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So we're making babies together? (Alpha)

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So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 Empty Re: So we're making babies together? (Alpha)

Post by Alpha May 28th 2015, 3:36 am

Pain had given way to numbness, and for a moment he felt as if this was what death was like. Everything was fading away, life and everything else seemed to insignificant, everything he had been trying to do so pointless. It was almost sad, that realization of pointlessness but now even the sadness was fleeting. He felt as if he were rising upwards but a proverbial hand jerked him back down, back into darkness followed by a warm light washing over him. With the light came consciousness, and a lack of pain. He had passed out for a moment, eyes closing before slowly opening once again.

The first thing he saw was Gamma looking over him, despite hard exterior he could sense the worry within his tone. That’s right, it all wasn’t so pointless, so long as he had them. Despite the near lack of lucidity, he couldn’t help but smile even if softly. Nothing was pointless really, he had so many reasons to keep going on. ”Yes, I’m fine.” Alpha said with a small nod, pressing one hand against the smooth white floor to support himself in the effort to rise to his feet. It was obvious the moment he assessed his surroundings that Leo had been responsible for healing him, making them only more useful to have on hand.

His wounds had stopped bleeding and he could stand without pain, meaning that his injuries were all better now. His attention then turned towards Omega who was lingering at the entrance of the room, not bothering with judgement when he knew that would do no good. If anything, that was just how he worked and he had accepted that by now. ”Besides, you could say I gained a little valuable data from that.” He then went on to say, grimacing slightly at the dark red that was now staining his clothing, ruining the perfect white cloth. Overall, it clashed with a certain sense of aesthetics he carried but not as if that was important at the moment.

”That was careless of both of you.” Omega said rather simply, not going into slinging spite around like Gamma had. ”Should this fight have ended in his death, you would have not left this place. Keep that in mind before doing any hard core sparring.” he said before turning and leaving the room. Alpha sighed softly, scratching the back of his head.

”I suppose that answers your question about my capabilities. I’m not really accustomed to battles that stretch on like that.” He stated simply rolling his shoulders as the joints popped loudly. ”That will be something I need to fix.”


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So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 Empty Re: So we're making babies together? (Alpha)

Post by Red May 28th 2015, 3:58 am

Lucius could only casually gather his gear and readjust it as all the voices spoke up. Surprisingly the one that had the most impact was Omega, he was so calm, yet straight up about Lucius' fate if Alpha would have met his end. Lucius was aware he would have been quite screwed if that had happened, not only would he lose his biggest ally but he would likely have been trapped like a rat and brutally killed. Even with all his power, he couldn't take on the entire family, and he wouldn't want to.

"Your performance was impressive to say the least...however, everyone has room for improvement." Lucius said in response to Alphas comment.

"Besides, as allies we should know each others capabilities and limits, i think this little spar served that purpose quite effectively." Lucius said before literally forcing his ribs back into place, causing them to crack. He slightly grunted and slumped over the table in front of him, biting his lip from the pain while his regen did its work.

"This has been a most interesting visit, but i obviously can't wait around for several weeks. I'll be back soon to check the progress of our little.....experiments." Lucius said gesturing for Leo and Daniel to come to him.


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 Empty Re: So we're making babies together? (Alpha)

Post by Alpha May 28th 2015, 5:18 am

”True, there’s always room for improvement.” Alpha would say with an almost dismissive gesture as Lucius would say something about leaving. Which would have been wise, if only because he could tell Omega and Gamma was not happy with him. Once Daniel had taken them away, Zeta seemed to materialize through the door and examine the damage on his clothing. Alpha could note the small amount of worry within his expression, smirking softly while shrugging.

”Looks like he messed you up pretty bad.” The tone wasn’t condescending, and more than anything else he seemed even more worried.

”Indeed he did, but I think I messed him up just as bad.” Alpha stated, granted he didn’t manage to give Lucius damage that would stick. ”However, I think I might need to change a little before I go looking over our new projects. So all of you get back to doing whatever.” Alpha stated, frowning at the blood staining his clothing. He looked to Gamma and walked out of the room, walking to his room where he found Omega sitting on his bed with an almost disappointed look.

”So, now you’re making children for him?” Omega would question with a raised brow, Alpha slipping out of the bloody shirt and letting it fall onto the top of his nightstand, as a chill ran over him. The blood was obvious on his shoulder as well as his side, staining it slightly despite the shirt being gone, but there had been no wound. This was followed by his pants as they fell to the ground with a thump, leaving him only dressed in a slim fit pair of boxer briefs slightly stained with blood as well.

”Yes I am.” Alpha said with a small nod of his head as Omega stood to his feet, stepping into Alpha’s personal bathroom as the sound of a faucet running could be heard. ”You know using our DNA alone won’t do much for the genetic variety.” Alpha then added, letting the palms of his hands press against the top of the stand as he leaned forward.

”I know but why do you think he would be the right genetic donor?” Omega questioned stepping back into the room with a damp towel, closing the distance between him and Alpha with a few steps. ”You’ve never wanted to add foreign DNA into the mix before.” Which sounded like enough of a reason for him to worry, but the warm wet towel pressing against his bloody flesh felt nice. A soft sigh slipped through his lips as Omega began to work on cleaning off the blood that had begun to dry.

”It’s different now. I don’t have too much time left, I need to push things ahead before that time runs out. You more than anyone should know that.” Alpha explained as he continued to get cleaned up, though the process itself was a pleasant one.

”I know that.” Omega responded with a slightly despondent tone, Alpha looking into the mirror which reflected him looking back, most of the blood already being washed off. ”It doesn’t mean I like that.”

Alpha sighed, massaging the bridge of his nose before looking to Omega barely seen within the mirror. ”Everyone has to die, I guess I’ll just end up doing that before everyone else. Unless of course I find a way not to die so soon.” He ceded as the rest of the blood would be washed off with a few swipes. ”Give me a little credit Chris, I’m sure I can fix something like that.” If he could cure cancer, then super cancer should be something he could get rid of, no matter how hard it would be.

”With all of the risks you take, the cancer might not be the thing killing you.”

”Don’t worry, I won’t die, I have too much to do.”

”You better not. Well, that’s all of the blood. So what are you going to do now while you wait for the new children to mature.” Omega asked stepping back and folding up the towel before placing it besides Alpha’s bloodstained clothing. The response he was not expecting was an invisible force pushing him back against the bed, a low creak spreading out through the room, white walls covered with more of those strange drawings.

”I have a few ideas.”


2 weeks and three days later
The time had passed slowly, perhaps too slow for Alpha but then again that was just how things went. Alpha intertwined his fingers behind his back, dressed up much like he usually was in all white. The young children were forming within the tubes, curled up fetal position but around fifteen years old in age. They were really close to reaching the age they could come out of their tubes, to take their first breath and learn more about the world they had been born within.

Omega had been told to call for Lucius and to tell him where Alpha had been waiting. It was when he arrived that Alpha would speak up after clearing his throat. ”You’re here Lucius.” He said turning upon his heels, looking to Lucius with an almost pleased expression. ”I’m sorry it took so long but here they are.” He would show with a sweep of his hand, motioning towards the three tubes that were resting against the wall, then to a panel with the typical large red button.

”I suppose I’ll give the pleasure to you, releasing them from their tubes.” He would state, knowing that Lucius would enjoy that much. It just sounded like something Lucius would enjoy doing, especially considering they were his kids as much as his own.

So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Number of posts : 1832
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So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 Empty Re: So we're making babies together? (Alpha)

Post by Red May 28th 2015, 3:21 pm

Gamma was still pretty pissed off, he didn't show it in his expressions really, yet one would still feel it radiating off of him. He didn't like Lucius, that much was certain. How could Alpha trust him so much? Why was he literally making kids for him? These would be his siblings, and they would share DNA with the most despicable man he knew. But in the end, there was nothing he could do. It was Alpha wishes, so he would respect it, though his breaking point was getting close, and who knew what would happen when it was reached. Once Lucius left everyone was told to get back to what they were doing, like nothing happened. If that had been anyone else but Lucius, he would be dead right now. The leniency Travis held for Lucius was both unbelievable and maddening.

Oliver just grunted and left the room, waiting to follow Travis so he could confront him about the situation without everyone else listening. However, it turned out Omega was already there. Rather then go in, he decided to just listen in. Easier said then done when you had Gammas ears, but he managed to catch every other word. Oliver's eyes widened, the shock of what he had heard hitting him full force. Alpha was dying. Once he heard it he had no reason to stick around, so he continued down the hall. He wouldn't tell anyone about this, they didn't need to know. But Oliver did....why didn't Travis tell him? They were the first, they were the original three. He thought he had earned a bit more trust then that.


As expected Lucius was contacted in a couple weeks time. It seemed their creations were ready, at least biologically. They would likely need to be ran through all the basic knowledge courses before they were able to really do anything, let alone Lucius take one with him. They were his kids yes, but he was prepared to let the majority stay with Alpha just as the others did. However, if he was given no say in where at least one of them went, there would be.....issues. Either way, this was a good move on Alphas part. It would perhaps help Lucius' group accept Alpha's, and vice-versa.  

Upon appearing in Alphas facility Lucius was greeted, which the meta human returned with a nod. At this point Daniel knew that if it involved Alpha, he was just a taxi, and shouldn't stick around. The teleporter quickly left without a word, and Lucius was left to speak with Alpha and look over their creations. Lucius slightly chuckled at Alpha saying sorry, there was no need, the wait was expected. The three children were about 15 years of age.....and they looked like her. Well, they looked like himself and Alpha as well, but that was unimportant to Lucius.

He was given the privilege of releasing them, which was slightly more complicated then you would think. Heading over to the terminal nearby he typed in a few things, draining the water in the tubes and opening them with a loud pop, likely some form of compression. The three new beings tumbled out of the pods, hitting the ground a few feet below them with a thud. As much as that looked like it hurt, Oliver had made sure the practice remained, it did well in knocking them into reality. Lucius looked down at the naked children, not knowing exactly what to do. This was Alphas thing, so Lucius would not interfere, but he guessed one of the first things that needed to be done was the wiping of that fluid covering them.

"I never thought i would lay my eyes on a blood relative again.... Of course, i never thought i would be able to generate crimson energy from my body, so i guess this isn't that far fetched." Lucius said with a interested look on his face, his eyes not leaving his new children.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
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So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 Empty Re: So we're making babies together? (Alpha)

Post by Alpha May 28th 2015, 4:17 pm

The tubes would release their contents with a loud pop, hissing as the compression that had held them closed was released. Splitting upon invisible seems, the tubes would open after a drainage of fluids, releasing their contents onto the ground with a slightly painful looking thud. The children looked like a mixture of him, Lucius and an unknown third party. None of them had the trademark hair but he could tell at least two had those startling grey eyes. Despite the superficial damage that could be gained from such a practice, he saw the worth within it as well. Gamma had demanded the practice stay in place, perhaps to give them the same experience he had when first coming into this world. All of them looked disoriented, which he could understand considering they had just first come into this world, taking their first breaths.

Alpha felt almost nostalgic upon looking at them as they took deep breaths, hair sticky with the tubes fluids. Assumptions of cleaning them up were right, but everything was already being taken care of. Omega appeared with a few things to clean up the children, though Alpha actually took charge of doing that. There were two males and one female, most of them trying to gain their bearings within the new world they had been born into. Kneeling down Alpha began working on drying them off, though all they did was look to him with an almost questioning look. They probably didn’t even know who he was but the gentle manner he cleaned them off suggested he wasn’t a threat to them.

”Well here you are, three children of your own.” Alpha said finishing drying one off before working on the other two, doing so with a deliberate care. One of them reached out and grabbed his wrist with an admirable amount of strength, though considering how new they were out of the tube, it wasn’t much. Pulling the fingers from his wrist with little effort, letting the appendage plop back to the ground as he finished up cleaning the others. ”As I’m sure you’re aware, they won’t be able to speak. So Lucius, you’ll be able to bear witness to one of the more tedious processes around here.” It always only took the shorter part of a day but Alpha was always the one to teach the new children how to speak, patient as always.

When that was done, he would put the towels now sticky back into the mobile compartment they had been pulled out of, removing three sets of clothing and helping the children into them. ”Normally, it takes them as long three hours and then they’ll be talking full sentences. However I suppose one of them took a little longer to catch up, around two weeks.” That one being Delta, but it was a pain he was willing to go through, despite his mind not being up to the standards of the others. With the same slowness, he coaxed them into the clothes, though they seemed to understand after seeing the first one getting dressed.

”Oliver, I’m sure you won’t mind helping out today. Right?” He would ask helping the three stand up until they could do so on their own, even if their legs were shaky.

So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 Empty Re: So we're making babies together? (Alpha)

Post by Red May 28th 2015, 4:53 pm

As much as Lucius wanted to help, Alpha and his family were the ones with experience. So all he could really do was examine them from a distance. He did however decide to help wipe them down, if only to observe their features. From what he could tell at least two had Alphas vibrant grey eyes, and they all had dark hair, though whether it was black or just dark brown wasn't apparent. Once it was all cleaned up they all got dressed rather quickly, already showing that they could learn within an instant. He was told they needed to be taught how to speak, something he already knew, but the short time it took was a bit of a surprise. Learning a new language, let alone your first, seemed nearly impossible to achieve in a few hours. Though Lucius had learned that when something was labeled impossible, it was likely just incredibly difficult.

"I suppose I'm patient enough for that, watching them learn rapidly could be quite interesting." Lucius said helping the female walk, she seemed to be having a slight bit more trouble then the other two. They looked so confused it was almost upsetting, but they seemed to know they were around friends, so their unfamiliarity with literally everything hadn't presented any issues, yet. Oliver was addressed, he had watched their release soundlessly while leaning on some random equipment. He had a look of spite mixed with compassion on his face, yes these new children were his siblings, but they were also related to someone he had nothing but distaste for. He didn't know what to think, but for now, he would go about it just as he did with the others.

"Of course i don't mind.." Oliver said grimly, standing up straight in preparation to do whatever it was Travis would ask of him.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 Empty Re: So we're making babies together? (Alpha)

Post by Alpha May 28th 2015, 5:38 pm

Alpha noticed the grim look Oliver was taking, but that was just how he usually acted when things regarded Lucius. Part of him hoped he wouldn’t let his distaste for the man affect how he felt for the children, after all they were is family too. Likely they didn’t even know who he was or the part he had within their birth, but they could tell he was someone that had no ill intent, one of them even latching onto his pants leg. Lucius seemed like he would be patient enough to see through the learning process, should they have a similar amount of intelligence as the ones that came before them. No, Alpha had a feeling they would exceed expectations and that was what he wanted of them.

Regardless of how he felt for the newborns, Oliver would help his new siblings nonetheless. With one of them clinging to him, Alpha would lead them along through the large white hallway at a pace they could deal with. From what he could tell Lucius had helped the young female of the three with standing up, meaning he had taken some interest within his children. If he wanted to have a part within their lives, then taking the first step was always something he would need to do. With the three new children slowly walking behind them, they would eventually reach what looked like a simple room. It was large and followed the pattern of being stark white like the rest of the facility, save for the color of the spines of books that filled the many bookcases lining the walls.

This was where he had learned to speak for himself and where he had taught everyone of his siblings since his birth. With a motion of his hand, a few books flew from the shelves and landed on one of the tables, a few of the others in the room turning towards them, though mostly towards the children that were walking into the room. They were an unknown among the compound, but it took only a second to realize that they were the new ones. Once they had all arrived in the room, Alpha would sit down at the table and motion for them to do the same. As expected, the one that had clung to him would work his way up and sat right next to him.

”Alright, let’s get this started.” Alpha stated popping his neck loudly before looking to the one sitting close to him, and the other two. They looked at him, not understanding of his words but the tone gave away much.

So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 Empty Re: So we're making babies together? (Alpha)

Post by Red May 28th 2015, 10:02 pm

So the group would travel down the halls, the people that didn't just come out of a test tube helping those that did along the way. This was it, these beings solidified their alliance. They looked very similar to how Lucius expected, but how would they act? Not only would it be very interesting to see what abilities they possessed, but also to see their personalities. They were an odd mix, but one thing was for sure, they had serious potential. Already Lucius felt connected to them, not just because they shared his blood, but a deep emotional connection he hadn't felt in years.

One seemed to take a liking to Alpha, attaching himself to the males side like it was some kind of plush doll. Lucius couldn't help but smile at that, it was under a mask, but still. Speaking of which.....he should probably take this thing off. Doing so as they finally arrived in what presumably was the 'class room' he set it done and looked them over with his own eyes, in perfect lighting. They were darker then their siblings, that was for sure.

Three Hours later.

Much like every other test tube being, the three children learned incredibly fast, perhaps even faster then normal. Lucius had watched the entire process more or less, and even joined in teaching them sometimes. They were now talking in full sentences, they didn't exactly have seasoned vocabularies, but it was enough to communicate with them very seriously. Unlike with what Alpha, Chris, and Oliver had experienced the three children were given straight answers to all their questions. Leaving them in the dark was useless, so if they asked, Lucius told them.

" two are our parents?" The yet to be named female asked, focusing her attention on both Lucius and Travis.

"Well....essentially, yes." Lucius said in response.

".....So, what is this place? .....And...why? Why did you make us?" The slightly taller male asked. Difficult questions to answer, but they would get a response none the less.

"This is an underground facility owned by Travis and the rest of your....kind. As for why you were created, well, thats a question we all ask whether we're born in a womb or a test tube. The truth is, the question doesn't have a definitive answer, not until you yourselves create it." Lucius said answering the boys questions as sincerely as he could.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 Empty Re: So we're making babies together? (Alpha)

Post by Alpha May 29th 2015, 2:23 am

As always, the process was a long one, or rather it felt long to Alpha. Yet in the end the children could speak with a vocabulary as developed as the others could now talk with them in a sort of serious manner. Regardless, the one that had planted themselves down next to him was still holding on for dear life, fingers clutching onto fabric tightly as if afraid he would go somewhere. Also, it appeared that this one was smaller than the others, the runt of the liter so to speak. One of them would ask if they were their parents, an easy enough question. ”Yes, we are your parents.” Alpha would add with a nod, looking to the one attached to him with a warm smile.

They understood the expression and returned it, taking a look at the other two that were born with him. The other sibling would ask questions about what this place was, why they had been born and there were so many reasons for something like that. At the mention of the word kind, the one beside him perked up a little as if curious what he meant. ”What does he mean by our kind? What are we?” The smallest looking one would ask, looking up to Alpha as if he would have all of the answers. While Lucius’ answer did help some, they likely wanted to know what they were.

”You’re not human, that much has been made clear. You could say you’re something better, more akin to the metahumans just without the gene. You could say you’re the next step within human evolution,” He ended now more sure of himself than a few seconds ago. While that only seemed to confuse them more, he would need to explain this more later when his head wasn’t pounding.

”As for the why…well I could go on a rant about how you’re part of the future of humanity but I doubt that would interest you very much. I can’t really give you purpose, all I did was give you lift but that purpose is all your own.” That much he believed, even though most of his children seemed to just follow him anyway. He didn’t want puppets, only people that followed him loyally and Milla was the only one who truly left.

”So…there are more of us?”

”Yes, and I’m sure they would love to meet you.” Alpha responded patting the younger male on the head.

So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 Empty Re: So we're making babies together? (Alpha)

Post by Red May 29th 2015, 5:13 pm

So they managed to get most of the important questions about existence out of the way, they were making a lot of progress in such a short time. Lucius was proud to see they were all normal....well, normal in regards to all test tube beings. Basically, they weren't deformed and for the most part showed all the basic abilities such as their minds and perfectly toned peak human bodies. They could likely beat Lucius himself in an arm wrestle. But the truly curious aspect of the children was their powers. How would they deal with them? How long would they take to develop these abilities? And more importantly, how powerful would they be?

They weren't just soldiers to Lucius though, he truly adored just looking at them. They were a perfect mix of their three parents, they seemed perfect, at least appearance wise. Lucius himself was a bit confused, he didn't know how to act toward them. All he could do for now was be kind. Alpha then suggested they meet the others, inevitable really. What would they think of the new additions to their ever growing family?

"I'll get Omega to call them up." Gamma stated before reaching out to Chris through the hivemind, telling him to do just that. Likely most of them would come to this room in moments.


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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 Empty Re: So we're making babies together? (Alpha)

Post by Alpha May 30th 2015, 9:51 am

Gamma would contact Omega through the hive mind, and Omega would contact a few of the siblings that were available to see their new young brothers and sister. Alpha wondered how interested they would actually be in meeting them, but that would be answered as soon as Zeta walked through the door of the in his usual brazen fashion. Much like Alpha and the others he was dressed in all white, but rather than the usual white pants he had a cargo shorts variety.  Following close behind was Delta, Eta, Beta and Omega with his hands buried into his pockets.

Zeta and Delta seemed to be interested in the one that took a liking to Alpha. ”Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of them do that before.” Zeta stated almost amused, prodding the shorter male that was clinging to Alpha. They flinched, likely taken aback by his brash tone of speech, but then again most of the younger ones were scared of Zeta.

”I dunno, didn’t Jason sorta act like this when he was younger?” That made Zeta think for a moment before shrugging.

”For the first week yeah, but he grew out of it I think.” He ceded with a shrug, before turning to the others which were less clingy than this one. Beta however was less vocal, sort of locking eyes with the smallest looking one as if they could communicate without words before sitting down on the other side of Alpha.

”It appears they’re acclimating pretty well.” Omega stated looking over the three children with a cursory glance, though he had gotten more than one would assume with a glance. He could see where some of Travis’ and Lucius features stood out in them, but also a third party that he did not know too much of. If Chris remembered it was someone that was important to Lucius once, but who they were he did not know. ”You may have to wait a small while if you want to see any form of powers develop in them though.” If they took more after Lucius, Alpha or began to develop even more unknown abilities was yet to be seen, but he could tell Alpha was looking forward to that.

Regardless, he could see that new children always managed to bring out a warmth from Alpha that few ever saw. It was one of the few times he actually smiled, genuinely smiled rather than those fake ones he drummed up so easily. What the others thought of Alpha, well he didn’t know but at least one of them seemed fond of their usually stoic parent. ”The powers are a given, though how long they take to develop is unknown. It could be a week or even longer given Gamma’s case.” Travis began, patting the little one on the head. ”However, for now I think we need to give them names. Something to call them by, I imagine you would want a part in naming them Lucius.” Of course he would give an ally of his agency within creating names, but in the end Alpha would also want a say in that.

So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 Empty Re: So we're making babies together? (Alpha)

Post by Red May 31st 2015, 3:28 am

The other children didn't seem to notice the fact the smallest one had been literally attached to Alpha this whole time until it was brought up by the rather brash one. Though, they really had no way of knowing such behavior was not normal, so it was understandable. They perked up a bit at the mention of powers, they were told about them briefly earlier, they sounded exciting. Though it seemed they wouldn't be able to know when they would start to appear, still, it gave them something to look forward to. Well, it was probably the only thing they had to look forward to, since their future seemed so unclear.

The next thing to come up in the conversation was names, something they all seemed to have a decent grasp of. At this the children looked to Lucius, expecting him to name them. It was an odd situation to be in, naming people that likely had opinions of their own and that were fully grown teenagers, though Lucius had been in weirder situations, so this daunted him little. In truth Lucius had given it some thought for the couple weeks he was waiting, he wasn't completely sure on names because he wanted to see the children first, but he had set his mind on a few.

"You're correct Travis. I wouldn't want to take that away from you, though. So i think I'll just name you two...." Lucius said, making his way over to the two older looking teens sitting at the table as if he needed to look at their faces to be completely sure. He looked at them for a moment, grey eyes dodging back and forth from the two until he came to a conclusion.

"You my dear.....will be called Isalia, and you, Lucas." Lucius said, getting a satisfied reaction from the two. Good, it seemed they had no problems with the names given.

"Isalia? That's pretty unique, mean anything to you?" Gamma asked, looking to Lucius who answered with nothing but an irritated look.

"Alright....none of my business." Oliver said putting his hands up and taking a slight step back, but with a smirk on his face. It seemed even family couldn't get those two to get along.

" that after you?" The boy asked, eyes staring at Lucius.

"That's correct." Lucius returned with a smile.

"I like them, especelly mine!" Isalia said enthusiastically. Next was the other boy, who as Lucius said would be named by Alpha.

"Alright Travis, what should we call the little one?" Lucius said, looking at the rather young looking boy kindly.


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They'll all be taken

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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 Empty Re: So we're making babies together? (Alpha)

Post by Alpha May 31st 2015, 2:26 pm

Why Alpha had given Lucius first chance to name them was a simple enough reason, or rather reasons. He wanted first to see what they would think of, perhaps if these names would have some manner of significance towards Lucius in general. The fact he has chosen only to name two was an interesting one, but maybe the fact that this one had clung to him likely had something to do with that. Regardless, he would turn towards the male that looked back up to him with eyes that reminded him more of Omega’s than his own. There was a sort of soft compassion within them, something that reinforced him thinking of one of the eldest of their kind; one that many of them had come to think of as a motherly figure.

”I suppose that means I get to name you.” Alpha said with an almost whimsical air about him, running over the many names he could give this one. However, there was something special about them or maybe he just thought this little one just deserved a special name considering he would usher in a new era of development. While the differences with him were subtle compared to his siblings, his hair wasn’t the dirty blond that most of his older siblings had but it was dark enough to be brown. ”I’ll name you…Ryan. That’s my middle name, it means little king. I have a feeling you might just live up to that.” Travis noted ruffling the young males hair up with a hand, something they seemed to enjoy ever so slightly.

”Wasn’t that also the name of the guy you had axed?” Zeta would question looking to Alpha with a raised brow.

”It was but he’s unimportant now.” Travis stated with a casual dismissive gesture, not even wanting to turn his mind upon Ryan Masters. While they had their uses, that use had long since passed on, and so they were dealt with accordingly.”So Ryan, Lucas and Isalia. Those sounds like a fine trio of names to me.” A compliment he was trying to express, even if it wasn’t so masterfully spoken. That subtle but warm smile perhaps portrayed the intended compliment more than anything else, though he did wish Gamma would save the witticisms for another time.

He was glad they all like their names in the end, as Ryan seemed to smile upon being given his. ”I like it.” He would say with a nod, using as few words as possible before briefly unlatching from Alpha to rest his elbows on the table, silently examining Lucius. He hadn’t quite gotten a chance to do that, and it would have been better now than later to learn more about the other person that was his parent. They seemed nice enough at any rate.

So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 Empty Re: So we're making babies together? (Alpha)

Post by Red June 1st 2015, 1:58 am

Interesting..... Sure Ryan was a common enough name, but it was still odd that was the one chosen. Though, Lucius wouldn't object to it. If he did he knew he would have to give Travis a reason for doing so, and in truth he didn't want Alpha knowing about that whole fiasco with the cryokinetic. In the end it was alright, its not like giving him that name would mean anything. The thing that really caught Lucius' attention though was the mention of someone else with the name, someone who seemed to be an enemy of the family. Curious as he was, he wouldn't ask. Now wasn't the time for such unimportant talks of the past. The younger boy finally came out from behind Travis, he seemed to be lightening up. Lucius had to make a good impression on all three of them after all, so he tried to be as gentle and kind as he could.

"I like it too....Ryan." Lucius said looking to the boy with a slight smile. He seemed a bit defensive, but perhaps he would come out of his shell later on. He was after all born only a few hours ago.

"So what now?" Lucas said, wondering what they could do next. It was a question Lucius couldn't really answer, because he didn't know. There was probably more to the training then just what they had been through, and if that were the case, Travis was the one that had to lead the way.

"That is a good question..... Whats next Travis?" Lucius asked as he casually turned from the table and just sort of browsed the book shelves. There seemed to be some decent works, but some of the authors he didn't really like. Perhaps he would go through this later.


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

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They'll all be taken

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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 Empty Re: So we're making babies together? (Alpha)

Post by Alpha June 2nd 2015, 11:35 pm

While Ryan would continue to examine Lucius silently, Travis would sort of lead them onwards towards their new life as he was accustomed to. Lucas asking what was next sort of spurred them onwards to the next thing, which was more of a medical exam to be sure that the three were physically sound as well as seemingly mentally sound. This was something that Omega was savvier within, if only because medical things were his expertise more than anything. ”Next we need to do a quick examination of you three. Make sure everything is in working order, to make sure that nothing is out of place.” While they were seemingly perfect, a few of them did have their disorders.

Gamma’s hearing and Omega’s sight was one of those things. Not that they were by any means inhibiting factors, but he wanted to be sure how healthy his newborn children were before doing any further training with them. He was sure Lucius would want to make sure that his children were all in perfect health, but then again that was an assumption rather than a fact. Pushing himself up, Alpha would scan over the children once more quickly, Ryan looking up to him with those same continually curious eyes. Part of him wondered what was going on within his young mind but probing it would have been rude. He didn't want to make any wrong impressions upon someone to impressionable as these children.

”Alright, the three of you, Lucius and Omega come with me.” There was a specific room where he could get to work on checking them over, and that was Omega's personal office actually. That was not too far from this library, just a short walk and they were walking into the workspace that overlooked the nursery where most of the younger members spent their time. A few instruments lined tables, all of them high grade, nothing that anyone would find in your regular hospital anyway.

”And here we are.” Omega said with a casual motion, sitting down at one of the tables and donning a pair of glasses.

So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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So we're making babies together? (Alpha) - Page 3 Empty Re: So we're making babies together? (Alpha)

Post by Red June 4th 2015, 1:51 pm

So it seemed they needed an evaluation, Lucius was actually wondering about that. He did want to make sure that his offspring were healthy, and perhaps take a look at their genes. Lucius was always curious as to why the meta gene disappeared from members of Travis' race, and he was equally curious to see if these three didn't show it either. After Alpha, Omega, the three children, and Lucius left, Gamma just kind of left the room likely along with the others. The pack then made their way to Omegas office, Lucius recognized it from his first visit here. From there the kids would do as they were told to get this check up over with. Where as Omega would be looking for defects, Lucius had his own research in mind. Even if they didn't show any powers right away, their DNA must have been a marvel.

"Alright, lets begin. Omega here will be looking for defects and the like, not to say that you have any. And i will be looking over your genetic code, if only because I'm curious." Lucius said, gently taking a sample from Lucas. The boy didn't show any sign of pain, or even distrust, that was good. From there Lucius made his way out of the room, he was going to one of the many labs to look everything over while Omega did his thing.


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

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They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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