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Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp)

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Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Empty Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp)

Post by Venus January 6th 2016, 3:04 pm

Handcuffs, which were attached to a belt buckle by a chain, jingled around Venus' wrists. She was in the Sydney court house, facing trial for her crimes 'at long last' as a certain ugly little hero who is desperately trying to stay relevant is so found on stating. Sat at some crummy, pale wooden table, awaiting her guard escort to the court room. A device was attached to her mouth and nose which stopped her from using her powers, as if she even could. Ever since that little pill the Doctor had made's effects wore off, she hadn't been able to produce her Love Dust at all. It was very distressing but like a true ice cold bi-atch, she kept those emotions hidden.

Looking up from the table in the little grey room when she heard a jingling at the door, she stood from the table. Venus was dressed in a rather courtly outfit, with red high heels. Her lucky ones. The dark skinned security guard entered. They'd sent a female guard, who motioned for Venus to follow her. Keeping her head held up high, Venus walked with the Guard, through the hallways. She saw several of the cheerleaders and some of the security guards from the weapons museum incident. They were there as 'witnesses' but fortunately for Venus, she knew for a fact they'd have no to very little recollection of what happened that destructive evening.

When she reached the court room, everyone's eyes turned to her. Quite the turn out. Venus walked with the guard to the defendant's table, unhindered by the glares and had her hand cuffs unlocked. She sat with her Lawyer, Jacob Jones, who was renown for winning un-winnable cases. And infamous due to rumours suggesting he uses illegal methods. A different guard approached Venus and unlocked the device over her face. She stretched her jaw before reaching into her blazer pocket, removing a stick of striking red lipstick. She applied it with legendary precision before slipping it back into her pocket. Reaching into another, she removed a pair of Red Mirror Lensed Aviators and slipped them onto her face.

"Good Evening, your Honour."

She spoke to the judge, leaned back in her leather chair and crossed her legs.

See, normally someone who was facing atleast a decade in prison wouldn't be this calm, but she had a plan. The only person who apprehended her who wasn't entirely unattractive and useless was named 'Ashley'. Seagirl and 'Bliss' were already in the building and they were both idiots who would probably sabotage themselves, but Ashley was a problem. Fortunately... Venus had called upon an old friend to stop Ashley from making it to the court room.

Atleast Ashley'd go out with a bang.


5: 27pm
A bridge that leads to the court room(?)

Brown, leather heels clicked against concrete. They walked steadily towards an on coming car. Ashley's car. Platinum Blonde and wearing a large, white fur coat, the heels belonged to Bombshell, one of Venus' oldest and most dangerous friends. She reached into her coat's pocket, the distant car growing ever closer. She removed a stick of dark purple lipstick and applied it slowly, creating an impressive contrast between her pale skin. Rolling the lipstick down, she flipped it over and held it to the side. Waiting until the car was in the ideal place, she pushed the end of it, prompting it to start beeping.

Suddenly, two of the rafters on the bridge exploded behind the car, toppling them and denying the Car anywhere to reverse to. She tossed the lipstick detonator to the side and continued walking towards the car, at a faster pace. She dropped the coat, to reveal a white-camo corset, black denim hot pants, and brown thigh high boots with stockings connecting them to the pants. Oh, and a Grenade Launcher. That part is important. She held the launcher at her hip, and spoke in a thick Russian accent.

"Bomb Voyage." She fired, sending a fist sized golden cylinder at front end of the car, intent on blowing it apart!


click image for bio
Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
Post Mate
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Status :

Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Empty Re: Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp)

Post by Bliss January 6th 2016, 5:31 pm

"Ms. Boyle, I do acknowledge you at one time held a high standing within Australian society, but even if that standing were still true, I still would not recommend you carry on the prosecution against a supervillain in a court of law." A bespectacled man sat in front of the judge, explaining the situation in full detail to Hanna. The regular prosecutor was 'sick' today and could not make the trial, almost resulting in a mistrial, reminding Hanna she almost played lawyer on TV once. In her audition she shouted objection and even asked for a sidebar after a night of drinking. Today, she was mostly sober.

"She isn't 'super'; she's just some bimbo who breathes everywhere. And this is personal!"In a fit of enraged justice, Hanna slammed her fist into the table. "She is the worst. The worst I say. El Worsto."

"Ms. Boyle, we take cultural appropriation very seriously in Australia and will give you the full sentence of life without parole if you attempt to defame a foreign culture for use in a poorly used joke."

Bliss looked over the pedicure on her nails from behind the prosecutor's desk. "El Lamo."

"Ms. Fukuyama, you're rich, so laws don't apply to you."

Bliss gave a polite nod, wearing a read suit jacket with a matching skirt running halfway up her thigh. Hanna walked back from the judge's stand, clad in her blue suit jacket with a skirt longer than the one Bliss chose for court. "He said we're good to go."

"It doesn't matter. Ashley will put this whole thing away."
They waited for the court to be called to session, but took notice of the unexpectedly absent Ashley and an abundance of Abby.

"I think I can be of assistance here. While I am not in fact Ashley- I am good at things."
Abby crossed her hands on front of her clad in a pink suit with white capris.

"Abby, I'm about to choke you, but you can sit here to keep Ashley's seat warm." The look across Bliss' face curved into a look so severe it almost dried the paint from the pedicure. "And, if I- no, let me restate that- when I choke you, you aren't allowed to do anything about it."

A smug smirk resembling a look of pain slowly canvassed across Abby's cheeks. "When you see the testimony I can bring, there won't be any need to try and choke me."

"First of all, there is no try, second of all, there is always a reason to choke you." Bliss wanted to come across as softer and more pleasant as of late, but Abby just had something about her that made Bliss completely disregard any notion of 'nice'.

"Now, the reason my testimony is so good, is that you telling me never to talk about me choking you and tying you up, is the reason I remembered it, so when I take the stand-"

"That does not come up. Ever. We can take this case without it. Easy." Bliss shot daggers at Abby so close Abby could feel her hairline begin to recede. "We just need Ashley to put this thing away."

The line to get a new rental car took entirely too long. Earlier in the morning, Ashley wanted to just do it online, but talking to other business people always made her more cheerful. An hour long line made it less so, but at least Ashley got the perfect little car. Green, two door, and it even smelled clean. A step up from what Bliss walked out the door with.

Then she put the brakes to the test. Someone just walked out in front of her for no reason. Well, other than to get to the other side. Honking would be rude. This person walked into the middle of the road for a reason and a horn would not suddenly remind them of their predicament. They began to stare. And their clothing revealed a sinister lack of taste.

An explosion erupted behind Ashley. Two rafters fell to the ground behind Ashley, managing to kill no one at all. Seeing the writing on the wall, Ashley began to speed up to play chicken with the woman in the road. Car vs person seemed good, until a rocket launcher appeared. Suddenly, the tables turned and Ashley tucked and rolled out of the car. The perfect little green car burst into flames, but Ashley remained safe in her blouse and business skirt. Ashley knew how to pick clothes that could take a beating.

She pulled her hair back into a ponytail as the camo clad catastrophe walked towards her. "I'm assuming Venus sent you. Although, it actually could be a lot of people. Venus just makes the most sense." Not wanting to wait any longer for the woman to respond with violence, Ashley sent a telekinetic tug to grab the woman's boots and pull them towards her. Her adversary looked like the type of woman who would tie them pretty tight, so the ride would probably do her some good before Ashley brought her in as another evidence exhibit.


Mitsy's Boutique


Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Empty Re: Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp)

Post by Venus January 8th 2016, 3:21 pm

"All Rise."

The Judge, Crystal Graves, rose from her seat. As did Venus, the Jury and the rest of the court room. Judge Graves dusted off her robes before placing a pair of chained spectacles onto her face and inspecting a document before her with great scrutiny.

"Today we will be starting the case of Marian Monette vs The State." She shuffled around slightly, before flicking her hair, slotting her fingers together like a pyramid and sighing.

"Be seated."

She turned her pale green eyes to Venus and Jacob Jones, squinting when she saw him.
"Miss Monette, you stand accused of... ' She lifted the sheet of paper, lowering her spectacles in almost disbelief that such a gorgeous girl could be capable of such things.

Attempted Murder.
And.... The enslavement of several cheerleaders and a woman who goes by the name of Abby Flowers."
She raised her eyebrow.

Invisidork Venus sneered, in her thoughts.

How do you plead?"

"Not Guilty." She lied, her voice sprinkled with fibs. The Judge nodded and Venus took a seat.

"Prosecution' She looked down her glasses at Seagirl and Co, her voice as stale as Seagirl's career 'That's you. Please call your first witness to the stand."

Jacob Jones passed a note to Venus.

"This is in the bag, trust me, unless someone Judge Graves actually thinks is competent testifies against you, she'll be incredibly hard to convince. I already got rid of Seagirl's original lawyer, Sampson Sowers. He's always been her favourite.' Jacob got flashbacks of him spiking Seagirl's Lawyer's drink and leaving him in a strip club bathroom. 'Just play the innocent fool. I got this. x." She squinted at the x, before glancing at Jacob. He's cute but no thanks.

Slowly putting some of her hair behind her ear, she waited to listen to their first witness and shake off the accusations like she does the haters.


Grunting when her back hit the ground, Bombshell shook her head. I fishing hate supers. She felt herself being dragged towards her target. Orientating herself, she slapped the cartridge of her Grenade Launcher, which span like a revolver. She pointed the barrel at Ashley and narrowed her cold blue eyes. "From Russia with love." Her finger squeezed the trigger and she immediately turned her head away to shield her eyes. A blue shelled capsule flew through the air before it exploded in a blinding light with a deafening noise. Through the chaos, Bombshell attempted to deliver a hard kick straight to Ashley's ribcage. "Minus the love!"


click image for bio
Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Empty Re: Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp)

Post by Seagirl January 8th 2016, 7:47 pm

A number of blank pieces of paper sat in front of Hanna, all compiled neatly within a manila folder marked "Important Evidence". She took a deep breath as the judge entered the room, she only hoped the chasms of her compassion would run as deep as the chasms around her cheeks. Then she spoke. Hanna could feel her stomach turn.

The call to order pulled Abby and Bliss from their chairs easy enough, but Hanna felt her knees begin to shake like an Outcast song. Her love of yoga relaxation taught her to allow the negative feelings to just flow through her limbs. Anger left her wrists. Rage flowed through her fingers. And, then her 'Important Evidence' hit the floor, scattering the blank pages. "Whoops! No one look! Very secret!" Hanna stumbled as fast as her heels could take her. She wasn't classless enough as Venus to perfect running in high heels. "Yep. Just grabbing these incriminating documents." She looked at one of the pages. "Definitely going to use that one-"

"Please call your first witness to the stand."

"Abby Flowers! I choose you!"

"She isn't a pikachu you idiot." Bliss shot daggers at Hanna as Abby slowly rose, hoping enough time had passes for people to forget Hanna knew her.

"Let the record show, Ms. Fukuyama thinks Ms. Boyle is an idiot."

"Oh no, this judge is aware of her surroundings. This could get bad." An air of impending doom swung between Bliss and Hanna like a blade slowly descending over a damsel in an old movie.

"Ms. Flowers, do you mind if I call you that-"

"I guess you could-"

"I'll ask the questions around here!"
Hanna shot her finger into Abby's face as she turned to pace before the judge. "Do you admit you were part of the plot to steal a death ray?"

"Well, it was Venus-"

"I asked about your dealings Ms. Flowers!" Both of Hanna's hands gripped the witness stand, putting Hanna's face a few inches away from Abby's.

"Well yeah, but-"

"So you admit you were apart of the deal?"
Hanna flung herself back while Abby looked in the direction of anyone who could make reason of this. So, she looked at everyone who was not Hanna.

"Yeah, but it was-"

"But, who made you turn to a life of crime? What would delude your innocent little mind to want to participate in such delinquent behavior?"

"It was Venus-"

"She admits it was Venus!" Hanna struck a pose with her finger in the air, slowly letting it descend to Venus.

"I would have admitted that with the first question."
Neither of Abby's arms ever touched the arms of the witness chair during the duration of her stay.

"And how did she do it? With money? Power? Sex?"
Crazy blue eyes pierced deep into Abby, every inch Hanna moved caused Abby to retreat in kind. "Was it sex?" Hanna stared with such an intensity it removed any vibration from molecules around Abby, rendering her wide open mouth unable to create sound.

"I believe the witness is trying to say it was not 'sex'."

"It's that dumb dust thing she-"

"The dumb dust thing Venus does. What crazy delusions is this girl- oh wait." Hanna turned around with a spoken word that made it clear why no one paid her to act anymore. "Does? Does Venus breath dust on people? Is that something she can do? Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, case dismissed. Guilty. Recess!" Hanna smiled and gave two big thumbs up to Bliss.

Bliss forgot how to Blink.


Pulling the blond towards her gave Ashley a lot of time to think about what she was doing. Fighting on a bridge meters away from a burning rental car. Nothing about this fit into her daily agenda, but none of it surprised her. The blond began to summon up a grenade launcher from her tacky outfit, loading it and beginning to take aim. Once the first round fired out, Ashley gave it a little extra love, speeding it up to the point where it flew away from her and towards the river.

The amount of force she applied to the round allowed Bombshell to get loose of her pull. The next Ashley to get close to Ashley felt rubbery in content and angry in context. Ashley fell back into the railing of the bridge, a railing a little loose from the preliminary explosion. Ashley gripped the railing and pulled it loose, throwing it towards Bombshell to try and wrap her up in the railing. "You have license to chill!"

Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Tumblr_lzt8ylC6T71qdqyxho1_500

Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 147
Registration date : 2013-07-03

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Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Empty Re: Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp)

Post by Venus January 10th 2016, 10:24 pm

When Seagirl was quite finished interrogating her own witness, there was an awkward silence. Venus bit her lip to stop herself from laughing. There were some sighs coming from the Jury, and some extremely unamused scribbling coming from their pens. Crystal Graves stared at Seagirl with such intensity that you could nearly see a burning dot on Hanna's forehead.

"Ms. Boyle, if you are quite finished, sit the hell down. Another outburst like that and I'll have you held in contempt of court."

She wrote in a black book before turning and firing an unamused glare at Jacob Jones.

"Defendants, you may now question the witness."

"Wish me luck."
Jacob smiled at Venus before standing up, and approaching the witness stand. He kept a much more relaxed demeanour.

"Ms. Flowers.... Do you mind if I call you Abby?" He smiled, tall, dark and handsome with a voice like manly silk.

"Yeah Abby works."

Jacob readjusted the tie on his dark grey skinny suit, and smiled.

"You claim Venus forced you to help her steal a Death Ray, but my question Abby is, how did she 'force' you to assist her?"
Jacob moved closer to the witness stand.

"What part of stupid dust was left out. Can typewriter lady read stupid dust?"

Jacob glanced at the lady, who said, quite quietly. "Stupid Dust."

"And how does Venus produce this 'Stupid Dust'?"

"That's way more venus information than I want to - wow you are handsome." Jacob smiled and rubbed his jawline.

"Thank you. So you don't know how she produces it? And Abby, tell me another thing...'

Venus crossed her legs and smirked, eyes narrowing under her red lensed glasses. She had already explained the effects of her love dust in great detail to Jacob, who took immense care to memorize every last catch, quirk and twist the dust was capable off. Especially one of it's most distinguishing features.

'Do you actually remember any significant involvement in attempting to steal a deathray?' He raised an eyebrow and stared Abby right in her ugly face.

'Well yeah.  There were cheerleaders and basket tosses and a death ready. Bliss was there for some reason. A pillar got thrown. What more do you need?" Jacob flattened his expression and sighed.

"So let me get this straight. You don't know how my client creates this 'dust' and you don't solidly remember having any involvement. All you can provide is some vague malarky?!'

He slammed his hand harshly on Abby's table, and squinted straight at Crystal Graves, who squinted back at him so hard she almost saw blood.

'Objection! Your Honour, how are we meant to take this witnesses' testimony seriously?! For all we know she's some random citizen Seagirl hired to try and incarcerate Marian Monette." He pointed at Seagirl and then looked back at the Judge, who kept a flat expression.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Jacob Jones is correct. Unless you can provide more concrete witnesses or evidence, this case is starting to look like a waste of my precious, precious time."

Jacob smiled, which Crystal saw. "Sit down before I make you." She smacked her gavel on the table, Jacob hurried to his seat.

"Well Done."
"Easy Peasy."

The pair folded their arms in synchronisation.

The jury's scribbles sounded like they were saying
Wow, this pair have got a really solid defense. However I feel as if it could all be derailed if one, competent, intelligent person, probably called Ashley, were to walk through those doors and testify against her I'd definitely trust her and send Venus to jail.


A bar flew towards Bombshell, who used her intense military training to dodge it by falling over. Professionally. Not wasting any time, she got up and held her grenade launcher at the hip. She rolled her neck, the joints cracking with a sound similar to ice slowly fracturing. "Your jokes are terrible." She span the cylinder around again. "You need to be PUNished for them."

She squeezed the trigger and sent another flashbang directly towards Ashley's chest.

Bombshell really hated supers. Venus had said she didn't have to kill Ashley, but if she wanted to, it had to be off screen with sound effects or shadows being the only hint as to what's happening. Something about PG13+.
And Bombshell was going to tastefully edit her death scene like a true pro.


click image for bio
Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Empty Re: Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp)

Post by Seagirl January 11th 2016, 6:06 pm

Abby did not know if anything good happened, but she knew something bad lingered in the air. "You're an idiot." The comment slipped just under her breath to avoid the notice of the judge.

"Your honor, do I call the next person or do you, or is it their turn or-"

"I'm up." Bliss telekinetically pushed the table out, brushing against Abby as she tried to make her way past the prosecution table. "Bliss Fukuyama, your honor." Bliss put her hand on Hanna's shoulder, pulling her closer. "Try that on me and I'll put you through that wall."


"No, I'm not done. Ask me anything I don't like or try your sitcom lawyer stuff, and I'll knock the seawater out of your brain." The distance expanded between Bliss and Hanna in many ways.

A moment of silence rested for the memorial of Hanna's lawyer talk. "So, questions?"

"Please do." Bliss slipped into the witness stand and crossed her right leg over her left.

"Ms. Fukuyama, is it true during the attempted death laser heist Venus held you prisoner and-"

"You fish brained idiot! I'll kill you!" Bliss leaped up, but Hanna made remarkable speed to get away in her heels. "I mean, no. Venus did not capture me, because she is incapable. I mean come on, I'm Bliss Fukuyama."

Hanna's eyes dropped lower than her expectations."Seriously?"

"What? Have you read about me? Bliss. Google it." Somehow, Bliss knew she would find a way to work this out.

Hanna starred ahead in disbelief. "Didn't tie you up?"


The blank copies in Hanna's folder almost fell as her hand began to lose track of her folder. "No tape gag?"

Tight lips squared up to squinted eyes. "What's that? I don't- what is that?"


"Explain it and I'll disbar your jaw from your skull." Bliss led with a finger and a threat. "Just ask a question like 'did Venus try to steal a death ray'."

"Yeah. Check the security footage."

"What footage? Where's that?" A quick flip through the folder reminded Hanna of her empty documents.

"Ashley has it. She's probably on her way."

"Well, that's my disposition." Hanna rotated back from the witness stand. Not fully understanding of anything that happened, but knowing Abby turned invisible because of how embarrassed she was for Hanna. "Cool rope burn."

Bliss bit the cap off of one of her teeth.

"My jokes are cute!" Ashley threw a blast of telekinesis into Bombshell's tacky stomach. "Yours are un-bear-able!" At least the blast hit.

Giving Bombshell space did not work well. The cylindrical object pumped Ashley's eyes to an even more doeful circle. The cannister knocked the air out of her, but it did not erupt into flame. It instead shot out a blinding light, knocking Ashley down to the ground for a moment.

Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Tumblr_lzt8ylC6T71qdqyxho1_500

Post Mate
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Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 147
Registration date : 2013-07-03

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Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Empty Re: Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp)

Post by Venus March 13th 2016, 7:29 pm

When Ashley's body smacked into the ground, Bobmshell popped open the ammo compartment of her gun, which hissed with smoke and heat. She removed several capsules from god knows where and began walking towards Ashley's body, heels clicking on the concrete, new grenades slotting into the chambers of her blaster.


Venus and her lawyer watched the altercation between Bliss and Seagirl with extreme precision. They had a hushed discussion, about how Bliss clearly didn't want to admit that she had been captured by someone as low in the power spectrum as Venus. If it got out to the public it would ruin Bliss' reputation, pride and her street cred. Jacob Jones and her quickly formulated a plan of Action.

Crystal Graves stopped secretly playing Candy Crush under the judge's pedastal and looked up to scan the court room. She spoke, sounding quite done with the whole situation.

"If the prosecution is finished, the defendants may question the witness."
She motioned for Jacob to approch the stand before she continued with level 138.

Jacob got up, brushed of his slim suit's lapels and approach the witness stand.

"Miss Fukuyama, Ma'am, do you openly declare that the accusation that Venus kidnapped you and held you against your will in any form is false? A lie, made up by the one known as Hanna Boyle, in order to falsely incriminate Venus and make you look, quote unquote, "Lame." He smiled at Bliss, with teeth that looked as if they'd been brushed 3 times a day.

Do you have any last words on the matter?"

Venus' legs crossed and she read a tabloid magazine, hidden within an official looking file.
According to her horoscope, victory would find it's way to her while her enemies will lose something, be it money or their pride. Or a particular court case.

Venus smirked, whispering under her breath.


Putting a foot on Ashley's shoulder, Bombshell kicked the woman over so that she had to look at her. The barrel of the gun was aimed at her face. The explosive assassin curled her dark red lips and furrowed her pitch black brows.

"Any last words, Podonok?"

Her finger was poised on the trigger, ready to turn Ashley into an Ashley shaped pile of dust.


click image for bio
Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
Post Mate
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Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Empty Re: Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp)

Post by Seagirl March 16th 2016, 4:53 pm

Bliss kept her arms more crossed than her personality. Good Hair stepped up into the box to begin his questioning of Bliss. "I wish I could shoot lasers out of my eyes." A quiet moment of introspection came from Bliss before the question grained on her nerves. "To be clear, Venus is a criminal who tried to steal a death ray. I beat her up. There was no capturing of anyone and any security footage is doctored." Before any other questions could ensue, Bliss held her telekinesis grip in Jacob's mouth. Once he began to lean forward, Bliss exerted a telekinetic pull to slam his head into the railing between them. "Oh no! Can you even talk right now? I bet you need to go see a doctor to see about that concussion!"

Hanna breathed a sigh of relief she only got vague- and not so vague threats. "I've never actually had to go to the emergency room in my life."

Abby continued to live Tweet the trial. "Hashtag no one cares Seagirl."

The heat of the barrel bellowed down on Ashley's face. "Have a nice trip." Telekinetics gonna telekinetic. A pull would try to yank the barrel downward behind Bombshell. Once the gun discharged, Ashley hoped it would have enough force to shoot Bombshell over the side of the bridge. "And a nice fall!"

Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Tumblr_lzt8ylC6T71qdqyxho1_500

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Registration date : 2013-07-03

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Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Empty Re: Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp)

Post by Venus March 16th 2016, 5:19 pm

Venus folded a corner of her 'important file' down in order to peer at what just happened. Crystal Graves briefly looked up from her phone, snapped a pic and continued pretending to listen.

Jacob has just 'slipped' but she was well aware that Bliss was more than capable of moving someone's body against their will. She'd seen her throw pillars for god's sake. It would appear that Venus wasn't the only one capable of court room sabotage.

She sighed and uncrossed her legs and planted the document face down on the table in order to keep the page she'd read up to.

Some medics rushed over to Jacob but he was mostly unresponsive. Poor baby was gonna get a big bruise on his pretty face. Venus rolled her eyes. Crystal Graves pretended she wasn't laughing. Abby was lame. Venus stood up, and walked up to the Judge's stand.

"So i assume now that your lawyer has tragically, tragically, fell and busted his face." she took a moment "You're going to defend yourself, Miss Monette?"

"That's correct, your honour." She flicked some hair out of her eyes, which were still coated by her sick red aviators.

"I'll allow it." She tapped the gavel against the gavel stand.

She walked along the court room in front of Bliss, staying away from the railing. She squinted at Bliss' outfit.
Red was her colour.

"Nice suit.' It wasn't a nice suit 'So tell me, since I definitely didn't kidnap you why are you even here? You don't even have any proof that I was in the weapons facility where this alleged death ray was - And hypothetically, if I was there, why were you three there? If my hypothetical presence was trespassing; so was yours."

She tapped her heels and her fingers.


click image for bio
Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Empty Re: Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp)

Post by Seagirl March 16th 2016, 5:22 pm

Watching Jacob walk off with two police officers escorting him felt nice. Court should always feel like this. It really made it more pleasant. What made it less pleasant came from Crystal Graves informing the court Venus would be defending herself. "I've seen her defend herself before; didn't work so well last time." Bliss leaned back to scratch her back against the backrest as Venus swore herself in.

Venus came forward with her initial compliment. "I figured one of us needed to wear red, and I'm the only one with the authority to wear what I want, so..." Bliss cupped her hands and leaned forward for the disposition to begin. The more words escaped, the more her brows furrowed. "It is very correct you did not kidnap me, as you suck. May the court record show that Venus sucks? Thanks." Most of the moisture in her mouth swelled with rage like a thunderstorm in a teakettle, but the teakettle was on fire. "We were in there, because Seagirl has authority to go to places like that. Is it smart to allow Seagirl in weapons facilities. No, she is an idiot. May the record show Seagirl is an idiot? Thanks. However, just because Australia does stupid things like that, doesn't mean it is illegal. We were there because you suck. Already stated for the record. And you mindcontrolled cheerleaders, which will be shown on the security footage found by my legal team. As soon as it gets here."

Abby watched Bliss turn her attention to her and began to use her phone for actual reasons and not just to avoid talking to Hanna. WRUD? NEED FOOTAGE. BLISS WON'T SAY SHE WAS KIDNAPPED BECAUSE BLISS.

Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Tumblr_lzt8ylC6T71qdqyxho1_500

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2013-07-03

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Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Empty Re: Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp)

Post by Venus March 16th 2016, 5:55 pm

Venus smiled when Bliss mentioned the footage. Her arms folded and she turned her back on Miss Fukuyama. She looked over her shoulder to Bliss, and smiled.

"That footage doesn't exist. And if it did, your 'legal team'' She looked to the side and popped her eyebrows in a Sure Jan fashion, prompting the jury and audience to laugh, before turning on the spot to face Bliss again. 'Is probably not going make it. Didn't you hear? Traffic's been delayed due to hazardous conditions."

She smirked and paused, as if a cut away was playing on a TV show.


A fiery explosion erupted behind Bombshell who was sent forward towards the edge of the bridge. She tripped but as she was falling, wrapped her fingers around Ashley's ankle. She dangled a perilous 20 feet above the water below. She knew how to swim but getting wet was lame. If she was going down she intended on bringing Ashley with her.

"You idiot!"

She swung her other arm up and began climbing up Ashley's legs.

"It's have a nice trip, see you next fall!"


"But if it does exist - it doesn't - until it gets here, you have no evidence so are wasting your time, my time and most importantly, the court's time."

She looked to the Jury who nodded their heads in agreement, before she turned to Crystal Graves who was texting.
Bliss wasn't going to admit to being kidnapped which was handy enough for Venus, one less charge to wriggle her way out of.

"Your honour, save us all some time and declare me not guilty so I can go home."

"Don't tell me what to do." Crystal's voice was crystal clear and so sharp that Venus felt like there was a blade at her neck.

"But you have a point; prosecution if you don't make a solid case I'm afraid I'm gonna have to dismiss the court and clear Miss Monette of all charges; and charge you guys' she pointed at Seagirl and Abby 'Community service for wasting my precious PRECIOUS time." She cupped her hands together "Bliss doesn't get any because Jacob slipping made me laugh."


click image for bio
Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Empty Re: Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp)

Post by Seagirl March 16th 2016, 6:17 pm

"My legal team is top notch." The amount of fire in Bliss' voice brought some glow to Hanna's face and made Abby at least look up from her phone.  "Except Seagirl. And Abby." Hanna retreated to the backrest of her chair while Abby disappeared from sight. "Just because we don't have evidence in this courtroom right now, does not mean we have to acquit our case. It just means I have to talk about other things Venus has done that were terrible, stupid, or just mean. First, she hired Jacob Jones to defend her. With his record for defense on the most heinous people, doesn't that throw some shade that even if it can't be proven, it's still highly likely she is guilty? And shouldn't we wait for the rest of the evidence just based off that? I was driving to court today and thought, 'wow, I bet Australia would love for me to invest in bringing a new company here', and I truly believe it because Australia has such a great legal system where they allow time for evidence to arrive. Also, Venus is mean, and that might not be illegal, but, well, Venus is nasty and does have a criminal history from that one time Seagirl arrested her or something. I think Seagirl arrested her once. God damn it Seagirl! You've arrested her once in your stupid little fish brained life right?"

The wonderful idea Ashley put into action kept the grenade from blowing her up, but it did not prevent the assailant from grabbing her leg and bringing her along for the ride. All of the strength Ashley could muster went into holding herself on the ledge. She felt like she either needed to hit the gym some more or lose some weight, but that's impossible, her trainer said she was in wonderful shape. Then the problem crawled up her leg. "Hey, personal space!" Ashley tried to kick Bombshell in the face a few times to rid her of the undesired weight. "I hope you can swim!" Ashley's heel went straight for Bombshell's face. "Actually, no I don't. Well, I hope you don't drown though."

Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Tumblr_lzt8ylC6T71qdqyxho1_500

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 147
Registration date : 2013-07-03

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Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Empty Re: Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp)

Post by Venus March 28th 2016, 12:31 am

Bombshell's facial features tightened as her fingers loosened. A heel to the face didn't help and she slipped, bringing one of Ashley's shoes with her. As she fell through the air towards the blue abyss, she screamed, which got quieter and was eventually silenced by a splash. Had she died? Probably not. It's a Seagirl thread after all, no-one actually dies. After a few seconds, she burst through the surface of the water and flailed her arms, cursing Ashley and splashing water. Good thing she knew how to swim. And unlike her homeland, the water here was refreshingly warm - not skin splittingly cold.

About halfway through her monologue, Venus cut Bliss off by quoting some Kourtney Kardashian.
"Your conversations are too long, bye."

She looked back to Crystal Graves, who sighed and looked at her watch.

5: 56pm

"Prosecution, you have until 6 O'clock, if your 'evidence' doesn't make it here in time, I'm afraid I'll have no choice but to relieve Marian Monette of all charges and give you two' her gavel pointed to Seagirl and Abby 'Community service."

Venus smiled. "Excellent, your honour."  She was confident that Bombshell could deal with Ashley. Like, she could have sent one of her superpowered friends to deal with her, but in this day and age you had to have faith in the unpowered people sometimes - y'know.

The minutes slithered by, and the time of Seagirl's reckoning was almost amongst them. Venus looked at the large clock at the end of the courtroom, it's red seconds hand slowly moving. In 20 seconds she would be free, in 20 seconds Seagirl would be humiliated, In 20 seconds sh-

The door opened. Her jaw dropped.
Curse you, Bombshell.


click image for bio
Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Empty Re: Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp)

Post by Seagirl April 9th 2016, 1:46 pm

Venus rudely cut Bliss of without duct tape. "Hey! You can't cut me off! I haven't told them how you probably bleach your hair and got ass implants and still look like a stick!" The threat of community service washed over everyone but Bliss. An open and shut case, but with a few hitches. Abby and Hanna both looked at Bliss with a look of amazement. Bliss rolled her eyes and looked over to the jury. "I'm sure they'll convict her. You'll be fine, or you'll get some sun. Either way, it's not like doing this community service will be any worse than the last time you did it."

"The last time I did community service, you got kidnapped."

"I'm going to break your-"

"Order in the court!" The doors swung open with the less than glamorously dressed Ashley stepping into the room with her pony tail barely in check. "I have the evidence needed to shut this case." A video tape emerged from Ashley's purse. "Right! Here!"

"Oh god." Color dropped from Bliss' face until she looked at Venus. Her face began to match her dress. "Um, Ashley." As Ashley approached the bench, Bliss moved to cut her off for a quick meeting. "We're doing pretty well. The judge is just going to let Abby and Hanna off with community service. I say we take that deal."

"We're the prosecution. As long as we can explain our case, we can put Venus in jail for the Australian life sentence of three years." A gasp rang from the crowd as Ashley's voice carried. "We'll just show the tape, and we can prove Venus tried to-"

"Naw, naw, naw, naw, we don't need details. Facts are often things we make up, so I think we can just say Venus is guilty and it will be good enough." When Venus would attempt to say anything else during the confusion, Bliss would telekinetically hold her jaw shut. A plan she thought would work wonders, but would also cause Venus to probably have some trouble breathing for a moment.

"Your Honor. I present you the nail in the coffin." Ashley approached the television display as the bailiff rolled it over.

Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Tumblr_lzt8ylC6T71qdqyxho1_500

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Registration date : 2013-07-03

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Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Empty Re: Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp)

Post by Venus May 5th 2016, 2:56 pm

With every step Ashley took into the room, Venus could hear chains jingling. She was too pretty, smart, attractive, gorgeous, nice, cool, blonde, evil and pretty for prison. Orange was definitely not her colour. She remained frozen with her jaw open as Ashley brushed past. She pushed her sunglasses onto her forehead and turned to watch in a mixture of disbelief and horror. The TV set rolled over. Venus tried to speak but her lips wouldn't move.

She shot daggers at Bliss and tried to pry her lips apart. She felt herself struggling to breathe. She started fanning her face and her face turned slightly red before Bliss finally released her telekinetic grip, causing Venus to fall to her knees spluttering, her eyes closed. When she opened them, she lifted some fingers and brushed them through the pink dust in the air. She coughed once or twice, revealing more of the breath. Her lips immediately curled into a grin. She stood up and brushed herself down, flicking her hair from side to side gloriously. Some of the jury gasped, as did the audience. Venus stood tall in an aura of devil's dust.

"I'm back, baby!" She spoke loudly, grabbing her purse and walking over to the TV set. She pulled the tape from Ashley's hands and swivelled on the spot, pushing her high heel into Bliss' foot in the process. She marched straight back to Crystal Graves, who raised her eye brows.

"Miss Monette, what the fish are you doing?"

Venus opened her purse. "Ma'am, new evidence as come to light."
"Yes, the tape."
"No, new, new evidence." Venus was fiddling with something inside her bag.
"This cheque written to Crystal Graves for $30,000 dollars." She slid it over the Judge's stand, along with the tape.
"Not guilty." Graves slammed her gavel onto the VHS tape without hesitation, destroying it.
"But you're honour that's a bribe, it's illegal!" Her security guard said. Crystal Graves stared him down.
"But the tape?"
"What tape?"
He was struck silent in disbelief.
"That's what I thought.' She turned back to Venus.
'Miss Monette, you are free to go."

Venus turned to face the Court's audience, while texting her squad.
"I'd just like to thank the extremely efficent justice enforcement teams in Australia, they really look into cases to insure the right person is punished and the innocent, smarter, prettier, more successful people are allowed to go free." She smiled, blew a dust laced kiss at Seagirl before strutting out through the waist height doors, out of the courthouse and towards her Limosine.


click image for bio
Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
Post Mate
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Status :

Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp) Empty Re: Legally Blonde (seagirl) (double xp)

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