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The Battle of the Century

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The Battle of the Century Empty The Battle of the Century

Post by Hellhound July 10th 2014, 9:42 pm

Another day, another dollar. Well, superheroes don't get paid but it fit in place. Jeremy was meeting with another potential partner today. Another abandoned building, possibly. 'Kesler' was this guy's superhero name. He grabbed his backpack and put in his suit, his knives, and the rest of his gear, plus an extra set of clothes, just in case. He went downstairs, opened the front door, closed, and locked it.

Jeremy hopped on his motorcycle and as he was riding to his destination, he called up his 'partner'. He got a ring and a click. "Hey, I'm on my way." he told him. He punched it, speeding toward the building.

When he arrived, he entered the building and went up two the second floor, the location of their meeting room. He entered, and tapped Kesler on the shoulder.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : far far away
Age : 22
Job : what's that
Humor : ehhh
Registration date : 2014-07-05

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The Battle of the Century Empty Re: The Battle of the Century

Post by Kesler July 10th 2014, 10:13 pm

Kesler was waiting at the destination with a latte in hand waiting for this Arc guy, suddenly he got a phone call saying, "Hey, I'm on my way.".

Kesler replied saying, "Alright.". He started playing with his powers a bit, tossing a ball of plasma in his hands, absorbing it afterwards.

Kesler felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned around and said, "Hey."



Status :

Quote : "All men must die.."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Location : Canada, Ontario
Age : 32
Job : Saving the world.
Humor : Sup
Registration date : 2014-07-10

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The Battle of the Century Empty Re: The Battle of the Century

Post by CainVulsore July 10th 2014, 10:36 pm

Atlanta wasn’t too different from New York at night time, well when you looked at it kind of squinty at least and ignored the fact that it wasn’t as brightly lit by lights everywhere you looked. So to be honest other than the fact that it was the hub of activity and had giant sky scrapers Atlanta and New York City were absolutely nothing alike. So why then was the New York and London Vampire currently in The A? The answer simply put was because he needed somewhere else to terrorize after the fall of Shade. Sure, his theater was still ‘active’ back in New Orleans but the place ran its self to the ground every year whether it was from Floods or Mardi Grass, so Cain didn’t feel like it needed him there adding to the destruction. Not every day at least.

Tonight just happened to be a special night in his opinion, tonight was Prom night for the poor Georgian folks and Cain planned on crashing one of them. Whoever the lucky little ducklings were he wasn’t quite sure just yet but his destination was the Classic Center as it always seemed to host a prom every year the dances rolled around. Or so he was told by one of his Vampires who used to attend a school in Atlanta. If he was wrong and they busted in only to be met with surprised business men, he’d kill the idiot after they killed the business men and found a new prom to steal of course. Grinning with a wicked glint in his blood red eyes Cain threw on his infamous leather jacket over his favorite purple shirt and was instantly covered with shadows.

His next step was one into the ‘ball room’ of the Classic Center and he was followed by his Army of Darkness surrounding the building. Vampires, Werewolves, and shadow creatures galore blocked off the exits and entrances making damn sure no one was going to interrupt this party. Back inside the music stopped and all eyes turned to the men, women, and beasts that appeared as if they rose up from the shadows. Laughing Cain spoke “Hello Atlanta, I am Cain Vulsore the Lord of Shadows, maybe you’ve heard of me. Maybe you haven’t tonight, either way tonight me and my friends would like to commandeer your party and take it as our own.” He laughed as some people attempted to try and escape, yet with a flick of his wrist the exit even from there was closed off.

A shadow rose up from the man on the stage taking the microphone away from him and over to where Cain stood, placing it in his hand. Speaking into he continued “I’d be lying if I said none of you will be harmed, my friends and I don’t exactly enjoy punch and lemonade as much as you do, except Jade over there the bitch loves lemonade.” A werewolf out in the drink section could be seen, or heard depending on where you were, already lapping up the lemonade in the ‘punch bowls’. “So, tonight you will be our main courses…and if you survive to be turned into a werewolf or vampire well all the more good for you, right?” He grinned as his followers started to party. “DJ Play that Music!” He cackled a sinister grin etching its way onto his face as he dropped the mic.

Tonight was going to be a splendid night and nothing was going to ruin his fun he thought as a Shadow Throne rose up beneath him. Sitting down in it he snagged the girl who appeared to be the prom queen, plopping her down in his lap, licking his lips.

Cain Vulsore
The Battle of the Century Pbucket

Creatures of the night
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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The Battle of the Century Empty Re: The Battle of the Century

Post by Hellhound July 10th 2014, 10:58 pm

Jeremy headed outside with Kesler, when he got a dispatch from the radio strapped to his backpack. "Attention all units, students have reported a disturbance at the 'Classic Center'. Culprit has been describe as a Caucasian male with thick eyebrows, a light beard, and red eyes." the dispatcher said on the radio. "Kesler, did you hear that? This is what we were looking for! Come on, let's go." he said, hopping on his motorcycle. "Need a ride?" he asked.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : far far away
Age : 22
Job : what's that
Humor : ehhh
Registration date : 2014-07-05

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The Battle of the Century Empty Re: The Battle of the Century

Post by Kesler July 10th 2014, 11:21 pm

Kesler then heard the radio as well and then heard Arc say afterwards, "Kesler, did you hear that? This is what we were looking for! Come on, let's go.", so after he heard Arc follow up with, "Need a ride?".

Kesler didn't drive here this time so e nodded and said, "Yeah, sadly.". Kesler knew that it was a bad time to over haul his 1970's mustang and that next time he'll be sure to bring transport of his own.

Kesler followed Arc behind and thought about what Arc might be able to do, that made him a super hero of course, the air here wasn't as cold as it was in Canada where Kesler was born he thought, and he soon afterwards thought that he is growing to like Atlanta, it's a nice city with good climate, minus the crime...



Status :

Quote : "All men must die.."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Location : Canada, Ontario
Age : 32
Job : Saving the world.
Humor : Sup
Registration date : 2014-07-10

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The Battle of the Century Empty Re: The Battle of the Century

Post by Hellhound July 10th 2014, 11:28 pm

Jeremy and Kesler sped toward the scene of crime, not making any stops. When they arrived, he hopped off and immediately tried to burst through the front doors, but they wouldn't budge. "I need everyone to back away from the door!" he yelled. He pressed his palm against the door and shot a laser beam at it, turning the door into a million tiny splinters. He walked through the doorframe. "I need everyone out, now!" he said, motioning for everyone to run through the doorframe.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : far far away
Age : 22
Job : what's that
Humor : ehhh
Registration date : 2014-07-05

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The Battle of the Century Empty Re: The Battle of the Century

Post by Kesler July 10th 2014, 11:34 pm

Kesler arrived with Arc just in time, hopping of the bike, before Kesler could raise his hand he was cut off when Arc had already blasted open the door, Kesler then followed through as he heard Arc yell to the civilian's inside to stay down. As Arc said that, Kesler looked forwards and saw a man standing on a stage with a microphone in front of him. Kesler noticed weird beings around the room soon afterwards, such as werewolf's and some other figures that Kesler wasn't able to identify immediately.



Status :

Quote : "All men must die.."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Location : Canada, Ontario
Age : 32
Job : Saving the world.
Humor : Sup
Registration date : 2014-07-10

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The Battle of the Century Empty Re: The Battle of the Century

Post by CainVulsore July 11th 2014, 12:33 am

The ‘party’ was going swell screams could be heard coming from every room, the DJ was still blasting the music vampires, werewolves, and shadow monsters a like…Shadow Monsters. Cain blinked whipping the blood from the prom queen off his lips and stopping the runner up from what she was doing as he looked over at a group of the shadow monsters. He had never actually stopped to wonder what in the world they actually ate. Pondering the question for quite some time as it seemed they were the only ones not having any ‘fun’, in any sense of the word he had to ask himself if they were even capable of doing anything at all other than whatever he told them to do.

He was about to continue on with this thought process by calling a group of them over to the main stage where he currently was when two intruders ‘blasted’ there way in past all the god damned vampires and werewolves and shadow monsters whose sole god damn purpose of being created was to protect him and due whatever the fucking hell he said. Yet, here standing in the middle of his damn prom ball room shit were two zeroes heroes. Who apparently didn’t think his little party and the fact that he had taken over the Classic Center was enough of a reason to stay away from the monster infested place, wait till morning and then let the cops come in and collect whatever bodies or ‘evidence’ was left over like good little Bag O’ Bloods. No…the Bag O’ Bloods just had to think they had a choice in anything.

Standing up pushing the two females off and away from him his throne of shadows disappeared back down into the shadows of the floor. “DJ turn the music down a tad…it seems we have some unwanted guests.” He called out ‘dusting’ himself off before yelling “And who was the fucktard that let these two in any way! Who was supposed to be watching the back door?!” When the vampire whose job at the time was identified Cain’s hand shot out and a shadow wrapped around his neck before it wrapped around it creating a reverse spike color. Instead of the spikes going out they went in and separated his head from the rest of his body.  The decapitated vampire turned to ashes as if he had never been there in the first place.

“Amateurs…I hate armatures don’t you?” He asked looking over at the two ‘heroes’ as he stepped off the stage and down onto the dance floor. As he did so he waved his hands and the creatures of the night all circled around them, pushing the two heroes into the middle of the ‘monster circle’ with Cain. “Now tell me, what brings you two to my little get together hmm?” The shadows in the room ever so slowly started to rise up, dancing along to the music that playing in the background. It was Showtime.

Cain Vulsore
The Battle of the Century Pbucket

Creatures of the night
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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The Battle of the Century Empty Re: The Battle of the Century

Post by Hellhound July 11th 2014, 12:43 am

“Now tell me, what brings you two to my little get together hmm?”

"Wow, what a cliche villain. Try to be a little more original next time, will ya? And in response to your question, we're here to kick your ass. I see you've sucked the prom queen dry. We'll have to get her to a hospital, as long with anyone else, before you do more damage. Now, would you like to surrender or would you like me and Kesler two open up two cans of whoop-ass?" he said, feeling like a total badass. He put his hood on and took out on of his knives, using his other hand to charge his laser.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : far far away
Age : 22
Job : what's that
Humor : ehhh
Registration date : 2014-07-05

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The Battle of the Century Empty Re: The Battle of the Century

Post by Kesler July 11th 2014, 1:52 am

Kesler heard the Villain speak and try to scare us, he then hears Arc say, "Wow, what a cliche villain. Try to be a little more original next time, will ya? And in response to your question, we're here to kick your ass. I see you've sucked the prom queen dry. We'll have to get her to a hospital, as long with anyone else, before you do more damage. Now, would you like to surrender or would you like me and Kesler two open up two cans of whoop-ass?"

Kesler then opens his hand drawing power into his left hand, he then uses his right hand to pull out a kabar of sorts. He then said, "You ready to bow down?". Smiling he gripped the kabar tightly and charged his plasma even more.



Status :

Quote : "All men must die.."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Location : Canada, Ontario
Age : 32
Job : Saving the world.
Humor : Sup
Registration date : 2014-07-10

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The Battle of the Century Empty Re: The Battle of the Century

Post by CainVulsore July 11th 2014, 11:06 am

“A can of whoop ass oh I’m so scared, please don’t hurt me” Cain said in mock fear, putting his hands on his face as the shadows slowly rose up around his body covering him from head to toe. When that was done he stood there covered in a black moving armor of sorts, complete with knuckle spikes and two slits for his blood red eyes to look through. Sure, he already had perhaps the most durable skin on the planet but if you had to get through an armor made out of his shadows and then get to his skin? Well, all he could say was good luck with that. “The real question is, are you ready to bow down?” He asked his voice sound distorted now, as if it was coming from everywhere in the room all at once.

With a blink of his eye two shadow whips lashed out at the two heroes in front of him, there was no warning, there was no movement on his part at all. They simply came from the ground beneath him and moving at super human speeds shot out at the two heroes intending to lash out at them and when close enough wrap around their bodies. Cain was going to have fun with this, he didn’t want it over quickly in any sense of the word. His men were here for a party and he was going to give them a god damn show. When he was done with these two he’d even let the werewolves have their bodies.

Cain Vulsore
The Battle of the Century Pbucket

Creatures of the night
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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The Battle of the Century Empty Re: The Battle of the Century

Post by Hellhound July 16th 2014, 5:18 pm

Jeremy acted on instinct a little too slowly, just barely blocking the shadow whips with his force field, but force was still a factor in battle. The force blasted him across the dance floor, his feed skidding on the ground as he flew into a wall of the room.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : far far away
Age : 22
Job : what's that
Humor : ehhh
Registration date : 2014-07-05

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The Battle of the Century Empty Re: The Battle of the Century

Post by Sponsored content

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