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Canada Has Trees and Other Musings Yofie Learned (Hyperion)

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Canada Has Trees and Other Musings Yofie Learned (Hyperion) - Page 2 Empty Re: Canada Has Trees and Other Musings Yofie Learned (Hyperion)

Post by Fiery Soul March 1st 2015, 10:26 pm

"Your very breath is an affront to everything not bathed in light. Even genies would look down upon you, which accordingly would not be difficult, because as far as height goes, you do not stand very tall." While confusion tore through her enemies, Yofie would lunge forward to grab her sword. "Now stand firm and at least die with some honor you oddly colored creature of darkness." Yofie would strike forward with diligence, but her blade did not seek Hyperion, but instead the dark angel still on the ground. Two full slices of Yofie's blade tore through the blouse and several pieces of angel skin. Fire continued to pull more darkness from the evil husk of a doppleganger. "Die in the shadow of my glory. Just as you lived you despicable abomination."

"I demand you release this corruption from the air and cure me of the sickness you have bestowed within me." Yofie held her sword grudgingly towards Hyperion. "If you can meet these standards, I will relinquish you from my judgment right now."

While Yofie held her sword as a bargaining chip, the shadows of the dark angel began to crawl away from this encounter. One day she would return, but for now she would leave Yofie thinking she destroyed her. She only hoped Hyperion didn't kill the angel she was still tethered to.

Fiery Soul
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Canada Has Trees and Other Musings Yofie Learned (Hyperion) - Page 2 Empty Re: Canada Has Trees and Other Musings Yofie Learned (Hyperion)

Post by Samael Christensen March 2nd 2015, 6:55 pm

Here she went again with the whole him being short thing, something that was beginning to grate upon Hyperion considering it was being brought up every few seconds. Instead of attacking him, the psycho angel had turned her sights upon the dark doppelganger, attempting to destroy it with a few slashes of his blade. Some of them destroyed buildings, sending people screaming in different directions, yet some of them had made their mark upon the evil demon of darkness that he had created from the angel. Either way, it seemed as if they were enough to strike down the evil he had birthed, at least for now.

With her mission done, the angel turned towards him with blade pointed at him. ”Normally, I would give you a quip and continue trying to kill you. However....” With a snap of his fingers, a black ink would ooze from the wound his scythe had delivered upon her, floating through the air to only splat against the ground where it faded away. As for the corruption spreading out from him, all he could do was suppress him energies, so he had hoped the woman would not note his sudden drop in power. Despite that, the blight spreading had halted and the air would slowly return to a pure form.

”There, terms met.” Hyperion noted with a roll of his eyes, realizing that the blood loss might have started getting to him, at least enough to cause his vision to blur. All he needed to do was reach The Abyss, and there he could recuperate. ”So, are you done trying to kill me?”

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Canada Has Trees and Other Musings Yofie Learned (Hyperion) - Page 2 Empty Re: Canada Has Trees and Other Musings Yofie Learned (Hyperion)

Post by Fiery Soul March 2nd 2015, 11:18 pm

Whatever poison befell Yofie began to leave her system. The tension in her arm giving way to a full range of motion and life. "The damage you have done to this town may never recover." Yofie examined the destruction befallen the town. "I will destroy you, agent of darkness, but given my current ailment at your vile deceptions and the evil you sought to unleash, I am left with other instances I must attend to." Yofie felt herself overcome with a strange emotion. She felt strong convictions to purge the evil man before her, but felt it would be improper given the circumstances. "My reasoning for not destroying you where you stand are beyond your dark mind to comprehend, worm. Return to your fallen cathedral or witches coven to think over your evil life for the next few days, before your extermination comes for you with a fiery sword of vengeance."

The few straps on her armor gave her a great level of difficulty. "You, worm, attend me. I need this breastplate upon myself. I hope you can take some pride in assisting me and rethink your life." Yofie held her breastplate up to her chest and turned her back to Hyperion, giving him reign to secure her straps. Towering over him by several inches, Yofie awaited her breastplate to be secured.
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Quote : This Girl is on Fire

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Canada Has Trees and Other Musings Yofie Learned (Hyperion) - Page 2 Empty Re: Canada Has Trees and Other Musings Yofie Learned (Hyperion)

Post by Samael Christensen March 3rd 2015, 8:52 pm

”Don't sell yourself short angel, you did a lot of this damage yourself in your righteous quest to kill me.” Hyperion quipped with a smirk, likely pushing his luck but then again he so enjoyed doing that. ”As for the why, if we were to fight you know I would kill you little bird. I might have even torn off those pretty wings and mounted them upon my mantel.” Checking upon the wound on his chest, Hyperion made sure he was not in a critical enough condition to protect himself should the angel strike again. ”Perhaps its ignorance that guides you, I don't know but I am no simple worm. I am Lord of The Abyss, so I won't have you taking that tone with me wench.” He would have helped her normally, but the woman continued to insult him as if she had free reign.

”Know this angel, next time we meet I will kill you. No higher power will protect you from my wrath, I promise you that much.” Releasing the restraint upon his power, Hyperion produce a rip within the air. ”Pray we do never meet again.” With that, he slipped through the fold within reality and left the angel to herself. It was upon his leaving, that his dark presence lifted within the area and a shadow of a presence could be felt, gone only a few seconds after him but having remained long enough for Yofie to have felt it.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Canada Has Trees and Other Musings Yofie Learned (Hyperion) - Page 2 Empty Re: Canada Has Trees and Other Musings Yofie Learned (Hyperion)

Post by Fiery Soul March 4th 2015, 12:31 am

"Be glad I am not a creature of vile deception as yourself and adhere to honor and virtues. And as for you threats, it will be my duty and honor to remove such a deplorable creature as yourself from this world. I will not need a higher power, and I find it difficult I would need a smaller power since those of divine nature are taller than the diminutive stock that bred you. Now, I shall take my fuzzy boots and begone, but the next time I meet you I will disembowel you with glory and honor." While Hyperion disappeared into darkness, Yofie spread her wings and flew to the sky, with her metal boots in hand. A flight to the a warmer climate would in order now. This Canada was a silly place.
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Quote : This Girl is on Fire

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 103
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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