in attacking the mysterious figure. With an impressive display the boy not only lifted the truck off the ground, but then also leapt into the air and launched the heavy vehicle at the floating eyes, like some sort of improvised automotive missile.

It was going to take more than a delivery truck to budge the mysterious figure from their comfortable plot of shadows. With a flick of the wrist, the skull masked assassin was launched to one side of the wide warehouse, colliding with enough force to leave a large impression in the wall. As soon as the action was made to release the assassin, the figure had turned its attention to the truck that was now barreling toward them. The giant mass of metal came to a sudden stop in midair as a greenish blue hue enveloped it. A second later the truck vanished from sight, and just as quickly as it had vanished, it reappeared over Clover’s head and entered a free fall.

The sound being let out by the truck reappearing in space was enough to draw Lorelei’s sensitive ears to the otherwise silent rematerializaton of the truck. Reacting before anyone really knew what was going on, Lorelei reached out toward the truck and attempted to stop it from crushing Clover like a bug. Despite her affinity for manipulating metal, Lorelei struggled to support the truck, it was as if some external force was pushing it downward.

Once Clover had caught up with everything that had happened in the last couple of seconds, she finally decided to try her hand at attacking the unknown assailant. She quickly darted out from underneath the truck and in that moment, took the opportunity to trigger two of her favorite spells. A halo of sea green orbs appeared above Clover’s head before she began to strafe to the side of the pair of eyes. An ethereal copy of Clover spawn shortly after and soon followed in the girl’s footsteps. With a fling of her arm, Clover launched the five glowing orbs at the mysterious pair of eyes, only for them to collide with some sort of barrier, causing the orbs of energy to fizzle out on contact with it.

“You are wasting your efforts in trying to harm me. It is unfortunate that you were caught up in all of this, but your fate has been sealed. I will end your friends, and then I will get what I need from you.” the heavily modified voice echoed. A bright greenish blue blast of energy then rocketed out of the shadows at the suspended truck Lorelei was manipulating.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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INV ONLY Re: Little Fish, Big Apple, and Even Bigger Trouble! (Shadowoof)

Post by Shadowoof January 4th 2017, 10:44 pm

Jake watched the mercenary get flung away before the truck itself was suddenly stopped. Landing on the ground, Jake already began to summarize what this.. thing could do. A telekinesis maybe, maybe one that could focus on only one object at a time, seeing as he had to let go of the White skulled assassin to cap... Where did the Van go? Jake quickly looked around for it, seeing it suddenly reappear above Clover before falling and then being stopped again, Jake's eyes switched to Clover, watching the girl struggle to keep the truck afloat.

As much as his mind would grind and switch gears in an effort to think of what to do, he instead watched Ms Sinclair as she raced forward, an magical clone of herself and five glowing orbs following suit, flung towards the eyes yet killing nothing. But that's when Jake heard there foe's voice, robotic in nature and thus the gears began to work. However he was kept ever busy as the neon green eyes would not allow him to think, shooting a bolt of energy at the truck Lorelei was manipulating. "Get away from the truck Rose!" Jake called out to Lorelei in the nick name he had given her, aware that the robotic voice had simply said friends and might not have been aware of Lorelei's true nature as sister to Clover and so he didn't want to take any chances all the while he stared back where the bolt had come from.

Looking back to green eyes, Jake lunched himself into the air again and towards them, wanting to test if the wall that stopped Clovers.. energy would also stop physical contact, his fist brought back and ready to attack anything he collided with, be it the wall or a robotic device.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Little Fish, Big Apple, and Even Bigger Trouble! (Shadowoof)

Post by Johanna Sharpe January 5th 2017, 5:27 am

Lorelei could do little to almost nothing, to react to Zaap’s warning, or the torrent of green energy streaking the though the air. Luckily for the little blue Atlantean, White Skull seemingly leapt out of nowhere and pined the girl to the ground and used their body and highly durable suit to shield the pink haired girl from the resulting explosion.

Meanwhile The mysterious figure had turned their attention away from clover and back to the boy once more. His persistence was admirable, but blindly attacking a foe he knew nothing about was going to get him hurt….one of these days. As the pair of eyes turned their gaze to Zaap, Clover’s ethereal clone had carried out the girl’s previous action and launched a series of orbs into the shadows. Not wanting to risk being hit by either attack, the shadowy figure produced another barrier around itself. When the energy blasts collided with the shield, they once again fizzled out, but when Zaap’s fist came flying forward, it only succeeded in halting the punch from reaching the figure, but it couldn’t withstand the stress of the punch and ruptured. The pair of eyes were blasted deeper into the shadows from the resounding concussive blast.

Lorelei, having been helped up by her sister’s hired gun, turned her gaze upward, catching a glimpse of the boy in the air. She’d seen him do some pretty amazing stuff thus far, but still felt the need to help him out. “I got you!” With a lift of her hand, a large chunk of the truck’s cargo bay was lifted into the air and placed just below Zaaps feet, giving him a floating platform to land on. “Who are you! What’s your issue with my suster!” she shouted, turning her pink gaze to the shadows.

Clover took the break in the action, to return to her sister’s side. “Hey you stole my line.” she joked before looking up at the red clad boy. “You ok?”

While the team tried to catch their breath, the whining of motorized parts rumbled from the shadows as the pair of eyes slowly faded back into view and floated toward their four foes. “I need not explain myself to you child, I need not explain my actions to any of you.” The voice barked before unleashing another torrent of greenish blue energy at the group.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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INV ONLY Re: Little Fish, Big Apple, and Even Bigger Trouble! (Shadowoof)

Post by Shadowoof January 9th 2017, 8:27 am

Jake's eyes widened in surprise as his fist broke though the barrier and the green eyes were sent back further into the darkness. The small blast also sending Jake slightly back, hearing Lorelei call out, Jake looked down and saw the floating platform, shifting his balance in the air to land on this make shift platform he'd land into a crouch. Looking back to Lorelei and her sister, he gave a thumbs up to say he was good, still remaining silent as he turned back to the green eyes, standing atop his flying platform, taking deep breaths to keep calm. The situation was good, no one seemed too hurt, no one he cared about anyway.

Jake watched and listened, hearing the whirs of motorized machines as the eyes came back, confirming one of Jake's possible suspicions. That whoever they faced was using a robotic body, as a suit or from a enclosed position he couldn't be sure. After the voices outburst answer to Lorelei's question, Jake would back away to the back of his platform as the Green eyed boss sent a wave of energy at everyone.

Not sure how to stop this energy, he looked back to all it's previous attacks, knowing that the energy would maybe explode on contact, Jake looked down to his platform. Calling out to Lorelei. "Drop my platform." Jake would then jump up slightly and slam his heels down into the back of the cargo bay, raising it so it became a wall in-front of him. Jake quickly brought his fist back as he fell, opening it into a palmed strike, Jake would slam his open hand into the cargo bay with as much strength as he could muster mid air. Sending it forwards towards the torrent of energy as Jake fell towards the ground, hoping that the cargo bay would be enough to halt the destructive wave and keep his open to attack form safe as he fell safely to the ground.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Little Fish, Big Apple, and Even Bigger Trouble! (Shadowoof)

Post by Johanna Sharpe January 10th 2017, 10:49 pm

Though the boy’s improvisation was impressive, it meant little to the raging torrent of energy surging towards the group. As the metal sheet rocketed forward it was quickly enveloped by the radial light of the blast and vanished in an instant under the might of the blast. With the scrap of truck yield no results in impeding the blasts movement, it was Lorelei’s turn to try her hand at protecting the group. With a forceful stomp of her foot, several thick slabs of stone rose up from the ground. The first two slabs quickly fell to the torrents might, but the third and fourth seemed to slow it down just enough for the fifth one to hold it.

There was only a brief moment of relief and salvation before an ominous cracking sound filled the air and suddenly the last slab shattered. The blast was mere moments from colliding with the little blue Atlantean, when a large green doom formed just in front of her. In a manner similar to how Clover’s blasts fizzled out when nearing the mysterious figure, the torrent of energy did the same against the dome Clover erected. The failed attack on the group was enough to rouse the mysterious figure out of the shadows.

Appearing before Zaap, Lorelei, Clover, and White Skull, was a lean looking suit of silver powered armor. It was shined to a near mirror sheen, which caused the warehouse’s overhead lights to reflect off the suit giving it an almost radiant aura. The suit was adorned with a ragged looking hooded green cloak. The hood of the cloak was drawn up, masking the head of the suit in its shadow, leaving the glowing green eyes to still give off their ominous glow now that the aggressor was out of the shadows. The cloak wasn’t the only odd thing the suit was adorned with however. The silver visage was also wrapped loosely in what looked like very old or ancient ribbons that had runes inscribed along their entire length. Lastly, wrapped tightly around the suits waist was a golden sash nearly as bright as the sun’s golden rays.

The mechanized villain loomed before the group, their feet never touching the ground. Though there was no face, just by glancing at this armor you could tell whoever or whatever was at its helm, was not happy. The robotic figure did not attack this time, instead it looked upon the group, almost sizing each opponent up. “You should give up now, there is no possible outcome where you are victorious here.”

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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INV ONLY Re: Little Fish, Big Apple, and Even Bigger Trouble! (Shadowoof)

Post by Shadowoof January 12th 2017, 11:07 am

As Jake fell, he watched as his plan failed, as he fell he closed his eyes, expecting the harsh energy to strike him with force. Yet as the seconds passed, Jake's feet landed on the ground, opening his eyes and bending his knees low, Jake saw that. However much his plan had failed, he had forgotten that Lorelei could manipulate both the earth and metal. Stepping back still, has the stone slabs mealy slowed the progress of the wall of death that would creep towards them, it seemed that the forth slab would, did stop it. Sighing in relief, Jake would rise only to hear crack in the air as the stone slab exploded, the blast sending Jake back towards the rest the group.

Rising from the ground, Jake would see that he made it just in time as Clover had risen a shield. Stopping the impeding energy from coming any closer. Then, the ominous eyes that had been there foe from the start came from the darkness, showing it's true form, that of a robotic suit, almost impossibly bright and shiny, it's voice still mechanic but Jake felt a human must have been inside it, the way it was designed, the look of it. The voice made a threat, telling the group that there future was bleak, no matter what happened to which Jake bit his tongue to keep from laughing but still he spoke.

"You know. The best part of someone claiming to know the future? I get to laugh when there wrong." Jake mocked the flying, suited figure, before looking to Lorelei. Whispering to not tell the mechanized figure his next words. "See if you can bring him to the ground. Via his own suit. Or his own roof." Jake whispered before looking back to the hooded suit. Lorelei with her ability could end this, quickly. He just had to hope she didn't bring the whole roof down on them if she so decided on that course of action.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Little Fish, Big Apple, and Even Bigger Trouble! (Shadowoof)

Post by Johanna Sharpe January 15th 2017, 7:22 am

Clover’s eye’s narrowed as the metallic figure floated out of the shadows, at a glance she could instantly tell it was a suit of armor and not some sort of overly sophisticated robot. The claim that they could not be beat, not only roused a chuckle out of Zaap, but also Clover. With a smirk she stepped forward with a quickened stride. Something about her body language gave off an air of confidence as she approached the figure. :Those are some bold claims from someone who is of little significance to the future of this planet. You say there is no possible outcome where we win this, but the truth is…You’re the one who doesn’t stand a chance.” With that she raised her arm to the sky and the warehouse lit up with a greenish blue hue, before a host of spectral tentacles erupted from the earth.

This figure remained unfazed by the raven haired girls words, let alone those of the boy in the red suit. When the ethereal tentacles were brought forth, the armored villain didn’t pay them any heed, and with good cause. As the great beast lashed out from beyond the void, the ribbons adorning the armor sprung to life, halting any attack the tentacles made on their host. The impressive defense didn’t stop there. The ribbons went so far as to shred the ethereal tentacles to shreds before returning to their original harmless state. Clover’s overly confident faded to confusion as she had not expected her attack to fail.

By this point, the person before the group had kept their gaze fixated on Clover. This presented White Skull with the opportunity to try their hand at attacking. Without warning, several gunshots echoed off the cold steel and concrete of the hanger. Almost preemptively, the ribbons sprung to life once again, deflecting the bullets into the nearby walls, leaving the metal suit and it’s pilot unscathed. “Oh come on!” the assassin cried out.

The menacing scowl of the suit slowly shifted to the assassin. It’s emotionless face gave of a bit of a creepy and bad vibe. The mechanical voice boomed out again as it raised its left hand toward the metal assassin. “It’s as I said. You stand no chance.” A shining light would suddenly appear around the midsection of the assassin, and in a bright flash of nearly blinding light, they vanished without a trace.

Sheer terror took hold of Lorelei as their opponent not only seemed invincible, but they had just made a living breathing person vanish without a trace. The little blue Atlantean began to panic, and it showed. The entire warehouse began to shake and the steel beams supporting the walls and roof began to groan and creek as Lorelei’s unstable emotions began to influence them negatively. Her pink eyes hesitantly shifted in the direction of the metal suit, no matter how hard she focused she couldn’t seem to make the damn thing budge. She eventually collapsed to her knees as she tried to regain her breath. “I..I can’t do it. It won’t budge.” She mumbled to herself, tightening her grip on her shirt.

“Do you see now Clover? It is futile to oppose me. And to think you were supposed to lead this world to an age of peace….pitiful.”

The mysterious figure’s words struck a chord with Clover who had rushed to Lorelei’s side in an effort to comfort her. Her emerald eyes shot up to the person, there was a hint of soft light emanating from them. Her right hand tightened into a fist, as she slowly stepped away from her sister. Though she should have been confused, or slightly worried as to how this person knew so much about her, the fact that the person had been underestimating her this whole time was enough to anger her.

It seemed the words had gotten to the young Atlantean more than they had her sister, whom the taunt was directed towards. Lorelei shot to her feet and joined her sister’s side. With a simple point of her finger, the ground erupted in a series of cascading spikes all pointed in the figures direction. Clover joined in on the attack and hoped Zaap would do the same. So far they had tried to attack the foe individually, but perhaps if all three attacked at once they’d be able to overwhelm them. Clover held her hand up towards the figure and unleashed a violent torrent of energy of her own. This person was about to learn just who they were dealing with.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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INV ONLY Re: Little Fish, Big Apple, and Even Bigger Trouble! (Shadowoof)

Post by Shadowoof January 20th 2017, 9:05 am

Of course there was the worst thing about someone claiming to know the future. When it turns out they might just be right. That was the situation that had turned sour and in the favor of there giant metal foe in mere moments as his robes, his.. old looking robes rose like living snakes, stopping any and all attacks that came it's way. Even White skull who had seemed to be a great threat to Lorelei and Jake earlier was dealt with in such ease.. Gone.. Jake wasn't sure if this was magic... evaporation or that teleportation of items the green eyes had portrayed so many times before.

Even Lorelei, who's power seemed limitless when it came to earth and metal manipulation failed to affect the mech and Jake watched as the girl collapsed to her knees, feeling just about as he did. Utterly defeated. Jake wanted to reach out to calm her but he also contemplated if they should run, he wouldn't leave if Lorelei if she stayed, but right now he didn't think of that as the best idea, best course of action, best... Whatever. But that was when the mechanized suit made a insult to the two Sinclair sisters who comforted each other, one that had no affect on Jake himself, the two stood, angered he assumed, whatever it was, it was defiance to a threat that thought it had everything under control and it was a infectious defiance.

And thus there united attack began, with Jake the weakest link in the trio yet he knew he had to act fast, and he had to get close to the foe at the same time that Lorelei's and Clover's ranged attack's to be even slightly useful without the use of his red energy. Running forward, Jake would jump and lunge at the spiked rocks that rose from the ground and began to fly towards the robed Mech. Clutching onto the back of a earth projectile. Jake would use his strength, fingers digging into the rock as he quickly climbed along the side of the the rock as it flew, closing into the villain that they faced Jake would pull back before flinging himself ahead of the rock, curling into a ball, Jake would rotate forward before opening so that his legs aimed at the mech, tucking his head and arms to his chest, Jake waited for the impact of ether the metal suit or one of his defensive telekinetic walls to make impact to his feet hoping the speed of the rocks and throwing himself from them would be enough to help the sisters.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Little Fish, Big Apple, and Even Bigger Trouble! (Shadowoof)

Post by Johanna Sharpe January 22nd 2017, 11:02 pm

The combined assault by the Sinclair sisters was enough to hold their metallic foe at bay. Rather than advancing or striking back, the armored villain held steadfast, their mystical barrier providing more than enough protection from the onslaught of stone and energy. It was the sudden addition of the boy’s intervention that seemed to turn the tides in the groups favor. Amidst the flurry of projectiles colliding with the barrier of the mechanized enemy, a pair of shoes managed to slip past the seemingly impenetrable defense and land a hit on the sternum of their armored adversary.

A loud metallic groan filled the air as the person was sent reeling back into the shadows of the warehouse. The lights would begin to slowly flicker to life one by one till eventually there was no longer any darkness within the large hanger. The last pair of lights to kick in, seemed to perfectly align with where the metallic suit had landed. Lorelei’s eyes continued to track the mechanized enemy all the way to the back of the warehouse. Though she and Clover had stopped attacking, they were more than ready to retaliate once more if their opponent didn’t stand down.

Clover seemed to be the only one of this mind set, as Lorelei lashed out once more at the armored suit. She had been pushed around and taken advantage of all night, and to her that was fine, but she wasn’t going to let some two-bit criminal get away with bad mouthing her sister. Much like before, Lorelei pointed her hand in the suits direction and the ground of the warehouse sprung to life once more. A raging river of razor sharp spikes formed of stone cascaded forward. Lorelei’s attack didn’t stop there however, with a squeeze of her hand, the ground beneath the metal rogue began to rumble.

The emotionless glowing green eyes of the armor took a brief second to look up at the wall of spikes headed their way, but then trailed downward as the earth beneath their feet began to quiver. If there was no helmet to mask the pilots face, the group would be able to see the slick smile that had just crept onto their face. The armored villain was about to use Lorelei’s own attack against her. Acting quickly, the suit sprung to its feet and went into a squatting position just moments before the ground beneath them erupted outward. Lorelei’s plan was to use the piece of ground to launch the suit into the oncoming spikes, but the metallic beast had other plans. Using the momentum of the eruption, the suit would kick off the rock at its apex.

The resulting combination of force would propel the suit far above the small group of three and from there they would unleash a pair of blasts from their palms. One of these blasts was aimed at Zaap, the other at Lorelei, who in the moment was too concerned about the boy being hit by the energy wave to realize one was headed her way as well. Things seemed to go in slow motion for Clover as she assessed the situation, her heart pounding in her chest. With the aid of adrenaline, an instinct to save her sister, and a nice boost from the energy in her cells, Clover kicked off the ground as hard as she could and dove at Lorelei.

The young girls hands came into contact with Lorelei’s side and shoved her a good distance away just as the blast was about to reach its target. Instead of landing a direct blow on the little blue Atlantean, the beam collided with Clover’s side, the resulting blast blew a hole in Clover’s dress from the middle of her right hip up to her ribs. Her skin was left severely burned and a feint bit of smoke rose from the massive wound. Needless to say, the blast had done a number on the poor girl and was enough to knock her unconscious instantly.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
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Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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INV ONLY Re: Little Fish, Big Apple, and Even Bigger Trouble! (Shadowoof)

Post by Shadowoof January 23rd 2017, 9:11 am

Jake's surprise was evident on his face as he broke though the barrier, his feet connecting to the chest of the metal brute. Kicking off from the suit along with sending it back, Jake would fall backwards to the ground, his surprise on landing a hit taking hold as he fell and landed on his back and a thud. Not entirely hurting but uncomfortable all the same. Sitting up, Jake faced the suit of metal and he took a deep breath, knowing now he could throw the bastard around but if he could hurt him.. that was yet to be seen.

As Jake began to stand, the ground rumbled and he looked back to see that Lorelei was not yet quite done with the downed mech, sending walls of razor like spikes towards there foe, Jake stayed down to avoid taking on a few of the razor spikes himself, feeling the ground rumble under his hands and feet, he looked forwards to see that the main focus of that rumble was at the Bad guy. Jake had almost sighed in relief, that maybe Lorelei could finish this guy, that the fight would go on longer. He was wrong, upon what looked like a surefire tactic, the metal suited man stood up and jumped high into the air as the ground below him lifted upwards, sending him high into the sky and avoiding Lorelei's attack all together.

The move left Jake stunned, not just because of it's ingenious, but also because of the act, jumping high was always what he did, it confused people sometimes, gave him an height advantage and now here was his foe, doing the same thing. Jake's stunned state of staring however left him open and he rose from the ground, his foe firing two bolts of the green energy that had so far not managed to harm a single one of the trio that opposed him. That streak would not last as the bolt sped it's way to the boy, giving him enough time to throw his arms up and defend his body from the attack, the blast sending him flying back and his arms burning with pain, the leather like clothe remained somewhat intact but bits and pieces of skin shined though, red from the burns the energy left over.

Climbing to his feet, Jake looked for the Sinclair sisters, gasping in surprise to Clover's state, on the ground and still. The damage to her side looked bad and from here Jake wasn't sure if she was still breathing or not and for Lorelei's sake he hoped she was.. Lorelei Jake's eyes went to Lorelei, the small, blue skinned girl, who's emotion could seemingly bend the earth itself.. "Oh no.." He whispered to himself before looking to there foe, the green eyed mech of a man.. He needed to distract him, if Lorelei.. if she went berserk.. Or if she rushed to Clover's side.. "Hey.. Hey you greened eye stupid metal dome headed ass!" Jake yelled out in his Canadian accent, standing tall and holding his right arm out in a defensive stance, hiding the left behind his back. "Well done. You threw energy at a woman. Yet look at what it did to me. Nothing! I bet your too afraid to even attack me with your own hands, seeing as I can throw you around. Win my ass if that's all you got. I could take you with one hand!" Jake was thankful for the idea of wearing all the red he does, the bits of skin that did show were red from his energy and he hoped blended in with his suit, making his claim seem legitimate and he also hope the man would fall for his taunts, his stance as a threat, so he would get closer without that stupid barrier, so that his left arm the hid behind his back, now being covered in a erratic red energy, would get a shot in case Lorelei couldn't.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Little Fish, Big Apple, and Even Bigger Trouble! (Shadowoof)

Post by Johanna Sharpe January 26th 2017, 12:42 am

Lorelei had yet to fully process just what had happened. One minute she was attack the suited figure, the next she was on the ground several feet from where she had been standing just moments ago. As her head turned back to where she was, she could hear Zaap and the mysterious person conversing. It was then that her pink eyes caught the sight of a motionless Clover a few feet away from her. Her eyes widened as she scrambled over to her sister. Fear began to set in when the wound Clover had sustained came into view. The young raven haired girl was unresponsive to any of Lorelei’s calls or the rhythmic rocking of her body from the little blue Atlantean trying to wake her up.  

“Why on earth would I attack you, when I can attack her instead!” the suited villain said. The neon green eyes trailed away from the boy and over to Lorelei, whom at this point seemed completely oblivious to the world around her. The suited figure raised its right hand and pointed its palm at the little Atlantean, ready to unleash another blast of energy.

It was at this moment that Zaap’s voice seemed to fade to nothing more than muffled words. Lorelei’s heart began to race as panic set in, soon she would feel herself shacking all over. The old hanger began to groan and creak and the ground began to shake. The intensity of each sensation continued to grow. Lorelei’s head snapped around, tears streaked down her cheeks, but her face narrowed to an expression of outright anger. She shot up to her feet and let out a loud yell. The warehouse seemed to respond to the girls voice as it to let out a loud groan. All of the rivets in the nearby walls began to loosen and the walls began to fracture and crack.

Lorelei let out another grunt as she went into a power stance. The wall behind her seemed to almost vaporize, into smaller metal and concrete razor sharp projectiles. In a fit of rage Lorelei threw her arm forward and the swarm of stone and steel came to life. The bits flew past the blue Atlantean with deadly speed and it didn’t stop there, the wall behind Lorelei continued to unravel and feed into the endless stream of debris she was launching at the suited being.

The sudden outburst by the little blue girl was enough to provoke the suit into firing a blast of energy to hold the swarm of shrapnel at bay. In the back of their mind, they knew the boy would try and take advantage of this situation like they had done before. The metallic menace would be ready this time. They turned their whole body towards the boy while maintaining the wave of energy. The glowing green eyes remained locked on Zaap almost as if they were inviting or begging for an attack from the leather clad boy.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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INV ONLY Re: Little Fish, Big Apple, and Even Bigger Trouble! (Shadowoof)

Post by Shadowoof January 26th 2017, 2:17 am

"No!" Jake yelled as he started running forward upon the beings response, his taunts all for naught. Not thinking he could get there in time, Jake started to focus red energy on his leg too, so that his next step, his next jump would throw him into the suit before the driver could hopefully not react. But that was when the ground started to shake and Jake lost balance, tumbling forward, Jake lost concentration and the forming energy on his leg vanished. Rolling forward into a three point landing, Jake shook his left hand and lost all sign of the red energy as he stared forwards at the horror the befell his eyes.

The wall, all the walls began to crack and rumble, deconstructing themselves into a nearly limitless ammo for the blue girl. Jake watched as the metal villain responded with his defensive green energy, holding the shrapnel at bay to which Jake's mind started to think of ways to aid Lorelei. It wasn't till the being turned directly to Jake, facing with with those green eyes that had done harm to everyone here. Jake wanted to rush forward and give him a punch, a hard punch right into that shrapnel. In fact that was exactly what he was going to do.

Running forward, Jake's mind raced though many things, should I use the red energy, should I jump, should I jump up to the roof and then down.. He ran encounters though his head, all based on what he knew how to work, each had flaws, what if he missed, what if the guy moved when he jumped, what if... what if... Jake shook his head to cast away those thoughts, right here, right now he needed to help Lorelei both in combat and emotionally. But first the former would have to come first. Getting close enough, Jake braced and lunged forward at the metal man, prepared to give him a rather hard shove right into his own energy and that shrapnel.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Little Fish, Big Apple, and Even Bigger Trouble! (Shadowoof)

Post by Johanna Sharpe January 26th 2017, 4:25 am

Predictable, there were all predictable. To the being in the armored suit it was as if they didn’t even need their powers to win this battle. Just as they had hoped and half expected, the boy in red immediately jumped to the Atlantean’s aid. Though Chroma knew they could deal with Lorelei, the boy was an entirely unforeseen variable. To this point it had been everything the boy did that had caught the metal fiend off guard thus far, perhaps it was time to change focus after all. Chroma pondered the different approaches they could take in engaging with Zaap. The mystical energy they had used to this point had proven useless and physical confrontation would only go so far.

A strategy for the boy would have to be devised later. Chroma had done right in turning to face Zaap. As soon as the boy got close enough, The suit flicked its wrist and flared its emerald green cloak. With a quick tug on the edge of the tattered green cloth, the suit was enveloped by it and suddenly vanished from sight before reappearing in the spot that Zaap had started his dash from, thus leaving the boy in the direct path of the swarm of shrapnel Lorelei had been controlling.

Once they were repositioned, Chroma would unleash another torrent of vile green mystical energy at the little Atlantean. Instead of connecting with the target however, the energy was met by a blockade of rubble debris. Though the run-down building materials didn’t serve as a good barrier against the energy, it was the amount of said items that prevented the beam from connecting with Lorelei. Much like the swarm of shrapnel she had been firing, the makeshift barrier was being formed from the environment in real time. It took the sound of the beam being fired from the palm of the armored suit, for Lorelei to realize Chroma had moved and that her attacks were headed towards Zaap.

She quickly rotated her body with all of her might in an attempt to swerve the shrapnel barrage back on target. Amidst the motion Lorelei unknowingly ripped up several pieces of the earth and caused a large tremor to ripple through the area. The large slabs of stone were assimilated into the flood of debris that were once again now cascading towards the armored individual.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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