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A Void in the Plan (Villains)

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A Void in the Plan (Villains) Empty A Void in the Plan (Villains)

Post by Nine Tails July 3rd 2014, 8:24 am

Nothing still filled the air. A thickness of absolution pressing between the realms of man and spirits mimicking what it saw and unleashing the power upon whomever tried to pass through without the right precautions.

Misaki stayed put for now. Her attendants continued their duties and the house remained intact. Before long Misaki would need to move, but for now the fox stayed in quiet meditation within the brown foliage of her inner court. The communed with The Darkness she brought back with her. It filled the ninja hostess she kidnapped and one of her attendants she offered up as a sacrifice. Neither girl could act on their own regard anymore, but Misaki would never miss them. All she wanted to take in came from the cool thoughts of Darkness.

To express thought, The Darkness either never learned speech or simply evolved past the point of needing it, and what a waste of a gift speech would be anyways. Directly placing emotions into the minds of anyone wishing to speak with the primordial being cut down on misconceptions and impediments. Everything felt as it should and Misaki knew what the Void wanted from them.

Once Misaki sent Diana to find Thistle, Misaki began to spread information about a ninja war within Tokyo backed by criminal elements. While this story could very well be true, Misaki only floated it to draw the attention of the less than savory elements of the world to Tokyo. A massacre at a tea house down the street and the destruction of an entire sauna should peak the interest of anyone who could follow a trail of destruction illuminated with blood and fire. Once they arrived, she figured they could connect the dots easy enough and follow the trail of blood to the unsuspecting tea house sitting and suspecting anyone approaching.

Misaki felt love towards Darkness. It hid her, protected her, and moved her. Nothing else ever came close. She knew the force would attract others. She knew every person passing felt an emotion of avarice enter them, even if for a brief moment. She knew Darkness well enough to know only those with a keen enough mind would follow the grab. It was fine, she thought to herself. "Once more come, we can begin our plan to allow the Void to enter this world. To break upon it like emptying a reservoir. The realms of spirits will feel again. This world will be swallowed in darkness, but we will have our united realms again." Misaki smiled.
Nine Tails
Nine Tails

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A Void in the Plan (Villains) Empty Re: A Void in the Plan (Villains)

Post by Dissonance July 10th 2014, 2:45 pm

Tokyo, Japan. It was not a typical place for Dissonance to be found, but he would always travel if he felt the need, and on this occasion he did. Rumour had spread of a sort of ninja war developing out there with various criminal affiliations. As the world was ever developing at this current stage the possibility of Meta's being present was extremely high and so Dissonance would search for recruits; allies to his cause and individuals whom could assist him in the future.

It would appear that he was right to travel as he arrived at one of the more spoken of locations. He had flown directly from the U.S.A to arrive there, not stopping to rest at any point. He landed softly on the ground and observed the area where it was clear that there had been many struggles take place. It was secluded enough that attention could be avoided but bodies were strewn across the street as puddles of blood formed in ditches and potholes. The massacre had started from the nearby tea house a variety of wounds being the causes of the many deaths. The atmosphere was tense and the silence almost frightening, Dissonance not being used to it with his enhanced hearing. A little further up the street was the only thing to interfere with the silence; a sauna that had been destroyed by some force or another, flames still pouring from it's roof.

Dissonance began to walk further up the street which was elevated by a slight slant. With each step flecks of blood would spray up to his white boots and taint the purity of their colour. He couldn't help but admire the destruction as in his head it was more than could be achieved by any mere human, and thus may lead him to finding a powerful and like minded ally. Continuing further up the hill he noticed a smearing of the blood at various points on the path, possibly a trail left unknowingly behind by the individual for whom he searched. He followed the path all the way to a geisha house where a smear was vaguely visible on the front door, prompting him to edge inside and discover what was concealed within. Pushing back the door he took a bold step inside of the building, cape fluttering behind him as he entered. The room was very dark but the presence of a heartbeat revealed to him that there was an individual present.
"I have seen your work and must say that I am impressed, my name is Dissonance and I believe we may be of mutual assistance."

Illuminati - Freedom is weakness, Freedom... Is an illusion.
Post Mate
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